Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 124 Flower Protector

The first thing to do when you come to the martial arts school is to conduct a martial arts test. The result of the test is level 19. It was slightly lower than Cangyi expected, but even so, it still surprised the thunder and fire instructor speechless for a long time.

Of course, Cang Yi did not tell Lei Huo about his encounter with his master.

In the next few days, Cang Yi did nothing else and trained very hard in the martial arts school. In just three days, he broke through level 20.

If you exceed 20 levels, you can be called a real samurai. After becoming a samurai, the biggest change is that you can practice firing gas bombs. Cang Yi has also learned about the gas bomb, which is really powerful. In addition, there are many new skills that can be learned.

Thunder and Fire brought the skill manual. Cang Yi opened it and saw that only four or five pages were martial arts. Turning back, the big words "samurai-level skills" are written. The following is the name of the skill of more than 20 pages. Cangyi looked through it for a long time, and this time he didn't know where to learn from it.

The Thunderfire coach gave him some advice. Considering that he will take on a big task in a few days, practicing air bombs, and he can't achieve any results in a period of time, he might as well give up first. At present, the most suitable one at this level is a powerful skill of Changxiaomen.

It's powerful enough to hear this name. Cang Yi was also very interested and forced Lei Huo to demonstrate it to him quickly.

That morning, Lei Huo took Cang Yi to the practice site in the backyard of the martial arts hall. Here stands an iron curtain wall with such a thick palm. Cang Yi also knocked on the iron curtain with his hand. Make a thick metal sound.

"Coach, this guy is really strong enough. Can you really make it in half with one sword?

Thunderfire is very confident. He faced the iron curtain five meters away. He kept taking long deep breaths. Reaching the level of samurai, it is not so easy to accumulate fighting spirit. It takes three or four minutes for ordinary people. This is called a gas gap.

The higher the skill, the stronger the fighting spirit is used, and at the same time, the longer it takes to accumulate fighting spirit.

Slowly, the whole body of the thunder and fire was covered, and the sword in his hand became like the one that had just been taken out of the blacksmith's stove. After the fighting spirit was full, he only heard him roar all his life and waved the sword in his hand. A sharp blade of light was thrown from his sword.

The speed of the light blade was very fast, and with a shocking wind, it cut to the iron curtain. After a loud noise, the iron curtain was divided into two and fell to the ground in the blink of an eye.

This was an extremely shocking scene, which made Cang Yi stunned and came to his senses after a long time. Seeing such power, Cang Yi knew how weak he was. This is really endless learning! He couldn't help admiring: "Coach, it's hard to imagine. I don't know when I can do it?"

Lei Huo said, "It will take a year or two to reach this level, but if you practice hard, it should not be a problem to defeat a master higher than yourself in a short time."

That's great. Cang Yi counted with his fingers. If so, it should not be difficult to deal with Ye Meng's little girl by improving three levels of martial arts. He couldn't help but feel a burst of joy in his heart.

In this spare time of more than ten days of hard training, Cang Yi did not forget to open the scroll Mo Xiang gave him. That's the secret of Baihuamen.

Defeating the opponent, in addition to relying on your own strength. Another important thing is to be able to come up with unexpected tricks. For Cang Yi, who is a long-smiling door, Ye Meng believes that he would never have thought that he would suddenly use the means of Baihuamen to deal with her.

The skill of Baihuamen is indeed a relatively strange one. It mainly converts fighting spirit into a stimulating force. This kind of stimulating power can't be practiced by anyone at will. It must be passed down from generation to generation. That is to say, if a person wants to become a disciple of Baihuamen, he must at least practice the skills of Baihuamen from the beginning of his grandfather. The more algebrary, the higher the potential of cultivation in this subject. The easier it is to become a master.

Of course, it is not impossible for ordinary people to really want to join this family, but even if you spend your whole life, you will not have much progress and can only benefit your descendants.

Now Xiang Cangyi has no foundation in the world. He suddenly changed and became a master of Baihuamen, but no one can figure it out. It seems that this is my killer, hehe! Cangyi hid in the dark and secretly laughed.

In the Hundred Flowers Gate, Thorn Hell should be said to be one of the most common and threatening skills. For Cangyi now, it is not easy to practice this skill to a certain extent. But the most important thing is surprise. Although it won't be very powerful, it is used just right, and I believe it will have a strange effect.

I glanced through this volume of secrets. Another one attracted Cang Yi's eyes. This skill is called a sleepy lock. This is a strange grass stem. As long as any part of the human body is trapped by this grass, the person's fighting spirit will be lost immediately.

Ordinary wild trapped grass can only trap warriors below level 30. If you want to trap higher-level warriors, you need higher martial arts to produce more advanced artificial trapped grass.

The skill of Baihuamen is also a very troublesome thing to always carry many kinds of seeds on your body. Thorns are everywhere, so it's easy to collect seeds. But this kind of sleepy grass is very rare. It's the first time I've heard of Cangyi.

This is why few people in Baihuamen practice this skill. However, Cang Yi is interested in this skill. Think about it. If this traps people's fighting spirit. Beat him again. What a cool thing that is! Maybe I will be lucky that day. I really got this kind of seed.

At present, there are no seeds of sleepy grass, but you can also learn how to solve this kind of sleepy grass first. After all, to practice this kind of thing, you must first make sure that you are not trapped. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a stone to hit your own feet?

Time flies, and more than ten days passed in a flash. Due to continuous intensive training, 13 days later, Cangyi's martial arts ability really reached level 25.

After turning more than ten laps at the martial energy test column, the thunder is still hard to believe, "Is this test column broken? Impossible, absolutely impossible. How can you grow six in 13 days? No, I have to apply to change one as soon as possible.

It seems that the instructor's thinking ability is really unacceptable. Cang Yi knows it and doesn't want to say anything more. Just ask the instructor for leave again. The next step is to go treasure hunting.

These more than ten days of training have really dried up the lamp. The goal was finally reached, and he fell asleep with his head in his arms as soon as he got home. I slept for two days and two nights. That morning, outside the window, a noise on the street woke him up.

Cang Yi opened his eyes in a daze and slowly climbed up to the second floor. He saw Lanling also lying on the window and looking out. He also came over curiously and looked out with Lanling.

On the street, there were dense people standing, crowding the street that was not spacious enough for one person to walk sideways. And in particular, this street is full of young women standing in water. They all looked excited and chatted and didn't know what they were talking about.

Soon, I saw a pair of people coming towards us not far away. Wherever he went, people on both sides immediately made an uproar. Excited howls came one after another.

"Liang Ziqi, I love you!"

"Wow, this is really Liang Ziqi! I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"Liang Ziqi, why did you come to our Fengqi Town? Can you come to my house for a while?

The team consists of more than a dozen people, three of whom are riding on horses. The leading man looks 234 years old, his face is ruddy, and his clothes and hair are neatly arranged. At first glance, he is a person who attaches great importance to appearance. This man really looks a little handsome. But that arrogant expression made Cang Yi very disgusted. It can be seen that this person is Liang Ziqi shouted by the girls.

In the face of this, it can be seen that Liang Ziqi is very experienced, with a gentle and friendly expression, and she is very easy to deal with it. He rode on the horse and kept saluteing the girls around him and saying, "Thank you, thank you for your enthusiasm for Ziqi. Please take good care of me when I first arrive."

Cang Yi turned his head, took a look at Lanling, and found that Lanling, who had been living with him, was also blushing today, and his eyes showed his thoughts.

Cang Yi asked Lanling helplessly, "Hey, who the hell is that guy?" Why did you make everyone so excited? It seems that even you are a little abnormal.

Lanling also turned his head and looked at Cang Yi, "No way, you don't even know Liang Ziqi? He is from the Tianxing Dart Bureau. He is so famous that even I, a foreigner, have heard of it. He is known as the first flower protector of Ludan. He is also handsome, and there are countless girls who like him.

Cang Yi looked at Lanling's expression and curled his lips and said, "Really? I didn't expect that our Tianxing Dart Bureau could still produce such a god. Look at you like that. Isn't it that you are also fascinated by him?"

Hearing this, Lanling realized that he must have shown a lost expression and immediately restrained: "Wow, no. What is the first flower protector? I'm not interested. In my mind, only Brother Cangyi is the real flower protector. I am the happiest woman." With that, she immediately tilted her head to Cang Yi's shoulder and leaned on him obediently.

Cang Yi quickly advised: "All right. Come on, we are standing by the window. It has been seen. Well, if you want to see it, just watch it yourself. I'm not interested. Now that they have arrived, I have to go to the bodyguard bureau today. With that, he went back to his room and began to clean up and get ready to go out.

Lanling still stood by the window and looked down.

When Liang Ziqi was about to walk under the window of Cangyi's house, she inadvertently glanced up and was immediately attracted by the handsome and exotic smiling face exposed from the window.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a good-looking woman in such a remote town. It seems that I really want to find an opportunity to visit later. Thinking in her heart, Liang Ziqi raised her eyes to Lanling on the window and made an extremely provocative and ambiguous look.

This gir really gave Lanling a jump. His face suddenly turned red. He immediately withdrew from the window.