Arrogant World

Chapter 69 Statue? Father? ( Please click

Chapter 69 Statue? Father?

The two did not pay much attention to the body of the weak water beast. Such a big object will not be stolen. After returning to the hut, Burning Fan said hello to Zhang San and fell asleep on **. After snoring for a moment, Zhang San was stunned first, and then looked at Fenfan gratefully and took the room. The fire in the center burned a little, and the crackling sound was intertwined with the heavy rain outside into a harmonious note.

Looking at the bodies of the weak water beasts outside from the window, Zhang San took out two wooden tomb plaques from the kitchen and pasted them on the window, as if to let them see that the beast that killed them is now dead. Cuier, tomorrow, you see, someone has revenged the two of you. Zhang San, I don't have such ability. It all depends on the credit of the little brother lying in ** now. When the rain stops, I will cut off the claws of that bastard barbarians and go to your grave to worship you. After saying that, the room fell into a dead silence, leaving only the crackling sound of the burning firewood and the snoring of **.

This rain lasted for three days, and Fenfan slept all day, but every morning Fenfan always went out of the house to exercise despite Zhang San's obstruction. Fan said that it was a habit, otherwise he would feel itchy and uncomfortable all over.

Time flies, and three days are not long or short. In this timeless environment, Burning Fan finally survived the rain. The air after the rain is particularly fresh, and every bit of air is mixed with the fishy smell of soil and the smell of grass, which makes people feel inflated as soon as they smell it. Comfortable.

"Zhang San..... Zhang San..." At this time, there were messy footsteps outside the house, and at the same time, an old voice kept shouting Zhang San's name, and his tone seemed very anxious.

Zhang San and Fenfan, who were talking in the room, couldn't help but be stunned, but after hearing the sound, Zhang San quickly stood up, pushed the door and walked out. "Py patriarch? Why are you here?" After Fenfan followed, he knew what the patriarch looked like. Although Fenfan had been to the floating tribe twice, he had never seen the tribe, let alone the village head.

The first time I was stopped by Zhang San and Wang Wu before entering the village. Please go to the floating mountains to observe the whereabouts of the four of them. After coming back, I encountered heavy rain. I couldn't see anything in the dark and could only stamp the house. So in general, although Fenfan came twice, but I don't know anything about the floating tribe.

"Who is this?" The patriarch has a fairy-fashioned bones, with white hair coiled up, with a wooden inlay inserted on it, and a peach blossom stick in his hand. His face is rosy and looks very healthy. Although he walks trembling, he can feel the power contained in his trembling hands from the bottom of his heart. Even if he doesn't have all his strength. The probability is better than him. At this time, the village head seemed to have not heard Zhang San's question and pointed to the burning Fan behind Zhang San.

Seeing that the patriarch ignored himself, Zhang San touched his head awkwardly, but then pulled Fenfan in front of him, pointed to the huge thing by the river next to him, and proudly said to the village head, "Patrior, look at that damn weak water beast, the weak water beast that I don't know how many of our compatriots have harmed now After dying, you can't die any more. All this is due to the little brother in front of you. By the way, this little brother is called Fenfan. Fenfan is the patriarch of our floating tribe, whose name is Muye Cangqiong. Just follow me and call me the patriarch. Finally, Zhang San introduced it to the two.

When Zhang San introduced the burning fan to kill the weak water beast, a trace of shrewd in the old eyes of the shepherd's sky flashed, but it disappeared, and no one saw it when he had been observing him with the afterglow.

"The shepherd's patriarch, the boy Burning Fan, passed through your land and came in without being notified. It's really disturbing to live for several days. Please ask the shepherd's patriarch to atone for the sins." Fenfan knows that on the barbarian continent, a stranger has to go through layers of assessment to enter a tribe, such as Fan That's a big taboo, so burning Fan's garbage is like an apology from the shepherd patriarch.

Hearing Fenfan's words, Zhang San remembered such a thing. He couldn't help but look ordinary and hurriedly said to Muye Cangqiong, "Psong, I invited this little brother Fenfan. Zhang San, I promise that he must have no problem. Otherwise, take my Zhang San's head.

Hearing Zhang San's words, Fenfan was very moved and could press his name on a strange boy himself, which showed that Zhang San was sincere to himself. He nodded to Zhang San and said, "Brother, don't worry, the boy Fenfan will never do anything wrong to the floating tribe."

"Ha ha, what's wrong with you two? When did my old man say he would punish you? The visitor is a guest, and the little brother Burning Fan also solved a big problem for our tribe. It's too late for the whole tribe to be grateful. How can we punish him?" The last sentence was said to the crowd behind him.

Among them, Wu Qianbin, Wu Baili and the unconscious people were on the list, and they were still standing in front. It seemed that the status of several people was very high among the floating tribes, and such a trace of thought flashed in Fenfan's heart.

"Okay, let's all go, Zhang San. Since this little brother of Burning Fan is a guest in your room, you will accompany the little brother to visit our tribe today. Remember not to neglect them." After saying that, Muye Cangqiong turned around and left with the help of several people.

"Yes" Zhang nodded three times and said yes. When everyone left, Zhang San turned to Fenfan and said, "Let's go, little brother Fenfan. Today I'll show you the most famous architectural statues of our tribe." After saying that, Zhang San still smiled mysteriously at Fenfan.

Status? What's so beautiful about the statue? Is there anything hidden in it? Looking at Zhang San's mystery, such an idea appeared in Burning Fan's heart, but he forcibly held it down and followed Zhang San to the back of the room. As for the body of the weak water beast, it was solved by someone.

When I first walked to the end of the tribe, a towering statue appeared in the eyes of Fenfan. The person carved by the statue was not particularly handsome, but a pair of knife-like cheeks, two temples into the hair, a slender figure was dressed in black, with a sword hanging diagonally, and there was always a smile on the corners of his mouth, giving people a A warm and warm feeling.

Looking at the statue, Fenfan's heart seemed to be blocked. He always felt that he should know this person. The heartstring at the bottom of his heart was bounced when he saw the statue.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps behind him. Looking back, it was the village head who had already left. At this time, the village head was walking vigorously, and there was no previous feeling of illness.

"A decade ago, our tribe suffered a disaster. The attack of barbarian beasts suffered heavy casualties, and the whole tribe almost perished, but at the most critical moment, this man appeared. He fell from the sky, a sword, tightly a sword, and all the barbarian beasts were killed and rescued our department. Luo, you should know that there are too many barbarian beasts who are more than immortals.

"So what's this man's name?" Fenfan asked quickly.

The patriarch of "Burning" returned powerfully, and I will never forget this name for the rest of my life.

"Father?" Looking at the statue in front of him, Burning Sanskrit said to himself.