Arrogant World

Chapter 61 Floating Mountain

Chapter 61 Floating Mountain

After saying goodbye to Ji Zhan, Burning Fan turned around and left without any suspicion of dragging. The speed of leaving made people who saw it think that there was some barbarian beast chasing behind Burning Fan.

The floating mountain is surrounded by thick white clouds that last for a long time. From a distance, the whole mountain peak is like floating in mid-air, like a fairy family, which is very beautiful.

There is a small tribe not far from the foot of the floating mountain. Whether the woman is wearing animal skin, all the men are strong and strange, and the fierce color comes to their faces, while the women are as delicate as water. Under the cover of the animal skin, sometimes exposed snow-white skin, bright wrist frost, is even more attractive crime, blood, blood Expansion.

Wang Wu and Zhang San are a pair of iron brothers who grew up together. It can be said that they have been wearing a pair of trousers, so after growing up, the two lucky people were assigned to guard the gate of the tribe. Of course, it does not mean that the cultivation or morality of the two is very low in the tribe. On the contrary, every gatekeeper not only has the top cultivation talent in the tribe, but also has to overwhelm others. Otherwise, how can the villagers rest assured to give their own life to an irresponsible person.

"I didn't say that when we went home for dinner yesterday, Mr. Zhang's daughter actually came out of the house. I saw it at that time. It was really a long closed moon, shy flower, sinking fish and falling geese. The slender willow waist was unbearable, like a thin pink face. With a smile, it was amazing. But didn't you ask me what happened? Just because I saw Mr. Zhang's daughter, you didn't see the people around you at that time. All of them were dumbfounded. If it weren't for the anger and humming. Zhang Santen said mysteriously to Wang Wu next to him.

The characters in this ancient tribe are all strong men. Wang Wu is the same as Zhang San. Wang Wu is surrounded by a red fire rat fur around his waist, and a rosary stringed with his head hangs on his shoulders, holding a long gun in his hand, which is ferocious and shocking.

And Zhang San is different. Although his waist is the same as Wang Wu's fire rat fur, compared with Wang Wu's, Zhang San's fur has grown to his knees. His feet are a pair of grass-woven sky boots, white fur on his upper body, and a feather fan in his hand. He looks gentle and elegant, but his words are destroyed. The overall image.

"You? You have seen that little lady, and you won't be moved? Will you kindly tell me? Humph, Zhang San, we grew up together. I don't know about your little bit? Just say what you want to do." Zhang San, with a mysterious face, looked cheap in Wang Wu's eyes at this moment. He waved Zhang San aside and asked in a shout.

He was shouted back by Wang Wu. There was no trace of embarrassment on Zhang San's face, but his hands rubbed each other, "This... In fact, Xiao Wu is like this. My brother has been planning to marry Zhang as my mother-in-law since he saw Mr. Zhang's daughter that day. Do you like it?" Zhang San's face was full of longing thoughts.

But after waiting for a while, he did not find Wang Wu's response. He opened his eyes and saw that his pupils condensed in an instant, because Wang Wu was facing a stranger at this moment, and the stranger was looking at him with a smile. Zhang San was not a fool, and instantly understood that it was this person who eavesdropped on his conversation. , was discovered by Wang Wu. Zhang San, who was so angry, shouted at this man, "What are you looking at? I can't believe we talked about such a private matter. Tell me, what on earth do you want to do when you come to our floating tribe? Otherwise, don't blame our two brothers for being rude. Wang Wu did not cater to him, but pointed the long gun in his hand at the burning Fan, which was very obvious.

Looking at the two five-day gatekeepers in front of him, Fenfan only smiled gently at the corners of his mouth. How could Fenfan, who had even be seen by the strong acupuncture points, be scared away by the two small five-day shrimps in front of him? However, from the tone of the two of them, we can know that the two are still extraordinary in the tribe, which makes Fenfan very different. However, in a blink of an eye, Fan understand that a small tribe like the floating tribe can produce a barbarian master in a barbarian realm, not to mention that the two have reached the five heavens of brute force. It is the genius among geniuses for their tribe.

"Please rest assured that the boy Fenfan didn't come to your place to find fault. As for what they just said, the boy really didn't hear a word. I hope that the two eldest brothers will not care about us with the generous mind of the two brothers." Fenfan is also a person who has experienced things. How can't you see that Zhang San just wants to find a step down, so he pushes the boat down the water and gives Zhang San a step down.

"Oh? So that's it. So what's the value of the little brother coming to our floating tribe? If you need any help, you can come to me, Zhang San." Sure enough, Zhang San took advantage of the steps of Burning Fan.

"Oh, I just came here as soon as I came out of the Canglong tribe. I have run out of dry food, so I want to come here to ask for some food to eat and invite two big brothers to make it convenient." Fenfan smiled bitterly at this time. Unexpectedly, his appetite after being promoted to the peak of brute force also suddenly increased. The dry food that was originally prepared to be eaten for a month was wiped out by himself in less than half of the time, which was beyond Fan's surprise.

"What? Do you think you are from the Canglong tribe? Before Zhang San said anything, Wang Wu next to him looked excited and almost couldn't wait to jump to Fenfan's front and kiss Fen Fan fiercely. Zhang San was stunned when he saw Wang Wu's appearance, and then looked happy as if he had thought of something.

"Brother Fenfan, are you really from the Canglong tribe? That's great. It seems that God is really our floating tribe. Don't worry. Our floating tribe has wrapped the little brother's food today. You can eat whatever you want, as long as you want, as long as our tribe has it. At this time, Zhang San was also extremely heroic and waved his hand to Fenfan and said.

Looking at the two dancing Zhang San and Wang Wu in front of him, Fenfan was very puzzled: "I didn't say that I was from the Canglong tribe, but I came from the Canglong tribe."

One sentence beat the two happy people to hell, and only heard Zhang Sanyou say, "Then why are you going to the Canglong tribe?"

"I went to the Canglong tribe to see that the patriarch Ji Zhan had something to do. Now the matter has been completed, so of course I have to come out to practice. There is only the way to improve my cultivation at this time. I don't want my cultivation to be self-contained in place."

Hearing Fenfan's words, he also saw Ji Zhan, so... The two people's frozen heart once again revived. "So little brother, your cultivation is now..." Careful, afraid that what he said from Fenfan's mouth would disappoint their hearts again.

"The peak of the nine heavens of the brute force realm, one step away from entering the acupuncture point" gently spit out from the burning Fan's mouth.

Wang Wu and Zhang San looked at each other and didn't look at the door. He pulled Fenfan and ran to the tribe. "Brother Fenfan, we both keep our word. You can eat quickly. After eating, as long as you help our tribe, we two brothers will be very grateful."