Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 33 New Task

When he came to the downstairs of Fu's head room, Shopkeeper He no longer followed Cang Yi. He said that even if he was the shopkeeper, he could not tell him about this, and Fu Dartou could only talk to him.

This is a simple and solemn room, with a red carpet on the stairs leading to the second floor. Cang Yi stepped on the wooden steps and made a creaking sound.

After entering the room, Cang Yi saw Fu's head sitting directly opposite. He wears a gray-white cloth shirt, has a beautiful face, is about 40 years old, and has a very serious expression.

After Cang Yi came in, Fu Daring pointed to the stool opposite, motioned Cang Yi to sit down, and then took out a waist card and handed it to Cang Yi.

Cang Yi took the waist card and saw that it was his own name, but the senior guard was written on the back.

This makes Cang Yi very strange, "Fu Daringtou, what's going on? I haven't reached the level of senior guard yet. Is this waist card for me?"

Fu Dart nodded, "That's right, this is for you. Don't be surprised, according to the regulations of the country, our large-scale darts bureau has the right to raise the level of darts in advance. However, such a quota is very small. There are only two in a year, and this darts master must be very close to the next level of merit and have made extraordinary contributions in the darts bureau.

Cang Yi held the waist card in his hand, which was both exciting and strange. "Fu Daring's head, can't it? How can this kind of thing come to a small person like me?"

Fu's head said, "Don't think you're too great. The reason why I gave you this is also because of the importance of this mission. Considering that your level is too low and it is too irregular for you to complete such a task alone, this takes into account the special approval for you. However, this waist card is not official. Take a closer look, there is also a word 'pre' written on it. That means you can only be prepared, but even so, you are lucky enough.

Cang Yi picked up the waist card and looked more carefully. Surely, there is indeed a "pre" word written shallowly under the waist card.

Judging from what happened, this mission is indeed too mysterious. Why can only be known by Cang Yi, and must be the dart head to arrange the characters in person? You even have to forcibly raise your level as a dartsman.

"Fu Daringtou, what the hell is this? Why is it so mysterious?"

Fu Dartou looked at Cang Yi carefully and shook his head and said, "Oh, even I can't explain why you have to be specially designated to complete such a difficult task. Well, since you have been designated by the above, you must do your best to complete it. And you must ask me to promise that this matter will be kept confidential. Well, do you dare to take this task?"

With Cangyi's personality, he never refused any difficult problems, but this time it was too mysterious and made him hesitate. But in the end, he agreed decisively, "Fu Darttou, don't worry, I will do my best."

Fu Dart's look was full of trust and nodded, "Okay, then I'll tell you what's going on."

Cang Yi's task this time is to find the daughter of the recently missing emperor, Princess Jin Lika. The princess disappeared, and of course, this kind of thing will become the highest secret of the country.

The princess has been missing for three days, and there is no whereabouts at all, so she has to look for her nationwide. In such a large area, close to the palace guards, there is not enough manpower. We must use the best and most reliable darts bureau in China.

This time, the state appointed three darts bureaus, the Xingmen darts bureau, Fenglan darts bureau and Tianxing darts bureau. Each of the three darts bureaus has to be carried out in secret and has no relationship with each other. Of course, if this mission is completed by that bodyguard bureau, the benefits for this bodyguard bureau are also immeasurable.

In fact, after receiving this task, these three darts will naturally compete with each other secretly, and no one wants the fruits of victory to fall on their competitors.

Especially Fenglan Dart Bureau, they have always relied on Cao Guoshi's support. In fact, in the Dart Bureau industry, their reputation is not good. Especially with the Tianxing Dart Bureau, the relationship has always been very rigid.

Fu Daringtou asked Cangyi to be moreware of this Fenglan Dart Bureau in this operation. Perhaps because of this, the general darts bureau is afraid that the darts master it uses is too well-known, but it will attract the attention of the opponent's darts bureau. What they most want to use is an unknown but powerful dark horse like Xiang Cangyi.

After listening to this, Cang Yi also asked, "I don't know if there are any other clues in the palace. Why did the princess suddenly disappear in the deep palace compound? He didn't know if there was anything abnormal in the palace before. What's wrong with you, or is there something wrong with your spirit?

Hearing such a question, Fu's face rarely smiled, "Ha ha, good boy, no wonder even the General Bodyguard Bureau attaches so much importance to you? Sure enough, he has a lot of brains. OK, I'll talk to you more."

"Some time before the princess disappeared, no one found the reason, and the princess's personality suddenly became strange. In the past, the princess was a very lively girl. She loved to play very much. She didn't go back to bed late at night and was always chased by the maid of honor. But not long ago, the princess's personality suddenly changed. As soon as it was dark, she immediately got into her room and didn't let anyone disturb her. Even if someone knocked on her door, she would be furious.

"At the same time, there is another incredible thing. It was during this period of time that the palace maid was missing. And, once, I really found a once missing maid. But by the time the maid of honor was found, she was dead, and her death was very miserable, pale and bloodless.

After saying this, Fu Dartou asked again, "How about it, Cang Yi, is there anything else you want to ask?" Ask quickly while it's time.

After listening to this, Cang Yi thought carefully for a moment and said, "Fu Dartou, after listening to you, it seems that these two things are easy to be connected. Is it the princess..."

"Stop." Before Cang Yi continued, he was stopped by Fu Daring, "I probably know what you want to say. However, after all, the person concerned is a princess. It's better not to say this kind of thing without saying it, understand?

Cang Yi immediately shut up and thought that he still seemed to be young. It seems that you have to be more careful about what happened in the palace in the future. You will definitely suffer a lot if you talk nonsense.

Cangyi's Tianmachine has been verified many times, proving that only people or other creatures he has seen can send it back, at least it must be people who have been in contact with it. But this time, Princess Jinlika has no contact with the heavenly machine, so she must not be able to use it.

Originally, I was looking for a person across the country, but I was already looking for a needle in a haystack, and I haven't seen it yet and I can't inquire about it. How can I find it?

Thinking of this, Cang Yi asked again, "Fu Dartou, Princess Jin Lika, I have never seen it. Even if I find it, I don't know if it's her. What should I do?"

Hearing this, Fu Daring nodded and said, "Well, we haven't considered this. But there's really nothing I can do here. You can only go to the imperial capital, Shanjin City, and find Hao Xing and the shopkeeper Hao of the general bodyguard bureau first. He should be able to provide you with some clues. Besides, according to our speculation, 80% of Princess Jinlika may not have left the imperial capital. You are also on your way there. However, I still want to remind you that I can only contact him alone to find the shopkeeper Hao. Don't disturb other people in the darts bureau, okay?

Cang Yi nodded, "Don't worry, Fu Dart. I will do my best to complete this task."

Fu Dartou looked at Cang Yi with admiration, "Well, with your previous performance, I can completely trust you. Perform well this time. Do you know how much reward the state will give you if this task is really completed?

Cang Yi shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Fu Dartou said, "Four thousand points of merit. Moreover, we don't know what other rewards the emperor has.

Cang Yi can't believe his ears, what? How high. For a person who is still a mid-level escort at the actual level, it is simply an astronomical figure. I'm afraid this is a merit that a senior guard can't earn in a year.

Looking at Cang Yi standing there and still stinking stupidly, Fu Dartou said, "Don't think about good things. This is by no means as easy to complete as your previous task, and there are two stronger competitors than us. You have to be fully prepared. Well, is there anything else? If not, go back and get ready. Let's get ready in the morning."

"Yes." Cangyi answered and left in a hurry.

Afraid that other darts masters would ask him this and that, Cang Yi did not dare to stay in the darts bureau, so he walked out to see him.

Cang Yi seems to have changed into a person immediately after taking over the task of the dart head without saying a word, which makes everyone full of doubts.

Even Mo Xiang, after seeing Cang Yi again, originally wanted to familiarize himself with the dart bureau, but Cang Yi didn't say a word to her, just wanted to leave. This also annoyed Mo Xiang, "Oku, Cang Yi. As soon as I saw the dart head, the person changed. Why don't I even want to talk to my sister?"

Cang Yi didn't say anything, but took A Xue and quickly left.

On the way back, Cang Yi thought about the whole thing carefully. This is indeed a very important thing. In addition, it is more important for Cangyi.

This is the princess, the daughter of the emperor! Usually, as an ordinary person, it is impossible to contact the emperor, and this task is the only opportunity. In this way, he can help Ye Meng avenge General Ye Guang.

But in the same way, this matter is indeed very difficult. Let's not talk about how important Princess Jinlika is. Judging from the whole story, the dead maid was probably killed by the princess, but no one dares to say such a thing.

In this case, even if he really finds the princess, what should he do in the face of such problems as him? It seems that we can only say one step at a time. As long as you have the determination, you can do anything.

He remembered Yat. The last time he left Yat alone has made him very angry, but he can't tell him this action. Maybe he will lose his temper with himself. But there is nothing we can do. This action is so special that we can't help but sneak away alone.

The other person is Ye Meng. This matter has an unusual significance for her. Do you want to call her this time? After thinking for a long time, Cang Yi still decided not to inform her, but to do it alone.

Go home and have a good sleep. Early the next morning, Cang Yi started. This time, Cangyi went out with more money and luggage than ever before.

Lanling also felt that Brother Yi would definitely walk longer this time. Before leaving, his face showed more uneasiness.

Cang Yi had to tell Lanling that he must take good care of himself during this period of time. If something happens, go to the night and Ruhua, or Mo Xiang, who are very trustworthy people.

Relying on A Xue's amazing running speed, it took three days and three nights before he came to the imperial capital.

Although Cang Yi had been psychologically prepared for a long time, he was still stunned by the prosperity of the imperial capital. He never thought that a city could be so big and spectacular. There are countless strange things that Cang Yi can't help but lose his mind many times.