The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 214 We are not convinced!

"We are not convinced! The whole fantasy house should not revolve around you alone! Even if you are the legendary ethereal physique, you can't do it!" Zhan Yushu was clear-spoken, his face was calm, and the stake analysis was quite in place. He did not see the previous impetuousness at all; it was clear that his excitement and abuse just now were all deliberately pretended.

He not only clearly pointed out the key to the contradiction between everyone and Jun Mo Wu, but also told them step by step, in a very obscure way, slowly... secretly flirting with everyone's emotions!

It is bound to bring out the resentment in the hearts of these princes and buddies to the maximum extent, and then concentrate on the difficulties together! If there is only one person, or a force or not enough to shake the status of the owner of the ethereal physique, but almost all the younger generation of descendants of the great power of the fantasy house are gathered here, will the high-level officials of the fantasy mansion offend all the pillars of the future for one person?

"Some of us are practicing Xuanqi and progressing rapidly; some of us are resourceful, far-sighted, planning, and decisively better than thousands of miles away! Some people play elegant music, the way of music score, the world is unparalleled! Some people are good at calculation, and the way of arithmetic is not the same for a while; some people are good at chess, and the chess game has never been defeated; some people are super, three steps into poetry, and the exit into a chapter; even if it is a thousand words, it is still waiting! Some people are good at Danqing, with one stroke in hand, and the mountains and rivers are as beautiful as jade; some people are good at management, and some are good at fighting..."

The faster Zhan Yushu spoke, the faster he spoke, and the more moving his expression became. The hall suddenly fell into extreme silence. He only heard his voice. Everyone was staring at him with their eyes shining. Everyone's faces were shining and he was short of breath.


Zhan Yushu suddenly shouted: "There are so many talents, which one is not a talent? Which one is not a hero in the world? Which one is not conscientious and looking forward to the favor of his ancestors? It's good to get what you've been looking forward to for a long time, but in the eyes of a real big man, it's not worth the duty or benefits?

"Why can you get these things that we have been looking forward to for a long time without making any achievements or doing anything as soon as you come? Even those things need to be delivered to you naturally? You just enjoy it without any effort? Why?!?

"Tell me, everyone! Are you convinced? Are you willing?" The migration Yushu suddenly faced the crowd and asked loudly.

"We are not convinced! We are not reconciled!" It's just the word swallowing!

The sound is loud, and the sound is several miles!

At this moment, Zhan Yushu's face was calm before, his voice was a little hoarse, and his eyes were red.

But Jun Moxie can see it clearly. This guy is purely pretending!

The people he talks about may have, but the benefits they want to seek are by no means what Zhan Yushu said. In the eyes of real big people, it is not worth the duty and benefits, and with their status, how can they make some small profits?

But the "generous statement" of the Holy Tree of War can arouse the anger of these people to the greatest extent! Let these people, from the original to have a few complaints in their hearts, slowly expand, and take shape to the outside: and then from three points of unconvinced, into a ten-ten hate value!

Through this dialogue. Push yourself directly to the opposition of these people. Let yourself be the target of the whole nation!

Even if he is the owner of the ethereal physique, he will be rejected by their relatives. I'm afraid that in the future, I can only live without silent practice. Become a Lone Ranger!

Zhan Yushu's words and tricks can be said to be ingenuity and wonderful, but his actions are doomed to fail, because he missed a little, which is very important!

His plan is all based on a meditation. Based on the ethereal physique in front of him, Mo Junye is really just a premise of simple identity.

But Jun Moxie doesn't care about them at all, with the cultivation of young master Jun. Basically, as long as you raise your hand, you can destroy all these young talents and future pillars. How can you take them to heart?

The ant roared at the dinosaur. Shout to challenge, will the dinosaurs fight? Will you be afraid?

Be the other words. Once you reach the goal of colorful holy fruit, you will naturally retreat immediately and immediately escape from the fantasy house. How can you live here for a long time? Fight for the so-called resources!

The real fallacy of the wilderness world!

After going out. As soon as my brother removes Yi Rong, I'm still Jun Moxie! The evil monarch!

As for you jealous little guys here... you can do whatever you want! I'm really not interested in taking care of you. If it weren't for my ultimate goal, how could I be interested in coaxing you here? How old are you?

Jun Mo Wu still smiled slightly, his face was constant, and there was no fluctuation at all. He fixedly looked at the young people around him. He saw that these young people had been a little red in their eyes, and even a few people were a little trembling. Obviously, they were extremely excited. Looking at Jun Mobang's eyes It's going to be fire!

Especially the most angry people, the robes are not very bright, among which "one or two are obviously very plain, and the robes are even slightly shabby. Obviously, their families are not very good.

Jun Moxie saw it at a glance. I'm afraid it's these poor children who are about to compare with him! Only they are the opportunity to really give everything in exchange for the recognition of the illusion house, so these people plundered the arrival of the ethereal physique that originally belonged to them! $ Sourceā–¼ is such anger! Such unconvinced...

Jun Moxie couldn't help but feel a little pity in his heart: These fools! Do you really think you can get what you want without me? You know, the world has always been so unfair! Reality has never been a fairy tale! If anyone is whimsfully trying to find justice in this world, he is the most pitiful person!

In fact, the most unfair thing for you is the person who is now full of indignation but full of interest and preparing to watch the play! When they need it, you have to act as their tool, but when they don't need it, what do you have?

Their ancestors established their career and accumulated the current foundation, and they had everything they had in front of them. It is said that Mo Junye gained without work by relying on natural qualifications. How can these second ancestors be superior? Don't they rely on Zu Meng's care, isn't it also another sense of work?

Who is more shameless than whom?! If the children of the poor family want to hate Mo Junye, they don't see the second ancestor who hates them! Who is really ignorant?!

A poor scholar can be a county official and a petty official. However, as long as he is not a founding minister, how many poor scholars in history have become feudal officials and temple loyal ministers?

The background...

It's all the huge accumulation of life after life...

A person with no background may be able to climb to the county government office if he works hard all his life; if his son continues to work hard for a lifetime, and then with the help of the relationship accumulated by his father's life, he may be higher and reach the height of the government; if his grandson is also very competitive, he will work harder. "plus Basic connections, or you can go to the governor...

Return is the best and smoothest case... Only in this step can be sealed!

If there is another great-grandson, you will have the opportunity to enter the temple and become the only few phoenix feathers among the hundreds of millions of people in the world... But at that time, will it still be the so-called children of a cold family?

Or from the beginning of becoming the grandfather of the county government, he is no longer a son of a poor family!

Although this is not a pure hereditary system, it is a more realistic hereditary system! No matter what kind of social system it is, this phenomenon will never change!

I'm a hero, this sentence can be said to be true! However, there must be a premise that if you want your son to become a hero in the future, then you must first become a hero!

So these poor children gathered here and were instigated by Zhan Yushu and others to deal with themselves. In their bones, it was just their wishful thinking! When this matter is over, if the ethereal physique is really suppressed as desired, who will remember the people who fought against the ethereal physique here?

For Zhan Yushu and others, what a waste of brain cells. If they are not happy, or if they need to be responsible for the "ethereal physiqueal apossessation" incident, aren't these people the best crime lambs? ......

Even if you don't need a scapegoat, even if you are happy to reward these people for a while, "that's really 'a duty and benefit that is not worth taking care of in the eyes of a real big man'! It's like a person eating in a restaurant, throwing a bone that he doesn't eat to a wild dog on the roadside, that's all!

Such a thing, as the ethereal physique of the proud son of a generation, how can Mo Junye, the favorite of the whole ethereal mansion, care? That's more rubbish than rubbish...

But even if it is such a bone, it is also a rare opportunity for these people!

So, to deal with yourself, it's just a battle of unconvinced by Zhan Yushu and others, but it's still related to the future of these people's lives!

So although they don't have any hatred with themselves at all, they still fight against the darlings of the fantasy mansion!

And these princes and buddies who grew up in the family of power have long been used to these power tricks. They have learned from an early age how to make others be loyal to themselves, contribute to themselves, how to use others as guns... How to make the least effort, get the greatest benefit... and even completely virtuous. Behind the scenes, treat everything as a game between applause...

Leave others to fight for blood, fight to death! I'm just sitting on the fishing platform. Even if the flames are so strong, I can't burn their own bodies at all...

Jun Moxie sighed in his heart.

For the sadness of these people and the helplessness of this world!

Zhan Yushu is still talking there, and the emotions of the masses are getting more and more fierce, just like an activated volcano, which will erupt at any time...