Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 156 Underground Mine

It seems that this magic notebook. This kind of diary can only record the owner's memory, but it does not represent that person's thoughts, so you can't communicate with him emotionally. It doesn't have its own ideas, but just tells the stored memories to the people who want to know intact.

So Cang Yi was welcome, he asked directly. Now he is most concerned about whether there is any rebirth elixir.

I don't want the diary to tell him a lot of information.

The war at that time was so tragic that the whole city was turned upside down by those wagons. It is impossible to find something like Huisheng Dan in the city. The only possible place is in the cold crystal mine excavated under the city.

At the beginning, when Ye Guang guarded the city and learned that there might be a cold crystal mine under the Tao City, he was very happy and immediately sent someone to start digging, but no one could give an accurate goal. How can it be easy to find mineral deposits in such a large area? I had no choice but to keep digging. After digging for a year, I finally found the ore far away from Taocheng.

At that time, the excavation work was very heavy, so everyone would not come up for a long time. Eat inside and live in it. The underground mine is full of danger, so everyone stored some rebirth elixir in the underground reserve room for fear that someone will encounter danger in the cave to save lives.

After finding the cold crystal mine, before everyone could be happy, they knew the news of the invasion of the Wagon army.

In fact, Ye Guang knew about the invasion of the Wgans more than two months ago. He immediately submitted a petition to the court and asked for reinforcements. Under normal circumstances, the army can arrive in less than ten days, but I haven't seen a reinforcement for half a month. Therefore, Ye Guang issued two memorials in a row, but there was still no reply, and those who sent the letter did not come back.

This is strange. In the rumors heard by Cang Yi, what was said was that the actions of the Vgan people were so mysterious that they suddenly did not have time to report to the court. It seems that conclusive evidence has really been found this time. There must have been a treacherous minister in the court who stopped General Ye's memorial.

Who is so vicious? This is the life of more than 30,000 Rudan soldiers, and they were killed here. In the future, you must find an opportunity to hand over this diary to the emperor in the future, so as to get justice for these unjustly dead soldiers.

However, it is not the time to consider this matter. In the end, we need to find Huisheng Dan as soon as possible.

Cang Yi remembered the map put in the box with the heavenly machine. Presumably this is the map of the mine. I searched it carefully again, and it did mark a storage room.

With a clue, Cang Yi immediately began to take action. The diary told him that there were land demons and zombies in the mine, which was still very dangerous. The two pairs of golden pupil cross darts were also placed in this room. It would be safer to take them first.

According to the instructions in the diary, Cang Yi found a delicate box under the bed of General Ye Guang's bedroom, and the two pairs of cross darts were placed in it.

Although this golden pupil cross dart has been placed for 20 years, it is still as bright as new, reflecting a faint golden light. This dart is the same size as an ordinary human palm, very sharp, and is also inlaid with a delicate gem in the center, one pair is blue and one pair is red.

Cang Yi plans to use the blue pair for himself, and leave the red one for Ye Meng.

General Yeguang's three treasures have a common feature, that is, they all need to be watered with the blood of real warriors to exert their greatest power. Cang Yi had to dedicate two more drops of blood to the pair of cross darts.

Good weapons are also difficult to use. Under the guidance of the diary, Cang Yi briefly practiced. If this thing wants to exert its greatest power, it must learn how to freely change its speed and direction in the air. At present, it is impossible to fully master it, but basically master the principles.

There is no time to delay, and it will be almost dawn. There are still more than ten hours left to give them a rebirth elixir before they really die. I don't know how many brothers can be saved. They don't know where they are scattered in the fog array. They can find a few. The most important thing is to seize the time.

According to the map, the entrance to the mine should be under the manger of the nearest stable. It didn't take much time, so Cang Yi found it. Removed the heavy manger and cleaned the straw on it, revealing a wooden lid.

Lifting the lid, Cang Yi walked down the ladder. After another narrow tunnel, I entered an empty area.

There are also several white bones lying here, and there is a smell of dead bodies coming to the nose. There are also some scattered shovels and so on.

Continue all the way and occasionally encounter some ghost attacks, but these ghosts are really vulnerable in front of Cangyi.

The way was smooth, and I soon found the storage room marked on the map.

This is a thick iron gate next to a less spacious tunnel, locked by a big lock full of rust. I wanted to split it with a mountain cut, but the space here was too narrow to launch such a powerful attack, so I had to take out my sword and slowly pry it open.

Turning up, Cang Yi seemed to hear something strange behind him, "squeaking, creaking" as if something stiff was moving.

Shocked by this movement, Cang Yi immediately looked back. No, a huge dark body stood beside him. This body is tall but thin, and the skin is dry and hard wrapped on the bone shelf. The clothes of the cloth have been rotten for a long time, but the armor is still on the body, swaying, making a metal collision sound at any time.

In this dark cave, the whole body is black and can't be seen clearly. Only two eyes emit a pale horrible light.

Zombies, I really met zombies this time. Judging from his armor, this guy was not a nobody in his life, but a general. Last night, he had defeated a member of the Vgan general, but that was a ghost. Cang Yi has no experience in dealing with zombies. I don't know if he will be more powerful than ghosts.

When he was surprised, a bright knife in the zombie's hand had been raised over his head and then quickly split it down.

Cang Yi had no time to think more and immediately rolled on the ground to avoid this dangerous blow. It was really dangerous. Just as he was about to stand up and set himself down, the zombie immediately made a creaking sound, and his body turned around. The knife flew up and down in his hand. It was so fast that people could not see where the knife body was at all. He only saw a messy thing rushing towards him.

Cang Yi had no time to think, so he had to hold the sword and resist. I have never seen such a fast knife. It's hard to imagine that this is a zombie action.

This resistance made Cang Yi very difficult. He had no chance to attack the zombie. Instead, he was cut several times. Although the injury was not too serious, if it went on like this, he would have no chance of winning. Sooner or later he would be killed by this guy.

Couldn't go on like this, so Cang Yi had to give birth to a few sleepy locks on the ground. First, he wrapped the zombie's feet, retreated dozens of them back at the speed of Shenxing boots, and then took out the cross darts and threw them out.

The power of this cross dart can be determined according to the size of the warrior's fighting spirit, and the pair of darts flew to the zombies with fighting spirit.

Originally, I wanted to pose some threats to the zombie with this pair of darts, but I didn't expect that the zombie broke the rattan wrapped around his feet and dodged the attack of the darts.

This angered the zombie even more, and he wanted Cang Yi to rush over again with a big knife.

It's over. Now Cang Yi doesn't know what to do at all. This kind of carving skill can't trap him at all. It seems that zombie fighting does not need to fight at all, so this kind of trapped lock is meaningless to him.

The only way out at present is to escape quickly. I believe this guy can't run away from the second-level magic boots under his feet anyway.

Take back the cross dart, spread his legs and run.

I don't know how long I ran. After listening to it, there seemed to be no movement behind him. Cang Yi stopped and sat on the ground and gasped.

Convinced that the guy will not catch up with him again, Cang Yi took out the diary, opened it and asked, "General Ye, I didn't expect that the zombies in it were really powerful. What should I do now? Will I really not get those rebirth elixir?"

On the way, it was the first time that Cang Yi had such a serious frustration and was almost desperate.

However, looking at Ye Guang's portrait in the diary, his expression was very calm. The portrait began to say, "Don't worry, that's the first fast knife of the Wagon clan. How can you beat him at such a young age? It's amazing that he didn't kill him on the spot.

Cang Yi touched his face and said anxiously, "General Ye, what's the use of praising me at this time? Your daughter is still struggling on the death line. If she can't get the rebirth elixir, she will die.

The portrait continued, "Don't worry so much. It's not that you don't have a chance to defeat that guy, but you have to find something."

Cang Yi immediately asked anxiously, "What else are you looking for? Is it far away?" I really don't have much time."

The portrait said, "It shouldn't be too far, because as far as I know, Ye Guang didn't come out of this mine alive in the end, and that thing was on him. As long as you find his body, you can find that thing. That thing is the third treasure on Ye Guang's body, steel gas armor.

"Steel gas armor!" After hearing this, Cang Yi's face was immediately full of surprise. This was the last treasure. It seemed that he really wanted to collect all three real things today. He has learned the first two. I don't know what's magical about this third one?