God of Mercenaries

Chapter 23 Reunion

After sending away a crisis, Gu Li and all the members of the Meteor Mercenary Regiment had a heavy look on their faces. There is no doubt that within a month, in their current situation, all the money owed cannot be returned.

"Thank you, boss!" Gu Li sincerely thanked Wang Fei.

"Second, what are you talking about! We two brothers, the whole family doesn't talk about two families!" Wang Fei replied with a straight face, with an expression that you said more and turned your face.

Although Gu Li said nothing more, his grateful eyes undoubtedly expressed the gratitude in his heart.

After a crisis, they won a month for the Meteor Mercenary Regiment, but it does not mean that they can spend this month in peace. When the opponent invades is not absolute.

Less than five days after the creditor incident, a group of mercenaries broke into the headquarters of the meteor mercenary regiment. One of the leading bearded mercenaries shouted in a treacherous tone, "There are masters of the Meteor Mercenary Regiment! Our wolf mercenary regiment came to fight according to the appointment!"

The unknown mercenaries around don't know why the other party came. At this time, the two deputy leaders of the regiment left to find the master, and they naturally entrusted the decision to the new leader Gu Li.

Not long, Gu Li, who was also full of doubts, took Wang Fei to the council hall. At this time, the official members of the left-behind Meteor Mercenary Corps have all gathered together.

Liang Ran first stood up and pointed to the people of the Wolf Mercenary Regiment and said, "Gu Li, our new commander of the Meteor Mercenary Regiment!"

Gu Li followed the rules of mercenaries and asked, "I don't know what has offended you in our Meteor Mercenary Regiment?"


"What are the aspects that conflict with you?"


"What's the intersection?"


Three consecutive questions make the doubt on Gu Li's face more solemn. His face gradually became difficult to look, and he said coldly, "In that case, why did you come to me! Do you think our meteor mercenary regiment is easy to bully!"

In an instant, more than a dozen official members of the meteor mercenary regiment immediately surrounded the criminals, with a fierce appearance, which smelled of immediate action.

"What's the matter? Is that how your Meteor Mercenary Corps treats guests? The beard was not afraid at all, but asked calmly.

Gu Li waved his hand to stop the actions of the members of the mercenary regiment and asked coldly, "Who is your Excellency? What's the purpose of coming to our Meteor Mercenary Regiment!"

"Good! In the next news, the head of the Wolf Mercenary Regiment, you can call me Lone Wolf. Our Wolf Mercenary Regiment is a two-star mercenary regiment in Yancheng. Three years ago, your commander Guda passed through Yancheng on a mission and clashed with us and humiliated us. Today, we came to Stone City to find the scene of the day!"

"Your Excellency Lone Wolf wants to find trouble with our meteor mercenary regiment, so you don't have to hit my father's head! Zhou knows that my father Guda is an upright mercenary and has never taken the initiative to cause trouble. Now that he has passed away, you use him as a reason, which is too disrespectful to the deceased!"

Gu Li had a gloomy face and sharp eyes like an eagle's eye, looking directly at the lone wolf. What is the father's character? Naturally, it is clear that he is a son.

Taking the initiative to provoke trouble is definitely not Guda's style!

"The commander of Guda has passed out?" Lone Wolf immediately answered in a surprised tone, but his expression was calm, never like the first time he heard the news of Guda's death.

Gu Li's face was gloomy. In the past, he only understood the kindness and hatred of mercenaries, but now he learned how difficult it was to take care of a mercenary regiment.

"My father has passed away for more than a year!"

"I'm really sorry!" The lone wolf immediately apologized, and then changed his tone and continued, "But your meteor mercenary regiment is too much to bully our wolf mercenary regiment! Last time, Guda relied on his personal strength to take away the flag of our mercenary regiment! Today, I'm here to find the flag of the Wolf Mercenary Regiment!"

"Lone Wolf Leader, don't spit people with blood! You can ask about my father's style among all the mercenaries in Stone City. He definitely didn't do anything to hide from people's flags!"

The flag of the mercenary regiment represents honor!

"Is it what he did? It doesn't matter what I say, and it doesn't matter what you say! I remember clearly the members of the Meteor Mercenary Regiment who followed Guda that day!"

After the sneer, the wolf immediately pointed his right index finger at Liang Ran and said coldly, "The man in gray plaid clothes also followed Gu Da at that time! If you don't believe it, you can ask him!"

At this time, Liang Ran lowered his head very cooperatively. Even the members of the Meteor Mercenary Regiment couldn't help but doubt that it was really the matter of Guda's regiment commander who robbed people's flags?

Naturally, Gu Li would not believe it. His eyes looked directly at Liang Ran and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Head, I..." Liang Ran's shy head lowered again before he finished speaking.

At this time, the lone wolf quickly grabbed Liang Ran's reaction and said with a sneer, "Hey! I didn't wrong you! Now that you don't deny it, what else can you explain? Hurry up and hand over the flag of our wolf mercenary regiment, otherwise, don't blame me for finding it!"

Wang Fei can see clearly. Since the last time Liang Ran supported Gu Li to sit on the position of regimental commander, he has painted the name of the traitor of the mercenary regiment on the latter. Now that he jumps out again, he has to stop it.

The credibility of the Meteor Mercenary Corps has been damaged little by little. Once it is irreparable, you can only cheer up with the help of others.

In the Stone City, I believe there is no second person who can save the meteor mercenary regiment from the difficulties except Ye scattered, the city owner.

Just as the two sides were facing each other and a conflict was about to occur, a voice sounded.

"Lone Wolf Leader, can I ask you a few questions?"

The speaker is Wang Fei.

After removing the disguise, Wang Fei is also a heroic teenager in addition to giving people a sense of childishness. And the intervention at the critical moment also attracted the attention of all the gathered mercenaries.

"You said!" The lone wolf does not think that the seamless plan will be destroyed. Showing a generous style at this time is undoubtedly a way to buy people's hearts.

"Thank you!" After saying thank you, Wang Fei ignored the lonely wolf and forced Liang Ran to ask, "Brother Liang Ran, is it really as the head of the Lone Wolf said that the commander Gu Da robbed the flag of their wolf mercenary regiment?"

Liang Ran continued his performance and did not answer, but nodded gently.

Wang Fei was obviously not satisfied with such an answer. He stared and roared loudly, "A man, what does he look like to shrink? Do it or don't do it, it's that simple!"

Liang Ran looked back, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes. He instantly returned to his previous expression and said weakly, "Yes! Chief Guda did grab the flag of the Xunlang Mercenary Regiment!"


The members of the meteor mercenary regiment present were suddenly in an uproar. Anger, unwillingness, disappointment, and all kinds of negative emotions instantly filled the whole conference hall.

Gu Li's eyes are also full of doubts, and obviously still can't accept the 'facts'.

"So I'm asking, besides you, who else was present in the Meteor Mercenary Regiment at that time?" Wang Fei continued to press step by step, attracting the attention of the mercenaries.

"In addition to me, there are also Zhang Mazi, Wang Xiaoliu, Wu Dazi..."

Listening to Liang Ran's names one after another, Wang Fei smiled indifferently. He became more and more confident and continued to ask, "Brother Liang Ran, can you explain the situation to us at that time? Why did the commander Guda conflict with the Xunlang Mercenary Regiment?" Why do you have to seize the flag of the mercenary regiment?"

"This..." Liang Ran suddenly panicked and secretly glanced at the lone wolf. Wang Fei's question obviously asked the key points.

"At that time, the head of Guda..."

"Lone Wolf Leader, I didn't ask you, please wait a moment!" Wang Fei did not hesitate to interrupt Lone Wolf's explanation. If the latter and Liang Ran agree, his plan would be difficult to implement.