Arrogant World

Chapter 12 If you want to fight, then fight

Chapter 12 If you want to fight, then fight

The grassland between the White Emperor tribe and the Fenggu Village seems to be unchanged, just like the scene when he came. With his memory of his arrival, he immediately ran wildly after coming out of the White Emperor tribe. Is his mother dead or not? Since his grandfather concluded that his mother was not dead, Fenfan's heart has been full of doubts, not to say that Fenfan does not trust his grandfather, but that Fenfan feels that it is always better to see everything with his own eyes.

Although the grassland is not very vast, it is still much smaller for a person to stand in it. Generally, people will carry compass and other things with them when they want to cross the grassland. Fenfan doesn't know this, so when they go back, they can only go forward with their own memory.

"I feel very correct and familiar in any direction," this is how Fenfan feels about the grassland at this time. In desperation, Fenfan can only run forward, hoping to get out of the grassland as soon as possible, at least in that case, everything will be easy.

The sunset is thickly covered with the fast-flying Fenfan, and a lonely person runs on a large grassland, as if there is only one left between heaven and earth, which looks so lonely. Years of exercise make Fenfan's eyes can see very far even at night, which does not affect Fan's way.

A pair of orange red light flashed in the distance, and the surprise in Burning Fan's eyes flashed. It was safer to meet a hotel in the vast grassland than to camp outside, so the moment he saw the bright light, Burning Fan thought it was a hotel. Fenfan's feet kept kicking on the ground, and Fenfan's body flashed towards the bright light against the ground under the force of his feet. From a distance, Fan's body was like a black arrow at the same time, quickly passing through the dark grassland.

"Oh•••" At this time, there were a few wolf howls in the distance. The sound went straight through the sky of the night, and it looked more empty under the background of the whole grassland and the sky. The footsteps of Burning Fan did not have a few wolf howling but stayed at all. Several beasts did not form anything to the current burning Fan. Threat. Of course, the premise is that you won't meet the wolves. As the saying goes, a good man can't stand many people. No matter how powerful he is, he is only a barbarian's cultivation. Even if he tries his best, he can only kill dozens of wild wolves, and he will be exhausted. Therefore, Fenfan did not stop talking to the wild wolf. On the contrary, he heard the wild wolf. While howling, Burning Fan's footsteps accelerated again, like a sharp arrow shot out of a bow. The air wrapped around Burning Fan's body, and the sound of a sound explosion kept ringing from Burning Fan's body. Burning Fan could actually produce a sound explosion just by the speed of his body. If the people in the brute force can see it, he would have dropped his chin. Just because the body alone can produce a sound burst with the surrounding air, which is the performance of the barbarians.

Listening to the effect of driving to the extreme, Burning Fan couldn't help roaring loudly. The sound of burning Fan in the night was particularly penetrating. In an instant, it spread all over the grassland under the night sky. With the sound of Burning Fan, a few howls sounded at the same time in the unknown place of the grassland, which seemed to match the meaning of Burning Fan. .

fen fan did not care too much about these sounds, because the light was very close to him, and his body flashed in front of the bright light, but it did not have the hotel thatfen fan expected. On the contrary, the situation madefen fan goose bumps and eyes The horror was overflowing, and there was no idleness under his feet. He screamed and retreated, which was even faster and more urgent than when he came.

The location of the bright light is not a hotel, but the eyes of a barbarian beast. The orange light keeps flashing in her eyes, which flashes elsewhere as her eyes blink. Unfortunately, there was not only one barbarian beast here, but a group, as if they heard the sound of Burning Fan. Many barbarians consciously opened their eyes at the same time, and thousands of orange lights stared at the retreating Fan fiercely for a moment.

The barbarian beast that had previously lured Burning Fan over shouted loudly, and many barbarian beasts behind him roared out like an order. The retreating Fan faintly saw that these barbarian beasts were the kind of weasel they killed when they crossed the grassland before.

If it were one, he would not be afraid to burn Fan. When he came, only the barbarian two heaven dared to break away from the mortal beast. What's more, now he has already reached the triple heaven and has been exercising under his grandfather for several months. He used to be able to kill it, but now he can still do it. This is Fan's inner self-confidence. Of course, this self-confidence is conditional. Although Fenfan is very confident, the premise is that Fenfan is facing a barbarian beast, not thousands of barbarian beasts like now. According to the current number, even the barbarian realm will be gnawed to death. When will you wait if you don't escape at this time? Burning Fan did not hesitate to retreat decisively when he saw the number of weasels.

But Burning Fan obviously underestimated the wisdom of this group of weasels. How could it be that **The weasels that came from Burning Fan could not think of this situation. A "squeaky" sounded from the weasel group. In just a short moment, the originally messy weasels became organized as if they had received some order. Under the command of the weasel king, the weasel group divided into three teams, one of which rushed directly towards the burning fan, while the other two pairs bypassed both sides of the burning fan, actually surrounding the burning fan.

At this time, Fenfan remembered. I remember that when his grandfather introduced the barbarian beast for himself, he once said that the barbarian beasts of each ethnic group would have a way to find the enemy. When a barbarian beast feels that it must die, in order to avenge its own race, it will leave its soul on the enemy when it dies. The mark is jokingly called the barbarian beast chase order by the majority of barbarians.

Seeing this situation, no matter how stupid he is, he knows that there must be a chase order left by the beast he killed. It can be seen from the fact that the weasel group knows exactly the route he is taking. Now that he is surrounded by the weasel group, Fenfan is also a very bachelor. So he didn't run away and quietly adjusted the breath in his body, which was really fought.

Even if you want to die, you have to pull a cushion. This is the true portrayal of Fenfan's heart at this time. Since you are going to die, let yourself go crazy and die. Maybe you still have a chance to break through. Just as Fenfan was quietly adjusting, a stream of earthy-yellow brute force flowed from the grassland through Fenfan's feet to Fenfan's body, making Dantian, who had been running around for a whole day, and the nearly exhausted Dantian, became full in the blink of an eye. It's true that as long as the earth barbarians stand on the earth, they will be invincible. Originally, they didn't believe in burning Fan, but now they have burned Fanxin.

"Well, if you want to fight, then fight!!"