Medical incense

Chapter 60 Secret

ps: New book on the shelves, ask for the first order, ask for pink

"Lord Xiao..." After a moment of hesitation, Zhen Shiniang pushed the door and came in unconsciously, "It's so warm here."

The small space is as warm as spring.

Xiao Yu smiled and pointed to the eight scarlet columns in the gazebo, "These pillars are all fire dragons." He also pointed to the ground, "There is a closed dark trough under the pavilion connected to the pillars. In winter, it is filled with broken firewood and burns slowly, which is better than a stove..." Looking at the plaque on the pavilion, "My mother likes it here the most. Meiting was taken by herself."

"No wonder I saw that the snow around the pavilion melted when I came up..." Zhen Shiniang reached out and touched the pillar. It was really warm. She couldn't help sighing, "Rich people are extravagant, but if you enjoy a plum blossom, you can make such a warm pavilion." However, Zhen Shiniang looked out of the pavilion again, "Where are the plum blossoms?" She came all the way, but she didn't see a plum blossom.

"Miss Jane drinks tea." Seeing Zhen Shiniang, Xiao Yu seemed to be in a good mood. He poured a cup of tea in person and invited her to sit down.

Zhen Shiniani sat down on the stone bench on the side and couldn't help laughing, "This stone bench is also warm." She was hesitant to sit down before.

"They are all hollow warm walls." Xiao Yu smiled and nodded.

After taking a sip of tea, Zhen Shiniang looked up and didn't realize that her expression was shocked. Half of the slope behind was sparse and proudly stood tall with more than 30 beads of plum blossoms, just like a small plum forest. In the late winter, plum blossoms occasionally bloomed, red and delicate, white as snow. Zhen Shini Come on, " come? This pavilion is closed. She turned around in surprise.

On the corner of the pavilion beside her, a white plum blossom was inserted in the flower goblet of blue and white porcelain, which blended with the white snow outside the pavilion. She really didn't find it when she smelled the fragrance. She couldn't help thinking of a poem, "I know it's not snow, only the dark fragrance."

Xiao Yu looked at her in consteritonishment, "... Miss Jane likes plum blossoms very much?"

Zhen Shiniang simply stood up and slowly walked to the glass, "... I haven't seen plum blossoms for a long time." The last time I enjoyed plum blossoms in my memory, I went to Xiangshan Park with my colleagues, where there was a plum ditch with a piece of preserved plums, and I could smell the fragrance dozens of meters away.

Thinking that she could never go back in this life, Zhen Shiniang couldn't help but feel gloomy, and her good mood disappeared.

"Miss Jane came from a scholarly family?" Xiao Yu quietly came behind her and looked out along her eyes, "How can you know medical skills?" If it were a medical family, it would never be so elegant and quiet, and the imperial doctor in the imperial hospital would never recite poems.

"Is it the fall of the family?" Xiao Yu looked at her slightly frown and secretly guessed.

"I have been sick for a long time and become a doctor." Zhen Shiniani avoided the importance and said, "I am sick, so I like to read some medical books. Occasionally, I got a strange book, which records many difficult and miscellaneous diseases."

"Miss Jane likes to read miscellaneous books?" Xiao Yu was secretly surprised. She was really unique.

Many miscellaneous books are listed as banned books, especially women. These books are all banned. At most, they only teach four women's books such as Women's Ring and Women's Analects.

Of course I like it, but unfortunately I don't.

In ancient times, there was no TV and no Internet. After a busy day, she slowly relied on books to spend the long night. Unfortunately, she had no money. It was already a luxury to buy a few traditional Chinese medicine books from old books. She remembered that those medical books on the pillow had been turned over by herself. Even the human vein map that had a headache With a wry smile, "I like it." He turned his head and looked at Xiao Yu, "Thank you, Lord Zhongtang, Dazhou Jizhi, I..." The voice hesitated, "Can you borrow it back to see it?"

"Speaking of the regional chronicle of the week, Miss Jane is the first to see it." Xiao Yu laughed, "That book is the first draft just compiled by Hanlin Academy, and it's still an insider's book. Long live, um..." He thought for a moment, "Miss Jane likes it and wait a few more days. When the verification is completed, I'll ask Gu Mai to send it to you."

"Thank you, Lord Zhongtang." Zhen Shini nodded and thanked him, and suddenly said, "No wonder General Shen has just subdued South Vietnam, and it has only been a few months since he won, and it has been written in this book." Before, she thought that the information transmission in ancient times was really so fast, just like the news broadcast in the previous life. After a while, the people of the whole country immediately knew the content of the meeting.

"The peace of the Japanese invaders, the conquest of Nanyi, and the conquest of South Vietnam. In just a few years, the territory of our Great Zhou has nearly doubled..." Xiao Yu nodded with a smile, "This General Shen is indeed a military wizard who came out of a hundred years. This time, he re-measured and mapped the territory of It's done."

If not, how could it be compiled so quickly?

"...It's just a long live acquaintance who makes good use of it." Zhen Shi Niang shook her head disdainfully.

But after a few victories, why did it come out in a hundred years?

When it comes to modern medical skills that ancient people have never seen, she is still a magic doctor who comes out every hundred years.

Zhen Shiniang was very disgusted with the book's praise of Shen Zhongqi as a god, "There is no shortage of Mingjun in the history of the Great Zhou Dynasty, but an emperor who can expand his territory. Today's long live can be said to be the first person besides the emperor of the Holy Ancestor. If you want me to

The voice suddenly stopped. Why didn't you mention a word in the book?!

"When the book was sent, I only looked over and felt that it was a little inappropriate, but I couldn't remember it. Later, things were busy and I let go..." After all, the sample sent by the Hanlin Academy was only out of courtesy, not really let him check the manuscript. After hearing this, Xiao Yu looked cold and then nodded, "Miss Long live the great achievements of the world..." He shook his head again, "It seems to be a kind-hearted person to exaggerate General Shen's merits so much."

As he spoke, a thin layer of sweat appeared on Xiao Yu's forehead.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yu would say this. Zhen Shiniang secretly scolded herself for talking too much. The matter of the temple could not be fought with her. She seemed to mention it intentionally. She seemed to be worried about Shen Zhongqi. She was thinking about how to turn the words, but she heard Xiao Yu sigh sincerely, "Speaking of it in detail It's really not like me and General Shen today.

How come?

If she remembered correctly, Shen Zhongqi and Xiao Yu were both the champions appointed by the former emperor. They were puzzled, but Zhen Shiniang didn't ask, and she enjoyed the beautiful scenery outside the pavilion indifferently.

"Miss Jane, sit down." Xiao Yu turned around and sat back on the stone bench, touched the tea, and filled the two of tea. "Seven years ago, long live was the prince at that time. On the eve of the scientific examination, he wandered between the sons. I met General Shen and I were talking in the pub..." Xiao Yu shook his head with a smile, "At that time, There are Japanese invaders outside the dictatorship of the State of Zhen, and the surrounding countries are staring at each other. They are worried about internal and external troubles. How should the emperor deal with himself today?

Isn't this easy to do?

Zhen Shi Niang frowned seriously.

"...If you want to go out, you must first settle down!" Thinking of this sentence that changed the fate of him and Shen Zhongqi, Xiao Yu's face turned slightly red. "I don't know that the opposite is the prince, so I gave the prince the current situation to cut off the power of the Duke of Zhen first, and then unite with Yan Qi to alienate Yi Yue, and divide the strategy of eating..." Immers immersed Zi asked, Yan Qi in the north and Yi Yue in the south had been staring at the Great Zhou Tiger for a long time. He relied on the Duke of Zhen, who was brave and good at fighting, so he did not dare to ask about it. If he cut off his military power, wouldn't he seek his own death? I was speechless with one sentence..." Suddenly, he returned to the glorious years of that year. Xiao Yu sighed sincerely, "At that time, Da Zhou looked around. In terms of leading troops to fight and arrange troops, no one can come out of the right of the Duke of Zhen, and only he can suppress the coveted of neighboring countries. Even if the door of Isn't it easy for the public?

"...What happened later?" In his impression, Xiao Yu has always been leisurely and confident in his hands. This is the first time. When she heard that he was blocked and speechless, Zhen Shiniang couldn't help but be curious.

"The prince turned his head and asked General Shen again. You are Wu Ju. Can you tell me how to deal with the invasion of Yiyue? General Shen put the cups and dishes on the table as soldiers. He talked about who Nanyi's generals were and what he was good at. If he attacked, how to mobilize troops..." Xiao Yu sighed repeatedly, "The prince was fascinated. At that time, I also found that General Shen was a rare military wonder, especially for As long as he has been to the topography once, he will never forget it, and he will also propose the most suitable tactics according to local conditions..."

"...That's why the prince ordered him to be the champion of martial arts?" I want to train him to replace the Duke of Zhen.

Thinking of the Duke of Zhen who died of conspiracy six years ago, it was after Shen Zhongqi's champion, Zhen Shiniang's heart trembled, and the last sentence subconsciously swallowed back.

"No matter how good you say it, it's on paper, not to mention that the prince was not in power at that time..." Xiao Yu shook his head, "It was General Shen's outstanding performance in the military field that moved the former emperor and personally ordered the champion of martial arts, but it's a pity..." Thinking of his military wonders, Shen Even the wayward daughter of Shangshu can't be separated now, but the hero is doomed to be poor for a lifetime. Xiao Yu sighed quietly and didn't say anything.

What's the pity?

Zhen Shinian was puzzled. Seeing that Xiao Yu closed her mouth, she didn't want to talk about Shen Zhongqi anymore. She changed the topic and asked, "... Is it true that Long live the eldest prince's to use the sixth princess to make peace with Qi Guo?"

"Most people in the court are opposed to the marriage, and it is controversial..." Xiao Yu said, and suddenly his heart moved. He suddenly looked up and asked, "... What do you think of Miss Jane?"

"Is General Shen going to send troops to the State of Yan?" With a little hesitation, Zhen Shiniang calmly said what she thought.

Da Zhou just pacified the Japanese invaders and subdued Yiyue. The morale of the three armies is high, and the force is at the head of Yanqi's Zhou Dynasty. It will never exchange the direct princess for peace. Now it is controversial. Obviously, it is long live to have the intention of peace. It is only because there are too

Long live is a wise king, not a cowardly person. The only reason why he advocates peace is to have a unified heart after pacifying Yiyue.

Although Yan Qi's force is not as good as Da Zhou, the Three Kingdoms are also balanced. If Da Zhou provokes a war without authorization, he will come to help to attack Yan Guoqi, and the opposite is the same. It is impossible to swallow the two countries at the same time. The best way is to form a dead .

If that's true, as long as she drags off the period before Shen Zhongqi's departure again, she can win a period of time for herself for one to two years, let her pills open the situation in the imperial hospital, successfully open a pharmaceutical factory, and create a country for Jianwu Jianwen!

When it was related to her own future, Zhen Shiniang was tightly tightened and looked at Xiao Yu as if nothing had happened. RS