God of Mercenaries

Chapter 4 Downgrade

Bai Fang's status in Zhengqi College has always been not low, and even to some extent, it is higher than Xiao Lin, who has entered the law enforcement team. With her strength, she can teach the freshmen of Class A. A large part of the reason why I came to teach Class B is to explore Wang Fei's secrets.

What do you say!

He went to Stone City to recruit students, but recruited two unexpected freshmen, Wang Fei and Gu Li. And she knows almost all about Gu Li's situation now. But I don't understand why Wang Fei, who looks ordinary and doesn't have much star skills, will become the boss of Gu Li.

When Bai Fang heard Wang Fei ask a key question, she couldn't help taking a high look at the latter and then replied, "There are many ways to get points in Zhengqi College. In the past, some outstanding students' final accumulated points could be exchanged for third-grade or even second-grade star skills. These basic points alone can't be exchanged. As for how to change it, you will know it one by one in the future.

"Well, I have selected all the three free star skills you started! Don't refuse, because you don't have the capital to refuse! This is a gift from the school to you and an assessment for you! If these three star skills are not good, then I will give you zero points for this level of star skills examination!"

After seeing the deduction method of Qingji in the morning, none of the 100 freshmen dared to refuse. They are much better, and they no longer look down on the nine-pin star skills. Now they still need to learn from scratch, which makes it difficult for them to accept it.

However, when thinking of fighting with the old students, the power of the same grade of star skills is very different. Thinking about it, it's finally on the level of proficiency.

The only happy person at the scene is Wang Fei! With free star technology learning, no matter what grade it is, it can greatly improve the actual combat ability. He grinned and waited for Bai Fang's teaching.

At this time, the time has unconsciously reached two o'clock in the afternoon. Bai Fang also knew that she must hurry up, so she didn't say a word.

Because it's the first day, you still need to adapt! Therefore, let's start learning a nine-grade star skill today!"

"This nine-grade star skill is called Leopard Fist, and its main attack method..."


A month passed quickly. After studying for a month, it is now time for the assessment.

There is no doubt that in terms of health, Wang Fei ended a month of training with a full score of 30 points without any suspense. However, in terms of star technology, his abnormal learning ability also gave him a high score of 37 points. If calculated based on these two achievements, his strength is undoubtedly the first of 100 freshmen.

However, when he was about to test the star power of the last assessment project, he was confused.

Wang Fei's own cultivation of the nameless heart method, which condenses the first star ring in the solid state, is not easily exposed. Now, after practicing the twenty-star rings, he is even more unable to reveal his secrets.

After watching the freshmen go to test one by one, and then get the star strength, they return with great interest. Obviously, significant progress has been made in a month.

The freshmen who can enter Class B have reached the star level. At the same time, a few new students are also at the peak of the star apprentice. After a month of practice, all of them have reached the star level.

It can be said that Wang Fei is the only one in Class B who is still in the new life of the star apprentice. In the eyes of other freshmen, Wang Fei's star power level has at least reached the mid-range level of gaseous stars.

After the 99 freshmen tested, Wang Fei was left alone. At this time, everyone's eyes were all focused on him. Undoubtedly, his final test results will affect the ranking of many people.

Of course, Crace ranked first with a score of 90 points. There is no doubt that after this test, he can enter Class A.

"Wang Fei, what are you hesitating about? Come and test it quickly. Don't let us wait for a long time!" Bai Fang looked at the hesitant Wang Fei and couldn't help urging him.

After a month of observation, Bai Fang did not find any abnormalities in Wang Fei's body. In addition to better physical strength, it is also at the forefront in the learning of star technology. However, these are still within the acceptable range.

But Wang Fei's performance at this time undoubtedly raised doubts in Bai Fang's heart. Since everything else is normal, is the problem in terms of star power?

"Teacher, I haven't broken through to Xingshi, so I won't test it!"

Then, Wang Fei refused the test. The consequence of this is that the star assessment is equal to zero points.

"Wang Fei, are you sure? With your current score, as long as the star test reaches 15 points, you can enter Class A. If you give up the test, you need to stay in Class B!" Bai Fang rarely looked serious and questioned Wang Fei.

"Teacher, I'm sure!"

Looking at Wang Fei's words that didn't seem like a joke, Bai Fang had no choice. You can't force the other party to test, but now she is almost sure that Wang Fei must hide a big secret in the cultivation of star power.

Soon after all the people completed the test, the results came out. Except for Wang Fei, the competition for promotion to Class A is much more fierce. Those who are relegated to Class C need to calculate the points before revealing the answer.

As a result, Wang Fei tested one less, and the points ranked ninth from the bottom. Unfortunately, he was forced to relegated to Class C.

At this moment, a teacher brought five frustrated students to Class B. One of them, officially Gu Li.

Wang Fei immediately came forward, nodded and asked, "Second, you have been brushed down!"

Gu Li smiled bitterly and replied, "Well, I think the boss is living here alone and is very depressed, so I will come to accompany you!"

"If that's the case, it will also disappoint you! Unfortunately, I was demoted to Class C. If you want to be with me, I guess you can only meet in Dingban!"

"Dingban is Dingban, it's no big deal! With the strength of both of us, we will return to Class A one day!"

Gu Li quickly cheered up, but then looked sad and said, " boss, it will cost us at least 40 to 50 gold coins together for a month now. The gold coins on me are only enough for our two months of life!"

"It doesn't matter. There are still two months left, and the days will be fine!"

After comforting, the two brothers separated after a short reunion and divided the remaining 100 gold coins. There are some words that can be found without saying anything.

According to the talent of the two and their physical condition, it is absolutely impossible to be relegated. Test the star power, only at the peak of the star apprentice in time, and can get at least one-third of the score.

After being demoted to Class C, Wang Fei was not depressed. He believes that with his own strength, as long as he breaks through the star realm, he will naturally not be afraid of the star test in the future.

In the morning, the physical training and the contact arranged by the father, and in the afternoon, it entered the connection with the star technology.

So far, Wang Fei has mastered five star skills. In addition to practicing the 'wrong step' star skills to the perfect stage, the rest of the star skills are in the stage of great success and great perfection.

However, after the use of the five-door star skills, Wang Fei's strength has improved a lot. However, in terms of star power, it still has not broken through to the realm of stars. Soon, a month passed, and after another assessment, the cup came again.

As a result, Wang Fei unfortunately fell into the Ding class with a score of only 69 points. And his performance, which would rather be downgraded than test the star power, was seen by the teachers of Zhengqi College.

To be honest, Wang Fei's talent is so talented that he has nothing to say. In addition to star power, the physical strength has reached the students who have entered the college for about three years. And the speed of learning star technology is so fast that few of the freshmen of the same year have reached his level.

It's just that the rules are rules after all, and no one can change them without authorization.

After accepting the fate of being demoted, Wang Fei was waiting for the arrival of Gu Li. It just puzzled him that there was no Gu Li who was demoted from Class B to Class C this time. Is there any accident in the middle?