Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 150 Variation

Everyone began to want to retreat, but when they saw Cang Yi's resolute expression, no one dared to say anything more.

Cang Yi encouraged everyone to say, "Brothers, you are all the best darts of my Tianxing Dart Bureau. I believe you have experienced more ups and downs than me. For the honor of the darts master, don't be intimidated. The biggest test in this fog is not these monsters, but the fear in our hearts. Don't be afraid. As long as you are not afraid, we will succeed. Believe me, none of you are as beautiful as that Yate.

Anyway, now that we have come this far, we must continue to move forward. Fei Liang was seriously injured and trembled all over. His family put him on the dart car with a compression box.

has been moving forward, but it is also constantly turning. It is difficult for anyone to be sure whether this compass is accurate or not. The front is vast, and almost no hope can be seen.

He walked for about an hour, and then looked at Feiliang. His physical condition now seemed to be worse, trembling even more, and his arms hugged each other desperately. The darts around him had no other way but to comfort him as much as possible.

The non-cool body slowly began to turn white, as white as snow, and long sharp nails appeared on the fingers of both hands. That hand no longer looks like a hand, as if it has become a claw. Later, his face also began to twist and deform, becoming more and more horrible, and a shiny red thing on his head was breaking his skin.

The bodyguard who took care of Feiliang was very panicked when he saw this situation and immediately asked everyone, "Come and see what's wrong with Feiliang?"

Everyone gathered around when they heard the sound.

"It's not good." Huang Yu was immediately shocked when he saw it and said, "It seems that he is a mutant. Everyone, stay away."

But this reminder is too late. Suddenly, the non-cool changed his weak state, suddenly sat up, opened his big mouth full of fangs, and rushed to the nearest dart master.

After the mutation, Fei Liang completely lost his humanity and treated his brother very cruelly, biting him directly on his neck.

Seeing that the situation was not good, everyone immediately took out their weapons and stabbed the non-cool monster. The monster seemed to be more fierce than the two he had just seen, waving his claws desperately. Three people surrounded it for a long time and made more than a dozen holes in it before making it fall to the ground and stop breathing.

The monster was quickly stabbed to death, but it was too late. The dartsman's neck was bleeding too much and dying.

Seeing all this in front of them, the darts masters were simply dumbfounded. This is definitely the most horrible experience they have ever experienced in their life.

Huang Pan said in a trembling tone, "I didn't expect this monster to be so horrible. It can also make the victim mutate. And depending on this situation, this is not a simple mutation. You can also see that this mutant monster is obviously stronger than the first one, that is to say, their mutation will still escalate. If one of us is bitten by Feiliang again, it is likely that he will be stronger than Feiliang after mutation.

Hearing this, almost all the people present were trembling, "Brother Huang, aren't you scaring us to play? We are almost scared. We can't stand you playing with us like this.

Huang Pan said seriously, "Do you think I dare to joke with you at this time? Everyone, let's see if anyone was injured by Feiliang just now.

No one dares to talk about this question. They knew very well that if someone was injured by Fei Liang, he must die, not at the hands of others, but at the hands of their own brothers.

After a moment of silence, Qiao Guang suddenly stood up and said, "I know that Yali was just injured by Fei Liang."

Suddenly someone stood up to testify to himself, and Yali was so scared that tears immediately flowed down. "No, I didn't, I really didn't. Captain, you must believe me."

Qiao Guang unceremoniously pulled Yali's hand and raised it in front of everyone and said, "Look, this is the evidence. It's useless for him to deny it."

Everyone looked at A Li's hand and found that there was indeed a small scratch on the back of his hand. The wound was very light, just scratched a little skin, and even a drop of blood flowed out.

This is embarrassing. Is it just because of such a small scratch that your brother will die under the knife of your own people?

Ali also cried and shouted, "It's wrong, it's really wrong. I swear, this wound was definitely not bitten by the monster, but by the weapon.

Qiao Guang immediately quit and shouted, "He lied. I can see clearly that he was bitten by the monster. Captain, we can't take it lightly. None of us can say how powerful the third mutation will become. Our team has suffered heavy losses.

Everyone quarreled with each other. Some people say that you can't show mercy in this kind of thing, and if you don't get rid of him, it will be a disaster for everyone in the future. Some also have some sympathy for A Licun. They are all brothers who have come all the way. How can they do it? Besides, if this wound really doesn't cause A Li mutation, isn't A Li's death too worth it?

The final decision was still to be made by Cang Yi, and everyone turned their eyes to him.

With such a small wound, he was going to kill a brother. Cang Yi really couldn't bear it. He stood in front of everyone and said resolutely, "Brothers, we are all dartsmen and live on the road every day. When we are together, we are all brothers of life and death. Everything in the world is no more precious than our brothers' lives. Believe me once, we must not kill our brother just because of a little wound on his body. We can tie him up first and see if there is any change after a while. I use my life to guarantee Aili, can you believe me?"

Everyone was silent for a moment, and finally no one was embarrassed to object. Everyone said with one voice, "Captain, we believe in you, and we will definitely support the decision you made."

Ali was so moved that he couldn't speak. In fact, everyone knows that no matter whether Cangyi's decision is correct this time, everyone can see what kind of person Cangyi is in trouble. He is an absolutely reliable leader. Since he will love Aili so much, he will also love any of his brothers.

The current situation is not optimistic. Two more darts died, and one of them did not know when it would mutate. There were still ten people left.

"Alas, I hope nothing will happen again!" Cang Yi sighed in his heart. This is the first time he has made such a sigh in the fog. Eighteen people have fled now, no matter how strong he is, he can't stand it.

After a moment of depression, he immediately woke up and immediately encouraged himself. Don't be intimidated by fear. Didn't Yat go out? Since someone can do it, I must do it.

He encouraged everyone, "Don't lose hope. If we can get out of this fog, we will all be the heroes that people admire in the future. Everyone should be vigilant. In fact, those monsters are not great.

The compass is still guiding everyone to turn and turn again. Gradually, more than half a day will pass. At present, the future is still uncertain, and everyone is very afraid. What if it gets dark? It's so weird and dangerous during the day, and everyone has to sleep at night. Isn't it a step closer to death?

With this fear and uneasiness, everyone walked for another while, and suddenly found a body in front of them. Everyone walked in and saw that their hearts were completely cold. They really wanted to sit on the ground and never get up again.

Isn't this body the second dead darts master after entering the fog? So, this compass has no effect at all. Everyone tossed around for a long time and turned back.

There are three morebiao masters who can't stand it anymore.

One of them said to Cang Yi, "Captain, I'm sorry, we really can't listen to you. If it goes on like this, we will die sooner or later. We are also experienced darts engineers. Why don't you listen to my opinion and don't rely on this compass? We have a better way.

"Hmm." Cang Yi was surprised and said, "Brother Silan, what can you do?"

The senior guard named Slan said, "In fact, there are indeed some ways to identify the direction in the case of getting lost. As long as there are three people, two or three meters apart from each other and ensure that the line becomes a straight line, so that they keep walking to the head of the line and move forward alternately, they will not change direction and keep walking in a straight line. It's much more reliable than you who turn around like this.

Cang Yi thought about this method carefully and shook his head, "No, we can't take this risk. This fog is really too mysterious. It's not as simple as you think. This method can work in an ordinary environment, but it is hard to say in such a special environment. Anyway, this compass is our only hope. Whether you want to believe it or not, we have nothing to hope for. Believe it, I think we must have some other essentials that we haven't mastered.

How can the three darts masters listen to Cang Yi's nonsense at this time? He said harshly, "Cang Yi, I remind you that you don't think you can do anything if we elected you as the captain. If you don't listen to our opinions, you will be unlucky sooner or later. If you insist on doing so, I'm sorry. We have to go our separate ways. Brothers, which of you else wants to go with us?

This made Fu Gang very angry. He scolded the three people, "When will you three guys come to split? I'd like to see which of you dares to leave alone. With that, he pulled out his weapon.

The three darts were naturally rude and took out their weapons one after another: "You stupid guys. What's your business if you are willing to follow this boy to die? Why do you interfere with others? Anyway, I must leave now. Whoever dares to stop it, don't blame us for being rude.

The two sides are tense. It seems that the contradiction is irreconcilable now, and there is bound to be an internal battle.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Cang Yi shouted angrily, "You all stop it. Do you still think we have encountered fewer crises? I will never allow you to do something self-destructive at this time. Husband, don't stop them. They want to leave because they are scared out. It won't play a good role for them to stay in our team, and it will only affect our determination more.

Seeing the captain talking, Fu Gang put down his weapon and said angrily, "You traitors, get out of here quickly." I really hope to see how you were trapped in this fog, but unfortunately it's impossible, because we don't have time to find your bodies in this vast sea of fog.

Slan smiled viciously and said, "I don't know whose body will stay in this fog?" How about it? Is there anyone else who would like to go with us?

Other darts, there is no answer.

Slan looked at the three of them, but there was nothing to disappoint him. The three heads will not disappear in the vast fog.