Arrogant World

Chapter 343, Ghoulture

Chapter 3 and 43, ghre vulture

Step on the Tongshen Bridge.

The surrounding mountain wind seemed to know that someone had invaded their territory. Suddenly, the wind blew violently and turned into a wind blade of Taoism constantly blowing between the two peaks.

The golden light on Fenfan's body suddenly lit up, and the golden light first rose sharply from the inside of Fenfan's body to the outside, and then instantly shrank back to Fenfan's skin.

At this time, Fenfan's whole body became golden, like a golden cast. Fenfan waved gently. With a punch, the strange sound of whining came, and a smile flashed through the corners of Fan's mouth.

King Kong glazed to the fifth level - golden body.

If the Taoist arhat in the previous life is as hard as iron, and the sound of metal intersect will be emitted between the collision of the two hands.

Once the power of Jingang Glass is exerted, it no longer rushes to the appearance of Burning Fan's body to form armor, but quickly penetrates into Burning Fan's skin, bones and meridians, constantly moistening and strengthening the organs in Burning Fan's body.

Fenfan now only feels full of strength, as if there is endless strength in Dantian, constantly punching towards the clouds in front of him.

The fist wind is awe-wd and whistling, and the clouds in front of Burning Fan are constantly forced back under the wind of Burning Fan, revealing a large clear place in front of them.

At this time, Fenfan has already stepped into the middle section of the Tongshen Bridge, and the middle section of the Tongshen Bridge has begun to be covered with a thin layer of thin ice.

Inadvertently stretched out his foot and stepped on it gently, Fenfan's body suddenly slipped down and almost fell into the abyss. Even though Fenfan had experienced a hundred battles and was unparalleled in courage, he couldn't help leaving a cold sweat on his back at this moment.

Touching the sweat on his forehead, Fenfan patted his cheek, settled his body and mind, slowed down his pace, and began to walk forward. At this time, the other monks behind Fenfan saw Fenfan's body sink into the mist, and suddenly raised his whole mind and looked at the soul placed in front of him with his eyes. Baojian, and the ears listen carefully to the movement on the bridge.

Aunt Yun and Tu Gui were already nervous and held each other's hands, constantly swallowing the saliva and looking at the Tongshen Bridge uneasily for fear of burning the screams from the Tongshen Bridge.

At this time, the burning Fan was in unprecedented danger.

When Fenfan's whole body had just passed through the middle of the Tongshen Bridge, something suddenly hit from the peak from the peak. The speed was so fast that even Fenfan felt a burst of fear at this time.

Fortunately, the spirit of Fenfan is amazing, and it has long been cultivated into the heart god. That thing is clearly reflected in the mind of Fenfan. It is a bird, yes, it is a bird.

There is no feather from the neck to the whole body, all covered with dense scales. The two sharp claws flashed with a faint cold light, which can obviously break the mountain and open the stone, but the mouth of this strange bird is surprisingly long, more than a meter long, and there is still a trace of blood on the corners of its mouth.

In front of Fenfan's footsteps, the outer layer of thin ice on the Tongshen Bridge was left with a large pool of blood, mixed with a lot of internal organs. Fenfan was silent in his heart. Obviously, this pile of things were left by the first Jin Ying who came in.

Burning Fan waved his hand, and a hurricane gushed out of Burning Fan's hand and flew to the pool of blood. In an instant, the pool of blood stains disappeared under the hurricane.

At this time, the strange bird has appeared in front of Fenfan. As usual, Fenfan's body gently went to the side. The strange bird flew past Fenfan with a hurricane. The knife-like wings with the surrounding air left a trace of blood marks on Fan's cheeks.

Reaching out and touching the blood stains on his face, Burning Fan sighed in his heart. No wonder Jin Yu can't pass. There is such a strange bird on this bridge. Even if Fen Fan is not a spiritual superman, he will inevitably die under this move.

The strange bird returned, and the two wings suddenly patted in mid-air, and its body stagnated in the air in an instant. Then it turned sharply and rushed to Fenfan again.

fen fan leng Laughing, the golden light on his right fist instantly lit up. The strong golden light obviously made the strange birds living in the clouds all year round very uncomfortable, and the speed suddenly slowed down, and taking advantage of thisgong fu, Burning Fan's right fist has suddenly hit the forehead of the strange bird.

With the sound of a strange bird, its voice is like a cuckoo crying blood. It is so close that Fenfan only feels that the blood in his body is constantly boiling, and a disgusting feeling can no longer be suppressed. In Fenfan's heart, making Fenfan want to vomit.

Yijinjing runs crazily in the body and temporarily suppresses this feeling.


"Gogre vul! This is a ghoul vul!" Suddenly, Aunt Yun's surprised voice came from the soul stone in Fan's arms.

There was a stir in Burning Fan's heart, "Gogre vulture!" Looking at the strange bird that keeps fluttering in mid-air, "Is it a ghoul vul?"

Hearing Aunt Yun's words, Fenfan understood the name of the strange bird. While warning the ghoul vul, he slowly walked forward and talked with Aunt Yun attentively.

"Aunt Yun, do you think this kind of strange bird is a ghoul vulture?" Burning Fan asked. As soon as he heard the name, he could know that this strange bird must belong to that kind of ferocious evil bird, and Burning Fan secretly kept his attention.

Although Aunt Yun and Tu Gui were talking to Fenfan on the Tongshen Bridge, because the three used the soul stone, other people did not know. They only looked at Aunt Yun and Tu Gui staring at the Tongshen Bridge, thinking that they were worried about Fenfan and didn't pay much attention to it.

In their hearts, as long as the burning Fans die on the Tongshen Bridge, the twofen Fans will naturally not pose a threat to them.

"Yes, suzerain, I once saw this kind of strange bird in the ancient books of weak water religion. At that time, I just glanced at it casually and didn't pay much attention to it, but I didn't expect to see this legendary beast here." Aunt Yun answered truthfully.

"Beast?" Burning Fan wondered, isn't this strange bird a barbarian beast?

"Yes, suzerain, this ghoul vulture prevailed more than 100,000 years ago. At that time, it was in a barbarian period. At that time, the barbarian beasts dominated the world on the mainland and dominated the world. However, although the barbarian master was famous and powerful at that time, the barbarian beast was not the hegemon in the sky!" Aunt Yun's tone became much faster when she watched the ghoul vulture that kept flying in the air in front of Fenfan and wanted to find the fighter plane.

Before Fenfan asked again, Aunt Yun continued to say, "At that time, the overlord in the sky was the strange bird in front of you, the ghoul!"

"It's him, but I haven't seen how powerful she is. How can she dominate the sky in ancient times?" The tone of Burning Van is uncertain. Indeed, judging from the fight just now, this ghoul vul is faster and harder, and it is not as powerful as Aunt Yun said, so Burning Fan has doubts.

"This... I don't know this subordinate. According to reason, the ghoul vulture should be very powerful, even comparable to the current Danchengjing barbarian. Why is it so inferior now? I don't know why my subordinates!" Aunt Yun's tone was also very hesitant, and she seemed to be very puzzled why the ghoul vulture was so bad.

"Well, since you can't figure it out, don't think about it. I'm going to go there, and I'm worried about staying here." A smile flashed at the corners of his mouth.

"The speed of the ghoul vulture? Then I just need to be faster than them!" As soon as the voice of Burning Fan's words fell, the golden light on his body flashed suddenly, and then the speed suddenly lifted up, leaving no trace in the air. In a blink of an eye, he left the ghoul vulture behind, causing the ghoul vulture monster to scream repeatedly, and quickly followed the burning Fan, but it never caught up with the Burning Fan. Pace.

It seems that there is something blocking the range of activities of the ghoul vul on the other side of the Tongshen Bridge. As soon as he stepped out of the Tongshen Bridge in the footsteps of Burning Fan, the Ghen vulture moved its wings and flew back as if he had not seen Fenfan at all.

"Remember, the speed should be fast. As long as the ghoul vulture is faster than you, it's easy to come over." With the soul stone, Burning Fan said to the soul stone.

Aunt Yun and Tu Gui nodded to show their understanding.

"Okay, let's go there!" Aunt Yun said to Tu Gui. Tu Gui nodded, followed Aunt Yun's figure, and quickly rushed to the Tongshen Bridge.