Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 122 Battle in the Sky 1

The wall in the northwest corner is not close to here. They don't have much time to hesitate. Run all the way to the target.

The atmosphere of terror in the city is getting stronger and stronger. The sound of boulders hitting the city wall has begun to be faintly heard, and the firelight in the sky has been reflected. The darker it is, the stronger the sense of oppression of the fire of war. Slowly, the shouts and screams began to increase.

It was ten minutes late at night, and the two finally ran up the city wall. It's really not as war-filled as other places. Relatively quiet. Although there were enemy troops outside the city wall, no one attacked the city, just guarding outside to ensure that the people inside would not escape.

There is no fire here, and the sky is dark. It's really not difficult to believe if you fly over these people's heads.

There is a glider on the wall. This thing is very rough, and a piece of canvas is raised on the triangular steel frame structure. The two wings are about three meters long. Cang Yi looked at this guy carefully. Whether this thing works or not, it is the only life-saving straw at present. I can only try.

Some soldiers next to the city also know it. I know that this girl is General Ye Guang's daughter. Everyone also came to help.

"Ye Meng, don't be afraid. In fact, gliding is a very simple thing. When you get to heaven, I promise you won't have any worries. Brother Yi will definitely protect you. I won't hurt you anything."

Facing Ye Meng, who had white lips and trembled all over his body, Cang Yi also comforted him as much as possible. At present, both hands have been grabbed by the iron armrest of the gliding wings.

With the help of other soldiers, the two finally slipped into the dark sky. The wind around is rustling. Two people soared in the sky to their heart's content. Although there is chaos on the ground, there is a huge life-and-death struggle. But the dark sky is very quiet. No one can notice them.

Cang Yi turned his head and looked at Ye Meng. At this time, Ye Meng was no longer so afraid, but more sad. He comforted, "Don't worry, we will definitely escape this time. One day, we will return to this city again. During this period, I will try my best to cultivate myself. Be sure to let you promise me that I will act with you."

Ye Meng naturally didn't know what this meant. However, she didn't care about what Cang Yi was saying, but kept staring down, "I really will never see my father again. I don't know if he is okay now?"

While sighing, the two suddenly heard a loud voice below shouting, "There are deserters in the sky. Please shoot arrows for me."

It's not good. It seems that someone has found them.

Soon, there was a rain of arrows on the ground and rushed to the sky.

Ye Meng became nervous again, "What about Brother Yi? We were found, and it seems that we can't run away.

Fortunately, they flew relatively high, and these arrows had turned their heads back to the ground before they flew close to them.

"It doesn't matter, Ye Meng, you don't have to worry. You see, it must be your father's spirit protecting us in heaven, and these arrows can't shoot us at all. You must catch it. Don't be nervous. Brother Yi is here.

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge air bomb on the ground suddenly flew out again. The power of the gas bomb is naturally much greater. He rushed directly to Cangyi's gliding wings. Hearing a loud noise, the bomb hit the left wing of the glider heavily. The glider immediately rolled a few times and fell from the sky.

"Brother Yi, we are really going to die."

"Yemong, don't be nervous. Even if I still have a breath, I will try my best to protect you." Cang Yi's hand held Ye Meng's hand tightly and resolutely did not leave the girl in front of him.

The two were surrounded by fear, and heartbreaking shouts turned from the sky.

Seeing that two people were about to fall to the ground, there were countless tile soldiers below. These people held spears and spearheads soared to the sky, waiting for them to fall.

But just as the two were about to approach the ground, the darkness around suddenly turned into daylight. Cang Yi fell fiercely on a haystack.

"Hey, I said you were going to pinch me to death! Why are you holding my hand so tightly?"

Cang Yi sat up. He shook his muddle-headed head and then looked at him. It was found that the girl sitting next to him was no longer Ye Meng, but the combination of Jiuyan, Mo Xiang and Lanling. He knew very well that his hand had always been holding Ye Meng and had not loosened at all.

This is a small grass house in the countryside, surrounded by a large area of farmland, and the scenery is very beautiful. It seems that the nightmare is over, and Ye Meng suddenly became a yuan god locksmith. The tension in his heart relaxed, and he clenched his hand and then let go.

"Locksmith, why didn't you come out earlier? It made me waste so long. I have something important to ask my teacher. I didn't say to help me."

The locksmith glanced up and down at Cang Yi and shook his head and said, "This can't be blamed on me. I don't appear in your dreams every time. It seems that you have some knots. Once you fall into a dream. The first thing in your brain is to release your heart knot. However, I can't stop it at all."

Thinking about the dream just now, Cang Yi also felt that this made sense. Maybe there will really be some fate between himself and Ye Meng. Anyway, this time, he is determined to make up his mind.

Through the gate of Yuanshen, the Yuanshen locksmith came to the master again with Cang Yi.

As soon as he saw his master, Cang Yi began to complain. He said how he was bullied by a little girl named Ye Meng. This time, I lost the face of a long smile. Let the master help him. There are still 15 days left, during these 15 days. He must be able to defeat the little girl.

Looking at Cang Yi, Mu Zigong really looked helpless, "You said that you have only practiced martial arts for a few days, and you don't know the depth of heaven and earth? Can you afford to provoke the descendants of the Ye family? That's impossible. No matter how talented you are, you can't improve so much in such a short time. Stop harassing my old man."

Naturally, Cangyi will not leave easily. Under his endless harassment, Muzi finally couldn't stand it. After all, he lives in the yuan god of others. It seems that he doesn't want to live a good life without helping the boy.

He had to look up and point to the sky and said, "See, the last time you dealt with the fish. If you really want to improve, you have to deal with the birds in the sky this time. As long as you can kill ten birds, I can guarantee that you will improve two more levels of spiritual strength. But I want to remind you. The talent is too high. Although there are many benefits, the trouble will also increase. That's why I don't want you to improve again. You must learn to keep a low profile in the future, otherwise it may hurt you. Do you remember?"

"Remember." Cang Yi was surprised after hearing this, but when he looked into the sky, it gave him a headache. "Master, I can still swim in the water, but how can I go up in this sky?"

The sky is full of beautiful red clouds, and countless birds shuttle between these colorful clouds, which is very comfortable. These birds are small and big. Large, the wings are more than two meters long.

Mu Zigong laughed and said, "Why is this so difficult? Don't forget, this is in your dream. Many things that you think are impossible can be easily done here. Locksmith, give him a pair of wings first.

With little time, there is a pair of dark gray wings slowly growing on Cangyi's back. The wings grow bigger and bigger, and the feathers become more and more plump. Cangyi is also getting more and more surprised. Even in a dream, he had his own wings for the first time.

This wing is two or three meters long and feels very powerful. Cang Yi's shoulder blades shook gently, and the pair of wings stirred up.

Strong wings make the warehouse easy rise rapidly and go straight to the sky. I passed through three or four colorful clouds with little effort. A large sea of clouds appeared at his feet.

He could hear a lot of birds screaming and cutting through the sky. He held the sword spirit in his hand and glanced around to see which one to take first.

In the sky, fast and too small birds are not the best target to attack, but he wants to find a bigger bird. It is not clear how threatening these birds are. At least on the surface, it is not as horrible as those piranhas.

Thinking about it, a huge, blue-feathered bird suddenly rushed towards him. It seems that these birds are really not as beautiful as the eyes can see. Although they are not good.

Cang Yi was naturally not afraid. He held the sword spirit tightly, pointed the tip of the sword straight at the giant bird that rushed towards him, and rushed to it. "You little sparrow, it's unlucky to meet the uncle today. Let's see how I poke you to death with this sword.

Two huge flying objects are about to collide. The giant bird suddenly shrank on its left wing, but the right wing flapped violently, and its body immediately rotated in a spiral. This rotation changed the original flight trajectory, and the giant bird's body dodged Cangyi's sword. At the same time, its big wings suddenly flapped on Cang Yi's body. The huge force immediately lost the balance of Cang Yifan and almost fell from the sky.

After falling dozens of meters, Cang Yi struggled to find his balance. By the time he soared in the sky again, he looked at the blue bird and had flown a few kilometers away. It seems that these guys are really not as easy to deal with as they think.

Cang Yi looked at the bird that had gone and looked angrily, "Hey, you little sparrow, how dare you come to fool me. Okay, little guy, don't expect me to let you go today. You are the first to die, I swear."

After saying to himself, he immediately flapped his wings and rushed to the big blue bird.

Although the speed of the bird is not slow, it is still slightly inferior to Cang Yilai. Between the soaring, the distance between the two flying objects gradually approached.