Arrogant World

Chapter 74 If you don't go crazy

Chapter 74 If you don't go crazy, you won't live

As the yellow light became more and more prosperous, the figure of Burning Fan gradually disappeared in place, leaving only the mess and blood on the ground to prove that the battle existed.

At this time, Fenfan slowly repaired the pain in his body with the help of yellow soil elements, and the broken meridians began to slowly recover at this moment.

Time flies, as if for a moment, and as if it were a year. Fenfan's eyes slowly opened. First, he found that his place was a cave, and he was lying in a stone bed-like position. The blood stains on the corners of the mouth have not dried up, and it is particularly conspicuous to hang at the corners of the mouth.

"Where is this? I remember that I was shaken out by the swallowed griffin and fell behind the tree. Why am I lying in the cave now? Which senior saved me? No, I am the only one in this place, and there is no other person. The spirit of Burning Fan swept around and did not find anything angry, and his mind instantly denied his speculation.

I sat up with difficulty. There was a small artificially reclaimed lake around the stone bed I was lying on, but above my head was a big hole that was enough to hold my whole body. A ray of sunlight shone down from it and reflected on my face.

With this ray of sunlight in the dark cave, Fenfan clearly saw that there were several large characters inlaid stone walls not far from him, three feet deep into the wall.

"If you are not crazy, you will not survive." Six huge words were engraved on the stone wall, domineering and awe-inspiring, shocking the heart of Burning Fan. The originally lifeless stone cave, but these six words made it glorious and more popular.

Fangfan silently read these six big words in his mouth, and the shock in his heart appeared on his face. Fenfan knew in his heart that if he engraved words on the stone wall with his hand, he would not even be an inch, not to mention that these six words were deeply carved into three feet now, and the domineering spirit continued to emanate from them, shocking people's hearts.

"What?" Fenfan said softly, but he saw several lines of children next to the six big characters, dense and did not know the number of words.

At first, he was stunned, but then an expression of ecstasy appeared on Fenfan's face. Even Fenfan was a fool and knew that this was a barbaric skill retained by which predecessor, but judging from its scale, he knew that the level of this barbaric skill must not be low. No wonder the burning of Brahma is happy.

"I don't care, let's take a look first. The so-called failure of the horse is not a blessing. Although I suffered a fatal blow under the hands of the swallowing griffin, I was also blessed by misfortune and found this cave, which gave me this barbaric skill. Humph, the swallowing griffin? When I learn it, I will let you know that it's just looking for death to provoke me to burn Fan. Fenfan looked at the barbaric skills on the stone wall, his eyes were full of light, and he shouted coldly.

With a force of Fenfan's feet, his body bounced up in an instant, rushing towards the direction of the stone wall like a roc. When he arrived at the center of the small lake, Fenfan's body fell, but he had long expected that Fenfan was not in a hurry. The other foot pedaled on the lake, and then the remaining foot stepped on the front foot. Originally The falling body bounced up again, and the original distance was still a few feet in this instant, standing firmly under the stone wall.

When I came to the bottom of the stone wall, I found out how huge and domineering these six words were. Each word was as big as burning Brahma, and the domineering constantly overflowed, like an ancient existence shocked the hearts of people.

"Wow~~" slowly exhaled a breath of turbidity, calmed down the inner fluctuations, and carefully studied the barbaric skills next to the big characters.

"18 fists of mad demons, not crazy demons, not alive, five gods of heaven and earth scattered outside, a Buddha's heart resides in the heart. Bodhi is originally an image, and the mirror is not an easy platform. There is nothing in heaven and earth. How can it bother my God? One flower, one world, one leaf..." Constantly read the words on the wall.

As the sound of Burning Fan gradually became stronger, the words on the wall seemed to be alive, turning into earthworms, turning into tadpoles floating down from the wall and rushing into Burning Fan's mind.

But Fenfan has no awareness. At this time, Fenfan has fallen into the field of epiphany. The essence of the crazy 18 fists is to be understood, absorbed and integrated by Fenfan at a surprising speed at this moment.

My own body keeps dancing. With each move, there is an inexplicable charm in it, like a road, natural, without a trace of suffocation, as if the founder of this set of barbaric skills is burning himself.

There are no years in the hole, and you can suck a nail. I don't know how long it took, Fenfan slowly opened his eyes, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes, and a sigh came out. This sigh was like experiencing hundreds of centuries of reincarnation, dust and emotionless.

After a long time, the confused color in Fenfan's eyes gradually disappeared, but it was replaced by a firm color. He looked up and smiled, and the chest tightness in his chest suddenly dissipated.

The cultivation that had been motionless for many days has slowly increased a little. Although there is no breakthrough, it also makes Fenfan's own realm more abnormal.

Originally, the cultivation of Burning Fan was to improve too fast. He jumped directly into the peak in two steps from the double sky of brute force, and the foundation was already a little unstable. If you are in a hurry to break through at this time, it will inevitably leave a very bad impact on the future advancement, and even affect the future of Burning Fan in his life.

"18 fists of madness, no madness, no survival, well said, but from now on, I will be famous in the hands of burning Fan and the whole continent, and change it to not being crazy and not becoming a Buddha. Only when I am extremely immersed in it, I will enter the realm of the Buddha in ancient times and stand on the continent. Silently reciting the name of the 18 fists of the crazy demon, Fenfan thought firmly in his heart, as if he saw the great power of the ancient Buddha in his previous life.

"No, time seems to have passed for a long time. I don't know what's going on outside, what's going on with my father's statue and the floating mountains. I can't wait any longer. Isn't it just a shocking beast? I won't be afraid of it until I have aman ji. Burning Fan roared and jumped, and his body shuttled out of the top of the cave like a gentle flutter. Run towards the floating mountains.

I was disappointed in love today, comrades, my heart hurts so much. I love him. I love him. Why did she leave me? Did I do something wrong? My heart is bleeding. I want him to come back. I will wait for her. Even if she has been married to someone else for ten years, even if she is married, as long as he comes back, I will want her. Hey, if life is just like the first sight, what's the autumn wind sad painting fan?

What is the love in the world? There are two flying guests from all over the world, and the old wings have been cold and hot for several times. Joy and farewell, there are even more idiots and daughters. You should have something to say. Thousands of miles of clouds, thousands of mountains and twilight snow, who does the shadow only go to? Hengfen Road, lonely flute drums in those years, and the barren smoke is still flat. What's the matter with the soul? The mountain ghosts are secretly snoring in the wind and rain. Heaven and earth are jealous and do not believe it. The warbler swallows are all loess and eternal. In order to stay with the coquettish people, he sang and drank wildly and visited Yanqiu.