The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 288 The difference is a little bit!

The fourth update...

If the bean sprouts continue to call, there may be dozens of calls, and Miao Xiaomiao will wake up. "But after shouting a few times in a row, Miao Xiaomiao still has no response...

So Master Jun went to the battle in person. He used the most effective and primitive means, which was his original plan. "Use the greatest instinct of human beings to stimulate Miao Xiaomiao's nerves, plus the call of Xiaodou sprouts." The effect is naturally excellent. "But he didn't think about this plan. For Miao Xiaomiao, For the yellow girl of Jing personnel, she went a little too far, and it was a little too much...

Miao Xiaomiao was in a coma. She only felt that there was no tomorrow in her life. She was disheartened and had no courage, goal and hope to live. Mo Junye's ruthless refusal made her depressed: What's the point of living again? Do you really want to let yourself get old and be married by the family as a means of marriage? Do you want to spend your whole life with someone you don't like at all?

Even if you object to it, there are reasons such as 'a man should be married and a woman should be married, to convince yourself, "Can I really withstand all the pressure and really don't marry for the rest of my life?"

No, I can't stand the huge pressure of the family...

But, "Does it have to be layered?


If that's the case, I'd rather die!

She felt that she was floating, wandering in the endless void, and only her heart was full of endless self- sorrow. "At this time...

She suddenly seemed to hear something. "A faint voice came: "...Miss Mo Junye came to our Miao family to beg for marriage." Miao Xiaomiao's floating soul was stunned, and a burst of surprise: Is this true? Great, really great!

But then I remembered: he has married, had a wife, and was even more infatuated with him. How could he come to the Miao family to ask for marriage? Or because I miss him so much that I have this dream of long-term hope!

But after all, it is true that I am longing for this thing in my heart. Even if it is a dream, I hope that the dream will not end too soon. "This indescribable and contradictory psychology makes her soul dance in the void...

"Miss, "Mother Mo is really here," "He said that he is sincere to you, and he likes you," "and he also brought a lot of bride price," another ethereal call...

Are you really here? Is this true? Miao Xiaomiao only felt a little nervous. Is it true or not... What if not,...

She hesitated and wanted to go back to have a look several times, but she was afraid that waiting for her would be a greater disappointment. For a moment, she couldn't make a decision and was full of contradictions. Never mind, even if this is a dream, I'm going to see him, isn't it good?" Just then, "suddenly, a strange feeling rose, "What's going on? Feeling the completely strange feeling in the body, I only feel that there seems to be a fire burning in the body. "I only burn myself softly. "This feeling: it's obviously a very uncomfortable feeling, but it's wonderful. It seems that I don't object to it." And, "It's very comfortable. "What's going on? ......

At this moment, the voice of small bean sprouts came faintly: "Miss... Today is the happy day for you to get married Mr. Mo. Tonight is your wedding night..."

Ah? Miao Xiaomiao was immediately surprised! Is it the feeling of Gangcai, that is, the feeling of the wedding night? In an instant, Miao Xiaomiao only felt ashamed, but she still had some expectations in her heart...

Me and... Jun...'s wedding night "After thinking about this, Miao Xiaomiao's heart was full of happiness and suddenly forgot everything. "This strong feeling of happiness made her fly back...

But, "I seem to have come out too far. How can I go back?" When I was at a loss, the sound of bean sprouts came to my ear. Miao Xiaomiao was like a lost helmsman. He found a light pointing the way and walked back with the sound...

The more you walk, the strange feeling becomes stronger and stronger, and the strange taste becomes more and more obvious...


Miao Xiaomiao on the couch seems to be struggling hard, as if to break free from Jun Moxie's frivolity, but Jun Moxie is unmoved. He now understands that Miao Xiaomiao is about to wake up, but he can't help it...

Feeling the gentleness on his lips and the softness in the palm of his hand, it is even more difficult to suppress Jun Mo's evil heart. He simply continues to attack the city. "Even if it can't be substantial", it's good to have a good time...

The young master of the happy knot is full of shameless thoughts...

With a low and thin moan, Miao Xiaomiao slowly opened her eyes...

He slowly opened his eyes and still couldn't see anything for a while. Miao Xiaomiao had noticed that he seemed to be very wrong. It seemed that even his moan could not be transmitted at all, and the reason why he could not make a sound was that his lips seemed to be blocked by something hot. "Miao Xiaomiao's eyes gradually focused, and In horror, he found that he was pressed under a man, and the man was kissing and tasting his little mouth unscrupulously. In addition, one of his hands seems to be rubbing against his chest, which can be said to be extremely obscene. "The distance between the two is too close, and the real zero-distance contact. Miao Xiaomiao has just woken up, and she doesn't know what happened at all. I believe that any woman suddenly realized that she was under someone's wolf kiss It's almost the same, especially this woman still has quite good strength...

Miao Xiaomiao was ashamed and indignant, and couldn't help exclaiming with grief and indignation. Then she tried her best to push the "low man" out. At the same time, she subconsciously kicked it out and hit the target...


With a scream, Master Jun was in the middle of coloring the soul. Suddenly, his whole body flew up in the air, and then the next foot happened to kick on a key part, and suddenly it hurt like a broken liver and intestine...

Miao Xiaomiao kicked very solidly, and Jun Moxie was completely defenseless, and at the critical time of shaking his head... Master Jun moaned in pain, quickly covered his hands, and his face was cold and cold. "I struggled and finally squeezed out a sentence: "I" grass! I really can't be a hooligan..."

Master Jun really wanted to cry without tears. He was kicked firmly. The man was the most painful. No matter what kind of body protection magic skill it was, he was incompetent to fight. No matter how "opening the sky and creation" he walked alone in the world, it was no exception. What's more, Da Shaozhou had fallen into a In the middle, there was a trace of defense. "The little bean sprout stared at the beautiful big eyes, opened the rosy mouth, and looked at the "Mo genius" who turned into a big shrimp and curled up. He was stunned. After all, the little girl was too cute. It seemed that she didn't know what was going on under the eyes of He jumped up without thinking about it. He was ashamed and angry. He said sadly and indignantly, "Despicable and shameless disciple, I killed you ** thief..."

The jade arm is light and comfortable. With a brush, the long sword has been pulled out. The body has fallen, and the brushed sword has been chopped down, and there is no hand left at all. It's really murderous!

Until now, she has not seen clearly who the other party is. All she knows is that the bastard in front of her has stained her innocence, so that her long-cherished wish is completely broken, and there is no hope for it. At this moment, Miao Xiaomiao has only one idea in her heart. First, she will break this bastard into ten thousand pieces Then I'll die with my ambition!

At this moment, Master Jun, who was sweating with pain, finally raised his head, shivered his lips in pain, and shook his whole body and said, "Oh... It's me, "You, you, you're going to murder your own husband." Miao Xiaomiao exclaimed "ah", and he was stunned. The change in front Well, how can that the sly apprentice be him? Well, he, what did he just say to me? Murder of a husband? What does that mean...

At this time, the little bean sprout finally came to his senses. Looking at the series of changes in front of him, the clearest fact is that the young lady has completely recovered. Didn't you look at that kick? Even before, it was difficult to kick so powerfully!

I couldn't help shouting with surprise, joy and gloating: "Miss, you have recovered! That, "Well, "That man is... Mr. Mo. He treats you. How can you kick him..."

It's him! It turned out to be really, "It's really he who came...

Miao Xiaomiao's first two waves of extreme anger and doubt were once again replaced by the third wave of ecstatic happiness, and the whole person had lost strength in the air. It was just... She still holding a long sword in her hand...

Master Jun thought it would be all right if she recognized it. Unexpectedly, this girl fell in mid-air?

You also said that if you fell down, you would fall down. The bright and shiny sword was inserted into the root of his thigh. The young master couldn't help but die. He still cared about the pain there. He twisted his body violently with all his strength and flashed. He had to keep the root. In case he was really cut off. If you remove the root, you will have a complete cup...


The goddess of luck is still more favored by Master Jun. Naturally, this sound is not the sound of the long sword inserted somewhere, but the sound of Miss Miao's delicate body falling straight into Jun Moxie's arms...

Jun Moxie said, in a hurry, first ** was suddenly attacked, the severe pain was unbearable, and there was no time to transport the mysterious gas at all. Then this time, he was almost smashed and closed, and it seemed that it was not over, because ** another cold touch came, "Jun Da Shao turned his head and looked down, The sweat pores all over the body were opened at the same time, and even the hair stood up, and goose bumps all over the body came out together!

Oh my God...

It's too suspenseful...

In Jun Da Shao's **, a shiny sword penetrated the clothes in the inner side of the crotch and nailed straight to the ground... Jun Da Shao stared at it in a daze, and only felt that the cold sweat all over his body flowed down like a waterfall. "The little brother was clearly close to the shining sword body, clearly feeling the ...

It's really only a small difference! ( To be continued, if you want to know what will happen, there are more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!