The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 253 Demonstration of Miracles!

First update!

Miao Jingyun also has a relationship with Master Jun, because when Jun Moxie first entered the fantasy mansion, it was Miao Jingyun who made the decision and ate a group of colorful fruits for him, and even that group of fruits were directly fed by the old and young...

Today, the two meet for the second time.

Miao Jingyun's heart is also very complicated. It is this boy, who has the transcendent talent of ethereal physique, but it has set off a huge uproar as soon as he comes! After just hanging out for a day, the Gu family ruined an excellent heir, and made the Zhan family anxious, which was almost difficult to end. Only these two things have made the whole fantasy house jump!

Although these two things are not his intention, in the final analysis, it is still because of him! The source is still in him!

Even the things caused by him are far from over. It seems that this boy stole his granddaughter's heart while causing these things on the same day...

This is simply a troublemaker. "Can ordinary people do it?

Ordinary people can't do it, but this genius with an ethereal physique has done it!

So it seems that even the 'provoking spirit', such an evaluation is low on him.

This boy is directly the root of a disaster!

Now it only involves the Gu family and the Zhan family. If he falls in love with him... Then, this guy will immediately become the target of the younger generation of the whole fantasy house! Although he is now in the position of public criticism!

It is almost well known that the Fantasy House is located among the eight families at the top of the pyramid. Are there few young people in the family who miss their granddaughters? Now that he has just been here for five or six days, he has actually finished the final goal that everyone has been fighting for a long time and has not been able to achieve. Can he not attract envy and hatred?" Miao Jingyun sighed in his heart and looked at the boy, but saw that this guy's face was full of painless beating, and he had no awareness When I saw him, he even grinned and showed his teeth...

Do you think your teeth are white? Miao Jingyun was a little angry. What's the matter?

I'm dying of a headache from you, don't you know?

If you are really capable, really have superhuman skills, and saint's cultivation, that's all right, but with your little mystery, I guess any child of the family can poke you to death with one finger. What do you have to do? It's such a guy that Xiao Miao Feijun is so fascinated that he doesn't get married. It seems that even his little face is not very white. What on earth does Xiao Miao like about him? ......

In addition to everyone's greetings, Miao Jingyun waved to Jun Moxie unexpectedly: "Mo Junye, come here."

Jun Mo said evilly, does this old man want to settle accounts with me? But I really didn't do anything to your granddaughter. In fact, I'm the passive one. I...

Don't say that. Young Master Jun didn't say it. Even if it's clear, will anyone believe it?

"What do you think of what happened last night?"

To everyone's expectation, Miao Jingyun's first problem turned out to be this problem.

This question is really easy to answer for others.

Real miracle, what else can you think of it?

But when asked about the ethereal physique person himself, it seems to be more difficult to answer...

Everyone has now unanimously agreed that this miracle is because of the existence of ethereal physique people in this yard. But it's okay for others to say so, but Jun Moxie himself said, "But it doesn't work.

Other people's myths are big and young, that's natural, but if you myth about yourself, it's more unorthodox!

But if you don't say so, what else can you say? It's too difficult to advance and retreat, isn't it?

"Well, Lord, in fact, I just chatted with your granddaughter last night. I really didn't do anything. If you don't believe it, you can go back and ask. The maid little bean sprout girl beside Miss Miao can testify for us." The absent-minded Jun Moxie was confused and subconsciously replied, This guy's brain must have gone astray, and he directly gave the reply of Nanyuan and Beirut. "As soon as this answer came out, the faces of the heads of the family and the seven brothers Cao Guofeng twitched strangely.

Just chatted, "You haven't done anything? What else do you want to do? What exactly do you do?

No matter how wise Miao Jingyun is, no matter how resourceful he is, no matter how old he is, it is absolutely impossible to think that he would hear such a ridiculous answer! Hearing this, his nose was almost crooked, and that's it?" "Mr. Jun looked at his expression and finally confirmed one thing in his heart: I often heard people say that he had crooked his nose... In the past, I thought it was just a relatively exaggerated adjective, and no one would really tilt his nose because of anger, "But now Looking at the owner of the fantasy mansion, it just proves this point: it turns out that when people are angry, their noses are indeed crooked...

"I didn't ask you this!"

Miao Jingyun's majestic face is already like the bottom of a pot.

This boy, in vain, wanted to cover for them, but he didn't do it himself. He simply said it straight. Originally, he thought he had a little brain, but now it seems that he is just a stunned bird, "What did you ask?"

Jun Moxie was stunned. He said that he had made a mistake and hurriedly remedy it: "Yes, yes, what happened last night was really dangerous. It was all my fault. I almost offended Miss Miao in danger. It was all my fault. "" Everyone was stunned again: What is this guy talking about?

After listening to it, I realized that what he said was about last night. "Last night, six masked people suddenly appeared to stop me... All of them were masters! He said that I have offended someone who should not have offended me, so if I wanted to kill me, I was puzzled. I have only been here for a few days, and even the number of people I know have been counted. Who has offended there, but they don't allow me to explain and have to do it. The situation is really critical and extremely dangerous It's going to be a tragedy. "At the critical moment, Jun Mo's evil suddenly came out.


Miao Jingyun shouted angrily: "That's not what I asked!"

In my heart, the whole Zhan family is still in the dark. There is another mysterious strong man in the fantasy house. I'm not going to explain, "I didn't expect to be almost missed by your boy." "But these two interruptions in a row have greatly damaged my image. You are really abominable...

"I just asked, "Last night's miracle. What do you think?"

Miao Jingyun simply came face to face, not turning around the bush. Who knew that if he walked around with him again, he would say something without saying anything...

"A miracle? Well... So that's what you said."

Jun Moxie suddenly realized. Don't you understand if you had said so earlier? Why did you say so vague just now? It made me misunderstand... I thought you were here to ask for justice for your granddaughter...

In fact, Jun Moxie can't be blamed for not expecting this, but because, "He made this matter. In the eyes of Master Jun, this matter is not worth it at all. "After that, Lao Yu still has to find an opportunity to prepare to give birth to your colorful holy trees. What is it like to give birth to a few bamboo? What a big deal!

Therefore, Jun Moxie didn't think about this at all, so it caused the current embarrassing situation.

Besides, as soon as the young master saw Miao Jingyun, he immediately thought of Miao Xiaomiao because he was a thief. He almost subconsciously decided that the old man must have come to me to ask for his granddaughter. No Tao was going to be a bully and forced me to marry his granddaughter...

"It's not this... What else can it be?"

Miao Jingyun suppressed his anger and tried his best to maintain the majesty of the owner of the fantasy mansion, but he also felt that he was about to be unable to suppress it, and he might have smoke at any time...

"Actually, in my opinion, the strange thing yesterday may just be a coincidence." Jun Moxie was also relieved and talked equitically: "Since the existence of Xuanxuan Continent, the miracles on the mainland have emerged one after another. There are countless well-known legends in many places, and there are even legends that Tianzhu Mountain, the main battlefield of the battle to seize the sky, is deliberately created by the gods..."

"And in the folk, there have also been magical stories about immortals descending to the earth. Until now, there are still many people's homes that support the god's card, hoping that the god can bless the family's safety, the grain is abundant, the wind and rain is smooth, and the country is prosperous and the people are safe..."

"It is said that in Tianxiang, there used to be such a story, which is said to be a god." "And on the prairie, there are also wolf gods, and the miracles of the grassland are..."

"Even high-ranking officials of the imperial court, there are many people who believe in miracles, among which there are many anecdotes, such as..."

"Even the emperors of all dynasties are... for example..."

There are a total of 16 old men here. Today, they have opened their ears and learned. They stared at Jun Mo Xie's mouths and boasted. From ancient times, they have been giving examples to the present, from Tianxiang all the grassland, from the mainland to the aliens, from the grassroots poor to the temple officials. Even the emperors of all dynasties...

It's really fucking Bo Gu Tong Jin!

What a mother-in-law has a school!

But are we here today to listen to you talk about these historical legends?

Sixteen old men, including Cao Guofeng and others, are very not allowed to catch this guy and beat him up!

Why is this mouth so poor?

"To sum up, miracles are such things," Jun Moxie talked a lot and finally got to the point. All the bigwigs are refreshed, and you finally can't get around, can you? I'd like to see how you explain what happened last night. Suddenly, his ears pricked up one by one, especially Zhan Wuyun and Gu Yunyang, with a good look...

"... In fact, they are all very ethereal, and it is difficult to predict. You asked me what I think. In fact, I don't know what's going on. That's all I have to do. If it doesn't last long, "Jun Moxie nodded modestly and smiled gracefully: "Please give me more advice."

All the old men are collectively dizzy! To be continued, if you want to know what will happen, please log in to the starting point, more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!