Aunt's thousand years old

Chapter 12 Bully her and kill her

"I think it's a better idea to take away the power of the second sister's housekeeper and give it to a more suitable person!" She smiled charmingly and left lazily.

I looked at her back and smiled happily. This day is really amazing.

Alas. I didn't expect that my aunt was so unrespected in the backyard. I called Xiao Cui and whispered like this. I watched her leave with a rippling face and turned my head to fight with the eighth aunt and the seventh aunt.

After all, the eighth aunt is so young that she couldn't help asking curiously, "Second sister, what did you say to Xiaocui?"

I pretended to be mysterious: "Guess."

"They can't guess!" She is so cute that people want to hold her in their arms and rub her.

"Haha--" I laughed, "I asked Xiao Cui to call Xiaochao and beat people."

"The two of the Liu family are old..." Aunt Seven seemed to be unbearable.

"How can I really kill them if I am as kind as my aunt? It's just..."

It's just that I don't hit the fifth aunt. I'm not happy.

Soon after, there were shouts in the yard one after another, "Oh, my second aunt is so spared!" Master, I really don't dare!"

I was in a good mood with melon seeds - "Master!" When I heard Xiao Cui's footsteps getting closer and closer, I was even more happy.

How's it going? What's the situation in Yishuiyuan?

"Master, my fifth aunt fell a fixed kiln celadon. It's been hundreds of years, and it was given to her by the master last time."

"That is to say, she is still distressed?"

She approached me, put her mouth to my ear and whispered, "Master, she is yelling and scolding you."

I don't care: "Why did she scold me?" But when she caught a glimpse of her face of embarrassment, she must not be a good word, so she sneered and said, "She can't manage her mother's family well, and she still has the face to talk about me? My aunt Taiping hates such a woman the most. She doesn't repair her inner courtyard and just wants to make waves!"

I looked sideways at Aunt Seven. She was lowering her head and twisting the handkerchief and smiled, "Seven sister, where's your silver ring?" In order to save such an unfaithful maid, she did not hesitate to rebel against me - it also depends on whether it is worth it or not!

She half opened her mouth and wanted to explain something, but her tears half fell down and wiped it with a handkerchief, which could not be wiped out. I was impatient: "Seventh sister, if you want to cry, go back to the yard quickly. There are too many things that make people cry in Xiangyiyuan!"

The seventh aunt said, "Second sister, I just think of my family. My brother... He has a serious illness and relies on my moon silver to cure the disease. Now, now, I, silver ring..."

"Didn't you save the silver ring? In order to be grateful, she should also give you some money. Although it is really ridiculous that a master has to ask for money from the girl.

"Silver ring..." She began to wipe the corners of her eyes again and cried for a long time. She looked up and found that I was not paying attention to her. She just hit the melon seeds with relish and changed the topic: Second sister, we both have parents. I think the fifth sister is really pitiful, and the Liu family is really not easy..."

I turned my head and stared at her with a smile, and my face turned red.

"The seventh sister has a good conscience."

"Second sister..."

I think of my parents, and my heart hurts. But the smile on his face became more and more brilliant, "seventh sister, you can't protect yourself, but you think of other people's parents. Did the second sister say that she would not let go of the Liu family? As long as your fifth sister comes to me, I will let go of the Liu family - after all, this matter can be big or small. But your seventh sister is not in a position to take care of this matter. After you deal with the silver ring, the second sister has already looked at you with new eyes.

The redness on her face seems to be overflowing. Second sister, my lord..."

"Oh?" Hearing her mention of the word "Master", I pricked up my ears with interest.

But when she bit her lip, she finally made up her mind: "Second sister, the master is back. Seeing us suffering like this, you must not be able to please..."

I was stunned.

In my mind, the seventh aunt has always been a little white rabbit and is not aggressive. If the fifth aunt said this, I don't think it's a big deal; but if she said it, it would be like a bolt from the blue - for example, it can probably show the surprise in my heart. I rubbed my eyes and saw the thin melon seed face. With two lines of tears on my pink face, I was sure that it was the seventh aunt and said, "Seventh sister, are you telling me that the master will trouble me too much?"

I frowned and thought about it. My aunt has everything, but there is such a thing as integrity, sometimes and sometimes not. And the master is also very unreliable. Sometimes I gave a small punishment for my aunt's bullying of men and women, and sometimes I turn a blind eye. I really don't know whether the master will be confused by the fifth aunt and the seventh aunt and make trouble with my aunt!


"Seventh sister, since you have a master to support you, why don't you talk to your girls?" It's better for me to bully my feelings. Sure enough, the aunt who is not spoiled is not even as good as a girl in the backyard!

The more I thought about it, the more unhappy I became. I turned my head and listened attentively to the moans in the yard. But after a long time, there was still no sound. I called Xiao Cui over and said, "You can go to Yishuiyuan again. What is the fifth aunt doing?" If it goes on like this, the Liu family can't stand it any longer.

"Ge, second sister, I said, the fifth sister will definitely not come." It was the eighth aunt who was picking flowers while talking.

In her hand was a peony, and gorgeous layers of petals were gently folded on her hands. Pink flowers and white hands, she smiled happily and looked more beautiful like jade.

"Why did the eighth sister say that?"

"Because I know!" She smiled and jumped into the flowers.

At this time, Xiao Cui also ran back.

"Master, I heard that the fifth aunt is too sleepy!"

Go to bed? I looked up at the sun. The day is clear. How can she fall asleep listening to the screams of her parents?

I was stunned for a long time. He looked down at his palm--

"Let's take a break. Help the Liu family back to recover from their injuries. I gave the order. In this backyard, it is rare for such a wonderful person as the fifth aunt.

When Aunt Ben stood up, the sun shook. I feel a little dizzy. Sure enough, my aunt is too old. I really don't understand the choices of these young people.

Maybe my wife is right. Everything is prosperous at home. I have to find my fifth aunt's fault, but I can't find it myself. The fifth aunt, her own parents were beaten, and they could also sleep well. Where can a vulgar person like my aunt understand this quality?

I was so sad that I returned to the house and wanted to eat more. I want to add rice, so I want to eat braised crucian carp made by Xiao Cui. When Xiao Cui saw that I looked wrong, she didn't dare to excuse it - sure enough, these days, only with a straight face, do the people below take you seriously?

So this night, my aunt ate three bowls of rice, and her mood slowly calmed down. Xiao Hong and Xiao Cui didn't dare to approach me when they saw that I looked very sad. In fact, my aunt is in a bad mood and needs someone to entertain her. But because my aunt is in a low mood, I'm embarrassed to say directly, "Come and make me happy." So I climbed into bed alone with a bulging belly in a more miserable mood.

When I looked at the empty bed board, my aunt began to think about something. I thought of my lost youth, my aunt's parents, the pomegranate tree in front of my aunt's old house, and the door of the jeweler in Situ's mansion. Every time I was as beautiful as a flower... I also remembered Sir, this man misled me and made me stay alone in the empty house for many years! I also thought of the fifth aunt, how did she fight against me back then?

This is a serious question, and my aunt thought about it slowly.

It seems that our hatred is innate. Thinking back then, thinking about those years, my aunt was still a girl like water and had just entered Situ's mansion...


At the beginning, I was carried into Situ's backyard from the side door on a sedan chair. I think the backyard was really sad at the beginning. There is only one wife guarding the master, and the third aunt is still waiting in the boudoir. The fifth aunt is just a girl sweeping the floor.

At that time, the fifth aunt was called Liu Yeer. The name was really ecstatic. My aunt often passed by her sweeping yard and said to her with a smile, "Liu Yeer, look at you sweeping the leaves on the ground, but you are obviously a leaf!"

I was also very irritable at that time. I was afraid and didn't like the backyard of the Situ family very much. There was often a gloomy feeling that made me shudder. The master is strange, and the wife is weak. Although she is amazingly beautiful and gentle to people, she is elegant and does not eat the fireworks of the world. My aunt had to take Xiao Cui and look around for some fun - and isn't the best fun is Liu Yeer?

At that time, my aunt was still not as irritable as she is now. At that time, Aunt Ben, in general, was still a relatively gentle girl. Although I'm homesick, I don't have to look for trouble. However, he saw Liu Yeer shouting at the two couples of the Liu family. My aunt was shocked and said to Xiao Cui, "Xiao Cui, isn't it that I'm blind?" Xiao Cui grabbed my clothes tightly: "Master, you are not dazzle at all. Liu Yeer is throwing the things that Aunt Liu brought to her on the ground.

"Xiao Cui, go there quickly, what's the matter!" My aunt was so excited immediately.

But in an empty yard, ginkgo leaves were depressed, and occasionally a few pieces fell on people's shoulders. A broom was thrown on the ground as if it had been stepped on fiercely. The three, a big girl with a big cake face, was angry. Two elderly couples, who were a little rickety, surrounded her pitifully. The voice was very loud, but it spoke quickly and fiercely. I sat a little far away and couldn't hear it clearly.

It's not easy to wait for Xiao Cui to come back, "Kill thousands of knives!" Why is that willow leaf so too much!"

When I saw that her eyes were red, I asked, "What's wrong?"

"The Liu Yeer is telling her parents that she doesn't want to marry the second dog. People like her must be the master. As for how her father wants to explain to others, she doesn't care.

"Isn't this... 'the order of parents, the words of the matchmaker'?"

"Yes! In particular, her father has a lot of tears and snot. In the countryside, there is a big price to pay for regretting marriage!" A big price? Maybe it's not just a matter of money.

I pondered for a moment, "Maybe, what's good about the two dogs themselves? It's possible that Liu Yeer doesn't want to.

"Master, that's a wolf-hearted dog-lung master! Don't say good things about her. I also heard about the two dogs in the maid, saying that he was the son of the village head. He is honest and strong, and he is a good farmer. It's also good for Liu Yeer. In the past, she came to Situ Mansion to see her during the Spring Festival - I don't know how many maids envied her good fortune at that time. Who knows that Liu Yeer has a big heart and a big heart. Since I said a word to the master in the yard last time, I want to fly to the branch and become a phoenix. Xiao Cui said with foam while rolling her eyes.