The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 172 Reveal the scar, return the favor, or do you have another purpose?

"Are you really not the reincarnation of a senior?" The middle-aged man on his face stared at Jun Moxie fiercely and said, "I believe you know that you have reached the peak of the third level of the Holy Emperor before the age of 20!" But one thing you don't know, that is... If you weren't reincarnated as a spiritual species, you wouldn't have such a speed anyway!"

He added the last sentence gloomily: "Even if the eleven of us have instilled merits for you since you were born, supplemented by the best genius all the way, and we have not taken any crooked road, but we will never have such achievements at the age of 20! What else do you want to deny?"

"But I'm really not reincarnated! I can't help it if you don't believe me. Let me ask, can the so-called 'spiritual reincarnation' really achieve my achievements? Jun Mo Wu spread out his hands and looked innocent.

The middle-aged people of the birthmark are immediately dumbfounded, because even if it is the reincarnation of the spiritual seed, it can't achieve the achievements carved by Jun Mo Wu at all. Even if it is the reincarnation of the spiritual seed, even if there is the memory, realm and background of the previous life, even if it does not come

Spiritual reincarnation can certainly provide the most ideal cultivation environment for reincarnated people, but there are always limits. Like Young Master Jun, it is not within human reach!

"This son is telling the truth, and he is indeed not a reincarnation of a spiritual seed!" The man in white in the first place sighed tiredly and said the shocking answer: "Just now, our divine knowledge crossed each other. I have checked it all the time. His divine consciousness is completely integrated, and there is absolutely no alienation! It's not a guest of two generations of accumulation!"

When this sentence came out, everyone's faces changed!

God's consciousness is integrated without any alienation!

The meaning of this sentence is clear to everyone present.

For the reincarnation of a spiritual seed, it is necessary to find a pregnant woman who is about to give birth, and then borrow weight to give birth. But the general situation is that in the formed fetal body, there is already another innate soul!

If you want to capture it, you must kill the original soul! Then, you can survive on this body. In this way, you will naturally be reborn, and you will be in the state of innate fetal rest before birth. The road of cultivation is naturally a smooth road, but everything has advantages and disadvantages, but the reincarnation of the spiritual species also has a great drawback: divine alienation!

Bi Jing, what the reincarnation of the spiritual species kills is an innate soul! In addition to killing the innate soul, the world of divine consciousness obtained is not brought by itself, so it can only slowly learn a little bit and transform! But no matter how much the transformation is, there will always be a point of alienation "permanent!

This is also the most dangerous level faced by all the so-called peak practitioners: "Heart demons recast souls"!

Therefore, it is said that if the practitioner passes this level, he can freely break the void, open the door of heaven and earth, and shuttle at will, but if he can't pass the level of the heart and the devil in the end, the result must be the extinction of the soul! No matter in the past and present life, they all turn into nothingness!

The degree of difficulty of this level is definitely more dangerous than crossing the disaster!

Since ancient times, no one has ever broken out!

Broken the void, open the door of heaven and earth, and freely shuttle through all planes...

In the ten thousand years of Xuanxuan Continent, only Jiuyou has done it! Not only did he do it, but he also shuttled with a hundred of his wives at the same time...

The so-called old story is actually the words left by the first young master of Jiuyou! It is also the last level of his mysterious power!

But no one knows that the reason why the first young master of Jiuyou can do it is that he is not reincarnated as a spiritual species in the first place; and his wives are all the same. So there is no danger of this 'heart demon refining and recasting the soul' at all.

As for the descendants who are not spiritual seeds, they directly cultivate to the top... For 100,000 years, there has not been one in the factory so far!

The middle-aged man in front of him is the reincarnation of the spiritual seed after the death of the previous generation of guardians. There are still five people here who have the same experience as him! And these six people are also the six people with the highest cultivation in the Heavenly Holy Palace!

Although other people can also attend, their real cultivation is different from that of the six of them!

Now, there is a freak, not a spiritual reincarnation, but he has cultivated to the peak level of the third level of the Holy Emperor before the age of 20! This is something that everyone never dreamed of before.

To explain the outstanding achievements of Master Jun at present, the people of "spiritual reincarnation" were already the only possible answer they could imagine, but at this moment, the only answer was completely shattered with just a few words!

Of course, they don't know that Jun Mo Wu is not the so-called reincarnation of the spiritual seed, but in essence, he is not native. It is also a different soul, and it is still half a monk, not even a congenital body... But because of the presence of the Hongjun Tower, there is no trace of these polishing! Heart demons, heavenly disasters and so on are not in the eyes at all!

"Although you are not a spiritual reincarnation, there are still many elixirs in your body! Or

Say, it is they who have created your strong strength today!"

The middle-aged man is still smiling, but there is a sense of warning: "It's just that everything has advantages and disadvantages! You must pay attention, because this is also not a good thing for you. Although the rapid improvement in a short period of time can gain great strength, in the long run, there are far-reaching problems. When you break through again, you really need to calm down. It's better to completely digest these forces before planning to break through. Otherwise, if you rush to the last level... The danger you will encounter in the end may not be smaller than us, or even... more!

Jun Moxie took a deep look at him and said, "Thank you very much!"

Jun Moxie can fully hear that these words of Yunren are completely pointing at himself, but a piece of sincerity. Although he has the existence of Hongjun Tower, he does not need to worry about the last pass, but the other party's intention still makes him feel very comfortable.

Hearing that there are 'many' elixirs in the other party's body, the other people suddenly slowed down. Although it is still unimaginable, this explanation is undoubtedly more acceptable. After all, there are most unknown things in the world, or there are some super supernatural elixirs, and Jun Mo Wu's body can just Load, by chance, created this legend.

Otherwise... Compared with Master Jun, these old monsters who have lived for thousands of years will directly hit their heads to death, which is a blow to people's self-esteem...

"Jun Mo Wu, although your current position is the enemy of the Holy Land, but I and others are also

I don't want to embarrass you. You come with the Qu Hufa and other three people today

There must be something wrong with this, right? The middle-aged man smiled, and his expression slowly returned to indifference again, and gradually returned to the strange state of being in the void before.

Seeing the boss say this, the rest of the people suddenly sighed.

It is really a miracle in the world that Jun Moxie has cultivated to such a young age! So when the boss saw him, he immediately summoned them to come. At the same time, there was an idea: at such a speed, I'm afraid that this boy will go straight to the peak, or even surpass the peak in a very short time!

If you can spend the recasting of the soul in front of everyone, the reference effect on everyone will be unparalleled!

But now the boss has obviously given up this tempting idea.

However, they did not know that in addition to the contact with Jun Moxie, this idea did not disappear or give up, but became stronger! It's just that he is good at being knowledgeable. As soon as he comes into contact with him, he knows that Jun Moxie is definitely a donkey's temper!

If you directly make a high-profile request to such a person, it will definitely be more difficult than climbing to the sky! And as a person like himself and others, I really can't pull down my face to ask for help!

Fortunately, such a person has a township! I'm just afraid of owe someone! So at present, we can only make friends with him wholeheartedly and gradually. It is a step that can be taken. Moreover, in that connection, he had already felt the power of Jun Moxie's own soul. When he competed with himself, it seemed that he had not made all his strength! If he really attacks with all his strength, whether he can take it or not is really an unknown thing!

This incident made him extremely stunned! He didn't know that Jun Moxie had actually done his best!

As for the inexplicable hidden power, it is the power of Hongjun Tower. And he didn't feel wrong about this at all. If there is something wrong, he just underestimates the power: if Jun Moxie uses the merged Hongjun Tower to take action with all his strength, and it is a simple divine attack... Even if everyone in this room joins up, it can't be taken over! How can the power of Hongjun Tower be countered by human beings?

Returning to the topic, Qu Buhui hurriedly stood up and told the bet in detail

Once again.

When I heard that more than 30 saints had been killed in this battle, even Zhan Mubai, the strong man of the Holy Emperor, finally fell. The original eight people in the room were not moved at all.

Some are just a slight sigh, and I don't know where the whistle is. Ethereal, with an inexplicable melancholy...

"So you need the exquisite lotus..." The leading middle-aged man's eyes were half closed, indifferently

said, "No problem! If you want to gamble, you have to give up. I'll give it to you later!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

"Thank you very much! In the Holy Land, there is finally a person who can still make a promise!" Jun

Mo Xie smiled faintly and raised his eyebrows and asked, "Do you dare to ask the driver's name?"

Although this sentence seems respectful, there is still a little disrespect in the bones, and the identities of both sides are there. And Jun Moxie stood there. Although his cultivation is as different as heaven and earth as anyone in this room, in the eyes of everyone, Jun Moxie's current demeanor has a tendency to compete with his boss!

And the middle-aged man seemed to have been waiting for Jun Moxie to say this. Hearing the words, he opened his eyes and smiled and said a little confusedly, "What's the name of the old man... I really have almost forgotten it... Now I should be called... Gu Han, right? ...I remember that three thousand years ago, I was surnamed Wu, and Wu Shanyun was my name at that time..."

Jun Moxie's words seemed to remind him of something. His eyes, which had always been illusory, seemed to have passed a trace of sadness... In the void of nowhere, he sighed gently... This breath seemed to have sighed for three thousand years, three thousand years of joys and sorrows, life and death...

Three thousand years ago... Jun Mo Wu was really shocked this time!

This handsome middle-aged man with a childlike face and black hair turned out to be a figure 3,000 years ago! However, from what he said, Jun Moxie also understood one thing: It seems that this guy is the "spiritual reincarnation"!

Tell yourself the names of the two generations, which is a metaphorical.

"Should I call you Gu Han or Wu Shanyun?" Jun Moxie smiled.

"The name is just a code name, it doesn't matter what it is. Even if you call me according to your heart

Don't die... That doesn't matter." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Haha..." The other party was very frank, and it was also good to Bai himself, and there was no difficulty at all, so Jun Moxie also decided to return the favor. Because this is undoubtedly a big favor, but the last thing Jun Mo Wu doesn't want to owe is favor, especially... it's still from the Holy Land!

He looked at this 'Wu Shanyun' or 'Gu Han' and said with a smile, "Three thousand years... Gu Han, how many wives have you married in these three thousand years? The beauties that can make you look good must be peerless beauties, right? And they... where are they now?"

As soon as this sentence came out, ten of the eleven people present were angry at the same time, and there was a faint momentum of attack!

Long life is certainly what they pursue, but in this long life, there are still many things that they can't bear to look back on and forget! Every time I think of it, it hurts my heart!

"Son, you have said this!" It has become a roaring road!

Wu Shanyun, who was the first, seemed to be suddenly covered with a thick veil on his face, and no one could see his face... Only a depressed atmosphere stirred back and forth in this room, making people breathless.

"Have you passed? Well... I'll ask questions one by one." Jun Moxie smiled and said, "Three thousand years, you have experienced two lives... It's not much! But... your biological parents in every life... are extremely caring for you, aren't they? Some of them... Where are they now?"

"Jun Mo Wu! You are presumptuous!" Qu Don't go back to Huo Ran and stand up and shout annoy.

"Presumptuous... It seems that it's still wrong... Then I'll change another question." Jun Moxie touched his chin and said, "In three thousand years, you have had a father and mother, a confidant, a wife and concubine... Then, you can't live without your own flesh and blood! are still alive in this world, your flesh and blood... where are you now?

Jun Moxie smiled faintly, looked around and said, "These three questions are also what I ask to everyone here at the same time. Everyone present, you seem to have lived for thousands of years... Your parents, wives, family and children... Are you still here?"

This question is really hurtful. In addition to these senior practitioners, it is also

Who can live for a thousand years or even thousands of years? Jun Moxie is equivalent to exposing people's scars alive!

"Boom!" Ten people stood up at the same time, and everyone looked angry! Ten extremely strong spiritual forces swung across, and this originally invisible thing almost condensed into substance at this moment, hitting this thatched house to the sky! I'm about to take action against Jun Mo Wu, a disrespectful boy!

"What are you doing? Sit down for me!" The first Wu Shanyun suddenly shouted! He said angrily, "Do you know what these words mean? Is it just to provoke the public's anger in front of the eleven of us? Is he stupid?! How can you do such a war-death behavior? Don't you think about it? Huh? Thousands of years, are you still so resty!

Under the pressure of his eyes, everyone sat down one by one, but looking at Jun Moxie's eyes was still quite bad! If Jun Mo Wu can't come up with a reasonable speech, he will never let him go out of this door!

Jun Moxie sighed, put away his previous teasing posture, and said solemnly, "Everyone present is not that ruthless person. This can be seen from what I just said that touched your mind. No matter how deep the cultivation is, whether it is mysterious or the holy emperor, no matter how high it is, to the point of Jiuyou Shishao... In the final analysis, we are still human beings! People with flesh and blood! We can never give up, it will always be the blood affection! I believe that no matter how many lives are reincarnated, as long as that memory is still there, the life and death that comes from our own feelings will always be the deepest scar in our hearts!"

"In the face of the enemy, it doesn't matter if 10 million people die. But...if it's yourself

If a person dies, he will be sad for a long time.

As for the parents who once raised us with painstaking efforts... raised us from the young age, when we grow up, they are old... when we are sensible... but they have passed away... the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, and the son wants to be raised but not waiting! This is a scar that can never be healed!"

Jun Mo said sadly, and his tone was slow, as if with a magical magic, a faint sadness, permeated the air.

The top masters here, one by one, followed his words and involuntarily recalled their father and mother... It seemed that he saw the strong father who was heroic and able to lift himself above his head and laugh. As he grew older, he slowly became old, with gray hair, and finally passed away quietly, that Look at your own deep concern...

And the warm mother's arms, Nierou's smile and scolding... In the end, it turned into a green smoke. Only the one who would rather give everything for his children, but it will last forever...

These memories have been too long, but in retrospectably at this moment, the warmth is still the same, and the helplessness and sadness of passing away are still heartbreaking...

Especially these masters who used to be reincarnated as spiritual species may feel that they were not used to or extremely resistant when they were young at the beginning, but only they have remembered the scenes from the day they were born. From resistance to acceptance, and even enjoyment, from the first time they pretended to be naive and sad parents, they have accepted...

Who didn't have those days? Those ordinary but warm days. Every time I dream back at midnight... Who has never stood on the roof and looked at the sky and sighed? Thousands of turns, all turned into a secluded sigh...

ยท... And the years of young people who are sacrificing themselves, the peerless beauty who fell in love with him, from a young girl to a partner he has been with for decades... having children for himself, washing and cooking for himself, relying on him, and wanting to be in harmony with the king... But in the end, he still has to gradually Getting old... finally unable to recover..."

"Who has ever forgotten the vows of those years? Who can really forget the once engraved lovesickness? Who can really forget the gentle and lingering lingering? ... That shy smile "The happiness and satisfaction of this heart belongs to the king... The red cover of the bridal chamber night... Your names may be forgotten, but can you really forget your past experiences? Have you ever sighed low when you dreamed back at midnight? Have you ever regretted it? Do you have any? ......

"Ten years of life and death, I don't think about it, I can't forget, thousands of miles of lonely graves... There is no place to say desolate; even if we meet, we should not know, the dust is full of dust, like frost... At night, I suddenly return to my hometown, Xiaoxuan window, I am dressing up

Jun Moxie's eyes were confused, and he said slowly, "Others are only ten years... It's already unbearable, but you are thousands of years, or even longer! Everyone, do you remember the lonely grave buried in the umbrella of your lover? Do you still remember the bright moon night... Short Matsuoka? Hearing this at this moment, is there any pain in your heart? Do you miss it? ......

There is no need to ask. Now, these top masters standing on the top of the mainland have already lost their former fed straw and sharp killing in their eyes, leaving only a strong nostalgia and sadness...

The once vows, vows that the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, live and die together, and snuggle up to each other for life... In the end, the beloved wife who had no choice but to pass away... The apple was also sweet smiling face, the beautiful woman who smoothed her clothes every time she went out, and the autumn water that Ying's eyes...

Love your wife... Even if it's the reincarnation of life... But as long as I have the memories I once had, how can I forget you? Do you know that when you can't sleep every night, the most painful and soft place in your heart... Only you...

In an a moment, these top masters, one by one, came from the heart...

The smooth voice continued to be mixed with unique magic, and slowly said, "And the children you have held in your arms countless times. On the day of birth, you can't close your own flesh and bones, from babbling to toddler, and then grow into a teenager, young man... That's the crystallization of your efforts... But they... Finally, they can't survive the years. When they die peacefully in your arms... The grief of the white-haired man sending the black-haired man... Who can forget it?

"These unforgettable past events... Who can really forget them?!!" This last

In a sentence, Jun Moxie almost used a skill like a lion roar, and suddenly drank it out!

Or like a drum morning bell, or like a thunderbolt!

I'm very sorry, Fengling's plane is late. Now I don't care about sleeping and update it first. Let's not say anything else, update it first. Please support the monthly ticket!!! C