The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 488 The same hatred of the enemy!

This bastard, it's in vain for me to worship him so much." Chuangshang North Island took a breath of cold air. He scolded angrily, "Are we sick there? Aren't we just a little different from the people in Xuanxuan mainland?! It turns out that the first person in the world is so short..."

"The words spoken by the real strong is the imprint of eternity! On that day, the first master of our God and Japanese clan, the Eight Holy Monkey King, who had reached the semi-holy realm, went to war in anger, but was attacked by the first move of Jiuyou..." At this point, the three sighed at the same time. Unspeakable powerlessness and humiliation.

Yes, the eight-skill sage of the most powerful alien race who has reached the semi-sacred realm, one move! One move to defeat!

In the face of such a huge gap, such a strong man with such strength, what kind of resistance do you talk about?

Any resistance is futile and meaningless!

"After that war, no, it should be after that move, the first young master of Jiuyou stepped on the head of the eight-skill sage and said a word full of disdain..." The voice was excited and full of indescribable humiliation: "... A disgusting species like you killed my hands!"

Chuangshang Beidao trembled all over his body, and only felt a stream of blood rushing straight to his forehead from the bottom of his heart and roared, "Dominating each other! Domineering!"

"Then after the first young master of Jiuyou went back, he used his supreme magic power and got out the majestic peak Tianzhu Mountain, which separates the two continents!" The voice said, "More in the mountains, there is a strange and unpredictable soul ban!" Speaking of letting our Shenri people suffer here forever..."

The first young master of Jiuyou must not have said so gently at that time. What should be said is, "Let these bastards who make people feel nauseous and vomiting at a glance, enjoy it slowly here..."

"Soul prohibition? Is this the main reason why the three capable people can't take action? Chuangshang North Island finally understood something.

"Exactly, if the Shenri clan has a master who has reached the level of semi-saint or above, once the master with such strength steps on the ground of Tianzhu Mountain, he will be completely devoured by the soul seal! Therefore, since the past dynasties, although our Shenri clan has many masters, the candidates to fight in the battle for the sky can only reach the level of the emperor at best!"

The voice sighed gloomily: "It's not that we don't want to fight for our own clan, but... We really can't break through the soul seal of Jiuyou's first young master! That kind of power, no matter what kind of world it is, it is the extreme power to the peak. In the face of absolute power, we can only accept..."

Chuangshang North Island only felt that his mouth was full of bitterness and said in despair, "Can't this soul seal of Jiuyou's youngest be broken through?"

"Of course it can be sudden... As long as we have someone's cultivation, we can be better than the first young master of Jiuyou who set the seal in those years! As long as it can surpass him, it is possible to break the seal!"

The voice was full of infinite bitterness: " it possible!? It's impossible! Over the past ten thousand years, it has never been better than Jiuyou's first young master, and not even one has reached the level of saints... There is no strong man who can compete with Jiuyou's first young master at all. In the past ten thousand years, there have been three strong people who have appeared and reached the level of saints, but do you know? All three of them are disciples of the first young master of Jiuyou. Even his disciples have transcended the realm of saints and traveled for nine days. What will the strength of the first young master of Jiuyou himself reach? No one, absolutely no one can surpass the first young master of Jiuyou..."

"Beyond the first young master of Jiuyou..." Chuangshang North Island only felt that the sky was spinning. Don't say and do such a thing. It seems that even thinking about it, saying it, and moving your head will make your scalp numb.

"So, even if we can go to the opposite side, we are just being killed..." Chuangshang North Island said bitterly.

"This may not be true. As you just said, Gu Han, who used to be the strongest man of Xuanxuan, caused the regression of strength for some reason, and the rest of them are not afraid. Now the strength of Xuanxuan mainland can overwhelm you is just the strongest man."

The voice said, "We really can't go to the north of Tianzhu Mountain, but if... If you can arrange to lure that man into the territory of our Shenri clan, as long as we go far beyond the scope of Tianzhu Mountain, the three of us will naturally be sure that he will never go back!"

"Turing him over, no..." As soon as Chuangshang North Island's eyes lit up, he began to use his brain at high speed.

This is the only feasible strategy at present...

But the key question is, "how can we lure the man in?"

With that man's strength, who has the ability to lure him to a foreign territory?!

Although there is no specific action plan, the general direction has been established. Chuangshang North Island did not stop more, once again used the speed of the body and rushed back to the front line at full speed.

As soon as he went back to Chuangshang North Island, he immediately ordered that millions of foreign troops took turns to launch a general attack on this blood-soaked land!

The war broke out so suddenly! !

And "If there is another war, it will be extremely tragic!

More than the tragedy of the previous battle...............

At this moment, the whole Xuanxuan Continent has also fallen into a situation!

For a moment, the whole continent was boiling.

The amazing news from Tianzhu Mountain quickly spread all over the continent at the speed of a hurricane.

In a very short time, the whole continent seemed to be boiling the pot, and all the mysteries everywhere moved!

The news jointly released by the evil king's mansion, the heavenly punishment forest, and the three holy places of the three holy places, shocked the whole continent at the first time!

Alien invasion!

The mainland is in danger!

The evil king's mansion, the heavenly punishment forest, and the three holy places claim that they will block it with all their strength, but the situation is not optimistic, even extremely sinister...

At the first time of the news, the Oriental family, the Duanmu family and the Sikong family have immediately poured out, gathering all the forces that can fight and heading towards the location of Tianzhu Mountain!

The two masters of Sikong Dark Night and Duanmu Chaofan led their family's team to the decisive battle site at all costs.

The Oriental family is led by the old lady herself, and all the combat strength of the Oriental family is closely followed, and even the servants who have only got the level of Jin Xuan and Yin Xuan are followed!

The wind and snow silver city is full of swordsmen in white, and it is also like a snow-white hurricane, sweeping the snowy mountains with infinite coldness. "Through the vast grassland, across the mainland, and rushing to Tianzhu Mountain.

The old city of Fengxue Silver City is the main cold wind and snow. The current city owner Han Zhan Meng cooperates with his wife Xue Shuangqing, as well as Mu Xuetong and his wife, mobilizes all the manpower that can be mobilized, and uses all available methods to rush to Tianzhu Mountain as soon as possible!

And the major countries on the mainland also sniffed after receiving this message.

Tianxiang's action is the fastest. On the day the news came, Li Youran, the current prime minister of Tianxiang, tried his best to fight against the public, immediately suggested to send troops, and summoned all the mysterious people of the whole country to rush to Tiannan to help the war!

Li Youran, who has always been elegant, even talked about the foam in his mouth during this morning meeting, which was really flying. Because he really knows the seriousness of this incident!

As the person who knows Jun Moxie best, Li Youran knows that this matter has obviously reached the urgent stage!

Because the message for help this time was sent by Jun Moxie!

What is Jun Moxie's character?

But in case of victory, Jun Moxie will never send any message for help!

But now, it is clear that all the power of Jun Moxie, the Heavenly Sin Forest and the three holy places has been said to have obtained the most powerful and most elite combat power in Xuanxuan Continent, but Jun Mo Xie still sends such a message.

Near friend, there is only one conclusion. The seriousness of the matter has almost out of control!

Yang Huainong, the lord of Tianxiang, also expressed his support without any hesitation.

The owner of the Dugu family, Dugu Zongheng, personally invited the team. Murong Fengyun, the owner of the Murong family, who had resigned and retired for more than a year, also volunteered at this moment. The two veterans gathered all the mysterious warriors in the capital in one day and rushed to Tiannan with all their strength.

There is no time to wait for everyone to gather. Only the army goes first, and then if there are latecomers to catch up as soon as possible, they will leave.

When the army left the capital, there were only more than 20,000 people in total, but by the time the army went out for a thousand miles, the army had become more than 30,000, just like a snowball, rolling bigger and bigger, but the speed was not delayed at all, but faster and faster.

Before leaving, Murong Fengyun quietly came to theqing trench alone and sat in front of his daughter's tomb for a while. Before leaving, he sighed and said in a low voice, "Xiaoye, no matter the sky or the earth, I hope you take good care of my daughter."

At this moment, the old man really admitted the identity of Ye Guhan's son-in-law. Although it's too much... but it's not a father's last wish! Because Murong Fengyun went here, he didn't plan to come back alive...,...

Many Jianghu people have also joined this army one after another. With their own weapons and their own blood, they have joined this team like a long rainbow without hesitation.

The three generals of the Dugu family, plus the third generation of heroes rushed to the top seven people and poured out!

Tang Yuan, the world's god of wealth, is not ambiguous at all. Without saying a word, he donated more than 90% of his wealth, which is not enough. He immediately began to contact the nine rich businessmen in the whole mainland to pay for money and contribute. He said that all the military supplies for this expedition were insufficient, and all the ten of them Worry!

Then he allocated the huge amount of silver controlled by the Noble Hall, collected wound medicine, elixirs and a large number of grain and fodder materials from the whole continent, received a batch and sent away, and continuously supplied them to Tianzhu Mountain...

In the world, except for a very small number of families, almost without exception, the organization of the family's combat strength is gathering in the direction of Tiannan. At the same time, countless human, financial and material resources are also gathered in Tang Yuan's hands at an unprecedented speed and quantity.