God of Mercenaries

Chapter 15 Analysis (, votes)

"Captain Red! Captain Red! It's not a big deal!"

Last night, the red-haired ghost just began to fall asleep after working with three uninvited girls on the island. After sleeping for less than two hours, he was woken up, which made him very angry.

"Damn thing, can't you let me live for a while?"

After the red-haired ghost muttered, he shouted impatiently, "What's the matter? There is a fart block!"

"Captain, we found in the morning that Ma Xiaoliu and Hei Laowu were poisoned last night and died tragically in the place where they lived!"

After a trembling, the red-haired ghost immediately woke up. Two of his men died, and he immediately paid attention to it. He quickly dressed and came to the room where the two black five lived under the leadership of his men.

In view, there are two already stiff bodies. The blood has soaked the whole bed and still flows to the ground.

"It's all a blow that directly destroyed the heart. However, when the killer killed Ma Xiaoliu, Ma Xiaoliu obviously woke up. And the throat was attacked, which is exactly what the killer doesn't want to expose.

"The murder weapon is a sharp weapon, which is very sharp and directly pierces the sternum. From then on, it can be concluded that the murderer should be a novice. Otherwise, it is impossible to make such a low-level mistake!"

The green-haired ghost came first and observed the body before reaching the above conclusion. The red-haired ghost did not refute this. With experience, he understands that what the former said is close to the truth.

"So it seems that the killer should not be several escaped mercenaries. In addition to mercenaries, there are people on the island who dare to attack us.

"Good! Very good! Very good! In this case, let's play with the killer.

The red-haired ghost said well, and familiar people knew that he had reached the verge of rage. The loss of the two pirates is nothing to him, but it is mainly a challenge to his prestige.

"Go on this island, except for our own people, I don't want to see others stand in front of me!"

In the face of the death order of the red-haired ghost, cruel smiles appeared on the faces of more than a dozen pirates present. Killing is the favorite thing for pirates to do besides fighting for wealth.


More than a dozen pirates were ordered to leave immediately. They needed to pass through the team and then launch a big search on the island. The air has begun to smell of blood.

On the other hand, after a night of practice and adjustment, Wang Fei's pale face has gradually recovered. But he still couldn't eat flesh and blood food. As soon as he touched it, it reminded him of the tragic death and the two pirates who died in his hands.

For good, the three jars of ice and snow given by Mazi before, and a few mouthfuls of wine diluted the nausea in my heart and the hunger in my stomach.

The homework arranged by my father cannot be innocently interrupted. Wang Fei held an iron rod in his hand and did straight stabbing exercises again and again. The thick iron rod, with a roar, sounded again and again.

In an hour, Wang Fei was already sweating profusely. Through whole-hearted practice, the shadow in my heart was finally swept away and the state was completely recovered.

"Morning, boss!"

Gu Li came out of the hole calmly and then began his morning exercise.

Unlike Wang Fei, Gu Li's practice is rigid and eye-catching, and the continuous practice of the giant sword in his hand and the power of the tiger drive the air around him.

Wang Fei, who entered a short rest, carefully observed the other party. The death of his father did not seem to be reflected in the other party.

But Wang Fei knows that the truth is not as simple as the appearance. He also has only one father. Even if his father only leaves temporarily, he will enjoy endless thoughts.

And Guli has completely lost his father, and everyone will meet him. In the sad feelings, there are very few people who can recover immediately.

Gu Li's performance, of course, does not mean that he doesn't care about his father's killing. He buried all his sadness in the deepest part of his heart. This is also what Wang Fei is most worried about. He is afraid that the new younger brother will be overwhelmed by long-term sadness.

A round of practice took more than half an hour. Gu Li bent down breathlessly, and his sweat kept dripping.

At this time, Murong also walked out of the cave under the protection of Lin and Ku.

"Kid, I didn't expect you to come back! It's not afraid of meeting pirates and being laughed at by us. So after hiding in the woods for a while, come back here!"

Wang Fei doesn't understand why Master Ku has always been difficult for him. At this time, he doesn't have to stick his smiling face to the other party's buttocks. With a simple expression, he showed a little ridicule and sneered, "At a young age, now I have just turned 15 years old. And the star power is even lower, only reaching the level of the second ring star.

"It's good to have this self-knowledge. Don't be a hero in the future!" The bitter master continued to sarcast without waiting for Wang Fei to finish his words.

"However, with my low strength, I touched the pirate camping place last night and solved two pirates with my own hands."

Wang Fei still maintained a cold smile on his face and continued to say, "I'm not like some people, I just mutter behind my back. With strong combat power, it can only occupy other people's hiding places. If you really bring seeds, there are many pirates outside. If you bring back a few pirate heads, I will only admire you!"


The bitter master obviously did not expect Wang Fei's words to be so vicious, and his face was full of anger and anger with a little shame.

"Kid, Niu B is not bragging like that. Diving into the pirate camping alone is just talking about it yourself. I think it's all made up by yourself. It's just fictional!" Master Lin also spoke, obviously standing on the side of his companions.

As for the reaction of the third person Murong, Wang Fei has no time to take care of it. After he smiled calmly, his mood became flat and replied faintly, "Have you done it? You have your own eyes. Even if you can't see it, you can go to the pirates to see what happened. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, so goodbye!"

Wang Fei turned around and left, which made both Lin and Ku's eyes panic. After all, they are not familiar with Sanshan Island. After losing the help of the other party, it is difficult to avoid the pursuit of pirates.

"Wang Fei, what should we do if you leave like this!"

Murong's crisp voice made Wang Fei stop. He turned his head, looked at Murong's mysterious face under the veil, and said with a smile, "Miss Murong, it's not that I don't want to stay, but some people here don't welcome me at all."

Gu Li glanced at Lin and Ku several times and understood the helplessness in Wang Fei's mouth.

" boss, wait, I'll be with you!"

Wang Fei looked at Gu Li in astonishment and asked, "You follow me. The two of us are weak, and it's safer to be with them!"

"No! My life was saved by the boss, so I have to be with the boss! No matter what the danger is, I will face it with the boss!" Gu Li shook his head and said resolutely.

"Major Gu, you have to think clearly!" Murong also persuaded him.

Gu Li continued to shake his head and veto, saying, "I'm not a mercenary, and I don't have to perform my duties as a mercenary. Staying here will only cause you trouble.

After Wang Fei nodded, he left the cave where he had lived for ten years with Gu Li.

In fact, from the contact these days, Gu Li paid attention to Murong from time to time, and the reluctance in his eyes made Wang Fei doubt. However, he didn't think too much about it.

After being stunned for a long time, he asked Murong, "Miss, what should we do now?"

Murong's eyes burst into a cold light and said, "Master, you have too many words. Wang Fei looks stupid on the surface, but his heart is extremely cunning. With us, we will definitely be targeted by pirates, so we choose to leave alone.

"In that case, we will leave him here. At least, there is a familiar guide!"

"No!" Murong rejected the bitter master's proposal and said, "We are not sure whether he will be one with us. If he betrays us halfway, we will regret it!"

"That's just killing it!"

"It's not easy to kill him with the strength of both of you. Just after killing him, the pirates will find us directly. Keeping them can attract the attention of pirates. It shouldn't be long before the family's rescue arrives. At that time, all those who know our action will die!"

Murong's cold tone made Lin and Ku stand up. It turned out that the young lady had a countermeasure in her heart for a long time. It's just that the two are worried about whether the person in the lady's mouth who knows how to act will even count them.