Arrogant World

Chapter 178 All the strong

Chapter 178 All Strengths

Shortly after Fenfan hid on the tree, the whole forest began to become restless. Countless strong beasts and hermit barbarians all went out and rushed towards the place of Fenfan. For a moment, countless barbarians rose in the forest, forming a colorful huge in the sky. Hua Gai constantly exudes strong pressure outside, which deteres some young people.

When the scars, who had just left the forest, were discussing the remaining leaders in the Tianbao mercenary regiment next to the forest, suddenly felt the strong atmosphere of the wildness and the fierce atmosphere of the forest. For a moment, the four people who escaped from the forest looked difficult. He looked at each other, and the fierce color in his eyes was about to overflow.

"Damn, what's going on? Why do so many masters appear in the forest at this time and go for that thing? It was the young man with a treasure knife. Although this young man is not only old, but he is already a seven-fold cultivation. He is a sharp weapon of the Tianbao Mercenary Regiment, but at this moment, he looks at the forest with hatred, and his tone reveals a strong remorse.

This young man's name is Nanyuan Yidao, and he is the son of the Nanyuan family. After this time he came out to experience, he happened to meet the scar of the regimental commander of the Tianbao Mercenary Regiment. He joined the Tianbao Mercenary Regiment with pity. Soon, he became a high-level high-level of the Tianbao Mercenary Regiment with his own combat strength, but at this moment his face was transparent. There was an unbelievable look.

Nanyuan Yidao knew that although he had reached the seven heavens of change at the age of 27 or 18 years old, Nanyuan Yidao, who grew up in the Nanyuan family, knew that there were many barbarians in this continent who were younger than him but higher than himself, so he had always been modest and cautious. Afraid of getting into a strong enemy.

Those old antiques with high cultivation are not so easy to mess with. Their cultivation is higher than themselves, but if they meet a genius barbarian, if they can't win over the person who becomes their own side, they will kill the genius and completely kill the genius in the cradle, so as not to become their opponents in the future.

There is nothing wrong with the law of the jungle. The law of the jungle has been unchanged since ancient times. Everyone knows it, but no one wants to encounter this kind of thing.

"What do you think we should do, commander?" Nanyuan said to the scar with a ugly face. It was only by fighting half of the strength of a Tianbao mercenary regiment that the dragon was injured. At this time, so many strong men took action, and a Tianbao mercenary regiment may be destroyed by it.

"My brothers, damn it, can't you just give up like this? What's a good way for you to say it and have a good discussion. Do most of our dead brothers want to be their wedding clothes for these bastards? He slapped hard on the chair next to him, and the chair cracked, which scared everyone to shiver.

The council chamber suddenly became silent. No one wants to stand up in this kind of thing. Fortunately, if it succeeds, all the responsibility will be blamed on himself, and no one can stop this responsibility.

"TMD, what's wrong? Aren't you usually very active? Why? Are you all dumb today? Tianling, you said, "At this time, the scar has obviously reached the edge of anger, and you stretched out your finger to the scholar.

This scholar is a figure like a military division in the Tianbao Mercenary Corps. His intelligence is extraordinary. It is said that the soul of this barbarian beast of Tianling is not a simple beast, but a scripture, so Tianling's mind becomes so flexible. When others are like one thing, Tianling can be the same. I think about thousands of things.

Hearing his name being called by the regimental commander, Tianling shouted secretly in the bottom of his heart, but his face did not change his expression, which made the people around him scream loudly in the bottom of his heart. They all secretly raised their thumbs to Tianling, which made Tianling very itchy, but he had no choice but to get up and arch his hand to the regiment leader. .

"Take it in chaos, fish in troubled waters" Tianling's scholar only said eight words, but it coincided with the situation at this time, which made everyone cheer in unison. Even the already angry scar's face became much more relaxed at this moment. He waved his hand to interrupt the discussion in the hall and motioned Tianling to continue speaking.

"I think this time to find the strong man of the dragon, whether it is a barbarian or a barbarian, although he is unwilling, it is still not what our small Tianbao mercenary regiment can compete with. Although the commander is also a master of Chongyuanjing, it is still much lower than those, so this time we only It can be intelligently, and it can't be touched hard, otherwise it will really be completely destroyed.

"I think those strong men are going for the remains of the dragon or the inner elixir, but there is only one dragon, and these strong people have a large group. At that time, they are bound to fight because of the uneven distribution. Their combat power is almost the same, so they will definitely fight to the death. At that time, they are our Tianbao mercenaries. It's time for the group to take action. At that time, not only the dragon is ours, but also the treasures of those strong people, hahaha"

"Hiss~~~" As soon as Tianling's words were finished, there was a cold sound in the whole council chamber. Originally, everyone only thought about how to get the dragon, but they didn't expect that Tianling's students had an idea on those strong people, but after thinking about it, Tianling's words were also good, and waited for the end. At that time, everyone must be exhausted, and less than a few of their strength can be exerted. At that time, as soon as the Tianbao mercenary regiment rushes up, the treasures that the strong have accumulated for hundreds of years will belong to Tianbao. At that time, Tianbao will recruit troops and soon reach the level of the first-class mercenary regiment in the mainland.

For a while, everyone was immersed in the wonderful fantasy of the future and didn't think about anything else.

Looking at the expressions of the crowd, Tianling Shusheng sighed in the bottom of his heart. It was very easy to say, but it was much more difficult to do. Not to mention whether he and others could beat those injured strong people, or how could they not have the stunt of pressing the bottom of the box with one or two hands for so many years. In addition, he waited As soon as people appear in the forest, won't those strong people kill themselves and others first to avoid future trouble? Those people must be able to think of what they can think of, but if they say what they think now, they will not believe it, and they will not listen to it. So Tianling just sighed in the bottom of his heart. Nothing else was said.

"Okay, let's do this. Let's start the Tianbao Mercenary Regiment to fight for this action to help the dead brothers revenge, and then try their best to grab those treasures." First of all, the scar that broke free from the fantasy waved his hand and ordered to the Tianbao Mercenary Regiment.

"Yes." At this moment, everyone was also excited by Tianling and shouted yes.


Not to mention how the Tianbao Mercenary Regiment prepared for the war. In the place where Fenfan hid, countless strong men have come to this place first. Like Fenfan, they are full of corpses and broken limbs all over the ground, but these strong people who have experienced so many did not feel uncomfortable and carefully observed the surroundings.

The first man came over is an old man with a white beard, which exudes a ethereal breath. Fenfan can't see whether the old man with white beard is a beast or a barbarian master.

The moment the old man with white beard came, "brushing" kept falling from the sky.

"Old Bai, I didn't expect you to come first. It seems that your cultivation has improved a lot over the years, right?" The speaker was a thick-haired man holding a Sirius tooth stick, exuding a strong chill, which was daunting.

"Hmm, nigger, don't say anything. If you want to say that my cultivation has not changed, when you nigger will turn around and curse." The old man called the white man snorted coldly at the nigger and did not answer.

More and more strong people came here, and the place that was originally very spacious suddenly became very narrow. The pressure that was unique to the strong suddenly made the pain of burning the internal organs, and the five locks in the body were running crazily to eliminate the pressure from the outside world.

"It's so powerful. This extreme pressure has only been felt by the old man. It seems that the lowest cultivation of the people who come here is also Chongyuanjing. The good play is about to begin. I hope you will fight more and more fiercely, quack." Fenfan looked at the people below and couldn't help thinking about it.