Medical practice in another world

Chapter 030 The Story of Boxing

I don't know who got the news from whom. In short, now the people know such news, that is, the three princesses, Lanya and Luna, will be the leaders, appear from the west gate in a parade carriage, leading Du Feng and Lian, who ride the purple lightning wolf, all the way to the duel field.

Once such news came out, it spread all over the imperial capital almost in an instant. Those who failed to grab the duel field immediately rushed to the west gate of the palace. The square and streets outside the west gate of the palace were filled with people in an instant.

In the face of this situation, the guards guarding at the west gate of the palace were frightened. In order to prevent accidents, the guards had to call more guards.

Although the mood of the people is high, the people are also very orderly, and there is no crowded and trampling accidents. I don't know who shouted this: "Don't squeeze together, block the way of the seven princesses, and the people who can't see behind also have to push forward. The road from here to the duel field is still very long. Friends in the back row can line up along the road to the duel field. The seventh princesses are going to the duel field and will always pass me. The road in front of us. If we get together here, the seventh princess will definitely think that we are very unqualified.

"That's right. That's right. Let's wait on both sides of the back road. A loud voice agreed.

"Yes, we are qualified citizens of the Kerry Empire, and the seven princesses will be proud of us."

"Yes, long live the seventh princess!" I don't know who shouted such a sentence, and suddenly countless people shouted. Finally, from the west gate of the palace to the entrance of the duel field, two people on one road were full of people, and they were shouting: "Having the seven princesses."

Outside the crowd gathered at the west gate of the palace, Tragu, Keloki and Tickett quietly looked at the high- mood crowd.

"Brother, why did you release the news that the seven princesses are in the palace? You also said that White would appear from the west gate of the palace on a purple thunder wolf. In this way, after letting them see the purple lightning wolf, isn't that telling them that there is something wrong with the purple lightning thunder wolf? Tikert asked puzzledly.

"If you don't tell them this news, when they find out, they may wonder why they didn't let the purple lightning thunder wolf become smaller, and then guess if there is something wrong with the purple lightning thunder wolf. Didn't Yinger tell the story of three people becoming tigers? Once there are rumors that the purple lightning thunder wolf has a problem, there must be many people who are not in a hurry to change the injection or return the gold. And this will also mean that we will make a lot less money. Tragu explained with a faint smile.

"What's the difference between taking the initiative to release the news? Won't people guess whether there is something wrong with the purple lightning wolf or something?" Tikter still asked puzzledly.

Tragu smiled faintly and did not answer, but began to tell the story: "There was such a man who picked an empty box on the way and felt that it was just enough to be used to put some sundries, so he took the box home. He felt that there was nothing to say when he picked up an ordinary wooden box. So on the road in the village, he just walked quietly and didn't say anything to anyone. Someone asked him, where did you get this box? He also just answered simply: he picked it on the road. I didn't say much. But the next day his box was stolen. Why do you think this is?

"Why else? If you don't say anything, the villagers must think that he is hiding something and think that his box is a treasure. So it was stolen." Keloki's natural answer.

Then Tragula told another story: "There is also such a person who picked up the same wooden box on the road, but it did contain a lot of treasures. He went home with the suitcase. Because he picked up the treasure, he was very happy. When he saw someone he knew, he said to others, 'Hey hey. I was lucky today. I picked up a big treasure. Look, it's this big box. And those who were pulled by him either answered impatiently and casually, or answered disdainfully, 'Isn't it just a broken box?' A month has passed. However, the wooden box full of treasures was not stolen until he sold all the treasures and became a rich man. Only then did the villagers know that the wooden box he took back last time was really a treasure. The same wooden box was stolen without a treasure, but it was not stolen. Why do you think this is?"

"This..." Keloki is puzzled.

"People have a habit that they will not take the initiative to say bad news. Because people think so, although the person who picked up the ordinary box felt that there was no need to say anything about an ordinary box, in the eyes of others, he did not say much, but was afraid that there was something in the box that would be stolen after others knew. Others would think that his box was straight with treasures, so his box was stolen the next day. But when the person who really picked up the treasure, others would think, 'If he really picked up the treasure, how could he tell others and find a place to hide quickly?' Thus, it is speculated that his box is not a treasure, and some people will think very unpleasantly: 'It's really the thought of the poor to pick up a broken box and still show off in front of me.' So no one will believe that there are real treasures, so naturally no one will steal them." After Tragu explained, he asked Keloki and Tikert, "Now you should know why I released the news in advance."

Kelloke replied with a smile, "I understand. If it is not released in advance, others will definitely guess why the purple lightning wolf has become so big, and they will doubt whether White's side is trying to hide some bad news. Even if it is just a guess, many people will withdraw or change their notes. . But if you explain it in advance, people will only guess that the seventh princess may want to cheer for White or something. After all, White is the boyfriend of the seventh princess's good sister. Naturally, I won't think about the problem with the purple lightning wolf. After expressing his understanding, Keloki couldn't help praising. Brother, you are really wise."

"And if there are seven princesses to help White, then people will be more confident that White will win, so that more people will raise and buy bets, which means that we will make more." Tikert added.

"That's right." Tragu nodded and affirmed.

"It's out, the seventh princess is out!" Suddenly someone shouted loudly. The noisy crowd suddenly calmed down. Everyone's eyes turned to the door of the palace.

"Okay. It's time for us to go and greet our princesses. Tragu said with a smile, and rode his horse towards the door of the palace. Keloki and Yan Fengte also followed.

After Tragu, Keloki and Tikert started, two teams of ear guards rushed into the crowd first, opening a passage to the west gate of the palace for the three.

After crossing the passage, the three rode to the door of the west gate of the palace and stood up, just blocking Du Feng and others from coming out.

And Ying, who was about to go out, was naturally very unhappy after seeing these three people.