Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 69 Jinwu Zangjiao [, Ask for Red Ticket]

After seeing Cangyi, the girl trembling and said, "You, are you here to catch me?"

Cang Yi calmed down and thought for himself. Is this girl the person that those people outside are looking for? This is really lively. I didn't expect the girl to really come to herself.

Really, it's not good for this girl to hide there, but she has to hide here? He is really worried that this weak girl will become a demon. However, looking at her simple eyes, she doesn't look like a demon.

Cang Yi stretched out his hand to the girl and said, "Come out. Don't worry, I'm not the one who wants to arrest you."

The girl shook her head in fear, "I won't go out. I don't want to be caught by them."

"Don't worry, girl, I won't let anyone kill you. But this place is really not suitable for you to hide. Would you like to believe me?"

The girl continued to shake her head, "Why is it not suitable? Are you trying to deceive me?"

"Oh, don't worry, how could I lie to you? Come out first. They are eating. Isn't it safer for me to take you out?

The girl began to cry and shook her head and said, "It's useless. No matter where I go, they can find me. My whole family was killed by them, and now they don't let me go. Whoo..."

After all, Cang Yi is still a kind-hearted person. Seeing this girl crying so sadly, he was also sad and full of sympathy for her.

Originally, he had made up his mind before leaving. On the way, he must concentrate on escorting the magic sword. No matter what happens, he must not make any problems. But now it seems that it won't work again. He really couldn't bear to watch the girl being captured by those evil guys.

At this moment, the two suddenly heard someone talking in the yard outside the house.

"Brother, why are you so anxious today? Anyway, that girl can't escape. Let's talk about it after dinner.

Gao Xi said, "No, I'm really a little worried today. I always feel that there is something wrong with the boy I just saw. Look at him, he can't live in a good room, but he will live in such a shabby woodshed. If there is something wrong with his head, there must be something in his heart.

After hearing this, the other three people immediately praised with admiration: "Well, it's worthy of being the eldest brother. It's really meticulous."

Cang Yi was even more shocked to hear this. Why is it so unlucky today? The more you are afraid of something, the faster it will come? It's true that there is no time to move this girl to another place. Let her stay under the bed first.

Now you can't show your horse's behavior, so you have to lie down ** and pretend to be asleep.

The four people were very arrogant. They came to the door of Cangyi Firewood Room and broke in directly without knocking on the door.

"Hey, stinky, no one else. We're going to search your room."

Cang Yi pretended to wake up from his sleep, rubbed his eyes, looked at the four guys who broke in, and said angrily, "Who are you? Get out of here. Do you still have a king's law that dares to break into other people's rooms?

Gaoxi listened carefully to the sound in the room with his own ears. At this hearing, he can be 100% sure that the girl they are looking for is hiding in this room.

He smiled and said, "Kid, we act recklessly, but we will never wrong people. If you really don't have a ghost here, we will naturally compensate you. However, if we really find out something, don't blame me for being rude at that time.

He looked at his Changhai, pointed to under the bed and said to him, "You turn over under his bed."

After receiving the order, Changhai immediately walked to Cang Yi's bedside.

Cang Yi's heart couldn't help beating wildly. He said, "This guy is really good. Why did he suddenly get to the target? No, we should stop it as much as possible now anyway.

Thinking of this, Cang Yi immediately jumped down from ** and stood in front of Changhai and shouted angrily, " Stop, you guys are really too arrogant. Which of you dares to take another step closer?"

Gao Yi didn't pay attention to Cang Yi's refusal at all and said to Changhai, "Don't be afraid of him. You are yours. Let me see what this boy can do?"

Seeing that Changhai is coming, in a hurry, Cang Yi can only try as much as possible, "Changhai, stop. I said, why don't you distinguish between bad people? That guy robbed your mother of such a precious thing that she left you. Instead of taking it back, he was so obedient to him. Do you think you can afford your mother?

Hearing this, Changhai's expression was suddenly stunned.

Cang Yi blocked the opportunity on the magic sword hidden under the bed. As long as someone is close to this magic sword, his temper will immediately become tyrannical. He can't stand it now.

Changhai has actually always hated that high interest. He wants to teach him a lesson and get this anger out! But he didn't dare. Now that he was angry, he finally couldn't control much. He turned his head and stared at Gao Yi aggressively. "Yes, this buddy makes sense. Why on earth should we work for people like you? Gao Xi, please bring me my jade pendant quickly, or I will be rude to you.

This kind of thing is unexpected at a high interest rate. What's the situation? Why is the guy who is obedient and never dares to refute himself just heard this boy's provocative words and get angry with himself?

"Hey, I said Changhai, when did your head get water? Hurry up and work. Let's talk about it later. Do you hear me?" The last few words were almost said angrily.

Unexpectedly, Changhai actually pulled out his sword, and the tip of the sword pointed to Gao Xi, "Don't talk nonsense, bring it to me quickly. Otherwise, it won't end with you today. I'm not afraid today."

High interest is really a little dumbfounded, "Ha ha, boy, okay, why are you so backbone today? You two, go up and take him down for me first. Go back and fix him well and let him have a long memory. Gao Li stared at the other two people in a good mood.

The other two also looked helpless and looked at Changhai and said, "Brother, what's wrong with you today? Put down the sword quickly. Do you really want us to do something to you?

Changhai was also angry with the other two people, "I said, are you two really willing to be his pug forever? Can't you feel how he bullied us along the way? If you don't want to be angry with him in the future, you'd better join hands with me to deal with him.

The two people were really angry when they heard this. Of course, they understand that this high-interest guy is really not a good thing, but there is nothing they can do. Is he strong? Even if the three of them go together, they are by no means his opponent.

If this offends him, he will definitely die in the future.

Those two people really couldn't help it. They said to Changhai, "Brother, I'm sorry. There's nothing we can do. Who told you that your head is abnormal today? Don't hate us. We can only be rude to you."

With that, the two also took out their weapons and walked towards Changhai covetingly.

Seeing this scene, Cang Yi was a little happy. It seems that the effect of the magic sword is really good. Let's watch their good show slowly now.

The three weapons collided with each other. The other two suddenly felt something was wrong in their hearts. I feel irritable and want to be angry. Naturally, they can't imagine what the reason is, but they just think that their mood is a little abnormal today.

Changhai stared at the two people and said, "Are you two cowardly really so afraid of that guy? Think about it, what he has always done to us. At the beginning, we had more than a dozen brothers. Now there are only three of us left. After so many people died, he didn't even blink his eyes. Why did you follow him with all your heart?

The two people were affected by the magic sword and couldn't stand the evil in their hearts.

Yes, why are we so angry with this guy? It's unbearable. Today, even if you can't beat him, you have to fight like a man and vent this evil breath for your dead brothers.

The three people turned their heads together, holding the blade and staring angrily, "Brother, I'm sorry. We have had enough of your anger during this period of time, and we just want to teach you a good lesson.

High interest is simply crazy, "What on earth are you three idiots 13 thinking today? How dare you oppose me? Well, in that case, I'll teach you a lesson together." In anger, he shouted and slapped out.

A sound that was heard and the heart exploded came to my face.

The huge sound knocked three people to the ground at the same time.

The three immediately spit blood and shouted in pain.

High interest and said, "Are the three of you awake at all? If you wake up, get out of here and don't humiliate me here. I'm the only one here."

Unforthless, after struggling for a long time to get up, the three guys roared angrily, "We really can't stand this breath today. High interest, what we say today will fight with you to the death. Take your life." With that, the three people raised their blades and rushed to the high breath.

The high interest rate is really full of black lines, "You guys are crazy, really crazy!" I also had to pull out my sword and kill these three people.

Cang Yi sat in ** and watched the bustle.

Gao Xi doesn't want to really kill these three guys. After all, these three people are under their own hands now, and they are still waiting for them to help them in the future. Subdue them first. In this way, the battle will be lively.

Gradually, Gao Xi also felt that there was indeed a very abnormal evil spirit in this room. He seems to understand, is there a magic sword in this room? Otherwise, under normal circumstances, how can these three cowardly guys become so bold?

Thinking of this, Gao Xi grabbed the three people one by one and threw them out of the door.

Finally, Gao Yi said to Cang Yi with a smile, "Brother, I'm really sorry. It seems that you really don't have the person we are looking for. My three brothers were a little insane today and laughed. I'm going back to clean them up. Sorry to bother you.

After saying that, he also walked out of Cangyi's room, took the three people and left far away.

Cang Yi can finally take a sip. Hearing the four people outside scolding and walking away, he bent down again, looked under the bed, stretched out his hand and said, "Girl, don't worry. They have gone far. I'll pull you out."