Medical incense

Chapter 181 Protecting the Cow

"Madam, find a way to persuade the young master first..." In a dilemma, Ji Huaifeng whispered in Zhen Shi Niang's ear, "I will let this school disappear afterwards." This is not alarmist. As a big bodyguard, it is not a problem not to say that there is no school, but to slaughter the whole Wutong Town.

Insist of students to stop the school, Jian Wu is the first one since the founding of the Zhou Dynasty!

If it spreads out, bad trouble will affect his career in life. This is not a joke.

Disappear from now on?

Zhen Shi Niang's body was shocked. What did he mean by that?

She looked cold, "Don't mess around!"

To Zhen Shi Niang's rare majestic eyes, Ji Huaifeng's lips moved and retreated to one side.

Zhen Shiniang raised her eyes and looked at her husband.

Mr. is in his fifties, tall, wearing a dark blue thin cloth gown, a rigid face, and his facial features are also normal. A white beard is raised one by one. Seeing him, Zhen Shiniang couldn't help but think of Kong Yiji in Lu Xun's masterpiece.

"... Great rebellion, great rebellion!" The gentleman muttered tremuringly. The original voice could not suppress Jian Wu. When the surroundings calmed down, his voice seemed particularly clear, "If you don't teach, the father's past, the teacher's responsibility, I won't take you today..."

"I don't have a father, you don't have to..." Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Jian Wu.

Zhen Shi Niang's heart seemed to be pricked by a needle, "Brother Wu!" The sound was particularly sad because it was out of control.

Jian Wu's voice paused.

It was wrong for the gentleman to beat people. Unexpectedly, his mother drank himself regardless of right and wrong. Jian Wu's eyes turned red. He stared at Zhen Shi Niang and showed a grievance.

He came to his senses and jumped Zhen Shiniang herself. "Why did she get out of control in public?" After calming her mind, without looking at her son's aggrieved little face, Zhen Shiniang turned to her husband, "I'm Jian Wu's mother. Excuse me, sir."


just found Zhen Shiniang.

When he sent Jianwen Jianwu to school, he met Zhen Shiniang. He was deeply impressed by this gentle and talkative woman and was strange in his heart, "How could such a kind mother raise such a domineering son?" Facing Zhen Shinang's gentleness and quietness, most of the anger in his chest disappeared in an instant. He arched to Zhen Shinang and said, "Miss Jian came just in time. Jian Wu did not obey the discipline and took the lead in gathering the crowd to make trouble. Today, Miss Jian should give me an explanation no matter what!"

"This matter was caused by beating the dog." Zhen Tenniang looked at her husband sincerely, "...Why did you beat the child?"

"If you make a mistake, you have to hit it!"

"The purpose of the fight is to let them remember the lesson and not make mistakes next time..." Zhen Shiniang followed his meaning, "Isn't it?"

"Of course!" The gentleman nodded, "If you don't think about it, you can't make it!"

"Sir said so..." Zhen Shi Niang nodded.

Mr. raised his head high.

Niang clearly said that it was wrong for her husband to beat people, and she also told many stories of peasant uprisings and student demonstrations. How could my mother change in a blink of an eye?

Unexpectedly, he said in public that he was right without even asking!

Jian Wu suffocated his mouth aggrievedly, and tears rolled around his eyes.

Ji Huaifeng couldn't stand it. Just as he was about to open his mouth, he listened to Zhen Shiniang's topic and said, "The beating is just a means. It is a means for you to let students remember the lesson. Since it is a means, it should be effective. Why do you insist on using it and not try other methods She couldn't take her eyes off the gentleman, "The so-called all roads are bliss, and there are many ways to achieve what you said about carving." He also said, "Three thousand disciples of Confucius, but in the Analects of Confucius, which can record the words and deeds of the saints, there is no single word that mention that the disciples should be whipped. The saint of Confucius has always advocated the method of 'no anger, no enlightenment, no anger, no hair'. Have you read these

Jian Wu's eyes lit up.

The audience also let out a sigh.

In his mouth, every time his child was beaten, his hands went back red and swollen. Any parent was distressed. Originally, he also thought that his husband was right to fight. The so-called no talent if he didn't beat him. At this time, after listening to Zhen Shiniang's words, he also felt very reasonable.

The lesson for children is, why do they have to fight so hard?

It was not until this moment that my husband realized that Zhen Shiniang's words were setting himself up.

Previously, Jian Wu took the lead in the strike to bully the master and destroy the ancestors. He could be sent to the government to be punished, so he dared to fight against the bachelor of the strike aggressively, but now Zhen Shi Niang accuses him of beating the child with the words and deeds of the saint, which is different.

"You..." He pointed to Zhen Shi Niang and couldn't speak.

I'm used to students' obedient to him, and those who are used to it are also showing their literary talent. I really don't know how to quibble to Mai Mang like this.

It's really the wind of the world, the wind of the world...

Mr.'s hands shivered angrily.

"For example..." He was speechless, but Zhen Shiniang didn't give him time to think. She pointed to the dog curled up on the long table. "I heard from Brother Wu that he was beaten by his husband because he couldn't recite the book. He couldn't recite it every day. Have you ever thought about it..." She He refused to work hard. He didn't understand what his husband said at all, or he had memorized it. Because he was afraid of punishment, he forgot it as soon as he was nervous in front of you?


As soon as the voice fell, the students on strike immediately became noisy.

Someone has shouted out

"I just carried it well at home, and I forgot it as soon as I got to my husband..."

"Me too..."

"I'm reading it, and I don't understand what it means, so I can't memorize it..."


The discussion is getting louder and louder.

Mr. blushed, gritted his teeth and said, "Since Miss Jane thinks that Jian Wu's behavior of bullying is right, see you in court!"

All the voices suddenly emptied.

Ji Huaifeng's face turned slightly white.

There are generals and emperors behind him. Don't mention the court, he is not afraid to hand it over to the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

But once Jianwu passed the court at a young age, he left a record of bullying his master and destroying his ancestors, which spread among the people, but it will affect his whole life.

Although Jian Wu is reasonable, no matter how reasonable he is, he can't openly bully his teacher, just like parents can't be unfilial anymore.

The master of heaven and earth is to be worshipped. Those who bully the teacher and insult the teacher are not even qualified to take the exam.

Everyone looked at Zhen Shiniang one after another.

Zhen Shi Niang sighed, "... Just say that you can't defeat this feudal etiquette with your own strength!"

Seeing that everyone lost their momentum, the gentleman snorted coldly.

Just as she was about to make the nurse go to report to the official and suppress the crowd, she heard Zhen Shiniang say, "... Jian Wu is still young. He only knows how to pursue right and wrong in black and white, and will not consider the overall situation." She pointed to the dog lying on the table. "If I am a gentleman, the most It's dead!" Yu Laijiang is the scientific name of the dog.

Following Zhen Shiniang's eyes, the gentleman's face turned pale.

I saw the dog, who had curled up before, now stretched out his limbs and lay straight on the table, exhaling more and inhaling less, as if he was out of breath.

"This...what's going on?" My husband's legs are weak.

The whole town knows that things have happened, and then there are lives... He can't beat to kill people.

The dog's parents had been here for a long time. When they saw their son lying upright, they were in a hurry, but because of the situation in front of them, they didn't dare to come forward. Seeing Zhen Shiniang win the eyes, they rushed over, "Dog!" With a sad cry, the dog mother cried loudly.

The sound of crying was earth-shaking.

Mr. softly fell to the ground.


In April, the child's face was still clear at the moment, and it was cloudy in a blink of an eye.

With the crackling sound of a gust of wind blowing on the windows, the pouring rain poured down, and the whole yard burst into a puff of smoke in an instant.

Jian Wu Jianwen, who was punished to stand in the yard, moved his feet and saw his mother's figure sitting there motionlessly through the glass. The two immediately straightened their chests again.

Magpies, autumn chrysanthemums, winter chrysanthemums, Li Changhe, Li Changhai, even Ji Huaifeng and others also knelt on the ground together.

Seeing the rain outside the window turn into smoke, Qiu Ju's heartbreaking tears fell straight down.

The magpie kowtowed to Zhen Shiniang repeatedly, "It's the maidservant who didn't take good care of them. Madam, just punish the maidservant. It's raining. At least let Brother Wen and Brother Wu come in."

Ji Huaifeng echoed, "The young master has already known that it was wrong. Madam, let them come back."

Zhen Shiniang only sat motionless.

"Go and give them an umbrella!" Qiu Ju stood up.

"I'll go!" Ji Huaifeng followed and stood up.

"Who dares!" Zhen Shi Niang shouted coldly.

"Madam!" Qiu Ju knelt down and said, "Brother Wen and Brother Wu are still young and will get sick."

"This column of incense has not been burned, and no one is allowed to help them." Zhen Shiniang's voice was resolute.

"...In the morning, the young master just wanted to make an injustice for the dog. It was righteous. He was not wrong!" Seeing that Jian Wu Jianwen was drenched, Ji Huaifeng kowtowed to Zhen Shiniang for the first time, "I'm willing to be punished for the young master."

"Add half a column of incense!"

Ji Huaifeng was stupid there.

Suddenly, he pushed the door open and rushed out, shouting to Jianwen and Jianwu, "Go into the house!" At worst, take them to the front and let them protect them. Let's see if she dares to punish.

Looking at Jian Wu Jianwen's white face, Ji Huaifeng's eyes were really red.

Jianwu Jianwen stood motionless.

"Do you hear me? I'm here. Can you go back quickly?" Ji Huaifeng went to drag Jian Wu.

Jian Wu shook him away, "... I made trouble recklessly, and my mother said she would stand with incense!"

Looking at the stubborn face as Shen Zhongqi in front of him, Ji Huaifeng's hand slowly hung down.

The magpie and autumn chrysanthemums both ran to the incense case and blew their breath, longing for the column of incense to be burned out.

Looking at Ji Huaifeng, Li Changhe and others standing outside with Jian Wu Jianwen in the rain, Zhen Shiniang suddenly turned her head.

Her son was punished in the rain, and she was more distressed than anyone else.

However, Jian Wu's domineering and reckless nature doesn't let him learn a lesson, and he doesn't know what will happen in the future.

This time, it's my own trick. Relying on peerless medical skills, let the dog pretend to be dead to cheat the gentleman. Next time... A hundred years later, who else can shield them from the wind and rain? RS