The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 192 City Management?--

Part V Chapter 192 The Management of the City? ......

There is no other reason. As soon as he entered here, Jun Moxie almost thought that he had returned to Tianxiang City and almost went everywhere to find Fatty Tang's noble hall.

It's really no different from the outside world...

The two bodyguards followed him and looked at each other, both of whom saw the sincere contempt in each other's eyes. The owner of the ethereal physique? Oh, my ow! He is just a country bumpkin who has entered the city for the first time. He has never seen anything in the world. The ethereal physique will actually fall on such a person. It's really that God is blind, the pearl secretly throws, and the heavenly things are violent...

When you see a vegetable seller, you can actually like it for a while... Shit, you haven't even seen a vegetable seller, have you?

Here, it is already the main street of the Fantasy City. There are several stalls on both sides of the roadside, including those selling handicrafts, carved birds and beasts, some selling fresh vegetables, some selling food, and selling toys... The facades on both sides are even more dazzling and everything.

Countless wine tricks are fluttering along the street with the wind. At first glance, it is very spectacular. The smell of powder floated from a distance or not far away, intoxicating; occasionally there was a woman's delicate laughter, um, to the brothel...

Some people can be seen everywhere dressed in, and many people come out of it with soft legs... with satisfaction and aftertaste on their faces. The passenger flow in the hotel is endless, and the whole street is filled with the smell of wine...

"It's really prosperous." Jun Moxie sincerely praised that it seemed to be a little more prosperous than Tianxiang City.

He casually threw a copper plate and took a string of sugar-coated haws. Jun Moxie ate as he walked. The corners of his mouth were full of sugar foam, and he didn't know how to wipe it.

"It's so sweet! It tastes good! It's really delicious! One more string!"

The two people behind them looked at each other and felt that they were following this product. It was a shame... Thinking that such a country bumpkin actually won the favor of the whole fantasy house as soon as he came, and they were offered by Cao Guofeng's ancestors... Both of them felt full of bitterness!

God, earth, full of gods and Buddhas... Just open your eyes! Hurry up and make a thunder to split this guy...

I really can't stand it...

Just at this time, a team of people suddenly stepped forward, with the Eighth Master's face full of flesh. The crabs walking north and south on the east and west road rushed over. Everyone held a ash stick in their hands, wore a crooked hat, slanted their skirts, and their eyes flashed fiercely.

"The management of the city is coming, everyone, run quickly..." I don't know who shouted at this voice first, and the hawkers all over the street roared, like birds and beasts scattered.

"The management of the city?" Jun Moxie stared at the people in front of him. Shit, it's so advanced here! Unexpectedly, there is already a city... in charge...

He stopped like this, and suddenly a guy looked sideways: "What are you looking at? Haven't you seen me? Take a look, and then buckle down your eyes and stuff you into***! You have no eyes, little bastard!"

Jun Moxie stuttered. This group of people are too tough. They dare to provoke him if they don't even know who they are. He knows his current image. If the countryman goes to the city, it is a relatively tactful statement. Directly, wearing a dragon robe is not like the standard hoard of the prince*&#

But I saw that several guys next to him had begun to throw up their sticks to drive people away. Some people kicked a peddler to the ground, smashed it down with a stick, beat him fiercely and scolded, and grabbed the money bag in the hawker's arms by the way. He stuffed it into his arms very cleverly.

Then he continued to beat the stick and scolded while beating: "*******, you actually made so much money by setting up a stall for a day! Are you ashamed of me? You still have the face to set up a stall. Why don't you die..."

The hawker held his head, curled up on the ground and screamed and begged for mercy. After a while, he was covered in blood...

Next to him, there was also a city manager with a stick and a confused smile on his face. He talked to the prostitute who stood in front of the door to attract guests in front of a brothel building, with a very obscene and dirty face... He also took a handful on the prostitute's plump chest, and then put his big hand in front of his He said, "It smells so good..."

The prostitute screamed and wanted to fight with a delicate smile. Instead, the man stuck to it. Unexpectedly, he hugged him in broad daylight and laughed unscrupulously...

Several other men looked at this scene jealously, walked into the shops on both sides of the road with unhappy faces, shouted, and stepped on the dinner table, fierce.

"The protection fee has been charged! Hurry up, damn it, you don't want to do it, do you? Are you damming and rubbing your mother? Believe it or not, will you close your store tomorrow? Hurry up!"

Next, the store owner came over with a smile on his face and bowed vigorously. First, he handed over a large amount of white money, and then secretly stuffed something into the pockets of several men...

Several men touched their pockets, and then turned to joy. With a whistle, they came out of the store and then searched forward...

"Who the hell are these people? How can it be so domineering?" Jun Moxie looked at this extremely familiar scene, stunned, and his legs and stomach turned a little: he suddenly felt that he had crossed again...

The two bodyguards still had time to answer. The big man with a fleshy face not far in front of Jun Moxie was already unhappy and came over shaking his arms: "What's the matter? Boy, do you still want to ask who you are?" With that, he grabbed a pedestrian, kicked him to the ground, and then stepped on the unlucky man's chest with his big shiny leather shoes, and said with his nostrils facing up, "Tell this boy, who are you!"

The pedestrian walked carefully on the road, almost sideways, for fear of meeting them, but unexpectedly, there was no delusion from the sky. Suddenly, there was a scream, tears and snot flowed down, and said, "Uncle, uncle is the manager of the fantasy city, uncle is our commoner's Qingtian uncle..."

The big man obviously snorted with a little contentment, raised his foot and let the man walk. The man ran away and didn't even dare to look back. The man looked at Jun Moxie: "Do you hear me? Boy, come here obediently, kowtow to Uncle Qingtian to admit your mistake, and then use your tongue to clean your leather shoes***** clean... Just let you go! Otherwise, hum, you are a spy! If you wait for the uncle to take trouble, I want you to look good!"

"Am I a spy?" Jun Moxie almost laughed: "How do you know?" This 'city management' is really wise. He can see that I am a spy at a glance. It's great. So many strong people above the Holy Emperor and the Holy Emperor have not found it...

That's right, I'm a spy! What can you do?

"Aren't you a spy?" The big man laughed wildly, and the black hair on his chest trembled: "Even if you are not a spy, uncle, if I say you are a spy, then you are a spy!" What's the matter? Watch looked at me so angrily, be careful that I will kill you on the spot! Even if I really kill you, you will die in vain!"

"I understand who you are..." Jun Moxie's eyes gradually became cold. I didn't expect that there would be such people in any world! This is really an eye-opener. The so-called fantasy house, a calm place, is nothing more than that!

The two bodyguards behind smiled and stood by and watched coldly at how the country bumpkin would solve this matter. They knew that although the country bumpkin had amazing talent and had an ethereal physique, they had not practiced a lot of clever mysterious skills, and they may not be able to cope with the troubles in front of him. As long Don't worry that he doesn't ask for our brother.

However, what happened next made the two of them regret it.

"You two come here and kill this scum for Master Ben!" The young master gave the order. With the labor force around, how can Jun Moxie take action in person at the risk of revealing his identity? Hurry up, or I will tell my master that I was bullied outside, but you are watching jokes! Do you think my master believes me or you? If I'm really hurt or something, guess how will the master take care of you two?!"

The two instantly looked at each other in consteries. Unexpectedly, this seemingly unintentional boy actually had such a trick. If he really went back to cry... Whether it was true or not, both of them were unlucky!

You should know that the person this boy can cry is not only Cao Guofeng, but also six other holy emperors. Which one doesn't regard this boy as a sweetheart?

If...then the future of the two of their lives will be really ruined!

If it's better, he accidentally rubbed a little oily skin, and those senior emperors may be able to tear up our brothers! That's definitely not a rare thing!

These two people are also masters of the supreme level. In terms of their own cultivation, they are not even under the eagles at the beginning, and they have their own gully in their hearts. At this time, their belly gas rose, but they can't dare to attack Jun Moxie, so they attack these gangs of 'city management'.

A "pop" slap hit the big man in the opposite face, so that the guy got his feet off the ground and turned like a top for a long time three feet away from the ground. The teeth on half of his face were like a little bit of jade, spinning and spit out like a machine gun...

Another person jumped up and shouted in mid-air: "You blind bastards! Give it all to me here**! If you can't come within ten breaths, you will never have to come here!"

It turns out that the demeanor of the supreme master is very deterrent no matter where he is! At the sight of these 'city management', they suddenly shudled one by one, and even their legs and feet were so scared...

They didn't expect that they and others would just come out for routine law enforcement, and they would provoke such big shots...

Ten breaths? Five breaths didn't take much time. Seven or eight people came over honestly and quickly stood in a row. The two bodyguards didn't say anything, and they crackled and beat up! While beating, I feel aggrieved in my heart: my supreme master is not a big man in the ethereal fantasy mansion, let alone a master, but... beating ordinary people like this is really the first time in my life...

It's too aggrieved.

But although the two of them are heavy, they both know in their hearts: it's okay to teach these people a lesson, but they must not kill them! After all, the cleanliness of the city depends on these people... Besides, this is one of the infrastructure components of the fantasy house...

But after the two stopped, they were dumbfounded!

Eight people on the ground were still calling at *** at the beginning, but now they are bleeding one by one, and their eyes are bursting, and there is no breath!

They are all dead... There is no one alive!

What's going on? Although the force just now was not small, it did not use its own Xuangong at all. At best, it is the strength of normal people. It is impossible to kill people...