Medical incense

Chapter 299 Missing

Zhen Shinang's eyes lit up and turned her head to tell Yu Qing, "Let Master Ma pick it up according to the list and put it in each room."

"... I've always wondered what my wife uses to make this noose honeycomb. It turned out to be a light stand." Gui Guzi looked at the headlights of more than a dozen small octagonal palace lamps that had just been installed like a group of honeycombs and sighed.

Because Zhen Shinang is in poor health, after that, as long as the drawings can be figured out, Gui Guzi and Shen Zhongxin are also embarrassed to disturb her for some small problems.

"... The patient's meridians and blood vessels are very thin. The light must be good during surgery, and there must be no shadows from all angles, so this is designed." Ignoring a vascular nerve under a shadow during surgery can lead to a fatal mistake.

This is her design with reference to the shadowless lamp in her previous life. The difference is that there was no electricity in ancient times. This shadowless lamp cannot be fixed in the operation as modern times. After thinking for a few days, Zhen Shiniang installed a noose on the shaft at the bottom end of the lamp, which is convenient to put it down at any

"There is really no shadow!" The candle was lit and the curtains were pulled up. Shen Zhongxin reached out and experimented under the lamp, unconsciously exclaimed.

With a snort, everyone gathered around.

Listening to everyone's sighing, Zhen Shiniang smiled slightly.

According to this progress, Lu Jun, Zhong Lin and others can be recruited to Beijing in another three or five days to prepare for opening.

It can't be like the Huichun Medical Center in Wutong Town. For this opening, you must choose a grand day, and it is best to invite the Empress Dowager.

She doesn't have much time, and she can't watch this hospital develop slowly all the way.

Therefore, if you want the hospital to rise quickly, it is best to be amazing on the day of opening.

Only this day, which day should I choose?

Zhen Shi Niang bowed her head and meditated.

Gao Quan hurried in with his little father-in-law, "... Concubine Zheng is ill. Long live the urgent transfer of his wife to the palace to diagnose the pulse."

Zheng Guifei?

Zhen Shiniang was surprised, "...At yesterday's Shangsi Festival sacrifice, didn't she still shine brilliantly and dignified?"

Why did you suddenly get sick?

Doubtful, but seeing that the little father-in-law looked solemn, Zhen Shiniang didn't dare to think too much. She simply explained a few words and raised his heels and the little father-in-law went out of the hospital.

When he met Rong Sheng at the gate of the palace, he stood in front of the carriage and lowered his voice, "... Zheng Fu's big * milk and the young master Zheng Yuxun disappeared five days ago. The general asked the slave to tell his wife that he had to be careful when he saw Concubine Zheng. The general was in the Taihe Hall

Zheng Yuxun is missing?

Zhen Shi Niang's body was shocked.

At this time, Concubine Zheng suddenly passed on that she entered the palace. Is she really sick, or did she think that Zheng Yuxun was kidnapped by the Shen family and wanted to frame herself into the palace as a hostage?

The situation is not clear, and the future is dangerous.

However, the carriage had arrived at the gate of the palace, and it was up to her to choose. Under the urging of the little father-in-law, Zhen Shiniang entered the palace with a heart hanging.

Unexpectedly, she entered the palace instead of the frame. Zheng Guifei was really ill.

She was covered with her hair, and her face was haggardly leaning on the carved big ** covered with big red brocade. She seemed to be many years old in the festival.

Zhen Shi Niang's heart pounded wildly.

It was just Zheng Yuxun's disappearance, which made her so decadent all night. Long live... Her heart was like boiling tea, and her face remained unchanged. Zhen Shiniang calmly walked in with the little maid of honor.

"...The Empress is just depressed, which leads to the failure of the grain." After giving Zheng Guifei a pulse, Zhen Shiniang said slowly, "I will prescribe medicine for you for a few days first." Looking up at the bright sunshine outside the window, "It's a good day. If you go out more, it will be better and faster."

The heart disease also has to be treated with a heart medicine. Her disease can't be cured by medicine.

Zheng Guifei has been looking at Zhen Shi Niang.

Because she is afraid of the cold, although it is already March, she still wears a snow-white silver fox skin hurdle on the loose-colored brocade narrow jacket, against a small palm-large face that is particularly delicate, warm and light, quiet as chrysanthemum, and a pair of beautiful eyes that have always been covered It's cold that you can't understand and can't learn.

The smile is still the same, just like the way she first saw her at the wedding banquet of the sixth princess a year ago.

Such a lonely and indisputable person, she should have believed her!

"...Don't they all want to fight? I decided to tell the world on the same day and never stand up!"

"...Don't they all want to fight? I decided to tell the world on the same day and never stand up!"


The tired voice in the fury last night sounded like thunder over and over again.

Concubine Zheng closed her eyes in pain.

Zheng Yuxun's mother and son suddenly disappeared five days ago. Zheng Fu launched a bodyguard to search with all their strength. After a few days, it has been fruitless.

It's okay if she dies. Once she is caught by the political enemy and pushes it out in public, it is true that there is a demon in the Zheng family. At that time, not to mention her, even the bloodline of the fifth prince, the tenth prince and the fifth princess will be questioned by all officials!

The situation is forced, and Long live, who has been standing firmly behind her since the rumors flew. She had no choice but to change her original intention and decided to decisively end this fierce battle for the throne with lightning.

In the end, it's still a failure!

After waiting for so many years, Zheng Guifei had an indescribable pain in her heart.

"...I grabbed the medicine according to the prescription and decoctioned it twice." Zhen Shiniang wrote the recipe and handed it to the little maid of honor. Seeing that Zheng Guifei seemed to be asleep with her eyes closed, she stood up quietly.

"Mrs. Shen!"

As soon as she took a step, Zheng Guifei suddenly opened her eyes.

"Mother..." Zhen Shiniang stopped.

Zheng Guifei looked straight at Zhen Shi Niang for a long time, "Mrs. Shen sit down." Seeing that Zhen Shiniang was still standing, she said, "Sit down. I just want to talk to you."

After a moment of hesitation, Zhen Shiniang sat down kindly.

"...The fake drug incident in Darentang was not done by me." Concubine Zheng waved her hand to dismiss the little maid of honor. "I have asked my father. Those rumors outside are not spread by the Zheng family. Long live hate this kind of shady trick the most. In those days, my father has been restraining Zheng's house according to the orders of the palace."

"The minister knows." Zhen Shiniang's eyelids did not move, and she sat there motionlessly. "The rumor of the evil outside was not spread by the Shen family!"

"You..." Looking at Zhen Shiniang, Zheng Guifei was stagnant.

Yes, if the evil rumor is really her, why did she disappear from the capital when she won the victory to attack the Zheng family in the first month?

She should have thought of it!

With the open-mindedness of Shen Zhongqi and Zhen Shini, he disdains to do this kind of thing.

They are all fathers. They measure the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, and turn such a help into an enemy. First of all, he tore his face to impeach!

But what's the use of knowing it now?

She passed by the queen's position!

Concubine Zheng looked gloomy.

Zhen Shiniang sighed when she saw it, "... It was because Lord Zheng first had a gap with the general's mansion, so he was used and alienated." The voice is quiet, and there is a coldness of the world.

"It's a pity that I understand it too late..." Concubine Zheng's voice was empty, as if it came from the distant clouds, "Long live has decided not to set up a queen."

Zhen Shiniang's body stagnated.

Don't stand, don't intend to set up others.

That is to say, in the mind of Long Live, the queen is the only one who is Zheng Guifei!

She suddenly raised her head.

"Long live, he told me last night that he let me give up the heart of entering the middle palace, and he is not going to stand up again..." No longer calling herself the palace, Concubine Zheng seemed to talk to herself and seemed to explain to Zhen Shiniang. Her voice was very soft, with a sad sadness.

That's why she was so decadent that she suddenly fell ill!

Zhen Shiniang looked at Zheng Guifei with all kinds of flavors.

"Do you want to say..." Zheng Guifei looked at her and smiled bitterly. If I had known this, why did I have to do it at the beginning?"

"Your concubine, don't be so discouraged." Zhen Shiniang shook her head, "It's not the end, how do you know you don't have a chance?" Seeing that Concubine Zheng looked over fiercely, she said, "Long live to give up the plan of standing, it is to decide to hang the back position for the noble concubine... The noble concubine..." The voice paused, "No one can replace the position in the mind of Long live." Zhen Shiniang said, and a layer of sweat appeared on her forehead.

At the beginning, I was even whimsically trying to push Concubine Shen to take office.

Fortunately, I reminded Shen Zhongqi in advance!


Zhen Shiniani was very lucky. In the first month, she listened to Shen Zhongqi's words and went to Wutong Town to avoid the wind.

"I know his painstaking efforts..." Hearing that Zhen Shiniang was telling the truth, Zheng Guifei withdrew her fierce eyes. She shook her head sadly and wanted to stop talking.

What can I do if I know it?

After all, he is the king of a country.

We should weigh the pros and cons, balance the relationship, and maintain the dignity of the royal bloodline... Now my mother's sister-in-law and brother-in-law have both disappeared, and their whereabouts are unknown. It's okay that they escaped and died. If they were taken away by political enemies... Concubine Zheng's heart

Once the plan is not to stand, he can't let the other party stop. He vows to catch Brother Xun in front of all the officials and make sure that she has a demonic bloodline. Not only can't she keep the position of noble concubine, but also in order to protect the two princes, Long live will probably never step into

What can we do if we are affectionate and righteous? From then on, they will also be like those many bitter men and women. Obviously, they will shake each other in a Zijin city, and the night will be sad.

From then on, she will never see her own children again.

The separation of life and death is nothing more than that!

Thinking of this, Concubine Zheng was pierced again. Her face was pale, she closed her eyes in pain, and the two lines of tears slowly came down the corner of her eyes.

One move is wrong, and everyone loses the whole game!

Up to now, there is no need for her to maintain any noble dignity in front of Zhen Shiniang.

"If the minister can cure Brother Xun's illness and prove to the world that he is not a demon, will he change his mind?" Zhen Shinian's voice was very light and light, like the willow catkins in the wind. If she didn't pay attention, she would miss it.

But suddenly there was a thunderbolt, and Zheng Guifei's body trembled slightly, and her ears buzzed.

She suddenly opened her eyes and said, "...what are you talking about?"

"Although I haven't seen Brother Xun, I listened to Brother Wen's description, which reminded me of a kind of ichthyosis that I had seen before..." Zhen Shiniang said the symptoms of ichthyosis, "If I can see him, maybe... I can be cured."

Can she cure Brother Xun?

She is a famous magic doctor in Da Zhou, and her prestige among the people is extremely high... If she can appear in front of people to prove that Brother Xun has a little-known strange disease... Even if it can't be cured... A dazzling brilliance flashed in Zheng Guifei's eyes.

She suddenly sat up and said, "What do you want?"

The corners of Zhen Shiniang's mouth bent, and suddenly the spring flowers bloomed in the room...RS