Medical incense

Chapter 138 Adoption

"Generals can form two teams according to the skills, strengths, equipment, etc. to participate in the selection of soldiers..." Trying to recall the actual combat exercises she had seen in her previous life, Zhen Shinie quickly organized into a language that Shen Zhongqi could understand in her mind. "Dict two more areas, let them choose a region to camp and build..." She I don't know whether trenches were used in ancient wars. Zhen Shiniang's voice paused, "HOBSTACLES. The generals let them set obstacles for each other according to the skills to be assessed, and then give the prescribed time, or three days, or five days. Whoever first inserts the flag into the camp of the law to capture the supreme officer According to everyone's performance in actual combat, they choose the best talent. With that, Zhen Shiniang wiped the sweat on her forehead.

Shen Zhongqi is a military genius. I don't know if her words are too laypeople and are regarded as a joke.

The line is like a mountain, and she doesn't understand this at all. With Zhen Shiniang's ordinary nature, she will never play with an axe in front of Shen Zhongqi and explode her shortcomings.

However, this selection is related to Shen Zhongqi's life, which can't be ambiguous.

Thinking that Shen Zhongqi was originally a male chauvinist who discriminated against women, Zhen Shinian secretly fell in love with him.

Unexpectedly, Shen Zhongqi was rarely contemplating.

"That's a good idea!" Suddenly, he raised his head with colorful wings, "Draw an area in the north of Fenggu Camp..." He reached out and took the teacup and put the tea bowl on the kang. Where to arrange the formation, where to set up obstacles... The mountain range north of Fenggu Camp seems to be in his heart. Where there is a river, where there is a deep valley Open your mouth and come.

She told a large article with great interest. Zhen Shiniang didn't understand a word, but she was not impatient. She kept looking at him with a smile and occasionally helped him write down the things that were particularly emphasized.

"...The fake road is this 'Guo' is not a country..." After taking over Zhen Shiniang's record, Shen Zhongqi smiled and wrote a word on rice paper with a pen, "Guo is a small country in spring and autumn. This is a famous allusion..." In a very good mood, Shen Zhongqi explained with great patience.

The dark candlelight is reflected on the cold face, and there is a kind of solemnity.

Zhen Shi Niang was in a trance. She blushed and muttered, "I don't know anything about military affairs. The general will write it when he misses me. Who knows which country it is?" There is a strong taste of coquettishness in the tone.

Shen Zhongqi laughed loudly.

Zhen Shinang was so scared that she stretched out her hand to cover his mouth, "Everyone is asleep!" In the middle of the night, why doesn't he have any public morality at all?

The soft little hand came over, and the laughter turned into a muffled low smile. Shen Zhongqi's eyes and eyebrows were full of pleasure.

Feeling a itch in the palm of her hand, Zhen Shiniang was stung back by a wasp, "General!"

This guy added her like a dog!

She was delicate and angry, and her cheeks turned cloomy in an instant.

Shen Zhongqi was hot all over his body, and a part of his body quickly hardened.

The room fell silent in an instant.

"...It's too late. I'll go to bed first." Zhen Shi Niang hurriedly stood up.

Shen Zhongqi stretched out his hand to stop him. His hand hung in mid-air, looked at her hurriedly dodged back, and hung down again, "Go ahead, I'll sleep later."

Zhen Tenniang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

stepped out of the door, remembered something and turned around, "... My concubine will go to the barracks with the general tomorrow. What time will the general leave tomorrow? I will let Dongju call me concubine."

These days, Shen Zhongqi went to Beijing, and she has been staying in her ancestral home.

He left in the middle of the course. Lu Jun must be in a hurry these days, right?

The magpie is about to give birth. She has to finish the lecture quickly and come back to watch.

"Go to bed..." Shen Zhongqi waved his hand without raising his head.

Accustomed to his unclear attitude, Zhen Shiniang glanced at his mouth.

Hearing the sound of footsteps walking away, Shen Zhongqi slowly raised his head.

I don't know the military, but I accompanied him here in the middle of the night and listened to him seriously... There is no impatience... She is really nice.


Wake up by a burst of birds, Zhen Shiniang opened her eyes and looked at the sun rising to the three poles outside the window in a daze.

"My mother is sleeping in!" Jian Wu and Jian Wen lay on the side of the kang and looked at Zhen Shi Niang with a smile.

After looking at her son for a long time, Zhen Shiniang woke up and glanced at the leaking pot, "God, it's already morning!" She got up with all her bones.

Xia Ju splashed water in.

"Why don't you call me, general..." Zhen Shiniang wanted to ask the general. Last night, she made an appointment to go to the barracks. She saw Jian Wu and Jianwen looking at her eagerly. She swallowed the words and asked, "... Brother Wen, why didn't Brother Wu go to school today?"

It has been more than a month since Jianwu Jianwen entered the school.

"There are guests at your home!" Briefly said.

Zhen Shi Niang frowned.

It's not like modern times. The school has a fixed weekend. In ancient schools, except for the Spring Festival and major festivals, there were basically no holidays. Students could not take any vacation at will, otherwise they would be playing truant, but if a friend visited or had something to do, he would give him a day off.

There are no rules at all. If you have something to do at your family, you can have a holiday at any time. Zhen Shiniang is very dissatisfied with this point. Unfortunately, she is not able to hire Mr. Wen and Brother Wu alone for the time being and arrange school hours for them according to her own will.

He sighed and said secretly, "If the general knows them, he will definitely give them to Mr. Hire."

"Is your mother uncomfortable?" Seeing that Zhen Shiniang got up so late, she still frowned. Jian Wu stretched out his little hand and touched Zhen Shinang's forehead, and a trace of worry flashed in his childish eyes.

Zhen Shi Niang's heart trembled.

This child is too thoughtful!

"My mother just went to bed late." She smiled and pulled Jian Wu into her arms, "...Didn't you save your homework?"

"Retain it. My brother and I finished it early in the morning." Having been following Zhen Shiniang, they have developed the habit of getting up early. "Why did my mother go to bed late? Who did she tell the story to?" There is a trace of unwillingness in Jianwu's tone.

Since moving to the Overlord's House, Zhen Shiniang has rarely told them stories.

"It's a guest," Zhen Shiniang shook her head with a smile, "... What is Brother Wen and Brother Wu going to do today?"

"Put the paper oulet!"

"Punw the bird!"

Jian Wu Jianwen said at the same time, then closed his mouth at the same time and looked at each other. Jian Wen first said, "Sir, an hour older is also big. My brother must listen to my brother. Let's fly a kite!"

Jian Wu's face turned red, "... It's for you to lose face in the school, and you have to listen to me at home." Jian Wu has always been used to being domineering. He doesn't listen to this. "I have made an appointment with Gouzi and Brother Chun to go to the river to dig out birds together." Looking up at Zhen Shiniang, "There is a big locust tree by the river with a bird's nest on it. The dog said there were bird eggs in it!"

couldn't compete with Jian Wu, and Jian Wen also blushed, "The flying eagle made by Aunt Magpie is beautiful, and you also agreed to let it go together."

"It's the Cold Food Festival, not today!"

"Then you and the dog will go to pick out the birds, and Qiu Ju and I will go to put paper sbills!"

"No, we have to go together!" Since they were young, they have never played separately. Jian Wu shook his head into a rattle.

Seeing that her son quarreled in the blink of an eye, Zhen Shiniang frowned.

This simple martial arts is becoming more and more naughty and domineering.

I have the intention to reprimand, but I can see Jian Wu greasy rubbing in his arms. Zhen Shiniang's heart has melted, and she really can't bear to be harsh.

It's a little unnatural to dig a bird's nest, but which boy didn't do it when he was a child?

"It's a nice day outside..." Zhen Shiniang looked at the weather outside the window. "I also want to put paper meows."

Jianwen raised his head in surprise.

Zhen Shi Niang is in poor health and seldom goes out with them to play. The surprise of the two can be imagined.

"...Brother Wu doesn't want to accompany his mother to put paper ouches?" Seeing that Jian Wu opened his little mouth and couldn't speak, Zhen Shiniang asked.

"Go, go, I'll go with my mother!" Jian Wu jumped up happily, "I'll take a stool, and my mother will sit and watch me and my brother let go!" He also said, "Take Brother Ji with you. He is so powerful that he can climb the tree with one height!"

It's not a monkey, is there such a description?

Zhen Shiniang almost laughed, "Okay." She nodded, "However, Brother Wu has to tell Gouzi and Brother Chun first that you can't accompany them to pick up birds."

Jian Wu climbed down to the ground, "I'll ask them to put the paper oulet too!" Not only at home, but Jian Wu is also domineering outside. Among a group of half-sized children, he is a king. There is no need to discuss this kind of thing. He shouted that everyone should follow him.

ran to the door and turned around, "...I'm going to take Xiaohei with me!"

Zhen Shi Niang's head is a little big.

She just wanted to stop Jian Wu from picking birds, but in a blink of an eye, Jian Wu organized a large army. Is this going to walk the dog or put paper hooks?

While Jian Wu Jianwen went out, Zhen Shiniang asked Xia Ju, "When did the general leave? Why didn't you wake me up?"

"The general didn't sleep all night and left at four o'clock when he was ugly." Xia Ju bent down to get Zhen Shi Niang's shoes, "The maidservant wants to call you, but the general won't let you."

As he spoke, the magpie came in with a straight stomach, "...Madam, are you going to put paper iris?" Looking at Zhen Shi Niang in disbelief.

"It's just the right time to bask in the sun." Zhen Shiniang nodded with a smile.

"Madam's body..."

"I don't put it myself, I just sit and bask in the sun." Zhen Shiniang pulled the magpie to the pulse, "How are you feeling these two days?"

"The action is getting more and more stupid." The magpie smiled and said, " Mrs. Li said that Mrs. Zheng could come after receiving her on March 15th. Cui's mother went to Anping's aunt's house on the tenth day of the first lunar month. The maidservant has been sent a letter. I don't know if I can come back at that time..."

Zhen Shi Niang let go of the magpie's hand and came to the basin. "It is said that it is more than 20 days, and the expected date of delivery is not absolutely accurate. It's also him a few days earlier, and it's also him a few days later. Be more alert and be careful not to leave..."

"The maidservant knows." The magpie nodded, "I heard that the general is back?" He looked at Zhen Shiniang with a smile.

For more than a month, they have either been in the barracks or back to their ancestral home. If they go out, they will be in pairs. The magpies are happy. However, the magpies really don't understand that the general treats her like this. What else does her wife insist on? She refuses to sleep with Shen Zhongqi.

The lips moved, and the magpie stopped talking.

Zhen Shiniang only did it and couldn't see it. She bowed her head and washed her face with water. "Changhe sent this batch of medicine back. Let him stay at home with you. Don't go anywhere."

The pharmaceutical factory was officially put into production half a month ago. Three days ago, the first batch of drugs were released, escorted by Li Changhe and Li Qi to the imperial hospital. RS