Arrogant World

Chapter 370, Heavenly Demon

Chapter 370, Heavenly Demon

fen fan looked at his father doubtfully. Nowfen fan is becoming more and more confused by them. What is the reason that made his father let go of the scattered barbarians in vain?

"Let the Death Barbarians tell you about this matter. My father still wants to go to the room to see my future daughter-in-law! Haha" Fen Yan smiled, stretched out his hand and pointed to the house not far away, and said with a smile.

Fenfan's face suddenly turned red. Yiguang was his teacher. According to his father's words, the teacher became his wife, but there was still a trace of joy in Fenfan's heart.

"Father, Mr. Yiguang and I are innocent. Don't talk nonsense. If it spreads out, it will be a great blow to the teacher's reputation!" Burning Fan blushed, and the afterglow from the corners of his eyes glanced at the thatched hut not far away and explained in a low voice.

Looking at Fenfan, Fenyan suddenly laughed, hammered Fenfan's shoulder vigorously, and said, "Yes, yes, you are innocent, and you won't chew your tongue for your father in the future." After that, Fenyan suddenly blinked at Fenfan.

Seeing what Fenfan was going to say, Fen Yan had already turned his head and walked towards the thatched hut in the distance.

Looking at his father's distant back, Fenfan sighed, but a smile flashed in his eyes.

"Bear by the way, Death Barbarian, what on earth were you talking about to your father just now?" Afterfen yan went far away, Fenfan turned around and asked the dead barbarians who had been waiting beside him.

The death barbarian, who had been ready to answer the questions in Fan's heart, quickly bowed when he heard Fenfan's question, and then said, "Well, master, a hundred years ago, when the patriarchs of the nine ancient tribes were still young, a force suddenly appeared on the mainland." Speaking of this force, A trace of fear appeared on the face of the death barbarians, and he was just seen in his eyes by Fenfan.

"Continue!" Burning Fan patiently looked at the death barbarian. Seeing that the body of the death barbarian actually trembled, his heart trembled the same, and waved his hand and said.

After subpressing the fluctuations in his heart, the Death Manjun continued to say, "No one knows how this force appeared. Who is his leader? What is the position among them? People on these continents don't know the reason. After swallowing his saliva, "This is not the most frightening reason for the top forces on the mainland. After all, the mainland is so large and has such a population that some strange forces will suddenly emerge."

Burning Fan listened quietly, but he knew in his heart that what the death barbarians wanted to say next was the most important thing. With the tone of the death barbarians, Fenfan even immersed himself in the memories of the death barbarians.

"But when this force first appeared, it often killed people, but those forces didn't care about it. The rise of each force was to be stained with blood, and they only maintained a little vigilance against this force." At this point, a strong remorse flashed on the face of the death barbarians, and his fists were tightly. Hold it, "But I didn't expect that this negligence created a huge demon force."

The Death Barbarian said this, took a look at Burning Fan and saw the puzzled look on Burning Fan's face. The Death Barbarian nodded, "If there were 10 billion people on the mainland at that time, half of the people died at the hands of this emerging force in just one year. At that time, the mainland was really bloodshed. , the whole continent is extremely embarrassed, and dead bodies can be seen everywhere.

Seeing the disapproving expression on Fenfan's face, the barbarian continued, "Master, don't forget that although we are higher than those mortals, in the final analysis, we also rose step by step from the mortals. Master, don't think that the nine ancient tribes The disciples among them are all their own people, and most of the disciples of those large tribes are selected from the common people.

A sudden expression flashed on Fan's face. After the death barbarian said this, Fan finally understood that if the disciples of the nine ancient tribes were selected from the mortals above the mainland, then the mortals on the continent at that time were nearly slaughtered by that force, for those tribes with the most important inheritance. It was a bolt from the blue, which directly made them dizzy.

"What's next?" Fenfan asked, he didn't believe that those ancient tribes that had always been domineering would let go of this emerging force so easily.

"It's really what you think. The nine tribes were furious after hearing the news at that time and sent troops to fight against this force. Legend has it that there are hundreds of barbarians in Danchengjing alone, and there are countless barbarians in Qianyuan below. However, master, you Guess what happened to the army sent by the nine tribes? The Death Barbarian suddenly stopped explaining and asked with a mysterious face.

Burning Fan took a breath of cold air, hundreds of Danchengjing, countless Qianyuanjing! Just thinking about the composition of this army at that time, Fenfan couldn't help feeling dizzy.

"Since you have said so, won't the army sent by the nine tribes be given by this strange force?" Speaking of this, Fenfan suddenly shivered all over and couldn't say any more. He made a head-heading action on his neck with his hand.

The Death Barbarian nodded.

"After the joint army of the nine ancient tribes was killed by the mysterious force, they actually organized an army again and went straight to the nests of the nine tribes. If it hadn't been for the ancestors of the last nine tribes, it wouldn't have been that the nine ancient tribes would have all perished!"

Fenfan nodded this time. How could the nine tribes that have not perished so far be destroyed? Every tribe must have a card.

"So later, I don't think that force will admit defeat so easily, right?" Fenfan's mind turned a lot and suddenly thought that according to the consistent strong performance of the mysterious force, he would not admit defeat because of several ancestors from the nine major tribes. Moreover, the nine tribes had lost hundreds of barbarians in Danchengjing. It can be said that they were greatly damaged and could not organize the strength to resist at all.

"The master is right," the death barbarians flattered Fan without a trace and said, "But in the end, the old team leaders of those tribes rushed into the nest of the mysterious force in danger of death. They fought with the other party's boss, and finally lost both sides. In the end, no one could do anything about it, so they signed an agreement. Even if that force can't appear in the mainland within a hundred years, it can't kill the mortals on the continent, otherwise the nine tribes will destroy them even if they fight to perish."

"The old team leaders of the nine tribes can fight with the boss of that force?" Fenfan took a deep breath and said, "How powerful is that force?"

The Death Barbarian blinked, and his eyes burst into a strong yearning.

Barbarians like them pursue powerful power all their lives. Although that force is evil to them, they have an inexplicable yearning for that power from their bones.

"Bear by the way, after saying so much, don't we know that force at all?" Burning Fan suddenly asked.

"Heavenly demons, they were named Heavenly Demons after that war," the Death Barbarian said heavily. My parents died in the hands of the demon at that time." Speaking of this, the death barbarians clenched his hands tightly and the blue veins appeared.

fen fanpai de jun on the shoulder, "Don't worry, I will definitely avenge you if there is a chance"

The death barbarian was stunned and looked up at the master in front of him. His slightly immature face showed firmness at this moment, and a warm current suddenly flowed through the heart of the death barbarians.

The most important reason why the Death Barbarians want to join the Luo Hu tribe is that the Luo Hu tribe is the most powerful and most likely to avenge themselves.

"Hey" Death Manjun suddenly grinned and smiled at Fenfan. It seems that Fenfan is also good to be the master of my dead barbarians.


The bells are melodious, and the sound is constantly ringing between the whole mountains. At this time, at the highest end of the mountains, the smooth mountain top, there are ten stone chairs in turn.

Ten people were made on the stone chair, all of whom were energetic, and a thick light flashed in their slightly closed eyes from time to time.

Not far from these ten people, there were many people standing, staring at them attentively, and Fenfan still stood in it.

"Now that everyone has come, my conference is about to begin!" A man in black looked around the crowd and stood up and said.

This man in black is Luo Daoyan, the patriarch of the Luo Hu tribe who organized this conference. As the host, Luo Daoyan will naturally take the lead.

"After receiving my letter, everyone has their own thoughts. Here I dare not say anything. I can only take the liberty to ask if there is any good way for everyone. Now let's talk about it while everyone is here."

"What else can I do? A hundred years ago, our strength could not beat Tianmo and others. Now we haven't even recovered our vitality. How can we fight this battle? I think it's better to sign an agreement with them as before. "The speaker is a person in his 40s and has strong eyes.

"Hey, Brother Jin Yao is really joking. Who doesn't know that the power of the devil is huge? A hundred years ago, it was only reached when the ancestors were seriously injured. Now that the ancestors have not woken up from their deep sleep, what can we do to deter the demons? If we really follow Brother Jin's method, I will see our nine The big tribe has been destroyed for a long time. Next to Jin Yao, a young man in black clothes said gloomily.

"If my method doesn't work, Zhao Tian, what do you think we should do?" Jin Yao was furious, stood up and pointed to Zhao Tian, who had just spoken, and questioned loudly.

"Hey, anyway, I, Zhao Tian, won't agree with Jin Yao's method. As soon as I heard it, I knew it was a thankless way. As for the method? Naturally, it was a sneak attack. Before the demons really emerged, we would take the lead and catch them off guard. In this way, we may still have a chance of winning!"

"Well, I thought Zhao Tian would have a good way, but it turned out to be such a bullshit!" Hearing Zhao Tian's method, Jin Yao sneered and said disdainfully, "Are you caught off guard when they don't emerge?" Jin Yao smiled and said, "Thanks to you, you can get along with this way! Don't forget that a hundred years ago, the power of Tianmo was caused by the fact that the other Tianmo masters did not come back when they fought with the Tianmo boss at the last moment. Now they are in a group, and all the masters are together. We rush in like this is no different from looking for death!"

"All right, now we are discussing what to do, not to listen to you two quarrels! Why don't we think about what we should do if we have a quarrel? A beautiful woman in green stood up and adjusted at this time.

"Let's listen to Zhong Ling's idea for the time being today. Don't look like this pig." Jin Yao glanced at Zhao Tian and said.

The scene suddenly fell into dullness, which didn't work, and that didn't work. Thinking of the power and strength of the demons made them feel suffocated.

"Well, do you want to participate in the battle of nine people a hundred years ago?" Fenyan looked deeply at the nine patriarchs who bowed their heads and sighed, sighed and asked.

The nine patriarchs nodded at the same time. They all became famous a hundred years ago, and naturally they also participated in the battle against the demons.

fen yan smiled and said, "That's easy. Since everyone has participated in the battle against the devil, let's not think about how to deal with the devil now. Now let's talk about the weaknesses or their characteristics of the demons you know."

Hearing Fenyan's words, the nine patriarchs' eyes lit up at the same time, and they thought to themselves that since there is no way out, let's start with their weaknesses. No one on this continent has ever been able to do without weaknesses. After finding their weaknesses, everything will be easy.


On the edge of the barbarian continent, there is a deep cliff, which stretches on the surface of the continent, like a scar with a deep crack across the human face, which is particularly ferocious.

There has never been anyone within tens of thousands of feet of the cliff, because this is the nest of the devil in the cliff. The edge of this cliff is full of white bones, stacked several layers. From time to time, one or two vultures hover over the cliff, swoon down from time to time to pick up a few white bones and fly to the side wall of the cliff. Repair your old nest.

The fog in the cliff in middle age is constantly changing, and there are black hurricanes blowing out of it all year round. If Fenfan is here, it will definitely shout out in shock. These hurricanes have been seen by Fan, and it is the nine ghost demon winds that even the laws of barbarians can be broken.

Such a powerful Jiuyou demon wind has now become the natural barrier of this cliff. If they want to attack, they must break through these Jiuyou demon winds, and they will definitely lose a lot of combat effectiveness. When their group is in, the devils have been waiting there for them head-on. A painful blow, with a tired division to deal with the prepared battle of the devil, maybe there will be a danger of the destruction of the whole army.


A buzz suddenly came from under the cliff, and the clouds that permeated the cliff all year round suddenly trembled under this sound, and then slowly disappeared, revealing the environment under the cliff.

It is a dark land, like a sleeping dragon lying under this cliff.

And there is a huge altar on the back of this black dragon, and at this time, there are countless people in black around the edge of the array.

These people in black keep turning around this huge altar, and the formula in their hands will change with each step, but their mouths keep talking about this.

These buzzes came from this altar.

In addition to these people in black around the altar, not far from these people in black, there are countless people in black, and each person in black has a strong longing in his eyes.

With the continuous movement of the magic formula in the hands of the man in black, the buzzing sound in the altar was even greater. All the vulture vulture bangs far above the cliff broke out, and countless blood rain fell from the sky.

The altar suddenly lit up a faint light, just flashing away, but it made all the eyes of the people in black tighten.

The formula in the hands of the man in black always talks faster, and in the blink of an eye, the light in the altar becomes brighter.

If you look carefully at these lights from the sky, you can even see that this is a huge Taiji map, yes, it is the kind of Taiji map of the previous life.

The appearance of the Taiji diagram becomes clearer and clearer. After it appears completely, it begins to rotate, and the speed of rotation continues to accelerate.

With the increasing speed, the Taiji map became larger and larger. Finally, the whole Taiji totem rose in the air, covering the whole cliff and covering the whole cliff in it.

"Hum! ~~~~~" A louder voice resounded in the cliff, and all the people in black couldn't help kneeling down and constantly praying to the altar.

Under the prayer of the people in black, a black coffin slowly rose from the altar and slowly stood in the center of the altar.

"Papa~" sounded softly.

Although the voice was low, it made all the people in black tremble, and then the coffin slowly opened as if the whole sky had faded down.

A black five-phoenix-facing boot slowly stepped out of the coffin and fell on the altar, making a metallic sound.

"Welcome the Holy King to the mainland again" Seeing this boot appear, all the people in black shouted at the same time, with a crazy look on their faces.

The man in the coffin finally came out, wearing a brocade hat and a long sword pinned to his waist. He looked like a teenager, very handsome.

As soon as the teenager known as the Holy King appeared, he looked at the man in black kneeling in front of him and glanced at the corners of his mouth, "We will definitely dominate the mainland this time."

All the people in black shouted crazily.