Medical practice in another world

Chapter 018 Mysterious Girl

There are a few white clouds floating in the blue sky. Although the sun has sunned in the west, there is still some time before it is dark. At this time, in the forest, it is like evening, and you can only distinguish the big shape of things. Coming to an open area, Barlow looked around and said to everyone, "Let's rest here today."

After the decision, everyone began to prepare to set up the tent. Maya took out the huge sword made by Du Feng and stood in the middle of the open space. After three sweeps, all the gravel weeds in the open space were cleared. Then Maya patted the ground gently with a huge sword, and the ground was flat.

This is not the first time for Maya, but every time it is completed, Du Feng always sighs a few words, and each sigh is different.

For example, this time, after Maya's clean-up, Du Feng came forward and patted his hand and sighed, "Ah~ It's really good. It's worthy of being a violent dinosaur girl. If it were someone else, it would definitely take a long time. It seems that you still have advantages. I have been worried that no one will want you in the future, and rely on me. Now I am always relieved. But if you can get rid of that violent temper, you can cut people or something without moving. Then learn to cook something. Maybe I will think about it.

"Go to hell!" A roar, accompanied by countless birds, echoed in Lin Sen, attracting the eyes of countless beasts.

"Well, I'm looking for food. See you later." With that, Du Feng fled at a very fast speed, leaving Maya with violent blood vessels in place.

The other two are not surprised by this and continue to be busy with their own affairs. After slightly calming down, Maya also began to help.

Now it has been half a month since Du Feng and others are away from Tiantrodo City. After changing their appearance, the four people easily passed the eyes of all parties outside the city gate. After leaving the city, everything will be easy.

Everyone received a task to destroy * Warcraft. This task was issued by a small village in the mountains, because the village is not rich. Therefore, the reward seems very small for the difficulty of the task. Naturally, no one will take over this task.

However, for Du Feng and others, the remuneration of the task does not matter. And for Maya, who has always had a strong sense of justice. If Du Feng opposes taking over this task, it is estimated that Maya will leave immediately. The other two are even more indifferent. Moreover, the difficulty of this task is that in order to reach the material, you must cross the forest, that is, you can't walk the stone road. This is in line with the previous plan. So this task was taken over at the initiative of Maya.

When the three set up a tent and lit a bonfire, Du Feng also came back with food. At this time, Maya's anger had subsided, and everyone began to prepare food.

While eating and chatting, everyone plans tomorrow's trip. According to the usual practice, Leitch first reported to the crowd: "Today we travel about 50 kilometers, and we should be able to reach the village before dark tomorrow. According to the information, the village has a path leading to the other side of the mountain. With the surrounding terrain and our current speed. In just half a month, we can cross the mountains.

"Most of the monsters we encountered along the way are low-level monsters, and there are no high-level monsters. These monsters are planted food and have a gentle temperament. They will not take the initiative to attack human beings. The monsters that attack the village should be other monsters, but they should not be advanced monsters. Otherwise, the village should have been destroyed by the monsters long ago. For Barlow, who is quite familiar with Warcraft, a simple analysis said.

"What kind of warcraft will it be?" Maya lowered her head and thought about it. Just then, Du Feng suddenly spit out something. After spitting out what was in his mouth, Du Feng seemed to be very uncomfortable and immediately cast a water ball. After his mouth was good, Du Feng looked at the grilled fish in his hand, then looked at Maya, and finally lowered his head and sighed, "Oh~~ I thought you would make progress, but I didn't expect it to be like this. It seems that no one will really want it in the future."

"Go to hell!"

In the dark blue night sky, gold and silver are hanging high for two months. The gentle moonlight shrouded the forest. In an open space in the forest, there are actually two bright moons. Suddenly, the bright moon on the ground shook slightly, and then returned to normal. Looking closely, it turned out to be a lake.

The clear lake reflects the light of the bright moon, shining brightly around. As the lake came, looking for the sound, I saw a figure coming this way not far away. The person is curvy and graceful, and should be a woman. After the person came to the moon, he could finally see the woman clearly, and the person who came turned out to be Maya.

Looking at the blue lake in front of her, Maya sighed, "It seems that Dapher didn't lie and can finally take a good shower."

After saying that, Maya began to take off her clothes. Just as Maya had only underwear left, a white shadow appeared by the lake. Maya, who saw the white shadow, immediately picked up the clothes on the ground to cover her body and looked around alertly. There is no other reason, because this white shadow is the kitten white cloud, and Maya, who has had a hotel experience, will naturally be alert. The appearance of white clouds means that Du Feng will appear later.

This time, Bai Yun also seemed to be avoiding someone's pursuit. A moment later, a figure came this way. But according to the shape of the visitor, it is not Du Feng, but a girl.

After the girl approached, Maya finally saw the girl's appearance. The most eye-catching thing is the girl's long blonde hair, which emits a faint golden light in the moonlight. Then there are those dark golden eyes. Under the exquisite nose is a small cherry red mouth, slightly raised in the upper corner with a hint of bad smile. However, what surprised Maya most was that the girl's whole body was naked. Under the crystal skin, there is a light peach blossom powder, coupled with an almost perfect figure. Even Maya, who is also a beautiful woman, can't help but be stunned by the beauty of the girl.

"I didn't expect there to be such a clear lake here. I haven't washed it for a long time. Do you mind washing it together?" The girl asked softly as she walked to the lake.

After the girl went into the water, Maya came to her senses and replied in a panic, "Well, okay!"

"What's your name?" Sitting in the lake, the girl looked at the night sky and asked faintly.

"Maya Helen." After answering, Maya looked at the girl in the water, bowed her head and hesitated for a long time, and finally asked, "Why are you like this?"

"Is it like this?" The girl looked at Maya and asked repeatedly, with a hint of puzzlement in her tone, but the smile in her eyes made people feel that she knew the meaning of Maya's words. The two manifestations of this contradiction, but when they appear on the girl, they do not have any sense of discord, but make the girl more mysterious.

"It's just... undressed?" Maya lowered her head and explained.

"This." The girl answered faintly and seemed to care about this matter at all. "It's too troublesome."

"What?" This answer was obviously beyond Maya's expectation. No, it should be said that Maya could not accept the girl's answer at all. Maya, who was very concerned about this, completely forgot the etiquette after hearing the girl's answer. There was only one thought in her mind, which was to educate the girl in front of her. It's really outrageous!

"You, how can you do this? Do you know that as a girl, this is absolutely impossible. Maya said as she took off her clothes and then went into the water and walked towards the girl.

For the sudden and huge changes in Maya, it was obviously beyond the girl's expectation. After listening for about half an hour, Maya finally stopped. At this time, the two women did not come back and chatted like sisters.

"Why are you here alone? Is there no one else with you?" Maya asked puzzledly.

"Oh, I escaped here. My family always forced me to do this and that, so I sneaked out and was still free outside!" The girl stretched herself without hesitation. With the girl's movements, the two exquisite but plump twin peaks in front of the girl stood up proudly. After seeing this scenery, Maya couldn't help looking down at her chest, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

But then Maya thought of a more important point: "You escaped, which also means that you are now alone in Linsen?"

"Yes, one person is still free!" The girl withdrew her hands and sighed, "What about you? Why are you here?"

"I am..." Speaking of this, Maya's expression suddenly darkened and he bowed his head and said no words.

At this moment, a figure came out of the forest. Maya, who was falling, immediately threw away her unhappiness and jumped up from the water after seeing the person coming. When he jumped up, Maya suddenly had a huge sword in his hand. With a earth-shaking sound, it sounded in the forest.

"Go to hell!"

(PS: two update tomorrow, 6000+)