The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 385 The most effective means!

Jun Moxie didn't understand why she had such a change. It was obviously completely unacceptable yesterday, but now, at this moment, it is obvious that there has been a great turn? ......

But no matter what, this change is always a good phenomenon for him.

"I like Junye, and Zhishao likes him. Although he makes me admire him very much, we are equal."

Miao Xiaomiao's eyelashes kept trembling, still hanging a drop of crystal tears, but she refused to open her eyes again. She shrank and said, "However, the evil monarch is too high for me... but too high, so high, I'm afraid, really afraid, compared with the unattainable evil king. Lord, I'd rather have the king's night I can touch..."

"You stupid girl! You don't know how hard Xiaoyi's maids have taken care of me! Is it still unattainable?

Jun Moxie stretched out his hand and held Yi Ren tightly in his arms: "Now, are you still afraid now? In fact, no matter what kind of person the evil monarch is or what a great existence, it is enough for you to know a little. He is your man! You will always be equal to each other! Whether it's Mo Junye, the evil monarch, or Jun Mo Xie are all like this!"

"It's my man..."

Miao Xiaomiao's delicate body trembled, but she didn't struggle at all. She just muttered, "Is it my man?"

"Well, it's your girl's man."

Jun Moxie smiled and leaned over to her ear and said, "Don't forget that when you were in the fantasy mansion, you caused a big disaster. The foot you just woke up almost castrate me... How suspenseful it was that time. Recently, I have been scared to wake up several times in the midnight dream. What about the evil monarch? It's not a man yet. As long as it's a man, I'm afraid... I'm afraid of that... Xiongfeng is gone..."

When Miao Xiaomiao heard what he said about this, he suddenly remembered that he was unconscious and woke up, only to find that a man lying on him. After kicking out, he found that it was the enemy...

Thinking of Mo Junye's painful and funny appearance at that time, and hearing the people in front of him complain like spitting bitter water, the tenderness in his heart suddenly appeared, and he couldn't help smiling and said, "Who made you not be honest at that time?"

"Real is it?"

Jun Moxie stared and said, "Why was I not honest at that time? Tell me, why am I not honest with you? Why do you always take it? I'm so miserable. You're always talking about it!"

Miao Xiaomiao's face turned red and Ai Ai couldn't speak.

Jun Moxie said the private matter between the two of them. She had been solved by Mei Xueyan before, and now it can be said that she has recognized that Jun Moxie and Mo Junye are one. It's just that I can't get over the skin...

How can I find a step down... After all, what I said yesterday is really too much.

Now that I heard Jun Moxie's words, I even forgot to find the steps, and I was so ashamed.

How can you be unhest? You were everywhere at that time. If not, can I react so much...

Yue just thought of this, but she felt a chill in her chest. Then a big hand reached in and gently rubbed her towering part twice, and whispered, "Why am I not honest? Why don't you say it!"

With that, the other hand had also slid into his skirt, touched the upturned buttocks, then stopped there, gently stroked it, gently twisted it, rubbed it, rubbed it down, and there was still a sound from the ear: "... unhest?"

Miao Xiaomiao's face blushed and gasped, "?

...No! You bad guy, I haven't finished accounting with you yet... Hurry up and stop! If you do this again, I, I'll... I won't be polite... I'll really treat you... you!"

"Are you willing to give up? As long as you are willing, don't be polite to me. It's boring to be polite to me," Jun Moxie kept humming, 'Eh? You girl still want to settle accounts with me? I haven't settled accounts with you yet! Your temper yesterday was really scary. Do you want to kill... I'll avenge that boy Mo Junye?"

"What's the matter with you looking for me? I don't owe you, either."

Miao Xiaomiao resisted randomly with both hands, but in fact, she couldn't use any strength to make bright eyes, and she was already a little confused...

"Well, how dare you not admit it? How dare you not recognize me yesterday! What's the crime of this?"

Jun Moxie's lips were close to her ears and the warm breath penetrated into her ears. His right hand grabbed a little white rabbit on the woman's chest and rubbed it slightly. He didn't shake his head and ran around to show punishment: "A woman doesn't even recognize her own man, Miao Xiaomiao, you really have the ability! It's really promising! If I don't punish you well this time, you still have to turn upside down..."


Miao Xiaomiao wanted to defend herself, but she was so powerless that she couldn't even say a word.

"What are you! We still have to argue!"

The young master is even more fierce, and the typical reasoning is not let people: "You think you are great as a little princess of the fantasy mansion, don't you? Unexpectedly, he didn't even recognize his husband. Heng hum, he really didn't hit the house for three days. Let's see how I deal with you today! Let's see if you kill... kill me, or I kill... lose you girl!"

"I...I didn't..."

Miao Xiaomiao had a fever all over her body. Finally, she couldn't help begging for mercy,... It was my concubine's fault, please... Please forgive me... Then..."

"Forgive? That's unforgivable!"

Jun Moxie's eyes have spewed fire, and he is horny: "Look, I'm going to serve you with a stick today! If you don't play, you will be obedient. I don't know what it will look like in the future..."


...No! Don't..."

Miao Xiaomiao was finally shocked: "It's still daytime, and you can't announce it in the daytime..."

"Who said you can't teach your wife a lesson during the day?"

Young Master Jun gave an evil smile. With a force in his hand, he pushed the beautiful woman in his arms to **, and then pressed it up and said, ""

Miao Xiaomiao struggled hard, but how could she break free? Almost in an instant, it was recorded cleanly.

Jun Moxie naturally disarmed himself again, but saw Miao Damei shrinking, holding her chest in her hands to the corner of the bed, and begged, "Jun Ye... Can you change your appearance, you... You always make me feel strange like this..."

"What's so weird?"

Jun Mo's evil red fruit is approaching.

"No... I always feel, I always feel... There is a feeling of betrayal, I, I,"

Miao Xiaomiao almost cried: "It seems that I... am a watery poplar woman, giving my body to two men..."

"There are two) men!"

Jun Moxie's heart moved and hummed, "Look at me with wide eyes! I am your husband! Your man! Your Junye is not a genuine one. Remember, your man is my handsome appearance!"

Miao Xiaomiao not only did not open her eyes, but closed it tightly, and Jun Moxie leaned up...

? ..."

A delicate shout...,......


"Call me Mo Xie!"

"Junye... Mo Xie... Mo Xie,..."

Finally, the clouds and fog dispersed...

This two-person war, which seems to be only a few days apart, seems to be very fierce from the beginning, and women have been unwilling to change their words, almost in a state of non-violent cooperation, while men are strong all the way, unforgiving...

In the future, women's physical strength is naturally worse than that of men, so the man still wins this battle. In fact, the result of this battle has been doomed from the beginning, and there can only be one...

Women almost completely lost themselves under the deliberate teasing of men, just screaming wildly. Later, they didn't even know what they were calling...

Even if the woman cooperates, the man is still strong. Unexpectedly, from the beginning to the end, the innate differences are not avoided, especially one of them is like the young master, the real fierce brother!

A good lover's concubine, crossing the phoenix to become a dragon, a tree of pear blossom presses the begonia, the spring breeze counts through the Yumen Pass, the clouds and rain Wushan counts red...

After several times, the clouds finally stopped and the rain. At this moment, the woman has completely turned into a puddle of fragrant mud, and it seems that she has no strength to move her little finger "...

Miao Xiaomiao's beautiful eyes half-opened for a moment, but finally closed them helplessly.

In her heart, she thought that Jun Moxie would make a slightly smooth transition, and then re-cultivate each other's feelings with herself, find the familiar feelings in the past, get rid of some strange feelings between the two sides, and then wait for him to get used to it, then he can talk about that and that?


But I never thought that this guy was in such a hurry. He just gave him a good color, so he made do with it, and it was directly thunderous. He didn't give himself a chance to react to the transition at all. It was simply a forced means to play hooligans... After a few words, it was already **...

The most annoying thing is that I'm not angry. It seems that it's quite like that. It's quite cooperative. It's embarrassing. It's so embarrassing!

I have to say that it is always the most frank way of dialogue between men and women, and also the most effective way of communication... After this zero-distance communication, the once alienation in Miao Xiaomiao's heart has long been thrown there...

A pair of big hands are still swimming on his red fruit body, as if he doesn't know how tired at all. Jun Mo's warm man's breath came to his ear again, and he only heard him ask in a low voice, "Is it time to be sure now? Do you feel familiar with it? These postures are all used by us. Others can be faked. This thing can't be fake. Even if the posture doesn't count, it's always the same, right, my Miao Miao girl? Very familiar, right?

" When Miao Xiaomiao first heard such an explicit words, he was stunned. In a moment, he was so ashamed that he almost fainted. He tried his best to stretch out his little white jade-like hand and pinched someone's waist to teach this shameless and dirty guy a lesson. How can he say anything!

~n~~~(I just got out of the hospital, and I have a transverse incision at the back of my neck. I feel very uncomfortable when I bow my head. Now I'm bowing my head high... Everyone who has seen me says that I'm taller than before I was hospitalized. Can't I be taller? I want to cry without tears, and my neck can only be straight and can't move. It's more standard than standing in the army...

There will be an update later.