The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 130 Mysterious Woman

Second update! I'm really a waste of wood... My waist hurts one by one in five hours. With the scenery around me, my eyes are bleak. He Zhiqiu's body also swells rapidly like a balloon. His black hair is flying in the air, and his paralyzed face becomes murderous, and the autumn color is boundless!

Jun Moxie immediately understood that He Zhiqiu's 'Thousands of Miles of Sad Autumn is not only an emotional superhuman appeal. He can also open this 'Thousand Miles of Sad Autumn', and at the same time, he can extract all the vitality of all the green plants for his own use.

This is equivalent to being able to supplement his physical strength anytime and anywhere. In this way, he will naturally be invincible forever! And his opponent does not have such an advantage as him. Even if the original strength is comparable, in such a situation, the victory and defeat are naturally clear, or the longer the fight, the greater the advantage of He Zhiqiu will take advantage!

Bai Qifeng's white clothes flew, shouted loudly, and said, "A good move! A wonderful way! What a sad autumn! Let's see that my Qifeng is full of phosphorus!"

The palm of his hand danced rapidly, and in an instant, Bai Qifeng's body disappeared in a storm, which seemed to have completely disappeared. Instead, the ground suddenly became uneven, and then a piece of artificial hills suddenly rose from the ground, but any artificial hill was pointed and steep, and the cliff was nibbling. It was like a wall, and at the same time, countless big stones rumbled down in the air!

"Autumn scenery is thousands of miles away, and the scenery is infinite. How can it be covered by mountains and rocks? Don't weigh yourself!"

He Zhiqiu sneered, the autumn wind roared, the vast world, and the eyes were full of bleakness!

Although Bai Qifeng also launched his own unique Xuangong at the right time, which attracted the unique power of heaven and earth that he understood, and caused great changes like vicissitudes of life, in this battle, he obviously fell behind!

He Zhiqiu, who launched thousands of miles in autumn, has the obvious upper hand. With the help of the unique attributes of unique skills, for a moment, the bodies of the two people are already in the moment of handover. At the same time, they are hidden in the sudden appearance of the wonders of heaven and earth, but the autumn is boundless and the Phosphorus is at a disadvantage, and now it's just a painstaking support.

Not only Bai Qifeng himself knows this, but even the holy emperor next to him can see it.

There are still five holy emperors of the fantasy mansion here. Only one person can easily reverse Bai Qifeng's defeat. Even defeating the enemy is just a matter of tricks, but the battle between the holy emperors involves their own reputation and reputation. No matter what, as long as someone intervenes, no matter the two sides of the war, Won't accept it! Especially the inferior side, it is better to die in battle!

In the current situation, although Bai Qifeng has fallen behind, it is still far from the real defeat. But if you want to reverse the war, the only thing you can intervene is that Cao Guofeng, who is also in the battle on one side, can help you. No one else can!

Sure enough, Cao Guofeng roared and shook the sky!

He, who has always been old and heavy, still did not exert all his strength in the battle just now. Although the alliance between the Fantasy Mansion and the three holy places collapsed due to today's events, the relationship between the two sides has not yet reached the level of hostility, so Cao Guofeng can create a even situation in the war just now. "The evil king of this world is mighty." Otherwise, with the strength of his three-level holy emperor, he will really do his best. Even if he may not be able to defeat the boundless sea in real time, there is no doubt that he has the advantage!

But at this moment, Bai Qifeng has been completely suppressed by He Zhiqiu, and it is difficult to win back the situation. He Zhiqiu now hates Bai Qifeng to the bone. As long as there is a chance, he will never allow Bai Qifeng to survive!

It can be said that although Cao Guofeng and Hai Wuya are a leisurely battle, which is equivalent to competition, Bai Qifeng and He Zhiqiu are really a real battle of life and death!

Life and death are in the distance!

Cao Guofeng was so helpless that he was afraid that Bai Qifeng would lose, so he had to exert his real strength at the bottom of the box! Because only when he defeats Hai Wuya as soon as possible can he go to rescue Bai Qifeng out of trouble!

At the moment when Cao Guofeng broke out all his strength, the war situation changed amazingly because of Cao Guofeng's outbreak! It can be said that it is an essential change!

This is no longer a battle of will, but a real battle of life and death! The battle of life and death between the Fantasy Mansion and the Holy Land!

"Brother Hai, offend!"

The wind of Cao's country roared, and the wind and clouds changed color in an instant. Then his body turned quietly. In an instant, the whole world was suddenly densely filled with the shadow of Cao's wind! And the heavy unprecedented sense of oppression like mountains made it difficult for the sea to move his body in an instant!

However, at this moment, Hai Wuya also roared, bursting out his strongest mysterious power and broke free from the shackles. On the other side, He Zhiqiu, who had the upper hand, suddenly laughed loudly. The two suddenly flashed and met together in an instant!

Hai Wuya laughed sarcastically: "The ethereal mansion is really going to put the two of us to death! Cao Guofeng, you have finally made clear your position on the fantasy mansion, and the two of us will not accompany you! Those weapons and some things, I'll leave them to you to play, ha... The mountains and rivers are long, and we will finally see each other again!"

In the long laughter, the two figures flashed a few times like phantoms, and then disappeared. At the same time, the long-abandoned lotus pond next to the battlefield rolled up with a "boom", and the whole bottom was in the sky... Countless sludge accumulated for hundreds of years, like an extremely huge umbrella, full It covers the space within a thousand feet of this place! It was thick and dense, and the dark clouds were crushed down like a cover.

All the people in this range are facing the danger of the sludge cover!

Hai Wuya and He Zhiqiu sneered at the same time, and then quietly went out of silence. Obviously, after the two launched this purely disgusting last blow, they used it as a cover and quickly evacuated the area!

These two people are all old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years. How can they easily be angry and rashly fight a battle that has no chance of winning at all? This matter is still a temptation, a test of the illusion house's attitude towards the Holy Land. If Cao Guofeng and Bai Qifeng really kill, it will really solidify the wolf's ambition of the fantasy mansion! At that time, the two of them will break through at all costs!

In fact, they have reserved such a way out as soon as they chose the battlefield here! Ginger is still old and spicy!

In terms of this in-depth calculation, the ethereal fantasy house that has been avoiding the world all year round is much worse!

And they intended to break through, but the people of the fantasy mansion basically did not intend to kill them all! Even Bai Qifeng just wanted to teach He Zhiqiu a hard lesson, and he didn't want to kill him!

But they suddenly left, the war was over, and they reported it immediately, but the misunderstanding between the three holy places and the ethereal mansion was no more room for turning around!

With the departure of the two, the four major forces completely broke up!

He was also in the area of silt, and the young master of the pond was stunned and shouted bad in the bottom of his heart in the face of such a sudden and shocking change!

Cao Guofeng and others all have extremely deep Xuangong to protect their bodies, and have more spare time to use light skills to dodge. Naturally, they don't have to worry about anything, and they will not be touched by mud. But Master Jun can't do it. He is now watching the hustle and bustle in the middle of yin and yang. He just waits for the scene of losing both sides, and then he will look for an opportunity to take advantage of himself.

If this sludge rain comes down, if he protects his body, no matter how careful he is, under the traction of the air machine, he will inevitably be found by Cao Guofeng and others. Then, his plan will be in danger of failure, and his safety is also quite worrying. That is the connection of the seven holy emperors. Surrounded and killed, even the current Jiuyou Fourteenth Young Master may not be able to please...

So he can only choose to suffer!

Feeling the extremely smelly sludge hitting himself, Jun Moxie almost didn't vomit: this kind of sludge that has been silted for hundreds of years, especially the original lotus flower... I don't know how many lifetimes of it has been rotten, etc... And the corpses of some creatures are rotten in it...

The smell can be imagined!

Even with Jun Moxie's heart, his former killer career has already experienced too many dirty changes, but it is difficult to bear!

Before he could wake up from the dream of being happy and even controlling everything, he encountered these... But he didn't dare to move, and he didn't even dare to move. He could only let these smelly mud fill his whole body... He wanted to cry without tears!

My big's in vain...

Dreams are always beautiful, but the beautiful dreams are gone, and the reality comes again, but it is often very cruel and very bad!

I don't know how long it took. When Master Jun opened his eyes again, he found that there was already no one in the field. Although Hai Wuya and He Zhiqiu are without a trace, Cao Guofeng and others are also traceless!

This is very reasonable. Cao Guofeng and other seven holy emperors are all well-fed people. He and Hai have already left. Do they still want to stay here to smell the dirty smell? Fortunately, Master Jun's ecstasy escape was destroyed by this unexpected mud. If they had left for a little more moment, the "evil bar" young master Jun would be a real cup!

In the quiet night, only the young master was alone in the mud, squatting on the tree, like a mud monkey...

"How could it be like this? What bad luck! Not only is there no chance to beat the water dog, but he is going to become a mud monkey. How can the perfect plan become like this? What's the matter..."

Mr. Jun looked up at the sky and sighed. He confirmed that this plan would not gain anything except for provocation and complete success.

He came down from the tree in great depression, and Yun Gong shook all the sludge on his body, but the smell was still lingering around the beam for three days. Jun Moxie cursed while flying, looking for the river along the way. Anyway, he had to take a good shower!

It smells really bad!

Brother, the dirt from my body when I washed the tendons and cut the marrow didn't seem to be able to keep up with the smell just in case!

The young master of this life has always been smooth, but such a bad encounter seems to be the first time!

After running for forty or fifty miles, I saw that there were finally shining waves in front of me, and a clear river was rattling and rushing forward happily. The river was not deep, and the state had just reached the knees. It was said that it was a small river, or a stream, which was more suitable. Master Jun did not hesitate to jump down with a fish.

With a "boom", a big pit up to three or five feet deep was directly at the bottom of the river. The flow was suddenly cut off, and all the clear river water was poured into the new puddle.

Master Jun brushed himself a few times and took himself naked. First, he buried his head in the water and washed it desperately. But as soon as he stretched out of the water, he felt that he could still feel the unbearable stench in his nostrils...

After washing it several times in a row, I finally felt that it was almost done, and the smell seemed to be much fresher. Jun Moxie lay naked in the big bath he had just created, took a few breaths, and rose from his heart a sense of irony.

That dress is wrong but can't be worn, and it's even more amazing. The taste is really...

Jun Moxie's mind moved and took out another set of clothes from the Hongjun Tower. When he saw the clothes, he suddenly remembered: Shit! How can I be so stupid? Those inheritances of the first young master of Jiuyou, Wen Yuxin Silk... have not been scattered yet!

Since I came back, things have been connected to a series of things, and I actually forgot this big event directly. If I had distributed the protective clothing earlier, or the Snake King would not have... Alas! I'm really funny...

But if those precious clothes had been divided at that time, would there be a share of the snake king? Thinking of this, Jun Moxie suddenly felt sincerely ashamed...

Jun Moxie blamed himself for a while, bathed in the moonlight naked, and walked to the shore. He slowly put on his clothes while thinking about the next step.

Just halfway dressed, I suddenly heard a faint voice saying, "You... are Jun Moxie, right?"

This voice seems to be a woman's accent. I only listen to the abnormal indifference of the voice, but I can't tell the specific age.


Jun Moxie suddenly heard this sound. Unexpectedly, his body did not move and did not show any abnormality. He still put his clothes on his body at the original speed and asked without raising his head.

This is his true reflection. As the king of killers, the most important thing is not to be surprised! No matter what, you can't disturb your heart. The more unexpected the situation is, the less you can panic, otherwise... the consequences will only be worse!

On a big tree by the river, I suddenly heard a soft hum.

Jun Moxie looked up, but saw a woman's beautiful figure standing in the top of the tree, with a slender figure, graceful and graceful, like a sharpened shoulder, revealing a sword hilt.

Just stand on a leaf at the top of the treetop, and your body fluctuates gently! Like the Yaochi fairy, she came from the wind, but she didn't want to set foot on the world, stained with the vulgar atmosphere of the red dust, so she stayed on the treetops...

It's just a thin leaf that can carry her whole weight, and it looks very relaxed. This extraordinary light-body skill alone is enough to be amazing!