Medical practice in another world

Chapter 075 Magic Energy Directional Launcher

"Dear students, please be quiet. Today's first competition is also the first competition in Group 31. It is about to begin. Let's invite two competitors to play with warm applause." The host teacher stepped on the ring and announced loudly.

With the enthusiastic palm, the two testers stepped into the ring. Among the two competition players, Du Feng had some impression that it was the giant sword warrior who was used as a negative example by Renault on the day of the written examination. As for the other player, Du Feng doesn't know him at all, but judging from his equipment and weapons, he should also be a warrior.

After they came on stage, the two contestants first saluted each other, then saluted the host teacher together, and finally saluted the audience together.

After the basic etiquette was completed, the host teacher began to introduce the two to the public. The introduction is only some of the original information of the two people, which is basically available in the manual. Of course, there are also some manuals that are not available, such as mentioning where the players come from, those achievements they have made before, or some interests and expertise. However, they are also some entertaining materials, which will not affect the status of the contestants.

After the introduction, the time is almost over. After the host teacher left, the battle defense magic array was launched. While the ring defense magic array started, a huge magic mask completely covered the whole test area. The hot sun immediately lost its temperature, and everyone immediately felt much cooler. The huge magic mask blocked the heat of summer, but there was no summer sunshine, and the sun was still shining in the test area.

As if he knew what Du Feng was thinking, Lian smiled and whispered, "This magic mask is only used to block the heat. Every time the college has a large-scale event like now, it will be taken out and used.

"Take it out and use it?" Du Feng was a little puzzled and asked puzzled, "The magic array does not have to draw the magic path first, and then input the corresponding magic into the magic array, and then the magic array will start. And the depiction of the magic path means that the magic array cannot be moved. How can you take it out and use it? Is it possible that you draw the magic array on the cloth, fold it when you don't use it, and then take it out when you use it?

After hearing that Du Feng was not confused, Lian smiled mysteriously and put her mouth to Du Feng's ear and whispered, "This was originally confidential, and ordinary people can't say it, but you are not ordinary people, so I'll tell you. Although this magic array is not folded as you said, it is almost the same. Three years ago, a coincidence found a method to transmit magic energy, and then developed a magic energy directional transmitter. This huge magic mask is made of 36 magic energy directional launchers. However, the energy emitted by this magic energy directional launcher is too low per unit time and can only be used to form the lowest magic array. Well! At least it's a little useful."

"Magic energy directional launcher?" Du Feng couldn't help exclaiming in a low voice.

Although Du Feng does not know the details of arranging the magic array, this does not mean Du Feng's understanding of the magic energy directional launcher, the invention.

Magic is to let magic energy flow into a certain array, thus having an impact on the world and thus achieving the purpose of attack or defense. The more advanced the magic, the more complex the magic array, and the greater the energy required to start.

These two points are not a problem for arranging the magic array, because the path of the magic array needs to be depicted first, so no matter how complex the magic array is, as long as it takes more time and manpower, it can ensure that there will be no mistakes. And magic energy, don't worry about it. Magic crystals are very much.

However, because it was depicted first, the magic array cannot be moved. No matter how powerful the weapon is, it is useless if it can't move. Therefore, a well-trained magic battle group actually wants to be a mobile magic array.

Super-large magic, because its magic array is too complex, it is completely impossible to complete it on its own. Even if there is no problem with the magic array, the huge energy required to start is also a huge problem for individuals.

As the saying goes: more people are powerful. So if one person can't complete it, it will take multiple people to complete it. The magic array is complex, so divide it into small areas. Each person only uses the magic array responsible for a small area, which is equivalent to simplifying the magic array. The more people participate, the finer the painting, and the simpler the magic array that everyone is responsible for, which also solves the problem that the magic array is too complicated.

As for the magic energy activated, it is simpler. If it is not enough, add people, or increase the magic limit of participants until the energy is enough. And with the simplification of the magic array that everyone is responsible for, the speed of casting magic will definitely be faster.

However, everything has both advantages and disadvantages. Taking advantage of the number of disturbances can indeed solve the complex questions of the magic array, and you don't have to worry about the lack of magic energy. But it also brings a new problem, the problem of cooperation between people. Therefore, there are strict requirements for what kind of magic, how many people are used, and the qualifications of those who participate in it. And this creates another problem, going up there to find so many people.

If a person is replaced with a magic energy directional transmitter, all problems are no longer a problem. The strength of machinery is accuracy and stability, and it can be mass-produced. Needless to say, there is no need to say the difference between the resources needed to accompany a magician and the resources needed to build a magic energy directional launcher.

And the magic energy directional launcher has another biggest advantage - endurance. The magic in the human body is limited, and the recovery speed of human magic is very slow. But the energy of the magic energy directional launcher is the magic crystal. The amount of magic crystal is equal to how much energy the magic energy directional launcher has. Although the magic crystal is not cheap, the total magic energy stored in the magic crystal stored by the Kerry Empire is far higher than the total magic energy in all human beings on the mainland.

If the problem of magic energy directional transmitter input power is solved, it means that a new era of magic is coming.

Although he saw the possibility of future development, Du Feng also knew that this kind of thing could not be rushed. It's not that he can change if he wants to change. After calming down, Du Feng paid attention to the two people who were fighting in the ring. After all, no matter what, these two are also Du Feng's opponents.

At this moment, half of the competition time has passed, and the two separated again after a fierce offensive and defensive battle. While resting and calming down, he was looking for a way to defeat the other party.

Maybe in the eyes of ordinary people, it seems that the giant sword is more powerful. Because since the beginning of the game, most of the giant swordsmen are attacking, while the small swordsmen are mostly defending and rarely attack the giant swordsmen.

However, the giant sword warrior's attack in such a long time has failed to knock down the small swordsman, which also means that the physical consumption of the giant sword warrior is higher than that of the small swordsman. Attack consumes more energy than defense. Therefore, masters rarely launch full attacks when fighting, because once the attack fails, it means that you waste your physical strength.

After fighting for so long, with the accumulation of the gap, there has been a clear difference between the two sides at this moment. Although the small-sized warrior is also gasping like the giant sword man, his breathing is far more stable and deeper than that of the big man.

Du Feng knew that Dahan's physical strength had reached a critical point, and in the next round, Dahan would definitely show flaws because of his lack of physical strength. The little sword that has been waiting for this opportunity will not let go of this opportunity. So the next round will be the key to this match.

"Ah!" The giant sword warrior suddenly roared, and with this roar, the fighting spirit of the giant sword warrior rose again. It seems that the giant sword man is also aware of his own situation, so he decided to fight back, either through the opponent's defense and defeat the opponent; or he is exhausted and is counterattacked by the opponent.

Looking at the battle of the giant sword with all his strength, the small swordsman also understood that the giant sword man's attack was higher than any previous one, so he did not dare to be careless. After the same roar, the fighting spirit of the small swordsman also rose several points, and then the small swordsman rushed to the giant sword warrior head-on.

"DangDang!" Two fast swords exploded. At the moment just now, the giant sword man first attacked the small swordsman. Although the small swordsman suffered some injuries, he still took the attack. Then the small swordsman launched a counterattack. Although the giant sword warrior also defended with his sword, his physical strength has been exhausted, and he can only watch the small swordsman attack him.

However, when the small swordsman found that the giant sword was no longer powerful to fight, he immediately withdrew his attack, so the giant sword warrior was only slightly injured.

Put away his weapons, the giant sword warrior turned to look at the small swordsman and sincerely said, "I lost."

"I just won." The small swordsman put away his weapon and turned around and replied sincerely.

After shaking hands, the two looked at each other and smiled. Obviously, after this battle, the two have become friends.

At this time, the defense magic array was closed, and the host teacher went to the stage and raised the right hand of the small swordsman and announced loudly: "The winner of the match - Pamikell."

With the announcement of the results of the test, there was a warm applause from the stage. For these two players who are fair, just and friendship first, Du Feng, Renault and the seven women will naturally not be applause. Nilu, who had a really good temperament, applauded and cheered loudly.

The time of each sound competition is 40 minutes. After the speed of the competition, there will be 20 minutes to prepare the next player. If the previous competition is accelerated, the extra competition time will be classified as rest time. So there is still some time before the next competition.

When the two players step down, the crowd around the ring also dispersed. Some went to see other unfinished competition, some went to the rest area, and some seemed to plan to leave.

As he walked to the rest area, Du Feng asked several people: "by the way, I just looked at the manual. The third game in the morning was Raki's match. Now that the first game has been passed, Raki hasn't come yet. Is it enough to arrive on time at the beginning of the game?

"Yes, as long as you can arrive on time at the beginning of the game. If you are more than ten minutes late, treat yourself as an abstaining. If both sides don't come within ten minutes, it will be regarded as a draw. Renault explained.

"Well, I'm sorry, I have something else to do, so I can't accompany you. See you later in the afternoon." Du Feng stopped and apologized to several people.

"If you have something to do, go ahead, but be careful not to be overshadowed by others." Renault reminded Du Feng.

"I will be careful. See you in the afternoon." Du Feng said goodbye to several people.

"See you in the afternoon." Everyone waved goodbye to Du Feng.

After closing the manual, Du Feng walked to the gate of the college and smiled in his heart: "Fakchi Rat, it seems that the purpose of those eight guys should be to make trouble for me. Anyway, after going out, ask them. If you really come to trouble me, I can just find something for Rubs and the others.