Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 6 jin jin

As a coach, Lei Huo still has to deal with this matter impartially.

He said sternly, "I hope such a thing will not happen again in our martial arts school in the future. If there is another such fight, no one wants me to show mercy. This person must be expelled from the martial arts school.

Lei Huo turned his head again and took a stern look at Cang Yi and said, "This is the first time. I'm not going to expel you. However, corporal punishment is still impossible to avoid. I will punish you for a day and two nights. Implement it from now on."

The punishment of Changxiao Martial Arts Museum has always been relatively strict. A day and two nights sounds like a short time, but students are not allowed to eat and drink during confinement. And after coming out, you can't rest and eat, and directly join the day's training. Therefore, everyone is afraid of such corporal punishment.

However, Cang Yi is quite satisfied now. After all, confinement is better than being beaten by two and three heads. In that case, maybe you will really be disabled. During the period of confinement, he can completely find something to eat, continue to train himself, and reach level 5 as much as possible, because the revenge of the second and third heads will definitely come.

Cang Yi bowed respectfully to the thunder and fire and said thank you.

At this time, the second and third heads can only retreat unwillingly.

Lei Huo turned his head and looked at the big head again and sighed helplessly, "First, a few people will lift their big heads away, and then hold him accountable after he recovers from his injury."

Changxiaomen, where Cangyi is located, is said to be one of the four founders of the light energy refining method. In addition, there are magnetic energy refining method, gas energy refining method and wind energy refining method. On this continent, the ranks of warriors are divided into entry-level apprentices, senior apprentices, warriors, warriors, knights, heroes, giants, kings of martial arts, and martial saints. If you want to reach the realm of a giant hero, you can no longer study in the martial arts school. You need to visit the deep mountains and be moved sincerely before you can meet the guidance of famous teachers. Of course, these body refining methods can only reach the first level of the realm of King Wu. If it is higher, it needs a more mysterious and mysterious refining method. This kind of outdoor master can be met by the opportunity of warriors. Most of them are in the deep mountains, mysterious and difficult to find. It is even more difficult to reach the realm of martial arts saints. Basically, it is only possible to achieve thousands of levels of martial arts. Even the masters who live in seclusion can reach the realm of martial arts, less than 1%.

The light energy refining method is the most popular refining method, and almost 80% of the mainland use this refining method.

The other three refining methods are more powerful than the light energy refining method, but the environment required is also special, and the price is greater. Therefore, these people are mostly in sparsely populated and secluded places. These three body refining methods have little impact on ordinary people, but for darts, because they will go anywhere, it is a very troublesome thing to meet people who practice these skills.

The refining method of magnetic energy is rarely seen. Most of them are gathered in the polar regions because there is strong magnetic energy there. In addition, there will be some mountains with strong magnetic fields, but it is difficult for refiners in these places to see any masters.

Gas energy refining is mostly in some deep mountains with aura. The level of practitioners varies greatly with the texture of the surrounding aura field.

Wind energy refining is a very difficult practice process, and practitioners must have a strong ability to withstand it. However, the effect of this practice method is indeed very powerful. Most of these people are in sandy deserts, or caves and mountain passes with strong winds.

As for Xuanneng, people have only heard of such an energy, but what it is has always been a mystery. Few people have seen people who have reached this level. Even if they can see it, they will not easily say this energy.

There is no time limit for ordinary attacks, but after using various moves, it takes a certain amount of recovery time after exhausting the fighting spirit. Normally, ten minutes of attack will exhaust the fighting spirit, and another 30 minutes will take another 30 minutes to use the fighting spirit again. There are special skills and props that can be added.

The martial arts hall is also divided into three levels: high, medium and low. If you reach a certain level, you need to go to a higher martial arts hall. With the improvement of the level of the martial arts hall, the relative required tuition fee will also increase by an amazing multiple. For most people, the reason why they can't improve their martial arts is because they can't afford to pay high tuition fees.

For a town like Fengqi Town, no martial arts school has the conditions for practicing martial arts like an intermediate martial arts hall.

Cang Yi was taken to the confinement room for the first time that night. This martial arts hall is built on the mountain, and the so-called confinement room is actually a cave at the foot of the mountain. There is a heavy stone door outside the cave. Once the door is closed, it is almost impenetrable. It's really a painful isolation to be locked inside.

As soon as dinner time passed, Cang Yi was taken to the backyard of the martial arts school, in front of the stone gate of the confinement room. As soon as the brother pressed the organ, the stone door opened automatically.

That brother's attitude is very friendly. He is often responsible for bringing students here, and he has always been fierce. This is the only difference. After all, Cangyi also gave a bad breath for everyone this time. The big head relies on his strength and often bullies people. His reputation in the martial arts school is really bad. Even these senior students may not guarantee that they will never be bullied by him.

When approaching the stone gate, the senior took out an oil lamp and said to Cang Yi kindly, "Oh, this is for you. I really want to help you with other things. You can hold this oil lamp, at least shine brightly, and it's more comfortable to stay in it.

Cang Yi took over the lamp and said thank you gratefully.

The senior brother patted Cang Yi on the shoulder again and comforted him, "Don't worry too much. It's just a day and two nights, and it passed quickly.

Cangyi nodded and turned around and walked towards the stone gate.

The senior shook his head helplessly, pressed the mechanism, and closed the big stone door.

After entering the stone gate, Cang Yi immediately lit the oil lamp.

This is a stone cave the size of a basketball court, and there is no extended cave around it. Cang Yi knew after taking a large amount of it. As long as the stone gate is closed, no one wants to escape by himself. There is no hole to enter.

Cang Yi has no intention of escaping. After all, there will be no two-headed or three-headed people here to trouble themselves. Relatively speaking, this is the safest place at present.

The first thing to enter the cave is to find something to eat as much as possible, because he wants to reach level 5 as much as possible during the period of confinement. It seems that the big head will not recover from his injury for a week. And the second head, third head and some other bastards are only level 4. Level 5 should deal with level 4, and it should not be a problem for one person to deal with three or four.

In the dim light, Cang Yi clearly heard the ticking sound of running water in the cracks of the rocks. Hearing this sound, Cang Yi's heart was overjoyed. Great, where there is the sound of water, there must be plants. No matter what plant it is, it is an extremely valuable nutrition for Cangyi.

Cang Yi heard the sound and quickly found the flowing place. He put the oil lamp as close as possible to the rock surface of the drop of water.

Great, Cang Yi's face showed a great surprise, and he saw a large pile of pale brown fungi growing on the rock. He has read that recipe no more than 30 or 40 times, and he still remembers almost all the animals and plants.