The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 135 The net of heaven and earth, it's hard for me to dodge!

The fifth update is delivered! Today's update is completed! Qiao Ying's set of palms, called Tianluo Diwang, is there a connection between one palm and one palm? Department: After dozens of palms are exhausted, it constitutes a opaque prison from the sky to the earth? Cage, even the best general skill, is useless in such a space!

Although Qiao Ying can see through the real body of Jun Moxie, he feels that this boy's escape is more elusive and more elusive than that of aliens.

After the alien practiced the art of seduction, he saw in his eyes that he was a real person? Body! But after this boy used his escape, he could only see a faint shadow at best!

If you launch those powerful space skills, it will take some preparation time. And this boy is really too alert. I believe that as long as he starts, he will immediately escape from the gap. This son's light skill is wonderful, although he is good? He is outstanding, but he is still inferior, but he is still good at general skills. Once he is allowed to play, he may not be sure to grasp it? Live with him.

The best plan is to boil frogs in warm water, right? With this seemingly gentle and dense kung fu, slowly let him lower his vigilance until he wakes up? When I realized it, I wanted to move but I couldn't move. Whether I wanted to escape or escape, it was too late...

The Tianluodi net palm method is a set of special kung fu created by the predecessors of the Holy Land for the escape of aliens. There are air machines connected between the palms, which can lock the position of aliens. Even if they hide, it can also be pulled by the air machine to hit the enemy in nothingness.

It's just that the basic requirements of this kind of palm method for mysterious power are too high. Even if it is the Holy Emperor's, if you use the heavenly and earth net palm method, all the mysterious power can only be used once at most! And after use, due to exhaustion, they usually die with the enemy, which is equivalent to one life for another! But at this moment, under Qiao Ying's hands, with her profound mysterious power as the foundation, it is just a mutual complement, and there is no effort at all. It is handy and easy to do it!

Qiao Ying sneered at the corners of her mouth, and her slender palms were as white as jade, drawing dotted lines lightly, leaving snow-white palms one by one, and the huge strength slowly stayed in the air... Condensation... Gradually in the middle? ......

"Girl, are you tired or not? Is it very labor-intensive for you to do this? Powerful. Why don't you drink some water first?

Jun Moxie dodged freely and smiled unscrupulously.

He has seen that the opponent in front of him, although he is successful? The force is so deep that it is unimaginable, but it can't be used at all. It hits the air with one palm. How can you destroy the enemy by fighting like this? Moreover, this senior who claims to have lived for more than a thousand years seems to be more pure than a little girl and more easily irritated...

So Jun Moxie's three-inch tongue came in handy again... He provoked her as soon as possible, and then found a space to quickly flash. Otherwise, with such an old monster behind him, can he still see through his yin and yang? ...This feeling is terrible!

Qiao Ying snorted coldly, but the action accelerated in an instant, although he still couldn't hit anyone!

Jun Moxie looked up and dodged a palm. He was about to make fun again, but he suddenly found that the air around him formed a substance in an instant... The feeling was like a wall in the sky and the ground, trapping himself in the middle, although it was not like the sky. Direct ban on the ground cage? Is it another alternative prohibition of gradually compressing the active space? It's going to be bad...

Young Master Jun reluctantly dodged twice, and finally couldn't move at all...

Qiao Ying finally stopped and raised his face with a sneer: "Jun Moxie, how about my magic? Is it really useless? Aren't you sharp-toothed? Say a few more words and listen to it."

"It's really good! Can't you think of it? The palm of the garbage to the extreme is actually a whole set of yin people's palm, which is really great.

Jun Moxie's body? Zi was fixed in mid-air, but the corners of his mouth were still the kind of angry smile. He said frivolously, "No? ...It took so much effort just to display an aura similar to the cage of heaven and earth. Don't you think it's a little troublesome?"

"You're right. It's really similar to the cage of heaven and earth, which means that it's the same way! However, this cage is completely composed of mysterious power, without using any power of heaven and earth! This kind of palm was specially created to deal with monsters like you who can be invisible! Jun Moxie, the treatment you enjoy now is the same as the supreme ninja of aliens! You should be quite proud, too!"

"Five! Don't take the young master with that group? Compared with rubbish! What am I proud of?

Jun Moxie was furious and said, "You are such a hateful woman! How dare you violate the biggest taboo in my young master's heart! "What if you violate it?"

Qiao Ying snorted, and his face finally came out of breath quickly? With a good look, the figure floated in front of him, and the jade palm was raised, and he hit Jun Moxie's face fiercely. Mouth? Zhong said, "Aren't you quite able to hide? You should hide again!"

Jun Moxie looked at his palm with no expression in his eyes.

When he hit him on the cheek, Qiao Ying hesitated unexpectedly and said, "Only

If you promise to go back with me to clarify the misunderstanding of the four forces, I can promise not to beat you. And after that, I will let you go and let you retreat completely. What do you think?

"I can't do it!"

Jun Moxie stared: "Master Ning? Death? No? Qu!"

"But I really don't want to hurt the name! My men have never been stained with human blood. Except for aliens, I don't want to hurt a lot? Any creature on land!"

Qiao Ying bit his lip and ∥∥ said, "∥∥ You don't have any deep hatred for each other. ∥∥ Besides, ∥∥ You also said just now, ∥∥ They are all heroes of the battle for the sky...∥ ∥And you obviously hate aliens very much... ∥n∥Why can't everyone cooperate sincerely? ∥e∥Let's work together, ∥∥Isn't it good to return the world to the Meiji era? Even if no one will remember us again, we will finally do it for this big one? Lu did his part! Jun Moxie... Think about it. I swear by the name of Huiyan Rasha, as long as you can be a fan? The way? Know? Return, I will definitely keep your life safe and let you retreat completely! In the three holy places, no one dares to touch your hair!" 〖 Symbol. Inside is the most. Faster. New address

paused, and she said, "As long as you are willing to agree, even if you offended me just now, I can cancel it as if it hasn't happened. What?"

After saying that, she stared at Jun Moxie with a pair of black and white eyes. The color of hope. Aliens are good at stealth escape. If they are on their own side, they can also have a master who is smarter than them... This is simply a great blessing for the battle to seize the sky? Sound!

So, Qiao Ying, who has long been used to the overall situation, or decided to do his best to persuade Jun Mo Xie to change? Evil? Return? Right!

"You are really great, but you are too naive."

Jun Moxie sighed that the woman in front of her is indeed dedicated to the battle for the sky, wholeheartedly for the world? Considering it, there is no concept of utilitarian fame and fortune at all... It can be said that it is admirable! It seems to be enough for Mei Xueyan before, and it is even more than enough!

But among the three holy places, how many people can there really be?

"If everyone is like you, then there will be no heaven-winning battle in this world." Jun Moxie said lightly, "Isn't the name of a hero something special? The reason for the right to protect the world? Life is not an excuse to kill people at will! The battle for the sky is not a place of fame and fortune... Unfortunately, although the people of the three holy places also regard the battle for the sky as the greatest responsibility, more for their unstollable selfish desires, killing innocent people, disabled? Unscrupulous, although I am not a good person, I am willing to do my best for the battle for heaven, but I disdain to be with them anyway!"

Qiao Ying's face instantly sank. She looked at Jun Moxie, and her eyes slowly showed a light of pity. She said slowly, "At this point, there is no room for relaxation. I can't sit back and watch the four major forces because I appreciate you? Crack, forgive me for offending me!"

Turn your palm into a grab, and grab your chest towards Jun Moxie.

Jun Moxie smiled, with a little softness on his face and said, "You and she really seem to be! What you said... I can see that it is completely from the bottom of my heart. So... I won't embarrass you too much... goodbye!"

The figure flashed, and it suddenly disappeared in the dense net cage completely composed of pure mysterious power!

Qiao Ying was shocked. He hurriedly opened his eyes again and looked around. However, the four fields were silent, and there was no more shadow; Jun Moxie seemed to have really disappeared out of thin air... Qiao Ying saw clearly that Master Jun did not carry out the escape at all this time, but completely disappeared so mysteriously!

? ...What kind of kung fu is it?

And... There is another abnormality. Every time I show my wisdom in the secular world, I always see countless ghosts wandering, but this time, I didn't see anything, only countless fogs drifting around!

? ...What's going on? Have all the ghosts in the world completely disappeared? Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel relieved...

Although she is strong in Xuangong, when? It is rare in the world, and you can see all the evils, but in her bones, she is still a woman~! As long as women, even the vast majority of people in the world, will be nervous and afraid of those things... If they can't see them from now on, Qiao Ying feels that he will be light? It's a lot of loose... Whether it's mentally or mentally...

Qiao Ying was thinking about himself, but Hui's eyes noticed that many shadow pupils were coming this way in the distance. Everyone's face was indifferent, some had no head, and some had no down? Some of them have incomplete limbs, so they floated in mid-air and passed slowly? ......


Qiao Ying screamed and hurriedly lifted his eyes. His figure flashed and panicked towards Ju? Fly in the direction of Flower City...

After the previous unhappy break-up, the three holy places shared the same hatred of the enemy, and only the enemy left against the ethereal illusion house? In this way, the three holy emperors led by everyone was even more angry. After going back, they immediately sent a letter to the high-level officials of the Holy Land! Then there is the set? Combined with the existing crowd, the matter was announced in public.

For a moment, the crowd was excited!

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