Arrogant World

Chapter 41 Consolidation and Merger

Chapter 41 Consolidation and Merger

Since I recognized Feng Changge as my godfather, more than a month has passed unconsciously. It can be said that the cause and the process of the whole incident can be said to be clear. During this period, in addition to the necessary time for cultivation, the rest of the time is to listen to the godfather with his godfather to tell some secrets on the continent. .

It turned out that hundreds of years ago, they suppressed the Lu tribe and the opposite Youtian tribe. At that time, the patriarch and the sacrifice were a pair of brothers, and they had a very good relationship, but in the end, I don't know why the two brothers finally turned against each other. They each took their own supporters to create the two tribes of Youtian and the mainland. .

Every time his godfather talks about this, Fan's mind can't help thinking of the small lake he once dived. Maybe the secret is there. Fan thinks more than once that the lake is really too strange. It's just a small lake, but it is a forbidden place for both families, and it is still deep. Bottomless, I couldn't help but feel furry when I thought of my feelings at that time, as if I had been stared at by something.

Since the separation of the two clans, they have ruled with the small lake as the center. The side bought near the Rushan is under the control of the land tribe, and the rest is under the control of the Youtian tribe. It is worth mentioning that although the locations of the two tribes are close to the mountains, they are a water-deficient place, so between the two races That small lake is the life-saving lake of the two ethnic groups. Every year, the two ethnic groups always hold a large-scale competition, so that one party can take charge of the water of the small lake for a year.

However, during this period, it is not allowed to deliberately reduce the daily water of the remaining clan, but everything is not absolute, and there are often cases of detaining the lake water, but the losing party believes that its strength is not as good as others, so it does not trouble the other party, and uses this as a driving force to spur the clan to practice hard.

Due to the competitive cultivation between the two ethnic groups, many cultivation geniuses have really come out over the years. It's like the white hair of the Youtian tribe and the phoenix swallow cloud that oppresses the land tribe. Both are the best candidates for the next clan of the two clans, but Fenfan came out, and the position of the patriarch of the mainland tribe is debatable. Most of the people in the mainland tribe hold a wait-and-see attitude and do not make a statement.

In the morning, a few crisp knocks on the door sounded in the small courtyard of Feng Changge. It was Burning Fan who knocked on the door. At this time, Burning Fan seemed to have made up his mind. The firmness in his eyes flashed away, and the strength in his hand increased a little again.

With a "squeak~~", the door was opened, and it was Feng Changge, the godfather who opened the door. At this time, Feng Changge looked up at the sky, "Fan'er, look, the sun in the sky hasn't risen yet. If it's not something important to call your godfather so early, be careful that your godfather punishes you to run around the tribe to ten. Let's talk about it later." Although he complained from time to time, he was very happy to hear from his tone that Fenfan came to find himself.

Seeing that Fenfan did not answer, he did not answer, but looked at himself with a serious face. Feng Changge knew that Fenfan must have something to discuss with him, so he quickly called Fenfan into the room, closed the door, and brought out the freshly prepared food from the kitchen. As a patriarch, he was very busy at the end of the day. Of course I will get up early. Feng Changge has already made breakfast when Fenfan came to call the door.

"Come on, Fan'er, godfather still wants to come to you after cooking, but I didn't expect you to come by yourself. As we ate, we said, how about tasting the sauce pig's feet made by godfather? This is the most proud work in cooking in his life. I'm sure you will eat it. I want to eat the second meal. Feng Changge pushed the pig's trotter to the front of Fenfan and recommended himself to Fenfan with a smile.

Looking at the pig's feet in front of him, I only felt that my eyes were sore. Since I was a child, my relatives have not been around. Although Grandpa Li also cares about him very much, his living standard is limited and he can't specially make delicious food for Fenfan. It can also be said that Fenfan has always been a lonely one to a certain extent. He lived a personal life, but now suddenly appeared a person who cared about himself so much. Fenfan felt that his tears seemed to fall down. He quickly turned his head and secretly wiped away his tears so that Feng Changge would not see them. Feng Changge's concern strengthened Fan's idea of helping his godfather.

"Dad father, do you have something to say?" Hesitating, Fenfan looked at Feng Changge, who was happy, and whispered. Fenfan knew that he might be scolded by his godfather after saying it, and even the hard-won family relationship would disappear, but... I decided to say it for the sake of my godfather.

"I've seen you have something on your mind for a long time. If you have anything, just say it. A big man looks like a little girl, and you are not ashamed." Finally, when Fenfan spoke, Feng Changge patted Fenfan on the shoulder and smiled.

"Godfather, whether you believe it or not, Fan'er, the man in black in the Youtian tribe, knew him a month ago..." Before Fenfan finished speaking, he found that the godfather opposite him changed, and a huge momentum directly overwhelmed his body, and suddenly Fan became sweaty.

"But godfather can rest assured that Fan'er is not with them. From a certain perspective, Fan'er has a grudge against them." Aware of that momentum, Fenfan quickly waved his hand and said. As soon as Fenfan finished saying this sentence, the momentum pressing on himself suddenly disappeared without a trace. Burning Fan looked at the old man in front of him with a palpitation and didn't expect that there was such a powerful energy in the old man's body. Sure enough, he is worthy of being the team leader.

"Eh? Fan'er said, what kind of person is he? How did you know them? At this time, Feng Changge seemed to have completely changed a person. He asked in a low voice. Feng Changge dedicated all his youth to suppress the Lu tribe. When he was old, no one was allowed to break him. No one could do it. This is the true portrayal of the old man's heart at this time.

After Fenfan came out of his home and began to practice, he began to talk about how he met the old man Baishi and Luo Yi, how they fought until Luo Feng followed them, and told Feng Changge in detail about his arrival to suppress the land tribe.

"Although I don't know who those people in black are, they definitely belong to a huge organization in terms of their clothes, weapons and barbarians. Since they will send people to undercover for more than ten years, they must have some plans. We must make plans for Fan'er. We didn't arrest them a few days ago. The man in black thought that he must have found the organization to ask for help now. It won't be long before they come back. This time it won't be as peaceful as last time. Fenfan said all his thoughts and concerns in his heart.

"So how should this matter be solved?"

"There is an old saying: the division is weak, and the combination is strong. Our suppression of the Lu tribe and the Youtian tribe are originally a whole. We can't be broken by the man in black like an egg. There is only one way, that is to merge again." Fenfan carefully considered the words and said loudly.

"Godfather also seems to have thought about this problem, but on the side of the Youtian tribe..." Feng Changge didn't think so, but the feud between the two clans is not clear at a glance. He has tried many times, but in the end, it ended in failure, so gradually Feng Changge lost confidence and no longer mentioned this matter.

"Godfather, leave this matter to Fan'er. You just rest. Give Fan'er three days, and I will definitely persuade the Youtian tribe to agree to merge. Godfather, Fan'er went first. After saying that, Burning Fan walked out with a pig's trotter.