Aunt's thousand years old

Chapter 25 That Night

"Hmm!" When he saw me say this, he also raised his head and said, "Of course it's fake. Will I still like you with such a good vision?"

That's right, but who was the last person who slept with me all night? Speaking of which, this is not the first time that an immortal has done such a thing. Once he also liked to hold me and do nothing. But how long ago was this? When I just got married three years ago? He also had some fresh enthusiasm for me.

However, later, the new aunts came in year after year, and he never slept with me like this again. Didn't you feel dizzy today and do such a thing again?

Looking at his closed eyes and a satisfied smile, I sighed too long. This old man built his happiness on my pain.

Although it is beautiful and delicious. Looking at such a evil in the morning is good for the mood of the day, but last night, it made me miserable.

Isn't my sigh disturbing him? He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at me: "Morning."

I snorted sadly: "Morning, sir."

"Why are you unhappy early in the morning? Is your body better?"

All right! This is not good. I'm really going to die.

"Thank you for your relationship. My concubine's body is much better. Is the master going to leave? Ouch, do you want my concubine to serve you and dress..."

"Do you have to say this to me?" His face turned black again.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Okay, sir, I'll tell you honestly. Don't sleep with me anymore! Please!" It's simply tears before words.

His face is getting worse and worse: "What, do you think I didn't satisfy you? That's because you are not in good health, or let's come now..."

No matter how cheeky my aunt is, she can't stand his words. She quickly covered his mouth and begged, "Sir, I'm wrong. You can torture me, just don't sleep with me!"

"Sleeping with me, are you so painful?" This is cold and hard, so terrible. At one time, I thought that he was going to get up and go, and he would never step into Xiangyiyuan again in this life - but Situ Xiang, who had a big belly, actually turned over and continued to stay **...

This bed is quite big when you get up. But as soon as he slept on it, he seemed to be cramped. As soon as he lay there, I was forced to the corner of the wall and couldn't move my hands and feet. His broad back is facing me, exuding heat, which makes people feel very intuitively that he is a man and a strong man...

Really, I really want to, fall down...

My aunt measured the physical disparity between the two too much, so she smiled and said, "Sir, it's painful to sleep with you."

He hummed.

Isn't it said that Situ bully bullies men and women, and his temper is terrible? It's all Miao's biography!

"Your old arms and legs are always wrapped around me. I'm really uncomfortable." Finally, I couldn't stand it and burst out.

"I'm holding you, aren't you happy?" The man finally turned back, as if I had challenged his authority.

"How can it be comfortable!" This man's hand is still touching my stomach. He knew that he was itchy and deliberately came to torture me, right?

"I saw your stomachache and rubbed it for you!" He also looked a little angry. Why didn't you say it last night?

"Why didn't I say it? You all say 'oh-oh' and continue to rub it!"

"Then won't I just change it next time?" The fleeting grievance must be my illusion.

"No!" In order to defend my right to dominate a bed alone, I must not back down!

He suddenly laughed and said, "I said, you are so unwilling to share the same bed with me? Stop pretending."

My aunt's eyes were too wide: "What are you pretending?"

Is the man raising his chin slightly to show off that his chin is good-looking? But he hummed in his nose: "I still know something about you women. Li Liangxiu, what about you? You just want to suffer face, but in fact, in your heart..."

I laughed, held my chin, and winked at him: "Actually, how do I feel?"

His face turned red: "Actually... you must like to be with me in your heart." Tut, how domineering, but how does it sound? Why doesn't it smell like that?

I smiled again: "Sir, how do you know I like to be with you?"

"Hmm!" He turned his head and said, "I don't know your women yet?"

I nodded quickly: "That's it! That is! Who knows more about women in Lingyun City than Master Situ? You said the second, but no one dares to say the second." My words are completely from the bottom of my heart, with 120,000 devoutness to say - this immortal but 120,000 is very difficult to serve, and immediately shook my face: "Li Liangxiu, what do you mean?" The blush on my face faded, and the eyes stared at me wide. Tut, the eyelashes were quite good.

He stared at me, and I looked at him with a flattering smile. It's just that he hasn't spoken, and I feel tired of waiting and waiting. After all, my aunt was too impatient or asked coldly, "Master, you just came back yesterday. Why did you come to me?"

"What, are you not satisfied?" Look at what you said. My aunt talked to him in a good voice. Does he seem to have taken explosives? As for this person, when he is old, he should pay attention to cultivating his body and mind to prolong his life...

I laughed like a flower and shook my head like a rattle: "Where, my concubine is very satisfied. In the future, it will be more face-faced to go out. When our master came back, he stayed in my room on the first night.

He smiled strangely: "Then how about I let you have face every day in the future?"

My aunt suddenly felt a gust of wind: "No, no, no! This is not conducive to the friendship between sisters in the backyard. Master, as long as you don't sleep in Yishuiyuan and go to other places, my concubine will be very happy, which is equivalent to my master..." I bowed her head too shyly, "It's equivalent to your favor with me."

With a "bang--" sound, my aunt was stunned, but she saw the man stand up - only wearing promischid clothes. I didn't have time to see it, but she saw that he had pulled up the robe by the bed and put it on his body without even fastened his belt, so she went out. He moved so big that he walked for a long time, but the curtain was still shaking.

I stayed there like the curtain. When Xiao Cui jumped in, I came to my senses: "Xiao Cui, go and find out where the master is going!" Seeing that I looked serious, she ran out in a hurry. When she came back, my heart was tightly held: "Tell me honestly, did you... go to the fifth aunt?"

The little Cui girl rarely showed the expression of "Your second aunt, you are really wise, and I really admire it", but such a flattering expression did not bring me a feeling of fluttering at all. My aunt only felt a twitch in my heart - "That old immortal!"

This is not the first time!

Every time this immortal looks at me, he ignores my advice and runs to the water yard. It's enough to go to other yards. I'm definitely too happy to see it. But this old man has to go to Yishuiyuan!

Thinking of holding my body last night, I immediately went to hug a big cake-faced Qi Tian Dasheng. I suddenly felt goose bumps all over my body.

"Master, what's going on?" Xiao Cui is also anxious. This girl has always taken it as her responsibility to match the old man and me. Seeing this scene, she must be more depressed than me.

As a second aunt who was disliked by the old man but tried to maintain the dignity of an aunt, I became serious: "What happened last night? I asked you to go out to play. Why did you bring the master?

I don't believe it. It's the old man who thought of coming. This is probably done by Xiao Cui; Xiaohong is not clean anywhere. In the hearts of these two maids, my aunt is so pitiful that she will wither and die without the favor of the old man.

When she saw that I looked bad, her smile became more dazzling and came over carefully: "Master, you don't know how hard it was for me to hand over to the master yesterday."

I sneered: "What did you say?"

"Oh, yesterday, my wife stood at the door with all her aunts to greet her. Those maids crowded to the door. The big guys are all beautiful, and even the fifth aunt is quite beautiful. She looked at me carefully, "It's just that there is a master missing here. The master is also cruel and only talks to his wife.

"Did you know he was ruthless on the first day?" My aunt doesn't want to see this pig's head.

"Hey, master!" The little girl shouted, "You can't say that. Although the master is a little cold to you, there is still a little bit of yours in his heart. Otherwise, I found Xiaochao yesterday and asked him to take me to Da Zhuang and begged Da Zhuang. Da Zhuang told the master that you were sick, and he would not come to see you.

Just for him to come to see me, this girl took a lot of effort. Aunt Ben laughed too much: "Xiao Cui, you have done a good job."

The little girl bowed her head and was looking shy. I had already shouted, "Who let me make my own decision!" How many times have I told you? What is the master's favorite? You can't force it!"

can't be forced! What are you forced to do with your little hoof?

I can't wait to cut open her head to see what was hidden in it.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes, and I was upset: "You did it on purpose yesterday. Xiaohong is also an accomplice. My aunt was so miserable that the girls couldn't stand it.

Xiao Cui whispered, "Master, don't be angry. I know that you are angry about today's behavior. But let's not be angry with him, my lord. After all, you are the master, master..."

"Do you think what happened this morning?"