Arrogant World

Chapter 188 Likely Acquaintance

Chapter188 Likely Acquaintances (Ask for Tickets)

The silence of the night gave the earth absolute tranquility. Shortly after Zhao Tianchang's brothers left, Fenfan sat cross-legged on the ground. On the one hand, he drew brute force from the vast earth, and on the other hand, he seized every moment to practice the 18 fists of the madman in his mind. Fenfan has always believed that only perseverance is A valuable key to success.

One night soon passed in the meditation, and the dawn came in a flash. At this moment, the foot of the mountain of inheritance was noisy. The bustling barbarians were as dense as the market in the mortal world, and the sound of quarrels was not even rare.

fenfan patted the dust that did not exist on his body, turned around the foot of a mountain, and saw two large circles formed on the other side of the mountain. Among them, Zhao Tianchang was talking to some young people, and his smile was full of the tender face from time to time, although many people did not mutter in their hearts. Whether the smiles on their faces are like the feelings of prostitutes, but no one can say it on their faces.

As for the other circle, there are relatively many people, about twice as many as Zhao Tianchang's. Their clothes are relatively simple, and they rarely think of the pearls of the other circle, but they are all restrained, especially the four of them.

The first group of people are obviously the children of those big tribes in Zhao Tianchang's mouth. They speak and behave very decently, and there is always an unknown smile on their faces. Even if others say something that makes them angry, they just look deeply and remember them silently in their hearts, but they do not show them on their faces. They are all from big tribes. The elites who came out have received higher education since childhood and disdain to have intersection with people like ants.

And the other group is much more relaxed, talking and laughing, and even many people swearing, but surprisingly, the scolded people have sincere smiles on their faces. They are the barbarians on the mainland who are not attached to those big tribes or sects, led by a tall and magnificent appearance. His eyes always exude a bright light, which makes people look as if they see the cruel eyes of the wolf in the night. Next to him stood a middle-aged man in his forties and an old scholar. They did not say anything, but smiled and looked at the middle-aged man who followed him. The talking teenager.

The most embarrassing idea is the teenager who is talking to the boss in Sanxiu. The teenager is beautiful and fair-skinned, just like a baby, but his eyes reveal the heavy and heavy vicissitudes of the times that do not match his appearance, which can't be forgotten at a glance.

At this time, Fenfan felt a beam of eyes on himself who had just turned the corner. The light was obviously mixed with the light of hatred, and the hot eyes even made Fenfan hot.

Following the eyes, a teenager about the same age as Fenfan himself in the big tribal circle was looking at Fenfan at this time. Obviously, that look was made by him. Among the coming tribe, he ruled out the Dark Emperor tribe and had a grudge against Fan, which was the Luo Hu tribe. It seems that he is the Luo Hu tribe. Fan thought to himself, but he remembered the man's appearance in his heart and tried to kill him in the Hall of Inheritance. Even if he couldn't kill him, he would retreat.

fenfan did not go to the circle of the big tribe, but turned to the Sanxiu, which was relatively far away from him. There were many people here every moment, so there were not many people who had the idea offenfan joining. They just thought it was a Sanxiu friend they had never known. San Xiu, who joined by Fenfan, greeted him enthusiastically.

"Hi, my friend, my name is Feng Guosheng. I am a Sanxiu from the Western Regions. Looking at your friend's appearance, I think it's a friend from the mysterious East, right? Didn't I say that you people in the East are too beautiful to have the roughness of our Western Regions. Don't you eat horned camel meat? The speaker is a Westerner with a beard on his face. His voice is obviously different from that of the Oriental people. Looking at the unique high nose bridge of the Westerners and the content of his speech, he knew at a glance that he was an enthusiastic Westerner. Fenfan did not refuse such an enthusiastic Westerner to join his team, although However, this team is the only one who burns Fan himself.

fenfan looked down at his body. Although his diamond glaze formula has reached the third layer, and the toughness of the flesh and body has long been comparable to ordinary masters of Chongyuan mirrors, they have not bulged their muscles and are still streamlined, maintaining the unique flexibility and beauty of Orientals.

Burning Fan shrugged his shoulders at the Western Regions and expressed helplessness: "Although you look very much like a Western Regions, your name is indeed an authentic oriental surname."

"Yes, my mother is an oriental. It was only because she took refuge that she came to the Western Regions and met my father. She was impressed by my father's great courage, which led to me." Feng Guosheng didn't mean it and explained to Fenfan.

"Well, do you know the man's name and his origin?" The three sentences returned to the topic. Although Fenfan wanted to kill the teenager who had just murderous to him, Fenfan felt that it was necessary to know something about the teenager before.

"Oh, you said that person, you don't think he looks like a young man, but in fact, he is already nearly a master of Chongyuan. This time, on behalf of the Luohu tribe, he came to compete for the inheritance in the inheritance hall. Every time Luohu will send a master of Chongyuan Jing Come here, it's all a heavy sky without exception. I don't know why.

Listening to Feng Guosheng's explanation, Fenfan frowned secretly and Chongyuanjing. Although Fenfan was not afraid, it was not easy to kill him. In case of a blow, it would be the crazy revenge of Chong Yuanjing and the pursuit of the Luo Hu tribe.

At this time, Fenfan only felt a gust of fragrance rushing to his side, and a pair of jade arms firmly wrapped around his neck, and the faint fragrance suddenly penetrated into Fenfan's nose.

Looking down, a girl, to be precise, was a very beautiful girl. The girl was dressed in green clothes, and her black hair was casually scattered on her back shoulder. At this time, she was looking at Fenfan with two big eyes, hanging in Burning Fan's arms like a suspender bear.

Fenfan's head was stunned. In Fenfan's memory, he couldn't remember when he had seen such a beautiful woman with his almost stiff head. So far, Fenfan has contacted less than ten women, but there is no such person in front of him.

"Where on earth have you seen it? Or am I very handsome, and the beautiful woman automatically throws her arms?" Fenfan couldn't help being narcissistic at this time.

Difficult to break free from the girl's arms, Burning Fan cleared his throat, "I don't think we know each other? Am I so handsome that I can let the girl who sees me for the first time voluntarily throw herself into her arms?

"Well, your joke is not funny" came with a cold hum, but it was a teenager who knew Fenfan. It was the teenager named Feng Xiaoran. At this time, his eyes were burning Fan with fire. If his eyes could kill people, Fenfan would have been burned to death by the blazing firelight at this moment.

"The wind is smiling?" Although it is doubtful, the tone of Fenfan is very certain. This girl is from the Fengdi tribe, but the demeanor tribe itself does not know anyone except Fengxiao. Who is this girl and why does she give herself a familiar feeling? The girl is like a sister in front of herself, making her heart I can't help but feel sorry for you, which makes people can't help but have the illusion of caring.

"Brother, have you forgotten me? I'm Duoer!" When the girl saw Fenfan meditating, she was unwilling at this time and muttered to Fanjiao.