The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 395 As long as you can't die--

Today's first update!

If I hadn't met Jun Moxie, I would have been turning around in the realm of Dixuan at best, and even had already fallen into ashes flying everywhere.

What else do you talk about, marrying a wife and having children, shocking the world?

But since I met Jun Moxie, I have jumped from an illegitimate child who despised my family to become a big man with the ability to control the world in a short period of time!

The original dreams have been realized one by one.

Zhan Mengdie, this young lady who is in love with her, has finally become her wife!

You know, before that, even if it is the whole Baili family, in the eyes of the Zhan family, it will not be much stronger than the ants. At most, it is just a little stronger. How can it be qualified to touch the palm of the Zhan family? "All this, everything, everything, is brought to him by Jun Moxie!

I have told myself this sentence in my heart countless times!

The scholar dies for his confidant!

In the previous three days, he was able to take the marrow washing elixir and Ye bone elixir continuously, supplemented by the elixir of heaven and earth, and officially completed the process of rebirth and bone replacement!

However, the pain in it is a real inhuman torture!

But these two little guys have tenaciously survived. "At present, their meridians have returned to an endless empty state, just like a dry pond with no bottom limit, waiting for the turbulent water to be injected, which can set off the surging mixed flowers. "And Jun Moxie is now working on this work similar to 'water injection'. Make.

Once the wings are plump and complete the transformation, Jun Moxie absolutely believes that these two little guys will bring an unparalleled shock to the whole world? "Heaven, for it!

Land, for it!

Now, the tempering of the two little guys has been completed, and the experience, wisdom and perseverance will only be stronger than ordinary people, not weak.

So Jun Moxie plans to promote them all at once!

But there is only one thing that Jun Moxie hasn't figured out so far. The world is mysterious, not true. It is indicated on the elixir prescription of Hongjun Tower; after reaching a certain level of cultivation, it must not be improved with the help of elixir! Otherwise, you can only lose your soul on the most critical disaster, and there will be absolutely no luck!

Even before that, you have to make a certain amount of effort before you can improve with the help of elixir. But Jun Moxie has now done a lot of elixir promotion for his subordinates, so in the future, he must not blindly improve his strength!

And what Dan Fang said is that after the deification period, things that can be improved with the help of elixir must not be done.

But the question is, "Jun Moxie doesn't know at all, in what state is the mysterious spirit of the world?

This makes Jun Moxie very distressed and depressed.

Jun Moxie can not be afraid of natural disasters, but it doesn't mean that everyone is not afraid! Strong as Miao Qingcheng, he also hid in the underground of the fantasy mansion for thousands of years under the threat of natural disaster! Not to mention others?

So now Jun Moxie is a little cautious like walking on thin ice. Therefore, Jun Moxie intends to help all potential people. At most, the high-level part will only reach the holy period, and the middle-level part will reach the Holy Emperor period, and then let go, with personal efforts.

You can reach whatever realm you can reach. You must not forcibly improve them.

Now, Jun Moxie has selected several kinds of elixirs: alchemy, tonic elixir, Xianlu elixir, diamond elixir, Dongling elixir...

These five elixirs are basically not to improve the power, but to refine the divine soul, condense the divine consciousness, and strengthen the body. After taking the last four elixirs, and then taking the alchemy elixirs, the people who take the elixir will feel the pain of turning the river, and this pain will last for 18 days!

There is a saying: the 18th training of the soul, beyond the 18th floor of hell!

That is to say, after the enhanced transformation of the magic elixir, the soul condenses, and even if it dies, the soul will not fly away! Of course, this refers to normal death, and death under the catastrophe is not included.

But after the soul is strong, there is a little more confidence to fight against the natural disaster.

But this kind of elixir can only be taken by masters above the level of the Holy Emperor. If you can't do it, you may be directly distracted in this boundless bitterness...

But the rest is beyond Jun Moxie's control. For a high-level, what Jun Moxie can do is over!

At least in this world, Jun Moxie has achieved the ultimate in this way! If his subordinates are promoted, he still has this ability, but it will only make them die early in a critical disaster as soon as possible, which is of no other use.

And the extra elixir obtained from this refining is a slimming elixir!

All other elixirs have ready-made original elixirs, but this elixirs tailored for the fat man have to be explored by Master Jun by himself. In the five days of practicing medicine, five kinds of medicine have been refined one after another...

Just from the perspective of the experimental curative effect, it is obvious that they have failed. "And Fatty Tang is directly in pain in these five days! It has really reached the realm where life is worse than death...

Because he is an experiment and the only experiment...

The first elixir, after the fat man took it, the effect was quite obvious, and he had diarrhea crazily 21 times in half a day! Finally, it has developed to the point that the buttocks hurt so much after wiping it. However, after staying in bed for a day, continue to take the second elixir. Diarrhea is not diarrhea, but the headache is cracked!

And the third elixir, after the fat man took it, the symptoms were quite obvious. He sweated like pulp. Jun Moxie thought it would work, so he gave him one more. This was amazing. Tang Yuan sweated directly to the point of dehydration three times in a day. If it hadn't been for Jun Moxie's direct effect You can take it off directly...

As for the effect of the fourth elixir, it is even more strange. After the fat man took it, he screamed strangely, cramped all over his body, and cramped until even two ears were pumped to the top of his head until his chin.

The upper lip cracked to the temple, and the lower lip tilted to the shoulder.

Even the two nostrils are almost separated...

The fat man screamed like a pig for a whole day and a night. He couldn't stand it anymore. He vowed to stop working, and vowed to break up with Jun Moxie, and he didn't treat him even if he was killed. "But he was caught by Master Jun. An elixir made him recover, and then pinched his

After taking the fifth elixir, the effect can be said to be very significant!

Fatty Tang's hair brush stood upright on the top of his head, and then his muscles began to dance, and his gastrointestinal function was dysfunctional to the extreme. He could fart five or six times in one step, which was loud and smelly. For a moment, the evil king's house was stinky, and the people in it wanted to vomit. Everyone covered their noses and walked away. "Jun Moxie frowned and thought, and entered Tang Yuan's room again.

Tang Pangzi, who was already in a state of weakness and even had a hard time moaning, jumped up like a spring when he saw Master Jun's arrival and roared angrily: "Get out! Get out of here! Who let you in? Let me go back! I want to go back to heaven! I'm going home, wow... I'm going home..."

The swollen son cried sadly and burst into tears.

It seems that I have suffered all my life, all of them have been concentrated in the past few days, and I have to add several times more. It's so painful! If it hadn't been for Jun Moxie's panacea, I'm afraid the fat man would have died more than a hundred times in the next few days...

I really can't stand it.

"Fatty man, don't be afraid. Brother, I have developed another elixir. This elixir is definitely a slimming elixir tailored for you. It will definitely work after you take it. The effect must be excellent. Believe me, there is no money!"

Jun Moxie said with a sad face and a smile.

"Boh, let me believe you! Get out of here! Grass! Do you believe what you said? Grass!"

Fatty Tang scolded: "Your mother's words have been said to me five times, giving me hope, giving me hope, disappointing me, making me desperate, and I'm hopeless..."

"You have grown up. Say, do you want to eat it or not?"

Jun Moxie gritted his teeth and asked, as if he was ashamed and angry.

Although the fat man is telling the truth, he doesn't hit people in the face, and expose people without revealing their shortcomings!

"If you don't eat, I won't eat even if you beat me to death! It's better to be slapped to death by you than to eat your dirty garbage medicine!"

Tang Yuan's death is like returning home.

"It's really promising, and you dare to call me. You think I dare not beat you to death! Fatty Tang, to tell you the truth, as long as you don't eat today, I will kill you 18 times and save you 18 times! You see, I can do it or not!"

Jun Moxie raised his hand and rushed up fiercely. Without saying a word, he picked up a stick and smashed it down with the sound of wind!

With a bang, the fat man's broad back was hit by a fierce stick, screamed, and fell down.

The wind on the top of his head, Jun Moxie's second stick has fallen again without mercy!

"Slow! I'll eat!"

Fatty Tang screamed and almost changed his tune.

The stick stopped against the shoulder muscles. Jun Moxie sneered and asked murderously, "Didn't you just say that you won't eat even if you die? Don't you want me to kill you all at once? I'm perfecting your integrity! What's your name? Where's your solar term?

Tang Yuan lay on the ground and begged for mercy feebly, "Big brother, "My dear brother, I'm convinced of you. That's what I really said, but I haven't finished yet?" Whoo-hoo, why are you so excited?"

"Not yet?"

Jun Moxie blinked.

"What I'm saying is... I won't eat even if I kill you." Tang Yuan wiped his tears and said, "...but! As long as I can't beat you to death, I will eat it!"

"So that's it. You know how to advance and retreat."

Jun Moxie nodded kindly: "Fat, you are a good person! Come on, put this down."

The fat man grinned and wanted to smile after receiving 'praise', but he cried, snot and tears, howling and crying...

As the fat man ate this 'slimming elixir with a strange smell in a posture of martyr' and dedication, there was a ghost crying wolf in the room in an instant? "After a long time, Jun Moxie shook his head, sighed, frowned and walked out of the fat man's room...

In the room, Tang Yuancheng collapsed on the ground, his limbs occasionally twitched weakly, and muttered to himself: San Shao... I hate you. Why don't you hit me with a stick? You can smash me to death, "