Medical practice in another world

Chapter 051 The Field of Fog

Leitch's personality is cold. According to his opponent's appearance and his unsurprised expression, everyone knows that Leitch's opponent is also a cold man. In addition, the two did not know each other, so they had nothing to say after they played.

"The third duel - begins!" The dragon girl announced loudly.

The voice did not disperse, and the two disappeared at the same time, and then appeared in the center of the venue at the same time. Then there were five groups of two fighting figures in the field, and the five groups of figures were fighting fiercely. Each group of figures will disappear after one or two seconds, and while disappearing, a new fighting figure of the two will appear in another place. These bodies have one thing in common, that is, they can only see the bodies of the two people, but they can't see their hands at all. Between the two, there was a dazzling sword shadow flashing at high speed.

In the same way, the delicate and crisp sound of swords continues to echo in my ears, like flies flying in my ears. The difference is that one is a low buzz, and the other is the sound of a high sword.

Of course, the people watching the battle on one side naturally do not see this image. The speed of the two fighting was indeed very fast, but it did not reach the point where everyone could not see it clearly.

The two have the same cultivation as in the middle of the Middle Valley, but their opponents are slightly higher than Reqi. But this has no impact on the current battle between the two. If the two fight in a fighting way, the key to victory lies in the cultivation of the two. But if it is a speed competition, such a small cultivation difference as Leitch has little impact on speed and will not have any impact on the battle situation.

The speed depends on the control of power and the timing of power, and finally the impact on cultivation. For example, people with strong strength are not necessarily fast, and people with little strength are not necessarily slow. Of course, for practitioners, if the cultivation is too relevant, no matter how good your control and timing are, the speed will not be as good as that of the other party. This is a bit of a comparison between an eight-cylinder car and a 12-cylinder car. No matter how good the gearbox of your eight-cylinder car is, the speed is not as fast as a 12-cylinder car. When both are eight-cylinder, there is only a slight difference in the compression ratio, the speed depends on the gearbox.

Now Leitch is like an eight-cylinder car, but the compression ratio is slightly lower than that of his opponent, but his gearbox has been adjusted by Du Feng, which is much higher than his opponent. The final result is that Leitch is faster than his opponent.

As the battle continued, this gradually emerged. The initial number of attacks and defenses were the same, but as he became familiar with the other party's combat methods, Leitch's attack-defense ratio gradually began to increase.

The number of times the two have fought is out, but the time remains unchanged. The other party also seems to understand that if it goes on like this, he will eventually be hit.

After about ten minutes of fighting, the opponent's body suddenly exploded. At the same time, he played a spiritual wave, which blocked Leiqi's pursuit and opened the distance with Leiqi.

Leitch did not continue to pursue. It is not wise to choose to pursue the other party when the speed difference is not big and the distance is opened. Leitch stopped his figure and recovered his spiritual power in his body while watching his opponent's situation.

Seeing that Leitch was not chasing, his opponent also stopped and stared at Leitch with no expression, unable to guess what he was thinking. But it should be thinking about tactics.

After about five inhalation, the opponent suddenly shouted low. With this low drink, a water mist began to appear within a radius of ten meters around the opponent. After ten suctions, the concentration of water mist has completely blocked everyone's sight. What can only be seen at this moment is a huge white fog ball with a radius of ten meters.

"Rech, be careful. This is Ace's fog field. It doesn't just block your opponent's sight. More importantly, it can greatly reduce your speed." Barlow on one side reminded loudly.

Reqi in the duel did not have any reaction. As before, he stared closely at the huge white fog ball not far away, as if he wanted to see through the white fog and see Ace inside.

Outsiders may think that Raych disdained Barlow's reminder, but everyone understands that Rayzy has written down Barlow's words. In Leitch, it is better to use the answer time to think about countermeasures and give the spear a practical action to answer the language.

After believing that the field of fog was feasible, Ace rushed to Reqi with a white fog ball. Its speed is the same as in the previous battle, and there is no change at all. The most surprising thing is that the fog ball wrapped around Ace has not changed at such a high speed, even the shape has not changed at all, not to mention that the fog ball was blown away due to air resistance.

Leitch thought that Ace was waiting for him to rush in. He didn't expect that he would take the initiative to attack him, let alone that the fog ball could move with him. Unprepared, Lei Qi was covered by the fog ball before he could react. Suddenly, there was a vast expanse of white in front of me. Looking down, you can only see the upper part of your waist, and the part below the waist is completely covered by fog.

In the fog ball, the air humidity is very high, the inhaled air can feel obvious moisture, and the atmosphere is extremely sultry.

Just as Leitch was observing the fog ball, a fierce attack came from the side. With no hesitation, Leitch instinctively turned around to fight.

All you can see in front of you is only half of the crystal sword, which is the sword held by Ace.

Stopped Ace's attack, and Leitch wanted to withdraw his sword. But just as he withdrew the sword, Reqi suddenly felt a resistance from the sword. Although this force was very weak, it was enough to greatly reduce the speed of his sword recovery.

Leiqi thought calmly and secretly said, "It should be impossible to break out of this fog. The only thing you can do now is to find out the real reason for the resistance just now. Only when you find the real reason can you want to crack it. He was not affected when he came out of the sword, and only suffered resistance when withdrawing the sword. I think the key should be on the other party's sword.

Leitch held his sword and paid high attention to the movement around him. At this moment, Leitch's whole body has been completely wet with fog, and even the sword has condensed with drops of water.

The attack came again, this time from the front and upper attack, and Leqi took the attack with his sword. With previous experience, Reqi especially focused most of his attention on the two swords when collecting the sword. As before, there is a weak resistance when recovering. However, Reqi found a more surprising point, that is, the size of the resistance this time is different from the previous one.

Naturally, the frightened Leitch failed to observe well and find the mystery of resistance, but it was not that nothing was found. At the moment when the two swords separated, Leiqi saw several stars at the intersection of the two swords, but after the existence of the starlight, it disappeared and could not see what the starlight was.

However, Leqi boldly guessed based on this information alone: "It is likely that his sword came into contact with the other party's sword, which caused resistance."

After this speculation, Leitch decided to try it next. The third attack soon hit again. This time, Du Feng did not block with a sword, but chose to dodge the opponent's attack without any resistance.

finds the conditions for the generation of resistance, which provides a good direction for finding the cause of the resistance. Leqi once again boldly guessed, "The condition is that the two swords intersect, and the previous starlight is also burst at the intersection of the two swords. The key should be where the two swords intersect."

With a bold conjecture, the rest is to carefully verify. Leitch did not launch a blind attack in a hurry, but quietly waited for the other party's fourth attack.

After three suctions, the fourth attack came, and to Reqi's delight, this attack came directly in front of him. This also means that it is more convenient for your own observation.

"Dang!" Ritch blocked Ace's attack. Then Leitch finally saw the mystery of resistance.

At the moment of the intersection of Leitch's sword and Ace's sword, with the starting point of the engagement, the drops stained on Leitch's sword solidified into ice in an instant, freezing his sword and Ace and sword together. To take back the sword, you must first break the ice hard before you can take back the sword. The resistance comes from the ice, and the bursting starlight is the light reflected by the ice crumbs after the ice is shattered.

It is also very simple to find the reason and solve it. Reqi controls the spiritual power into the sword, forming a whirlwind belt around the sword, blowing away the water drops on the sword, and preventing the water mist in the air from contamining the sword.

After all this, Ace's fifth attack just hit. Leitch raised his sword to meet him.

"Dang!" After a sound of the sword, when the sword was withdrawn, the resistance really disappeared.

"What?" Ace couldn't help exclaiming. Obviously, he didn't expect that Leitch would break his deceleration magic in such a short time.

After that, Ace was not in a hurry to attack Reqi and should be thinking again. Because of the fog blocking his vision, Leiqi could not and dare to launch an attack easily, and could only wait quietly.

After about five breaths, Ace launched his sixth attack, which was exactly what Rayki wanted. After removing the resistance, Leitch can rely on the advantage of speed to launch a chase when he recovers the offensive after Ace's attack.

"Dang!" At the moment of the two swords, a strong chill hit Reqi's whole body along the sword. Leitch was caught off guard again, but at the same time, Leitch was quite puzzled. Because the cold air attacked by Ace's sword did not enter Leqi's body, but attacked Leqi's whole body shape.

When Leitch was puzzled, Leitch felt that the water on his body surface was frozen into ice in an instant. The clothes on the body have also become hard. It seriously affected Leitch's actions. At this time, Ace's seventh attack had hit Leitch's backheart, and the attack was less than half a meter away from Lech's backheart.

Under normal circumstances, Leitch can completely avoid this attack, but now Leitch's whole body is frozen. Although it is not really impossible to block Leitch's action, its reaction will have a great impact.

If hit by this blow, it will be very dangerous in the territory of Leiqi under such a secret situation.

(PS: I modified chapter 042 of the third volume and added a plot. I have seen it. Please read it again. Xiaochen believes that after reading it, it will be more pleasant to watch the following plot.)