Aunt's thousand years old

Chapter 14 Bullying is also very boring

She glanced at the table, and there was an expression similar to disgust on her face - how could my aunt give her disgust? She quickly took out a handkerchief from her sleeve and wiped the corners of her eyes: "I laughed and laughed. Fifth sister, you see, we eat this all day long. It's really... But 'Who knows that the food on the plate, every grain is hard'. I hope the fifth sister will not dislike it. You're welcome! Fifth sister, come on, sit down. Don't leave if you don't have enough to eat today!" He turned his head and smiled at Xiao Cui and said, "We can't make others feel that there is no way to treat guests!"

The fifth aunt also waved her handkerchief and squeezed a smile on her face: "Second sister, I'm here to talk to you..."

"Come and eat! If I don't finish eating, I can't hear anything!"

She bit her lip and took a bite into her mouth with hatred, but immediately frowned and said, "Why does this pickle taste so bad?"

"Ah, fifth aunt, you don't know, because our Xiangyiyuan is very poor, and this pickles have been steamed for a month! Didn't you see that it's a little bad? Poor our second aunt, who has no money and is embarrassed to deduct others, so she has to suffer!"

"Ah," I hurriedly answered Xiao Cui's words, "We are not the daughters of those shameless people. How can we deduct silver? But if it hadn't been for the deduction of money, we wouldn't be so poor!"

The fifth aunt is not easy to provoke: "The second sister's words are wrong. Who doesn't know that you are in charge of the account room? If they want to deduct it, they can't deduct your head. Only those of us who have no power or power can be looked at everywhere.

"Alas, but it's my aunt who eats pickles here! Who let us not have a good father and mother!" My aunt couldn't help sighing. I looked at her face carefully. When I saw a little bad, I was in a good mood - sure enough, my aunt's happiness was based on the displeasure of my fifth aunt.

"No more words, fifth sister, eat quickly. If you are not full, I can't hear anything." I expected that she would come to beg me. How could she not seize the opportunity to ridicul me? Presumably, she finally found her conscience and decided to ask for a grace for her parents - on the other hand, I was not ready to be cruel. If she was willing to beg, I would let her go.

Thinking like this, the smile on his face was a little touching.

But she saw that she wanted to spit out this pickles and tofu. Yes, how can the fifth aunt of Jin Yushi still want to get the food she had when she was a maid? However, the food of our Situ family has always been very good; even the lowest maids will not eat such food - only people like my aunt dare to bravely refer to the deer as a horse!

But she finally swallowed it. Her face is coated with rouge today - whether it is charming or vulgar, it will not fall into the characteristics of her fifth aunt. I stroked my palm and smiled, "Five sister, is it delicious?"

She finally put down her chopsticks, swallowed her last mouthful of rice with difficulty, and smiled at me: "It's delicious. My fifth sister will always remember this meal."

I pretended to be scared: "Since my fifth sister will remember, I have a little care in my heart. My aunt didn't dare to listen to what my fifth sister said.

Her face twitched, as if she was about to overflow with hatred: "Second sister!" My eyes stared at me like a cow's eyes.

I couldn't help laughing. What do you ask me for?"

The bullying is enough, and my aunt is in a good mood.

She looked a little pale, but she still tried to laugh and said, "Second sister, I just ask you one thing." I touched my neck and looked at her intentionally or unintentionally - with a little pity and sadness, and buried all the hatred. He also smiled and said, "What you asked for is about your parents?"

Her eyelids moved, but she didn't say anything. I waited for a long time, and finally I was a little impatient and frowned. Playing with a pair of chopsticks, the chopsticks make a "pattering" sound, especially quiet.

"Second sister, it's not."

The sound of chopsticks stopped abruptly. My hand shook: "What?"

"I don't have parents."

Her tone was flat, "I only think about the master, and only the master and wife are my relatives. This time, I came here to accidentally overturn a celadon in a fixed kiln yesterday, which was given by the master. I remember that the second sister has a similar one. Can you give it to me?

I looked at her in disbelief. Although her makeup is thick, I don't believe that there is no haggardness under her face.

"Xiao Cui!" When I drank this sentence, my body trembled. "Go to the warehouse and send a few vases and tea cups from Dingyao to my fifth aunt. The fifth aunt cherishes this very much, more than her parents' flesh and blood. We can't treat it badly.

She smiled gently and saluted: "Then thank the second sister."

Are you leaving now?

"Wait!" I called.

She looked up and smiled. Don't you know that you are a big cake face? I said viciously, "Five sister, didn't your mother give birth to you in October? Didn't your father work hard to educate and raise you? How can you do this?" I approached Xiaocui - "Or is your conscience like this porcelain, so easy to break?"

With a sound of "Pull--", my hand hit a crutch, and this thing fell to the ground and suddenly divided into a few pieces...

The whole room is quiet - the people in this room seem to be stunned.

I took out my handkerchief and looked regretfully: "That's the last celadon bottle in the family!" The whole Lingyun City can't find a second one. This was passed down from my family many years ago..." The more I howled, the worse my fifth aunt's face became, and finally her whole body trembled.

"Xiao Cui, it's all my fifth aunt who asked for this celadon bottle to break this bottle! Master, you must not put everything on my head!"

Xiao Cui was smart at this time and nodded like pounding garlic: "Yes, master, the fifth aunt didn't mean it!"

The fifth aunt, who was not intentional, was so angry that her big cake face was swollen. She stared at me and wanted to say something, but she seemed to be poor.

I looked at her and smiled, "Where's the porcelain? What's the master's treasure?" He specifically told me to take good care of it. He said that this thing was only given to the fifth aunt, and the only one left for me to take good care of it. If it breaks down, he can't forgive me. Oh, such a good thing is really given by the master who cherishes his fifth sister. Such a good thing, now..." I covered my mouth and showed a sympathetic look in her eyes.

Her face is pale and white, as if she wants to roar. But how could my aunt give her such an opportunity and smiled, "It's okay, fifth sister, our sisters are deeply in love. At that time, my sister will definitely say good words for you!"


"Master, you see, when the fifth aunt left just now, her face smelled like something." Xiao Cui covered her stomach and smiled crazily.

I gave her a white look and continued to shrink on the couch. Such an opponent is really not strong. My aunt had the sadness of being alone and seeking defeat. This sadness, those little sorrows that shed tears in the wind came.

The weather this May is still warm and cold.

I'm also depressed at the right time.

"Master, master." Xiao Cui stretched out a slightly cold hand to touch my face. - This girl is getting more and more shameless. Can I touch my snow-skinned appearance casually? But she is weak, but she secretly despises her in her heart and doesn't bother to talk about her.

She chattered about some little things about cats and dogs. In the fifth aunt's yard, the newly allocated girls were very dissatisfied and quarreled with the original people in Yishuiyuan all day long. The third aunt got a night pearl with a long eye, and the sixth aunt's daughter in the yard seems to be able to call "Dad"...

I was drowsy, and there was a peaceful fragrance in the air, but my mind bounced back and gradually reminded me of some long-term events. Those things made my aunt quite unhappy. I stood up too "rut-" and shocked her: "Master, what's wrong?"

"Xiao Cui, drink!" My aunt wants to drink too much!

She was scared: "Are you sick?" My hand slipped on my face again, and I turned my head: "Auntie is going to drink to drown my sorrows!"

"The master won't really be stimulated by the fifth aunt, will he?"

I lowered my head.

"Xiao Cui, just say, don't you hurt the wine?"

Xiao Cui looked at me carefully and said carefully, "Master, are you sure you want to drink it?"

"Why don't you get the wine?"

When Xiao Cui came in with a large jar of wine in her arms, she saw me and said in surprise, "Master, what is your costume?"

I climbed down from the couch and looked in the mirror. I saw that my hair was as messy as a chicken's nest, so I simply pulled down the hairpin. My hair was like a waterfall, which was refreshing. Wearing a bright red cloak, he jumped to grab the wine.

Xiao Cui said, "Master, are you going out?"

"Why should I go out?"

I brought the wine jar to the table and became impatient again: "Xiao Cui, where is the cup?" Xiao Cui is becoming more and more unfavorable.

She took out two small cups from her sleeve in a daze and was despised by me: "Such a small cup? Go! Bring the sea bowl!"

"Sea Bowl? Master...we..." She was still lingering there, and I stared at her: "If you don't go, I'll deduct your monthly money!"

When she prepared everything in dismay, it had already passed the meal. Auntie looked at the chicken thighs, garlic, big cakes and pork belly on the table and couldn't help smiling with satisfaction. In a great mood, he personally gave it to Xiao Cui: "We won't be drunk today!"

"Well, master, it seems to be in your bedroom, right? ......”

"What are you muttering about?" I pretended not to hear.

On such a cold night, I have too much melancholy in my heart, which is difficult to express.

"Xiao Cui, I want to write a poem. You have to listen carefully."