Aunt's thousand years old

Chapter 10 Untimely Aunt

Big things, big things...

I had to speak before I found that my hands were sweating. Xiaohong just leaned on one side and didn't make a sound. The tenth aunt looked at me with a smile on her face. No matter how I looked at it, everything felt like a dream--

I want to say a lot of words, but I can't say a word. In the end, I just laughed: "Ten sisters, do you really like women?"

Speaking of this, the smile in the woman's eyes warmed up: "Women, soft, fragrant, slippery, so comfortable, can't be spoiled by those stinky men. When I was in Jingcha City, there were a lot of widowed women. Some are because men die on the front line, and some are because men are on the front line and stay widowed. Thanks to me, they are satisfied..."

My aunt's delicate body shocked: "Well, I took a step in advance..."

A light sentence came from behind her: "When Situ Xiang dies, I will love your second sister like this... Xiuxiu..."

I just walked out of the yard, and I felt like I wanted to spit out all the tea rice balls in my stomach. Who knows if she will put some aphrodisiac or something in it.

I sweated coldly and relied on Xiao Hong to return to Xiangyiyuan. But when I got back to the room, I found that the little red lips were purple, which was not much better than me. I comforted him, "Xiao Hong, no one thought that Aunt Ten was such a person, right?"

"I'm worried, but the master woo... woo..." She covered her eyes, but she couldn't hide her tears falling from her fingers.

My aunt's heart immediately rose up: "Xiaohong, don't do this. Come on, give you a handkerchief." I took it out of my sleeve. Where's my handkerchief? Sure enough, it will take time to hate less. Xiaohong cried, "Master, what should we do?"

The voice is sad, like the erhu pulled by the stage team, not to mention how desolate it is. My aunt also sighed, "If the master dies, who will feed me and who will wear it?"

No wonder my wife said that "one glory is both glorious and one loss is damaged", and I fought with my fourth aunt too much. It's really inappropriate. When Situ's house collapses, do I still have to compete with her about the size of the steamed buns?

Xiao Cui came in happily and was surprised to see us: "Yo, master, Xiaohong, what's wrong with you? Why does it look like someone is dead!"

Xiaohong was about to scold when Xiao Cui had taken my hand and shouted: "Good master, good master, Xiao Chao has made up with me today. He said that it was the fox spirit of Jin Suoer who seduced him before. In his heart... in his heart... or..." I was still confused. She had covered her cheeks and pretended to be shy, "Oh, master, you know, I'm embarrassed!"

I really don't understand...

I shook off her hand and said, "Don't you see that your master is sad? Let's talk about it later!"

She was indomitable, continued to hold my hand, and looked into my eyes carefully: "Can you pretend that you cried because you didn't sleep well last night? Master, are you? You are the most ruthless and hot-handed master!"

"Then I can't cry?"

"I think it's difficult for a ruthless person like you!" The little girl shook her head. Xiaohong cried again as soon as she heard this.

"What's wrong with Xiaohong Xiaohong?"

"Xiaohong Xiaohong gave me a rattle. He thinks I'm very good at playing this thing!"

"Xiaohong Xiaohong, do you cry harder because you think of the master again?"

... It was okay in front of her. When Xiao Hong heard the last sentence, she simply turned around and ran back to her room. The innocent and immature Xiao Cui still took the rattle given to her by her lover and asked me innocently, "Did I say master remind her of the fact that she was abandoned by the master again?" Xiaohong hasn't gone far yet...

Can love really make a stupid person more stupid...


I have always felt that I am an untimely aunt.

If I am a man and coincide with troubled times, I must be the great poet who worries about the country and the people, and makes earth-shaking poems. It's a pity that I'm not with you, and my aunt is too talented to meet, so I can only write a few **-poems on weekdays to talk about feelings.

Then there is a rare opportunity now, and the Turks are about to come in. If my aunt is too ambitious and ambitious, she should resolutely devote himself to the war and leave a brilliant mark in the history of poetry... However, the question is that I am a woman... Moreover, is it also bumpy to take a carriage to the border gate... Will my aunt's delicate skin be blown by the Gobi wind and crack? ......

Therefore, my aunt is still not born at the right time.

In the past two days, I often worry about the moon. In the passage, there are often those stories - what kind of hero met a beautiful rich lady or a young woman, and the two met on the roof and knew each other in **... Of course, my aunt would not read such an unscrupulous story. My well-cultivated aunt reads four books and five classics and reads female precepts. How can she read this kind of thing?

What my aunt wants to say is that such a night is really lonely.

When I said I was lonely, it was snowing. The next morning, I got up white. This is the first heavy snowfall in Lingyun City this year, a little later than in previous years. However, there have been several light snows before, like the dandruff on the third-class woman's head, shaking from afar. My aunt is too determined not to admit that it was snow.

In short, it's snowing. My aunt put on the expensive fremere cloak with a fairy-like figure. It's just that I'm sad. I don't know how many more times I can wear it. I don't know if it's dead or not...

Looking at Xiaohong's sad face all day, I knew that the situation was not good. Xiaohong, can you still contact the people on the master's side? I asked.

Xiaohong held an umbrella for me, and the two stared at the snowflakes falling on the ground. One piece, two pieces, three or four pieces...

Little Red has said. Her voice seemed particularly quiet in such a snow: "Well, master, we are still in contact."

"Then he..." I frowned and came up with a word, "Has it soared?" "Flying" refers to the monk Yuhua ascending to immortality in Taoism. Let's see how good I am to that old immortality, using such a beautiful word. Actually, I think he should go to hell!

Xiaohong was not ungrateful, and her voice was cold: "Master, the master is still fine. I reported what Aunt Ten said about the thief, and everything is fine now. Don't worry about the master!"

"Ha ha," I laughed dryly, "where do I miss it? Isn't this..." In a hurry, I spit out, "I'll ask if the husband and wife are grateful for a day."

"Since the master misses the master so much, it's better to send something close to the master and give him a comfort." Her voice is cooler than this cold weather.

"What's close-fitting?" I'm not ashamed to ask, "My little belly pocket?"


"Oh, no one else sends it. Why am I the only one!" Unfair! There are many immortal confidants, and he must recruit prostitutes in the barracks. Such a person will definitely not take my little belly to see things and think about people.

"How does the master know that others didn't send it?"

I have a speech. Is everyone doing something for the old man? But isn't the old immortal in the army?

"Xiao Hong, you must be lying to me. No one knows where the master is. How can he make something for him?

"So the master shouldn't feel lucky and have the opportunity to bring something to the master?" She whispered, "It's also snowing in the north. It's colder and colder there. I don't know if it will freeze when he gets up in the middle of the night.

A cold wind came to my face. My aunt was so trembling. Xiaohong, that's enough. How could he be frozen?

Acacia is a very mysterious thing. This kind of thing has been explained incisively in the poems of the ancients. My aunt looked at Xiaohong's deep friendship and then analyzed herself, feeling that this matter was so unreliable.

Wake up from the cold in the middle of the night. Didn't the puppy who burned the kang forget to burn the fire? Drag out! Cut it! My aunt roared in her heart. Alas. But he still sighed. In such a night, I found what is empty, lonely and cold.

What is a lonely pillow? What is a spring boudoir? Xiaohong said that it's okay to be immortal. But what should I do if something happens? Can I find the second spring in my life? Damn Situ Xiang took possession of my uncle's body. My aunt, this yellow flower daughter, can I find another good man in the future?

Maybe I can find one... but somehow, I suddenly don't want to imagine such a scene.

If he can come back, that's good. He... Although I don't know him, his people are actually not bad...

Maybe...maybe...but who knows?

I can't get up, so I really want to embroider a purse for him. Looking for needles and threads everywhere, but needles and threads can't be found. Xiaocui Xiaohong fell asleep and shouted, and the person who got up at night outside fell up: "Master, what's wrong? Do you want to go to the toilet?"

I think it's not easy for other girls. You must be bullied before you are sent to a vigil on a cold day. This job was done by Xiao Cui. He didn't want to toss her: "It's okay. Go to bed."

Lie back on the bed again. In fact, it's not cold in the kang. I just feel that something is missing.

Ah, in this **, I once kicked an immortal old man out of bed... At this moment, who else can be insulted and not return his mouth, bullied by me without fighting back... After being kicked out of bed by me, he climbed up to bed and lay flat and continued to let me**?

is difficult.

If I find another second spring of my life, with my beauty and invincible temperament, I can probably find a... a husband, or a disabled person, may be a prodigal son who can't marry a wife... Does he have the color of immortality? Does he have the temperament of working hard and fighting back?

In this dark night, I was too deeply aware of the benefits of an old man not being humane.