Aunt's thousand years old

Chapter 35 Me and the Master

"What about you? You just think too much. In fact, the master loves you very much. I often say in front of me that it's good that you have five aunts who are too obedient.

She was in the rain. Hearing my words, she didn't believe it at all: "Don't fool me!"

How can I be confused? The immortal once saw me like that and hated me and said, "You are not even as good as my fifth aunt. Look at yours!" That's right, it's to praise her for being better than me.

She was skeptical: "How could he praise me?"

"Yo, why didn't the master praise you?" I was impassioned, "You look so good..." I racked my brains and thought of a word, "Go out." Can you not pick it out? Among a group of beauties, the only big cake!" Besides, he has a good temper. Dare to love and hate. It's so painful!" This is also true. She really dares to love and hate. In order to climb up this immortal bed, she made her parents half-dead. She is indeed a real hero in a rebellious woman. It's most suitable for the dboy who won't die." What's more, you are simple and simple-minded!" Talent is bullied by me from time to time, which solves the pain in my empty boudoir. The master doesn't love you. Who does he love?

My eyes are full of sincerity!

When she heard my words, she also felt very reasonable and gradually burst into tears. Without saying a word, I'm leaving.

"Oh, fifth sister, why are you going?"

She rolled her eyes and said, "What am I doing here? Don't you want to check the account? If there is any problem in the account book, wait until you finish checking it. I always feel that she has one more thing to say: Even if I greedy for a lot of money, what can you do with me?

I smiled. The fifth aunt is a big celebrity in front of her. Can it be compared with a desolate aunt like me? Hurry to send her out. As for the future, let's wait and see!

Xiao Cui asked me puzzledly, "Master, is it just the fifth aunt's business?"

Xiao Cui is quite resentful. The main reason is that during the period when I was locked up, my fifth aunt didn't give us a better time. At that time, she deducted the moon silver and instructed the girl to make trouble. Anything could make us worry, and she would toss around everything. At that time, Xiao Cui saw that I was unhappy and didn't tell me these messy things - this angry person was Xiao Cui. Seeing that I regained power, I hurriedly told me the grievances of the day, hoping that I would make the decision.

I knocked on her brain: "Now your master is in trouble to protect himself, and he is still talking about revenge."

"Master, how can you protect yourself?"

This stupid girl.

In fact, the fifth aunt said everything wrong, and only one thing was right - the old and unspeakable thoughts on my idea were misunderstood by everyone. Even my wife and fifth aunt said that they like me forever - what about the others? None of them are vegetarian. All of them have deep feelings for him. If they are misunderstood, he has an affair with me, and it is still a thick leg - do I still have a way to live?

I looked at Xiao Cui melancholy: "Xiao Cui, what do you think of me?"


At this time, we are walking on the way back to Xiangyiyuan, walking and gnaving our teeth. The girl even walked slowly when she heard what I said. Then I knew what she thought.

"Alas. Only you know my suffering."

Xiao Cui waved his hand quickly: "Master, don't be sad. In fact, the master is good to the master. At least give me a bowl of rice.

"If only other people think like you." I made a deep resengeance.

"Does the master want others to say that the master spoils you?" A leaf brushed my face and waved away impatiently, "This is a very complicated problem."

"The complexity of this problem is that everyone thinks that the master spoils me, good and bad. The good place is naturally that I, your master, finally raised my eyebrows. I can't breathe. My waist is not sore. From now on, who dares to laugh at me behind my back; but the problem is that there are more bad things. First of all, people thought that the master spoiled me, so they were jealous of me and stumbling me behind my back.

Xiao Cui nodded quickly.

"Then, they thought that the master spoiled me, so they thought that there was a lot of money and all kinds of good things in my yard. In the future, more people will take advantage of it!"

At this time, Xiao Cui nodded her head like pounding garlic. This girl has a deep understanding - in the past, especially the seventh aunt, always came to fight the autumn wind. I'll borrow a dress today and a jewelry tomorrow. If I don't borrow it, they still cry. It doesn't say that I co-housekeeper, deceive the top and the bottom, and neglect people. I was reluctant to borrow myself, so I often lent the old things of the maids to others - Xiao Cui was the first to bear the brunt.

Finally, I didn't say the most important reason. Well, Auntie, you also need face.

The last very important reason is that everyone thinks that he spoils me, but he actually doesn't spoil me at all. I even believe their lies. How difficult it would be when I was facing a lonely boudoir alone!

So, the question now is, how can everyone realize that in fact, the master doesn't like the second aunt at all?

After listening to my analysis, Xiao Cui's heart also became heavy: "Master, do you think whether the master spoils you or not?"

Well...this question...

I touched my chin. Xiao Cui, what's your opinion?

The girl took a look at me and began to narrate without any face: "I don't know if they are blind or something. How can they think the master spoils you? The master clearly has a headache when he sees his master. In the past two years, I have lived in Xiangyiyuan for no more than five nights, and I left angrily every morning - and how can the master like the master!"

This is what...

I was angry: "Why can't he like me?"

"Hey." Xiao Cui realized that he had lost his words, "In fact, now the master has been running to the room of his wife, third aunt, fourth aunt and tenth aunt for three days. Master, don't worry. Who would think that the master likes you?

Is this comfort? Is this comfort?

I felt more and more violent: "Who said that? In fact, the master likes me very much."

The little girl tried to hold her white eyes. Do you think I can't see it...


But what the little girl doesn't understand is that the wife, the third aunt, the fourth aunt and the tenth aunt all know very well in their hearts what the old and immortally spoils them for. Will they be satisfied with this kind of love for a reason? It's okay if it's satisfied.

But I knew they would not be satisfied.

In a beautiful name, congratulations on my master's withdrawal from the ban, and those aunts all came to my room. Every aunt sent me something, and the fourth aunt smiled and said, "Let's get together again some other day." Then she left. Although my attitude towards my aunt has never been very good, it has never been so cold.

This person is always more greedy for what he has already gained. At the beginning, the master slept outside eight out of ten nights, but the big guys were happy. Now the master sleeps in the house almost every night, especially gentle to his wives - they are not satisfied. Looking at the old man's kindness to me, I was so jealous.

I think this is "people's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants".

What can I do?

I think about it too much, and I think there is actually a way. For example, I can let everyone know that in fact, my aunt and the old man are innocent and have no tricks at all.

When I told Xiao Cui this, the traitor Xiaohong appeared.

Come on, what is she doing here?

Xiao Cui didn't know what the benefits of Xiaohong received, and looked sleepy to me: "Master, please pity me. I have to go to sleep and let Xiaohong serve me, okay?"

This girl, that little idea, is written on her face.

I scolded, "If you go, don't go to Xiaochao!"

There is a piece of silence in this room. The shadows of trees outside the house are a little projected in, which is self-contained shade. My aunt sighed like that: "Alas."

I'm lying on the couch, dressed in a wide silk dress, waiting for dinner. The weather is sultry, but the house is just right. My mind is a little dizzy, but my heart is clear.

"Xiao Hong, what do you want to say about me and my master?"

I closed my eyes slightly and heard a soft sound - fluttering.

"What are you doing on your knees?"

"Master, I..."

Yes. Finally, this moment has come.

"Xiao Hong, just say what you want to say." I actually feel that I have the style of a Taoist monk.

She choked, and my aunt's body was too delicate - isn't it a runny nose? Master, please don't be angry with the master, okay?"

I opened my eyes, but I saw her kneeling in front of her, lying on the ground, all dressed in red clothes.

I sighed but didn't say a word.

She grabbed my trousers and shouted, "What's wrong with the maidservant? The master just beat and scolded me. Don't treat the master like that."

I have a headache: What do I have to do with her?

But it adds a little resentment: "In your heart, is he your master?"

She was shocked and raised her head again, with tears on her face: "Master, didn't you know it for a long time?"

Yes. I have known for a long time. That time, it was just a * - with my aunt's wisdom and martial arts, but she had already found another unbearable thing, Xiao Hong, who was not my person.

I put her together with Xiao Cui, Xiaohong, who is as important as me. It turns out that she is not my person.

began to be suspicious for a long time - since when, I can't tell, but at the time of the family dinner, I really can't resist it, which makes me think it's impossible to pretend that I don't know.

Perhaps my biggest problem is that I can't whitewash the peace.

"Why don't you go back to your master? Why is it still like this? No one has said that I treat you kindly.

"Master!" She burst into tears and a lot of tears, which really disgusted my aunt. "You are my master. No matter why I came here at the beginning, our family has been happily together in the past three years, and I know your kindness to me. I have regarded you as a real master for a long time. I just want to persuade you to have a better relationship with the master and not be so nervous. Is this wrong?