Medical practice in another world

The most deceitful rumor

The following are the most deceptive rumors in the world. Just take a look and laugh.

I'm sorry for the update on work these days


Genius is 1% inspiration for 99% sweat - the original saying is "Genius is 1% inspiration for 99% sweat, but this 1% inspiration is far more important than 99% sweat."

Shark fin and bird's nest is rich in nutrition - some people really believe that shark fins and bird's saliva have the nutritional value... In addition to bird's saliva, bird's nest also has semi-digestible fish and shrimp, which are not as nutritious as vermicelli and fungus.

Common in TV and movies, a triad "expert" dips his finger in white powder and tastes it and knows it's a drug - if he does... It's looking for death. The higher the purity, the faster he dies.

Rits should eat carrots - everyone knows that rabbits rarely eat them.

The story of Leonardo da Vinci's children and eggs - The author of Leonardo and Einstein's lovely childhood is unknown, but it is certain that Leonardo was 13 or 14 years old when he became Verocio and had some painting skills.

That is to say, Leonardo da Vinci can't draw eggs at the age of 13 or 14.

The story of Comrade Newton and Apple - Newton and his apple were compiled by Voltaire. It is said that he heard Newton's niece. Of course, the apple is not mentioned in all Newton's manuscripts.

You can't keep a cat during pregnancy, and there are toxoplasma worms - as long as you go to the pet hospital for an sterile test. The doctor said for the sake of saving trouble, not only cats, but also pigs, cattle, sheep and other tentacles can infect Toxoplasma. And the proportion is much higher than that of cats... And cats are only infected with Toxoplasma once in their lives. The vast majority of people who have been infected with Toxoplasma have never had a cat in their lives.

Wat saw the kettle boil and inspired the invention of the steam engine - the steam engine existed before Watt was born, but he just improved it.

The first three charges of lithium batteries take 12 hours - the previous batteries needed to be fully charged for activation, but now they are all lithium batteries and do not need to do so.

Spinach rich iron-containing element - spinach iron element is indeed a little higher than other vegetables. The key is that scientists clicked the wrong decimal point, so there is a Popeye cartoon.

When I was a child, I read textbooks and said that I could see the Great Wall on the moon - in fact, it was like a person looking at a hair from 50 meters away...

* and the story of the cherry tree - * and his father's cherry tree are children's literature created by an American publisher.

China is a sleeping lion. Once it wakes up, the whole world will tremble - Napoleon - the original saying is "China is a sleeping lion. Once it wakes up, the whole world will tremble for it. ...It's sleeping. Thank God, let it sleep!"

It's patriotic to ask for McDonald's and KFC. They can't evade taxes when they go to Carrefour and Wal-Mart. The catering industry pays business tax, while McCann's fast food industry is a special tax control machine. People don't pay taxes, and how much they pay has nothing to do with the * you want. The only use for * is to scratch prizes.

Portrait of Li Shizhen (a kind-looking grandfather) - in fact, it is imagined by a modern painter based on Li Shizhen's relics. According to research, Li Shizhen has a fierce face, a beard and a burly figure, probably similar to Zhang Fei and Li Kui.

Teachers often use 'I have a cliff in my life, but I know that there is no cliff' to teach us to study hard - in fact... The original text is "I have a cliff in my life, but I know that there is no cliff, so I have a cliff and I want no cliff"... It's completely the opposite.

Hold the hand of the son and grow old with the son - the original sentence is "life and death, and talk with the son. Hold the hand of your son and grow old with your son. Yu Kuxi, I don't live. Yu Xunxi, I don't believe it. In fact, it is an agreement between the soldiers, saying that they will die together. The last two sentences say that the people I have agreed with have left now. How can I live? Now it has become a husband and wife.

PS: This is super sweaty!