Arrogant World

Chapter 374, Celestial Land

Chapter374, Celestial Realm

The violent fluctuations spread from the place where the three incinerations fight, and layers of space continue to break towards the outside at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As soon as the body moved, the next moment he had already appeared in front of the young saint, stretching out his hand and pointing, and the law of time stillness was launched in an instant.

And Luo Daoyan followed the pace of the burning fire. Almost at the same time as the time was still, Luo Daoyan's killing law gushed out. With Luo Daoyan's body as the center, black halos swept towards the young saint.

The space around the three suddenly stood still and moved slowly, as if he had stepped into the swamp. Luo Daoyan's law of killing hit the chest of the young saint without any suspense.

"Puff~~~" came from the void. The young holy king's body trembled violently in mid-air, and his face kept changing, but the long sword in his hand had already been uncontrollable and fell to the ground.

The old man in black, who was fighting with other patriarchs, cracked and disappeared into the air like a punctured balloon while the law of killing into the body of the young saint.

The sudden change made the patriarchs and Fenfan at a loss.

"Spect!" Looking at this situation, Fenfan couldn't help shouting. Previously, Fenfan felt a familiar feeling from Lin Qian, but he couldn't remember anything.

Now when I see the scene in front of me, I know a general idea that this is an advanced split of shadow separation, that is to say, these nine elders in black are actually splits of the young holy king.

"It's just that the split can make us tied! This~~" Burning Fan was stunned and looked at the young holy king who kept rolling and wailing in mid-air. Fenfan couldn't believe it. Lin Qian, who forced himself to such a point, was just a split of the young holy king.

However, immediately, Fenfan's face suddenly changed wildly. Without thinking about it, he shouted to Fenyan and Luo Daoyan, "Father, Luo Daoyan, run!"

fen yan and Luo Daoyan couldn't help but be stunned when they heard Fenfan's words. Why did they run away in such a good situation?

But in this moment, the situation suddenly changed.

Originally, after receiving Luo Daoyan's slap, the law of being killed rushed into his body. The young saint king who destroyed recklessly suddenly calmed down in the air and suddenly curled up, looking like a newborn baby.

"Dang~" All the people felt a bell ringing in their ears, and then their whole body trembled violently, as if they had been hit hard by a giant hammer.

Whether it was Luo Daoyan, who was closest to the young saint king, or Fenfan, who was far away from the young saint, flew back under this force, with a sweet throat and a mouthful of blood sprayed out.

All people looked at the young saint king in horror, as if they didn't understand why the young saint king had become so powerful now.

"Cough, Fan'er, why did you ask me to run away with Luo Daoyan just now!" As if he thought of something, he coughed violently twice and asked Fenfan.

At this time, everyone recalled that just before the young holy king made a move, Fenfan reminded everyone.

fen fan's expression was dignified, and he did not immediately answer his father's words, but his body shook, and three identicalfen fan appeared around him.

"This... Do you also know how to split up?" Seeing the figure next to Fenfan, everyone immediately thought of the split of the young holy king, and their faces couldn't help but be happy.

However, Fenfan shook his head and said, "I'm not a split skill at all, but just a incomplete splitting technique. The separated shadows have no attack power at all, but let's feel my momentum." After Fenfan said, let everyone feel the current momentum.

Huh? Although the momentum is not very obvious, it is weaker than you just now!" Fen Yan looked at Fenfan doubtfully and didn't know what Fenfan was doing, but he still said truthfully.

"What about now?" Afterfen Fan took back the three figures beside him, he asked again.

"It has risen, at least more than twice as much as before." At this point, Fen Yan's eyes suddenly opened and looked at Fenfan in horror, as if he had thought of something.

Looking at Fenyan's expression, Fenfan nodded and said, "It seems that my father also knows the powerful relationship, and the next is the most tragic time!"

"Oh, what the hell are you two selling? Tell me quickly, what's going on?" Gongyang Tianhuo looked at the two people playing dumb riddles there and couldn't help saying angrily.

"Don't worry, senior ram, come to solve everyone's puzzles!" Fenfan reluctantly smiled and said quickly, "The reason why my momentum became weak just now is that I separated three figures, which are bred by absorbing the brute force in my body. After they are separated, they will naturally affect my strength."

Everyone knows this truth. Seeing everyone nod, Fenfan continued to preach, "Although my splitting technique is not as good as splitting and can't attack, it is the same one thing, that is, the split split can absorb the brute force between heaven and earth by itself, so when I take back the three figures, my momentum becomes strong. A lot."

Burning Fan's expression was serious. He stretched out his hand and pointed to the young saint who slowly unfolded his body in mid-air and said, "His situation is the same. Do I explain how do you know what will happen to melt into his body after the nine old men in black disappeared?"

"Ss~~~" All the people couldn't help taking a cold breath, especially Luo Daoyan and Fenyan, who had personally fought with the young Holy King.

At that time, the young holy king was able to draw with them, and even forced them to use unique moves in the end, if the nine old men in black melt into the body of the young holy king again.

The strength of the young saint will at least triple. Who can be his opponent at that time?

Everyone was silent when they thought of this.

Looking at the army that was neatly arranged behind everyone, Burning Fan flew up and shouted, "Now, everyone, retreat as far as you are. The next battle may not take care of you!"

Next will be a fierce battle. After the fierce battle breaks out, everyone can't do it even if they want to keep their hands. At that time, as long as there is no breath, hundreds of soldiers will be killed. This is not the original intention of burning Fan. All the patriarchs understand this truth and preserve the strength of the tribe. The idea also acquiesced to the words of Burning Fan.

"Wang!" Although it was a retreat, the joint army of the nine tribes and the Five-egyo Sect retreated in an orderly manner under the command of Tuo Bawu, leaving only one black spot in the sky in a short time.

"Is there nothing we can do?" Luo Daoyan looked at the young holy king who had been completely relaxed in mid-air and asked with a strong unwillingness in his tone.

"If ten of us had joined hands to defeat the young saint king who had not absorbed the nine old men in black before, but now~~~~" Fen Yan's face has also become ugly, and everyone does not have a trace of calm face.

"Actually, there is no way!" Zhong Ling, the patriarch of the Mudi tribe, suddenly said, and his crisp and round voice extinguished the dark fire in everyone's hearts a lot, "I just don't know if it's okay?" Finally, Zhong Ling's face was hesitant.

"Oh, Sister Zhong Ling, what time is this? If you have an idea, just say it quickly, otherwise we will die later, and we will have no chance at that time!" Lei Ming and Ram Tianhuo said in one voice.

Zhong Ling also knew the current situation and nodded without blaming them for their recklessness. Instead, he turned to Burning Fan with his hand and said, "When I was in the Luohui tribe, I found that Burning Fan's physique seemed to be different from ours. My attention is the special idea of burning Fan's body!"

Fenfan was stunned and didn't expect that Zhong Ling's method was to be himself. But at this time, Fen Fan naturally didn't care about this. He nodded to Zhong Ling and said, "What's the attention of senior Zhong Ling? Hurry up. It's like a boy, the younger generation will never hesitate at all."

"Actually, I'm not sure. I just vaguely feel that the meridians in your body are different from those of us, and the carrying capacity seems to be larger," Zhong Lingqian pointed to her head and said distressedly.

The law of Zhongling's original name of the Mudi tribe is the law of wood, but she is good at medical treatment. No matter how long she said, everyone naturally believes it and can't help looking at Fenfan.

Burning Fan nodded and said admiringly, "It's really worthy of the predecessor Zhong Ling. It's really a wise eye. The younger generation can't hide this secret from the senior."

"In fact, the meridians in the younger generation suddenly occurred during a promotion, and the younger generation did not know why it was like this. There are only five meridians in the younger generation!" Fenfan stretched out his hand and pointed to his body. Suddenly, Fenfan's whole body seemed to become transparent, and all kinds of situations in his body were reflected in everyone's eyes.

In fact, it is very taboo to let others see the situation in their bodies on the mainland, but now everyone is at the critical moment of life and death, and Fenfan can't care about it.

There are five meridians in total, one in each limb and one in the head. The five meridians are very thick and run directly through the body of Burning Fan, connecting the burning Dantian.

At this time, everyone opened their eyes wide, and even Fenyan looked at the meridians in their son's body in surprise. Up to now, everyone has never seen such a situation, and they are all surprised.

But even so, people did not understand why Zhong Ling said that their hope of victory would be on Fenfan this time.

"Is it because of the meridians in Fan's body?" Lei Ming's face was full of doubts and asked questions in everyone's hearts. Although they believed in Zhong Ling, it did not mean that they were willing to give their lives to Zhong Ling.

Zhong Ling understood, but he still nodded and said, "It is precisely because the meridians in Fenfan's body are abnormal with us that I assert that Fenfan is the hope of victory in our continent."

"Do you think about where Fenfan is better than us?" Zhong Ling did not explain, but just asked everyone another question.


"The law of the original name is the law of destruction, one of the supreme laws"

"And the meridians in the body of Fenfan you just said are abnormal with us." Suddenly, Fenfan's superior to them was listed by everyone.

"Yes, it is because of this that I am sure that Fenfan is the hope of our victory." Zhong Ling said, "First of all, the age of Fenfan is only in his 20s, right?"

Fenfan nodded, and Zhong Ling continued: "At a young age, the meridians in the body will be more resilient than our meridians. In addition to the third point, everyone has seen that it can accommodate much more force than us."

However, in the end, the law of Burning Fan's real name is still the law of destruction, and the law of the young holy king is the law of the sword. With the power of the law of the sword, even the other few of the seven supreme laws are not comparable. The only thing that can fight hard with the law of the sword is the law of destruction. This is also the most important condition for me to defeat the young holy king!"

When everyone heard Zhong Ling's words, they nodded and said in their hearts. Indeed, if this is the case, the one who is most likely to defeat the young holy king among them is Burning Fan, but they just put their lives on a young man in his twenties, which makes them feel a little strange in their hearts.

"We don't have much time. When the young Holy King is familiar with the power in his body, it will be our end, so now ten of us will pour all the brute force in our bodies into the body of Burning Fan, so as to artificially improve the barbaric power of Burning Fan," Zhong Ling said.

When you reach Danchengjing, it is the process of understanding the law of your own real name. In addition to the law of Danchengjing, the competition between Danchengjing is also the brute force in their respective bodies. After all, the use of law power requires the consumption of brute force. No matter how powerful your law is, but if the brute force is gone, you can't use it.

"Will this pose a threat to the safety of Fan'er's life?" Finally, he asked.

"Of course there will be, but it depends on Fan's own survival consciousness." Zhong Ling did not hide anything and said that there was no danger against his will.

"Father, don't worry, I'll be fine with your son. You can rest assured to watch how I beat that young saint into a pig's head!" Fenfan was not worried at all and comforted Fenyan.

"Well, in this case, we have to hurry up!" Luo Daoyan glanced at the young holy king in mid-air and said anxiously.

At this time, the young saint king has slowly moved, but his whole body is immersed in stiffness. Between actions, it is very stiff. Everyone knows that it is their end when the young saint king's body is active.

"Good" burning is not a prolific person, nodding and agreeing.

According to Zhong Ling's idea, Fenfan sat in front of everyone, while the remaining ten people sat behind Fenfan in turn, inputting as much brute force as possible into Fenfan's body.

Everyone knows that this is a gamble, gambling with their lives. If they lose, they will die.

But there is no way. They have to participate in this gamble, and there is no room for manoeuvre.

Sitting in the front, Fenfan calmed down as much as possible. Suddenly, Fenfan felt a palm against his back.


Burning Fan only felt a huge tremor all over his body, and then a huge brute force poured into his body. In the meridians, the magnificent brute force couldn't help but feel a trace of swelling and pain even if the meridians of Burning Fan were wide.

fen fan gritted his teeth and tried to endure the heartbreaking pain from his body. The sweat on his head was steamed by the steam coming out of his body as soon as it appeared.

The thick meridians of children's arms are slowly getting thicker and thicker under the support and rise of this brute force that keeps pouring in from the palm of his back of his hand.

Burning Fan only felt that his consciousness was getting more and more blurred. The world around him became fragmented in Burning Fan's eyes.


Once again, a loud sound sounded from Burning Fan's mind. Burning Fan only felt a faintness in his consciousness, as if he had been thrown into the whirlpool, and then fainted.

At this time, there has been earth-shaking changes in Burning Fan's body. Under the continuous influx of that huge brute force, the meridians of Burning Fan are getting thicker and thicker. The originally obvious meridians suddenly become more and more blurred, and the veins are constantly broken, but at this time, a green brute force will be repaired. Come on.

It is so circular and continuous.


A sound of water broke out in Burning Fan's body, and the original meridians in Burning Fan's body disappeared at this moment and completely disappeared in Burning Fan's body.

Burning Fan's body was empty at this time, and all the brute force that originally flowed in the meridians was transferred to the body. Behind Burning Fan, it kept instilling brute force into the people in Burning Fan's body. Originally, I was afraid that Fenfan could not stand such a fierce indoctrination. The speed was a little slower, but at this moment.

Everyone felt that the brute force in their body could no longer stand the control and rushed to Burning Fan's body.

At this moment, everyone feels that the brute force of themselves and others is like a river, and Fan's body is like an endless sea.

Haina Baichuan is full of tolerance!!

At this moment, this is the feeling in everyone's hearts, and the brute force in the body continues to pour into the burning body.

After half a moment, the ten people behind Burning Fan fell to the ground.

Burning Fan's consciousness slowly returned to himself.

"This feeling is wonderful!" Feeling the feeling in his body, Fenfan muttered in his heart, and an unspeakable feeling appeared in Fan's heart.

Unconsciously, Fenfan gently stretched out his palm forward and held such an ordinary hand.


With a crackling sound, a large area of space cracked in front of Fenfan, revealing a big dark hole. Fenfan was shocked. Fenfan did not use any strength at all this time, and unexpectedly hit the previous level of full action.

"Is this the celestial realm?" Burning Fan thought in his heart.

As soon as Fenfan waved his hand, Fen Yan and other ten people only felt a surge of softness and a burst of dizziness. The next moment, they found that they were more than ten miles away from the position just now.