The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 179 Return to Tianxiang

All the way to Tianxiang City, Jun Moxie actually listened to a full of seven or eight versions intentionally or unintentionally, each of which is a red face, beautiful as jade; heroes and gallbladder, angry...

Listen, when he heard a completely different version near Tianxiang City, Master Jun couldn't help scolding and indignant: "The boss of these three holy places is too shameless! It's okay to like beautiful women. Even dozens of pieces of silver have to be robbed! In the end, it caused such a shocking war..."

In a word, in a word, there is one thing in common and distinct of these legends: this evil monarch is by no means the third young master of the royal family. As long as someone says so, it will immediately attract a large group of people to spray wildly and be drowned in an instant. This is still light. If you are unlucky, you will be surrounded...

Finally, I came to the south gate of Tianxiang City. Suddenly, I saw the people in front of me rolling, and I gave way out in an instant. A team of soldiers, with bright armor, came with neat steps. Walking out of the gate, it was arranged in a standard goose wing shape, and then all kinds of flags erected, flying neatly in the wind. In an all of an air, there was a feeling of shaking the sky and the earth!

The two teams behind the team came out of the crowd, and the golden flag stood high in the air. A golden dragon explored its claws in the wind and ruled the world! It turned out to be His Majesty the emperor who came in person!

Everyone hid as far away and looked from afar. Only Jun Moxie stood alone in the middle of the road, full of confusion and didn't know what had happened at all.

Nine cannons sounded and shocked the sky. A rich and dignified dragon car slowly came. Under the call of the civil and military officials, Yang Huainong, the former prince of equality and now the emperor of the Tianxiang Empire, walked down from the dragon car with the prince with a smile on his face and quickly greeted him.

"Wands more!"

Everyone by the gate was suddenly neatly short and knelt down.

So this is to greet yourself?

Jun Moxie touched his head and suddenly encountered such a grand welcome ceremony. He was really not used to it...

Seeing that today's His Majesty, the Emperor of Tianxiang, greeted him enthusiastically, Jun Moxie had to squeeze out a smile to welcome me. I have to pay back a foot. They all give themselves face like this. In fact, the king of a country personally welcomed out of the city gate. How can he be the evil monarch who is "untrue" You have to make a show, don't you?

Besides, his return is to build momentum for the two fathers and son who have just ascended the throne. If there is news that the evil monarch, who is now famous and shocking in the world, has entered Tianxiang City in an unusually high-profile manner under the personal welcome of the emperor of the Tianxiang Empire, which is invisible to other countries. It's just an indelible huge deterrent!

This heavy shock, as long as the evil monarch does not collapse, it can definitely be maintained until the day when Yang Huainong sits the throne firmly! This is definitely a super pie flying from the sky for Tianxiang Kingdom, which has just undergone a change of imperial power. If Yang Huainong doesn't know how to seize this great opportunity, then he is afraid that he is not worthy of this throne...

After a little greeting, everyone entered the gate hand in hand. The gate is never a good place to catch up. Jun Moxie can feel it through the simple communication just now. Yang Huainong and Prince Yang Mo are grateful to themselves from the bottom of their hearts. After all, if there is no Jun Moxie, their father and son will never be in today's position.

"How are these days? No one dares to bully you anymore, right?" Evil king, majesty)

Jun Moxie patted Yang Mo's little head, which had been leaning on him, and asked with a smile.

Xiao Yang laughed silently when he heard the words, blinked his eyes flexibly a few times, and said, "Of course, no one dares to bully me now. Brother Mo Xie supports me behind my back. Who dares to touch my hair?" Jun Moxie laughed. At this time, Li Youran next to him stepped in, smiled and asked, " The evil monarch that is spreading all over the world is you, the old man, right?


is an interrogative sentence, it is full of affirmation, and even some meanings that need to be ridiculed.


Jun Moxie looked at him interestingly and said, "People all over the world think it's not me. Why are you so sure? Do I really like an old man?

Li Youran smiled and said slowly, "Everyone in the world is like the same. How have they ever really known you! Only those who have really interacted with you will understand... What a terrible and unfathomable Jun San Shao is! I believe that no one in the world will be so crazy except you!"

"Are I really crazy? Will it be less crazy than Jiuyou Fourteen? Or... will it be crazier than you?"

Jun Moxie raised his eyebrows and looked at his previous sworn enemy, and couldn't help laughing.

Li Youran shook his head with a smile and said lightly, "My madness... is very different from you, San Shao. Our goal is different. "It makes sense to say this." Jun Moxie nodded and asked, "How's the fat man now?"

"Tang Da Shao is really half-baked now!"

There is a strong envy in Li Youran's accent: "This guy is now directly the uncrowned king of Tianxiang Kingdom; although he has no ambition, even his majesty does not dare to offend him... That little life is full of pride..."

Li Youran had a taste of being unbearable to look back and complained, "But other than that the fat man wants to search for me every day, saying that I have bullied him for more than ten years, and now I have to go back with the capital and profit. That's justifiable... San Shao, don't you think Fatty Tang's words are too conscienceless..."

Jun Moxie laughed and said, "Why do you have no conscience? If you want me to say it, it's just one word at a time!" Who made it difficult for you to embarrass us when you had nothing to do? You made the fat man lose even his wife once. Now it's natural for him to revenge..."

Li Youran smiled bitterly and said, "He was going to greet you at the gate this time. It was His Majesty who personally told him to give up this opportunity to the royal family... Fatty Tang reluctantly agreed, but he still knocked on His Majesty a calligraphy and painting and ten jars of good wine..."

Jun Moxie was a little speechless, and the fat man really dared to do it. He directly knocked on the emperor with bamboo...

Really tough...

After pinching his nose and having a 'big' lunch in the palace, Jun Moxie went to the Noble Hall accompanied by Li Youran. The old friend t talked about the past, but didn't take Xiao Yang Mo with him. This little Zhengtai almost didn't cry...

But Jun Moxie's impact on the Tianxiang Kingdom this time really needs their father and son to digest it well, especially for those old ministers who are still a little unconvinced, it's more like hanging a sharp sword hanging on his neck that will be cut off at any time!

As long as Jun Moxie clearly expresses his attitude, those who know Jun Moxie's means will never dare to move! At least before the fall of Master Jun, he did not dare to act rashly, which played a great or even decisive role in the consolidation of imperial power for their father and son!

So, in the past few days of Jun Moxie's arrival, for their father and son, it is also a matter of seconds!

Jun Moxie just arrived at the door of the Noble Hall. From afar, he saw a pile of meat mountains standing here, rippled with ups and downs. A fat and short thick neck was trying to straighten out and look this way.

And next to this figure, there is a graceful figure accompanying him. In the dark, there are still several people staring closely at this side. Jun Moxie can feel that the respect of the two people in the dark without meeting him knows: it is the sea sinking and the wind and his old apprentice's injury one by one.

Suddenly seeing so many old acquaintances, at this moment, Master Jun inexplicably had a subtle feeling like a different world. Although it was not a long time for my family to leave this place, this kind feeling was a warmth in the heart of the impact. Seeing Jun Moxie coming from afar, Tang Yuan suddenly shouted strangely and stepped forward. The fat on his body rushed to Jun Moxie. Jun Moxie moaned and looked at him helplessly and patted. His forehead said, "Oh, my God... Fatty, why are you fat again... At the beginning, I spent so much effort to make your boy lose weight. If you don't say continue to work hard, why shouldn't you bounce back like this? It really makes me speechless..." (Evil king, powerful)

Tang Yuanpang's face was full of sincere feelings, and the wind ran like that. Then he hugged him directly and patted Jun Moxie's back hard. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it, but his eyes turned red...

Jun Moxie was hugged by his huge body, directly like a bubble submerged in the sea. After struggling for a while, he struggled out and laughed and scolded, "I said, fat man, it's rare for me to come back once. You want to suffove me to death with a lot of fat."

Tang Yuan smiled naively, rubbed his hands, and said for a long time, "San Shao... During this period, I was particularly worried about you... Until I received the good news that you fought against the Holy Land a few days ago, I drank all night. Happy!"

Jun Moxie's heart was warm. He patted him on the shoulder and said, "Fat... You're fine!"

Tang Yuan laughed, suddenly became active, danced around, and suddenly roared, "Notify the kitchen that I have to drink today!" Get drunk! Wow, hahaha..."

Don't stand aside and smile, watching the two of them vent the joy of this long-lost reunion in a very different way, and unexpectedly feel a burst of sourness in their hearts: it turns out that the friendship between men and men can be so sincere, such precipitation and restrained, but It is full of inexplicable emotion that makes people want to shed tears for it...

The sound of the sea wind came from the shadow, and he only heard him complain, "Third young master, since you left, we have suffered. This fat man sends me two people to collect your news every day... Because one day he didn't dare to scold us "... This fat man is really fat! Tell me, where did so much news come from to satisfy his curiosity... It's really unbearable for us!"