Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 52 The Legend of the Dragon Slayer

"Hey, you stinky girl, how dare you talk back and see if I don't hit you." The village head said, and stretched out his hand to hit Hongxia's face.

A village woman next to her quickly stopped the village head when she saw the opportunity, "Okay, village head Wang. Is she still a child after all? Just explain the truth to her. Why do you have to hit her in front of so many people? Look, it scared the girl's family.

Hongxia was also furious, "Dad, you want to hit me. What's wrong with you? The three of them did bad things as soon as they came to our Dragon Slayer Village, and you actually hit me instead. Well, I won't recognize you as a father in the future." After saying that, he stamped his foot and left.

At this time, Village Chief Wang was half pissed off, "Alas, this unlucky child is really disobedient. It seems that she is really spoiled at ordinary times.

When Cang Yi and others first started working, it was three o'clock, and now it was less than five o'clock, and the mountain-like rice sacks disappeared completely. Look at the granary, which is full and neat.

All the onlookers were even more surprised, "Miracle, this is really a miracle. Ten people, the work that can only be done in ten days, actually finished in less than two hours. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it.

After the work was completed, Village Chief Wang actually led all the villagers to kneel down to three people.

Cang Yi and the others were all stunned, "Village leader, what do you mean? Hurry up, everyone.

The elder Wang said with tears in his eyes, "Three heroes, my little girl is really playful and has offended the three. I'm really sorry. Please don't care about it."

Cang Yi quickly helped the village head Wang and said, "Village leader, why do you have to do this? We don't care at all. Wake everyone up. We are new to a foreign country, and we would like to ask for your care. Don't be too careful."

Village Chief Wang still can't get up, "Three heroes, in fact, we really have something to ask for. Please, be sure to save our dragon-killer village. More than a dozen young girls have been lost in our village. Can you help us save them? As long as you are willing to agree and let us give you anything, we are willing to agree.

Cang Yi helped the village head again, "Okay, I know. Get up quickly. We are actually here for this matter, so you can rest assured. But please tell us more about the details."

The village head stood up and said, "Okay, that's no problem." After standing up, he turned around happily and said to the villagers behind him, "My friends, this is really good news. It seems that our daughters can be saved. Tonight we will hold a banquet for the three heroes to give them a good celebration. If there is nothing else, go and prepare it quickly.

When the villagers heard this, they were naturally happy and immediately dispersed to prepare.

After the village head said in detail, many girls here were also infected with cat magic disease. Similarly, they also heard that Longshan has a cure for this disease, so many people went to Longshan.

But all the people who went to Longshan never came back. Later, the village had to send a good man to look for it on the mountain, but he never came back.

In this way, the people in the village are getting more and more anxious, but there is nothing they can do.

Now Cangyi and others are more convinced that the rumor that it can cure cat magic disease on Longshan must be false, and it was deliberately spread by malicious people, just to attract these girls with cat magic to the mountain. But what's the purpose of doing this?

It soon got dark. Today's village is very lively. The villagers chose the largest yard. All the people gathered here, crowded and lively.

The tables and benches of each family have been moved here, and the yard is full. Even so, there are still people who have no place to sit.

Cang Yi and the three of them were naturally arranged in the upper seat and sat together with the village head.

In the yard, all kinds of delicious food are full of tables, a large jar, a large jar of wine, neatly under the wall, and the whole yard smells of wine.

In the west, there are five stoves that have just been set up, all of which are full of fire, making the sound of cooking in a hot pot.

Cang Yi and others have been running around for several days. To be honest, they have never thought about enjoying such a happy meal.

No, no one has to be polite. Let's shake off your cheeks, drink a lot and eat meat, and enjoy it.

When it was busy, suddenly a person stood up and proposed, "My folks, I don't think it's interesting for everyone to just eat like this. Why don't we ask our storyteller here to stand up and tell me a paragraph to help me cheer up? Is it okay for everyone to say?

"Good." Everyone immediately applauded.

Cang Yi and the three of them found it interesting. Unexpectedly, there were storytellers in this remote mountain village. It seems that their daily entertainment life is still very rich.

Immediately, a man in his fifties, wearing a robe and looked like some scholars, came to the steps above the main room.

After he stood on top, he bowed to the audience below and said, "Guys, three great heroes, in fact, I am also shallow in learning. I don't have much culture. I just remember a few short stories and made a fool of myself in front of the three great heroes. I hope you can forgive me.

"Oil, don't be polite. Hurry up and say it. We can't wait any more."

The gentleman nodded quickly and said, "Okay, okay, it will start right away. Well, but on this occasion, what should I say?

The people below immediately coaxed, "Just tell me the origin of our Dragon Slayer Village. That's what we all listen to the most. I can't get tired of hearing it."

The storyteller pressed his hand and said, "Okay. I know, but I just don't know if these three heroes want to listen to the stories in our small mountain village?

Cang Yi and Ye Meng also nodded and said, "Okay! We have also heard a little about this rumor about the Dragon Slayer Village. Now it is also rare to hear the authentic one. Just talk about this.

In this case, the storyteller began to speak.

Legend has it that this was 18 years ago. That night, the sky suddenly rolled with dark clouds, and thunder and lightning kept roaring, which made the villagers around more than 100 miles very scared and hid in the inner room one after another. Even the timid went straight into the quilt and shook his hair.

However, this is not the most horrible. The more horrible sound was indeed the roar of a beast on the Dragon Mountain. Just the roar of the beast can be clearly and loudly transmitted to a hundred miles away. How powerful is this beast?

Everyone is worried about whether an unimaginable catastrophe is coming.

As expected, the sky has never been clear since that day, and the roar of the beast is getting louder and louder.

Finally, one day people looked up at the sky and saw a dragon falling from the sky. The dragon is very large, spreading its wings and passing through the village, and the whole village will be shrouded in darkness.

The dragon has a pair of burning, devil-like eyes, and can still spit out huge flames from its mouth. As long as it approaches the ground, with a mouth, a hundreds of catties of cow will immediately disappear.

It naturally likes to eat people the most. Almost every day, more than a dozen villagers have become its food.

With this dragon, people can no longer farm and live normally. The only way is to dig more cellars and hide in them all year round.

Everyone's heart is full of boundless fear. I don't know when I will become that guy's food. Even if I don't eat it, if I hide in the cellar like this and there is no food sooner or later, I will also starve to death.

It is located in a remote area. Some people want to report the case in the city, but as soon as they run out of the cellar, they set up the dragon's lunch, which can't get out of its clutches.

In the end, people can only despair. It seems that death has become the only fate of all of them.

At the time when people were most desperate, a couple suddenly came to the village. They dare to claim to be dragon-killers, and their existence is specially designed to deal with these evil dragons.

At the beginning, no one believed them. Because they have been trampled on by this dragon for too long. They know the power of this dragon, and it is impossible to believe that only two humans of the same size as them can beat this dragon.

But no matter what the villagers thought, they still did it. They came to the vicinity of Longshan, which is near the nest of the giant dragon.

There, they built an altar. It is said that it is the altar of the mother of sword, a dragon-killing sword, which can only exert its greatest power on that altar.

The dragon-killer man has a dragon sword in his hand. But he had to lure the dragon to this altar to kill him.

How is it easy for a person to lure a dragon into such a small area? The dragon-killer can't do it, but only his wife can do it.

The wife accounts for more than half of the reason why they can be called dragon-killers. Because only the women of the dragon-killing clan can exert the greatest ** force on the dragon.

Once the dragon sees such women, they will want to eat them regardless of their lives.

Although this was dangerous, the wife of the Dragon Slayer did it bravely for the villagers nearby.

If the wife of the dragon-killer wants to show such courage, she can only rely on her trust in her husband. She fully believes that her husband can insert the dragon-killing sword into the dragon's throat the moment before the dragon eats her.

The dragon slayer also assured his wife that he would never fail and must ensure her safety.

It backfired. That day, the dragon-killer held a dragon-killing sword and hid under the altar. His wife was seducing the dragon.

The dragon is very tricky. When he sees his favorite food on the altar, he dares not approach it easily.

The wife of the dragon-killer stood anxiously in the middle of the altar and shouted desperately, ** the dragon.

The dragon mysteriously hid its desires and waited for the dragon-killer to lose its most vigilance, and it rushed to the dragon-killer's wife at a lightning speed.

At this moment, the dragon-killer suddenly flew up from under the altar and inserted a sword into the dragon's throat fiercely.

The dragon screamed and fell to the ground and lost his anger. However, the wife of the dragon-killer was also bitten to death by the dragon.

At that moment, the spirit of the dragon-killer suddenly collapsed. He really can't forgive himself. It was his mistake, which was only a second of mistake that he lost his wife forever. Although he killed the dragon, he still thought he was a loser, a loser who could not even protect his wife.

He can't accept this reality, so he doesn't want to live in this world. He picked up his wife, got into a cave, and sealed the mouth of the cave with 10,000 tons of gravel.

Since then, although people have searched again and again, they have not found a dragon-killer. Presumably, after such a long time, he should have died. His body should be kept with his wife forever. Their bodies should still be in the mountains near here. However, people don't look for it anymore, just let them rest in peace. Let them always be in the world that belongs to both of them.

Since then, in order to commemorate the Dragon Slayer couple, the village has been called the Dragon Slayer Village.