God of Mercenaries

Chapter 10 Stone City

When the sun sets in the sea, countless birds return to the shore from the sea. The pleasant cry gradually approached from far, and then from near to far. The sea waves came one after another from the depths of the sea towards the shore.

This is a huge port surrounded by hundreds of large ships. On the edge of the dock, there are hard-working bearers everywhere, hoping to receive work and exchange some meager income with physical strength.

And behind the port is a wall more than ten meters high. At the top of the gate, there are three big characters 'Giant Stone City'.

"Second, is this the Stone City you mentioned?"

"How about it, powerful!"

"It's not good! Didn't you say that Stone City has millions of people? Why haven't you seen many people coming in and out at the gate?

"The Stone City is not only a general term for a city, but also includes a range of more than 100 miles around it, which is called a Stone City. And the city in front of us is the real stone city!"


The two people standing at the gate asking and answering questions are none other than Wang Fei and Gu Li.

That day, after the two expressed their idea of being a mercenary to Master Beard, they were immediately ruthlessly laughed at by the latter. Lie in front and back, laughing like amazing.

Until a long time later, the beard stopped smiling and finally confirmed the true thoughts of the two apprentices. After getting the affirmative answer, he didn't say more.

And after sweeping on the Yangfan, the pirates left with their beards in a ghost pirate ship.

After that, after another eight days of sailing, the Yangfan finally arrived at the port of the Stone City. Wang Fei and Gu Li were also immediately bombarded from the ship. Because of the two's speech on the boat, which led to a change in the beard's decision, they were not particularly received.

Fortunately, neither of them cared. After getting off the boat, they came directly to the Stone City.

At this time, after eight days of abuse, Wang Fei and Gu Li looked particularly embarrassed. Especially Gu Li, with a tall figure and a completely disproportionate suit. The sleeves only cover more than half of the arm, and the trousers can only barely be put on, but they are tight and only knee-length.

Wang Fei is better, and his figure is not much different from that of ordinary people. The clothes also fit, but the messy hair, like a bird's nest, is really not flattering.


The two guards defending the city immediately stopped Wang Fei with a spear and said, "If you want to enter the city, you must pay the entrance fee!" One silver coin for each person, two are two silver coins!"

Gu Li, who has lived in Stone City for more than ten years, has never heard of this rule. He asked doubtfully, "Two soldiers, I'm also from Stone City. Why have you never heard of it? Do you still need to pay to enter the city?"

Generally speaking, all cities on the mainland need to pay a certain fee to enter the city.

However, Stone City is different. It is located in the southernmost port of the mainland, and there are countless caravans going to sea from here every day. As long as you get a certain amount of taxes and fees from the caravan, it is enough to support the operation of the whole Stone City. Even the extra money allowed the Stone City to raise an army of 30,000 people.

As for the entrance fee, it has become a dispensable existence for the Stone City. The owner of the Stone City simply used the entrance fee to buy people's hearts, which also made the Stone City a rare city on the Star continent without city tax.

"The city tax has been received since last year. If you want to go to the city, pay taxes as soon as possible. Otherwise, don't block the gate and affect others to enter the city!"

Gu Li still wanted to talk about it, but he was pulled by Wang Fei.

Wang Fei smiled and touched Gu Li with his hands. Finally, two silver coins appeared in the palm of his hand and handed them directly to the guard of the gate. He said, "Two brothers, can we go to the city now?"

Although the guard was surprised, why the two beggars had money to go to the city. However, it was not stopped. Their purpose was just to collect the entrance fee.

The surrounding streets are more than ten meters wide. In addition to the houses of the residents of Stone City, there are many shops selling various items. A hawking sound spread almost all over the corner of the Stone City.

Wang Fei entered the human city for the first time since he was sensible. Everything around him is new to him. The little clay figs, sugar-coated haws, various snacks, and even the beggars on the street also made him observe for a long time.

And Guli has been silent since he stepped into the Stone City. His face is expressionless, but the contradiction in his eyes makes it not difficult to guess the worries in his heart.

"Second, restore your peace of mind, otherwise, how can you find the unfaithful person hidden in the meteor mercenary regiment and avenge your father!"

Wang Fei hopes to use his own actions to relieve the contradictions in Gu Li's heart. However, after entering the city for half an hour, the latter did not say a word.

"Brother, I don't want to do this either! Just at the beginning of entering the Stone City, my mind was full of Zhang Mazi's last words before his death. The Meteor Mercenary Regiment is the painstaking efforts of my father's life. And the core members of his subordinates are all brothers who followed him from birth to death. In particular, the two deputy leaders have saved him from danger several times!"

"Now I want to find people who betrayed my father from these people who grew up with my father. Where do you want me to start?"

Wang Fei has lived alone since he was a child, and the only person close to him is his father Wang Li. He did not personally experience the experience of being supported by everyone. However, I can feel the feelings between Gu Li and the members of the mercenary regiment.

In the Meteor Mercenary Regiment, there are a group of mercenaries who are humiliating and bold in appearance but boiling in their hearts. Every mercenary has a heartfelt love for Gu Li. It is also because of this that it is difficult for Gu Li to make decisions.

"Second, no matter how difficult it is, this is your responsibility! Brother, although I don't have much ability, I can accompany you. No matter what kind of difficulties we have, we will go through together!"

"Big boss!"

At this time, Gu Li's heart was full of gratitude. He understood that if there was a traitor in the Meteor corps. Then if you return to the mercenary regiment now, you will definitely be in deep danger. And the enemy in the dark may attack him at any time.

This is a dangerous decision. If you are not careful, you may lose your life.


When the two were excited, Gu Li's stomach made a hungry cry. After an awkward smile, he said, " Boss, let's go. I'll take you to eat the most famous snack in Stone City!"

When it comes to eating, Wang Fei's spirit immediately raised three points. After a slight smile, he nodded and responded, "Okay! But we have agreed that there is delicious food and we also need to be accompanied by good wine!"

In the days on the sailing, the wine worm in Wang Fei's belly almost died. There is a lot of good wine on the Yangfan, but in order to prevent sailors from getting drunk, they are strictly controlled.

No matter how good Wang Fei is at stealing, he can only deal with ordinary people. And he doesn't have the ability to do it on the sailing horn.

After entering the Stone City, Wang Fei's sensitive sense of smell naturally smelled countless wines that he had never tasted before. It was only because of the lost mood of my younger brother Gu Li that he has silently endured it until now.

Both of them couldn't help but take big steps for their own stomachs. After crossing three or four streets, Gu Li pointed to a small shop in the corner and said excitedly, " boss, this is the place I'm talking about!" In the past, every time I went on a mission, my father always brought his brothers here to have a good meal. At that time..."

As he spoke, Gu Li's mood gradually declined. His father Guda has died, and the previous memories are just sad.

When Wang Fei looked at the wooden sign hanging in the shop with five crooked words 'Widow Sha Hotel', he recalled Zhang Mazi's words in his mind.

Widow Sha Hotel, is it a hotel specializing in snow burning?

"Second, let's go! The past has become history. If we are still alive, we should look forward bravely, instead of immersed in the past memories!"

Wang Fei sighed while pulling Gu Li and walked directly into the 'Widow Sha Hotel'.