Arrogant World

Chapter 275 Chongyuan is the strongest (please click,)

Chapter 275 Chongyuan is the strongest (please click, ask for votes)

In the small village, in the front-line command of the war demons, at this moment, all the people were silent and listened carefully to Wei Yu's narrative standing in front of them, but all the people in Wei Yu's narrative did not look good.

Originally, they just wanted Wei Yu and other proud people of the tribe to experience the real fight, but they didn't expect to meet such a large-scale local demon on the first day, which was really unexpected and caught them off guard.

A total of 11 groups were sent from the headquarters of three teams such as Wei Yu Fenfan, and 11 final participants in the trial, led by one group of three.

Every commander has a fire in his heart at this moment, but past experience has told them that they had better calm down and send barbarians to rescue. At the same time, this trial was cancelled, and such a large-scale land demon appeared on the periphery of the mountains, and sending new recruits like them was undoubtedly sent. Death.

Yu civilization suddenly stood up, and at the moment when Yu civilization stood up, a violent momentum gushed out of his body and swept away, filling the whole headquarters. All the people trembled under the pressure of this huge momentum and did not dare to breathe.

The dull voice of "Yu Renyuan" suddenly sounded in the bottom of everyone's hearts, interrupting everyone's other thoughts in their hearts, but it was the end of civilization.

"To" Yu Renyuan quickly stood up and shouted loudly. Although he was the elder of the Yitian tribe, and the other party was just a scattered cultivation, the words of the destruction of the civilization in the Pishan Mountains were the imperial edict, and no one could violate it.

"Now I order you to go to the place mentioned by Wei Yu as soon as possible to support the burning Fan, and be sure to rescue the burning Fan." Yu Wenming's eyes flashed and quickly issued an order. After Yu Renyuan took the order out, Yu Wenming continued to say "White Sword Confucian"

"Bai Jianru" Bai Jianru, dressed in a white gown, stood up from the elders' team, punched Yuming and replied loudly.

Bai Jianru's elegant temperament made Yuming nodded secretly, but he still gave the order, "Here you are the fastest. I want you to enter the mountains as fast as possible to inform the remaining ten teams to protect them from the mountains as quickly as possible."

Bai Jianru nodded and didn't say anything. He turned around and walked out. As soon as he got out of the headquarters, Bai Jianru's whole body turned into a long rainbow and shot into the mountains of the mountains, which disappeared in the eyes of everyone in the blink of an eye.

Yu Wenjing looked at the map of the mountains in front of him, and the light of meditation flashed from time to time. For a moment, the headquarters fell into dullness, leaving only the crackling sound of the fire burning.

As soon as the time for a cup of tea passed, Yuming finally pulled his mind back from the map in front of him, looked around at the barbarians staring at him, waved his hand at them, and said, "What are you doing looking at me? Are you all right? What should I do?"

In an instant, the originally full headquarters became empty, leaving only the destruction of the Yu civilization and the lingering fire that was still burning.

"I hope they can all come back safely!" He raised his head and looked at the blue sky through the ceiling above his head, muttering.


At this time, Fenfan was moving carefully, but the direction was exactly the opposite of the headquarters. It gradually penetrated into the depths of the mountains. This was not that Fenfan did not want to go back. On the contrary, after defeating the six demons, Fenfan went back, hoping to return to the village.

But the result was very disappointing. Not long after walking out, a large number of local demons appeared in front of Fenfan. Fortunately, the local demons were clever and strong. Before the demon found him, he took the lead in hiding. Looking at those neat demons, Fan took a breath. It seems that these demons must be It's the regular army.

If you go back, you will definitely meet these regular demons. You will simply gritt your teeth and run to the depths of the mountains, and then the cover of the big trees makes you run far away.


Fangfan's whole body leaned against a big tree, and his legs were as heavy as lead and could not be lifted at all. The long running and high mental tension made Fenfan's body fall into fatigue in advance. As a last resort, Fenfan had to sit on the ground and meditate silently. Restore your physical strength.

Behind Burning Fan, a team of local demons are coming towards the place where Burning Fan is, and their movements are neat and uniform. If Burning Fan can be seen, they will definitely exclaim in their hearts that it will be more standard than those soldiers in the military parade of the Republic in the previous life. You can imagine how such troops will fight. Awesome.

The team is getting closer and closer to Fenfan, but at this moment, Fenfan is immersed in meditation and is not aware of the danger of approaching beside him.

A soft sound of "sneer" came from the grass not far away from Burning Fan. It was the sound of footsteps stepping on the grass. The Burning Fan's ears in meditation moved slightly, but they did not move. At this moment, they were at the most critical moment. The fatigue of many days was gradually moved by the brute force that kept swimming in the meridians and muscles. Loose, as if soaked in a hot spring, and gently massaged by a woman's soft hands.

The fatigue has disappeared in an instant for many days, but with the continuous operation of the brute force, the Dantian, which was about to dry up, slowly re-gathered brute force, and more and more, the cold sweat on Fan's forehead has become more and more, and the brute force in the body is about to break away from the control of Burning Fan and is about to rush out. The bondage of Dantian.

Forced to hold back his mind, called out all his spiritual power from the purple mansion, and even took back the spiritual power that had been diverging to the outside of the warning. It can be seen how the situation in Burning Fan's body has reached this moment.

As soon as the strong spiritual power came back, the effect immediately appeared. The brute force, which was originally like a mad horse loosening the reins, became softer and softer, and the control returned to the control of Burning Fan. Seeing that the control of the brute force in the body returned to his own hands, Burning Fan's long and relaxed The breath wiped a cold sweat that did not exist on his forehead.

Burning Fan, who was about to stand up, was stunned and thought in his mind, "The brute force that just poured into his body far exceeded the highest level as usual, and now it is not seen at all." Shocked, Fenfan quickly sat down and looked at his body again, and his huge spiritual power kept scanning the situation in his body.

The acupuncture veins slowly became bigger and thicker in Fenfan's eyes, and even the usually thinnest small blood vessels became particularly thick at this moment, making Fenfan clear at a glance.

It turns out that the brute force that exceeds the usual storage is now integrated into the meridians and constantly expand the width of the meridians. At this moment, the meridians are more than half a times thicker than usual, burning Fan Daxi.

"Why don't you take this opportunity to break through the first level?" As soon as this idea came to Fan's mind, it could no longer disappear. Fan was not a hesitant person. His spiritual power began to be mobilized and constantly shuttled through the meridians of Fan. When he passed through Dantian, the original brute force in Dantian continued to integrate into it.

Mobilizing these brute forces, the fierce face of Fenfan's face flashed, and the spiritual power of Fenfan quickly shuttled through the meridians with this brute force in front of this brute force.

Finally, a "gate" appeared within the range of the spiritual sensing of Burning Fan. This is the gate of Chongyuan. Every time Chongyuanjing is promoted, such a door must be broken, and the strength of these Chongyuan gates is getting harder and harder, increasing geometrically, so it is difficult to improve the cultivation of Chongyuanjing.

As soon as Fenfan gritted his teeth, under the control of spiritual power, the brute force behind him turned into a cone and quickly rotated. As soon as the rotating awl touched the door, Fan felt that all the sounds of his ears disappeared, his eyes flashed, and the scenery in front of him disappeared.

This situation gradually improved, and Fenfan's five senses finally recovered. At this time, Fenfan only felt extremely relaxed all over his body. His originally slightly tired body did not have any fatigue. When his mind moved, Fenfan could even feel the sound of ants digging holes 10,000 meters away, a sense of controlling heaven and earth. He appeared in Burning Fan's heart and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

Chongyuan's four heavens, reached. Since then, under the Qianyuan realm, he has been invincible.