Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 160 Desperate

Cang Yi shed tears of excitement, "Thank you. I finally saw a truly affectionate, united and loving team. If only everyone had thought so a day earlier, so we would not have lost so many brothers. As for this ore, I think you should share it. As a captain, I can't take advantage of everyone.

Huang Pan said, "Cang Yi, just accept it. This is what you deserve. You have paid so much, and we all see it. This is really nothing. We should have taken more to repay you, but we can't get anything else. This also reduces some of our guilt about you.

Others also catered to him at the same time: "Yes, captain, you can accept it. We have been a darts engineer for so many years, and we have never met such a good captain as you. If there is a chance in the future, we still want to play darts with you. No matter how high you are, we still want to promote you to be our captain.

Unable to refuse the heart of his brothers, Cang Yi had to accept it with emotion.

There is another headache next. At that time, everyone ran deeper into the cave in a hurry, that is, everyone is now trapped in the cave. The exit has been sealed by the explosion just now. Now I don't know how to get out, and the shadow of death is overshadowing again.

The husband sighed and said, "After such a long time, I was overjoyed, but I didn't expect that it would be empty in the end. It seems that these good brothers are still going to die here together.

After a moment of silence, Cang Yi broke the gloomy atmosphere and said, "Maybe we don't have a chance at all."

Hearing this, everyone looked at Cang Yi in surprise and wanted to know what he would say next.

Cang Yi looked at the flowing river in front of his feet: "You see that the river has been flowing, which means that it is living water. If you go down this river, you may find an exit.

Everyone felt that this was also reasonable and nodded one after another. However, Huangbo still has some doubts, "It should be like this, but think about it, since there is really an outlet, how could tens of thousands of people not find it in those years and all died in it?"

This is just a theory. In fact, Cang Yi himself is not sure of it. He shook his head and said, "I don't know why. Why don't we ask General Ye Guang about the diary left for us first? Let's see if he has clearer information.

So they opened their diary and raised this question.

The portrait in the diary shook his head and said, "It's not that I dispel your enthusiasm. This method is absolutely impossible for you to achieve. Yes, your analysis is quite correct. This river can indeed flow outside the cave, but if you want to go out through this river, you have to go through a long rock hole in deep water. No one can stay underwater without breathing for so long. Those Vgans also tried this method in despair. I have sent a few people with good water quality, but they have never heard from each other.

After listening to it, there was another burst of despair. Only Cang Yi still said, "Everyone is an experienced dartsman. Why is it always so easy to lose confidence?" I think we'd better go to the end of the river first. I believe that as long as we know our brains, we will always come up with a way.

Qiao Guang shook his head and said, "Oh, I'm afraid it's difficult. Think about it, the wisdom of so many people at the beginning is better than those of us, right? Since there is nothing they can do, what else can we do?

Anyway, you have to try first. You can't just wait to die here.

After walking along the river for half an hour, we finally reached the end. This is a large hole with a diameter of more than ten meters, and the end is blocked by a pile of rocks. The river has become a stagnant pool, no longer flowing, only a few small whirlpools.

After arriving here, Cang Yi suggested, "You wait here for a while, and I'll go down and find out." After saying that, he began to take off his clothes and prepare to jump into the pool.

Qiao Guang immediately stopped and said, "Captain is too dangerous. I can't let you go this time. You take a break first, or let me do it."

Cang Yi shook his head and said, "It's better to let me go down. You others may not be able to find useful information when you go down." After saying that, he wanted to jump out of the pool again.

"Wait." Just then, Ye Meng suddenly stopped him. She held a long rope in her hand and said to Cang Yi, "You tie the rope to your waist. If we feel that you haven't come back for too long, we will pull this rope immediately."

Cang Yi immediately tied the end of the rope to his request and looked at Ye Meng and said, "Thank you. You are so thoughtful."

Ye Meng's eyes are full of reluctance. How much she doesn't want Cang Yi to take this risk now, but she can't find a reason to stop him. She had to ask and kiss deeply on Cangyi's cheek and simply said, "Be careful."

Although there are not many words, they are full of strong feelings. Cangyi can fully perceive this friendship, but he can't care too much about it now, because he has to face a very difficult task next.

When Cang Yi was about to jump into the water again, Huang Pan suddenly shouted, "Cang Yi, stop quickly."

Cang Yi is really a little depressed. It's not easy to go down to this water next time. Why is there always someone blocking it again and again?

The helpless Cang Yi had to turn his head and look at Huang Pan and said, "Brother Huang, what's wrong with you? The situation is so critical now. Don't make fun of me anymore, okay?

Huang Pan stared at the water and said nervously, "Didn't you see any bubbles in the water coming out again?"

After hearing this, Cang Yi and several other people also looked at it. Sure, there are big bubbles gurgling up from time to time.

"Yes, there are bubbles. Brother Huang, what can this bubble say? Why does it make you so nervous? Cang asked puzzledly.

Huang Pan said, "Don't you see how big the bubble is?" Maybe there will be fierce fish under the water. I don't approve of you going into the water.

Cang Yi laughed and said, "Brother Huang, you also worry too much, don't you? How do you know that this underwater must be a fierce fish? Maybe it's water grass or underground gas from the cracks in the rocks.

Huang Pan shook his head, "This is impossible. Don't you see that those bubbles are sometimes gone and change places from time to time? What else do you think this is not an animal? If you are a very fierce fish and you can't even breathe underwater, how can it be its opponent?

has been made very clear, and it seems that I can't believe it.

What should I do? Crossing the river is the only chance. It's really dangerous to jump into the river, but isn't everyone waiting to die if they stay here?

Everyone, look at me, I'll look at you, and no one says what to do if you don't show up.

Now the surroundings are full of rocks, and there is no other way to go except the passage where they just came. Moreover, the torches in everyone's hands are almost burned out.

Everyone sat on the ground and was silent for a long time, taking out the only little food and eating while resting.

There is really not much food left, and everyone is only half full.

Holding the last half of bread in his hand, Ye Meng was reluctant to eat it and handed it to Cang Yi and said, "Cang Yi, I'll give it to you. You've worked the hardest along the way. Eat more."

Naturally, he was very moved to see such a treatment. Of course, he was embarrassed to take it over and eat. He pushed it back to Ye Meng and said, "No, you're the only girl here. You'd better keep it to eat."

In the end, neither of them was willing to eat the bread. Ye Meng had no choice but to say anything, "Oh, it's really unlucky. Even if we die, it's good for us to die after another meal. Why don't we go fishing? Maybe I can catch two. It's better than sitting and worrying like this."

When everyone heard it, they encouraged the response, "Okay. Then let's go fishing and have some fun.

Pissan said, "Well, good things are good, but who has a hook?"

Fu Gang said, "You idiot. Isn't it easy to find a fish hook? Don't you think, who here likes to use hooks the most?

"Qiao Guang..."

Say that everyone looked at Qiao Guang here.

Looking at Qiao Guang again, he seemed to be in a good mood. The huge hook shook in his hand, "Fishing, this suggestion is good. I don't think we should be so short-sighted. How can it be just to eat? I think we should catch the most vicious fish in this water. In addition to the scourge, we can swim out of this water.

Everyone can't help but feel a little ridiculous when they hear this, "Joe Guang, just brag. Are you kidding? Even if you want to catch it, what do you use as bait?

Qiao Guang said confidently, "Do you think I'm playing with you? Let me tell you, since I, Qiao Guang, can do it. Didn't you ask me what the bait is? I tell you, it's me, Qiaoguang myself.

"What, Qiao Guang, don't joke. Isn't this killing you?" Cang Yi reminded nervously after listening.

Qiao Guang patted his hands on Cang Yi's shoulder and said happily, "Captain, don't worry, I, Qiao Guang, am also a trainee bodyguard. I'm much better than you, a junior guard. It's not so easy to die. Besides, it is content to have the opportunity to do tasks under the leadership of such a good captain in my life. It's not a pity if you really die. Anyway, you saved this life.

"Qiao Guang, you can't go." Everyone couldn't bear to come to stop it.

Qiao Guang didn't care and said to everyone, "You really think of me as a three-year-old child. Don't worry, I don't die so easily. Besides, I did something that I was sorry for the captain and everyone. If I don't make up for it this time, I will be uneasy for the rest of my life. Don't stop it."

The rope on Qiao Guang's iron hook weapon was not so long, so he had to connect the rope provided by Ye Meng again. Several people held the other end of the rope tightly in their hands. Just wait for the huge fish under the water to work hard together and have a tug-of-war competition with it.

Qiao Guang was the best at saying hello to everyone and jumped into the water.

Next was a strange calm, as if there was no struggle underwater. So there is really nothing fierce in this water. Is it that Brother Huang Tan is too worried?

But after waiting for a while, before seeing Qiao Guang come up, everyone was anxious. Qiao Guang was not eaten by that thing, was it? Normally, it shouldn't be. After all, Qiao Guang is one of the best masters among them. Even if he has poor ability to move underwater, he can't be eaten by something so quietly.

If that's the case, it will be much more terrible than expected. What a fierce monster it must be! Eating a master can be so quiet.

Everyone shouted twice in the water, didn't see anything, couldn't calm down, and quickly pulled the rope up.

This pull can surprise everyone. These are five strong bodyguard masters! I don't know what hooked underwater, but I tried hard for the first time and didn't move.