God of Mercenaries

Chapter 8 The Battle of Gold Coin

There is no doubt about Griff's strength. Among the more than 900 freshmen, he is definitely in the top three in terms of star cultivation alone. It is also because of his outstanding talent that he rarely treats the freshmen who entered Zhengqi College at the same time.

Especially when seeing Wang Fei's ordinary body, although it has not reached the level of weakness, it is absolutely difficult to practice with the powerful profession of Star Warrior.

"Classmate, are you sure you want to fight with me on the stage?" With doubt, Griff asked in a low voice.

"Ye" Wang Fei nodded and answered, and then asked weakly, "If I win the fight, can I really get a thousand gold coins?"

It was absolutely an insult to Grieve. If the promise is not kept, it is an insult to his personality. His face immediately darkened and he replied coldly, "Kid, I don't know where you came from. But based on what you said just now, I will never keep my hand in the fight!"

Wang Fei pretended to be confused and asked puzzledly, "My name is Wang Fei, a freshman this year. At present, I am studying in Class D. Please answer my question directly. If I win the fight, can I really get a thousand gold coins?


All the students of Zhengqi College who were watching made a loud laugh. They have seen a lot, but they haven't met like this in front of them for a long time.

"Dingban's freshman! Humph, if you win, I won't hang out in Zhengqi College in the future. If others can get a thousand gold coins, but if it were you, as long as you can win me, you can directly take 10,000 gold coins from me!"

Griff, who had sufficient self-confidence, heard Wang Fei's self-introduction, and disdainful expressions appeared on his face. In his opinion, the freshman of Dingban is undoubtedly equivalent to 'garbage'.

One thousand gold coins and ten thousand gold coins are just numbers for Wang Fei. He doesn't care about the amount of gold coins, but what he cares about is that he can stay in Zhengqi College to continue to study.

"In that case, let's get started!" After Wang Fei said a simple sentence, he held the iron rod in his hand firmly in his hand. Just now, his stupid face immediately became extremely serious.

"Wait!" Griff interrupted with a serious face and said, "I have paid the price of 10,000 gold coins, but I don't know what capital you use to participate in the fight?"

If there are 10,000 gold coins, who will participate in the fight?

Wang Fei thought about it depressedly and considered all the valuable things on his body. The most valuable items are undoubtedly the two star skills and the nameless heart method of cultivation. But any of the three will never be worth 10,000 gold coins. He will not be stupid enough to reveal his biggest secret because of 10,000 gold coins.

"No!" After Wang Fei answered in two words, he wanted to turn around and leave.

At this time, Griff said again, "Don't leave in a hurry. I didn't say that you should also take out 10,000 gold coins to make a bet. I just hope that you can bear witness that in this unfair fight, neither side has the strength to control themselves well, so that the other party has suffered a heavy blow and caused irreparable losses. All this is voluntary, and no one can pursue follow-up responsibility!"

In the final analysis, Griff was still annoyed by Wang Fei's forced questioning. People with bright eyes can see that there is a huge gap between the two sides who are about to fight.

Class A and Class D are separated from Class B and Class C.

Besides, even the students in Class B can never be the opponent of Griff, who ranks in the top three of Class A. An obvious battle with clear strength, and the final result will never be unexpected.

However, Wang Fei doesn't care. Since he dares to go to the ring, it shows that he is at least confident of self-preservation. After nodding heavily, he immediately said excitedly, "Thank you so much for your generosity! I was thinking about how to pay the study fee next month, and I didn't expect that the gold coins would be automatically delivered to my door now!"

"Hmm! Don't talk nonsense! Take advantage of it doesn't necessarily mean that you can win. We will start now, so as not to let the seniors waiting behind waste time watching our performance!"

After Griff answered in a gloomy voice, all the star power in the star cave immediately exploded. As soon as he came up, he directly used the most powerful strength. Strive to defeat the other party with the first blow to prove your strength.

Wang Fei paid no attention to this. After his expression gradually became serious, a sense of vigilance immediately rose in his heart. After all, the realm is not as good as gas stars, and I want to fight against liquid stars. Before the battle began, a sufficient gap had been opened.

Even if the star power reserves of the two are similar, the star power that Wang Fei can use reasonably is far less flexible and sufficient than that of the other party.

"The earth of the eight-pin star skill!"

After Griff shouted and infused with a powerful star power instead of a knife, he launched an offensive against Wang Fei. With fierce momentum, his body is like a knife out of its sheath.

Wang Fei also felt a strong danger from the other party. Shake your head secretly and never underestimate the masters of your peers.

At the same time, he also knows that if there is a head-on confrontation, it will definitely be himself who will suffer in the end. In today's situation, we must avoid multiple attacks, avoid their sharpness, and then look for opportunities to fight back.

For this reason, any attack method is excluded from the battle strategy by him. Instead, he directly made a mistake in the nine-grade star skill.

The wrong steps of cultivation to the perfect stage can play a role, and have even reached many seven-level star skills in the stage of great success. At this time, it is not difficult to avoid the attack of the opponent's eight-pin star skills.

I saw Wang Fei's body, like a drunken man, standing still and swaying. The resulting figures make it difficult for people to capture his real body.

And just when Griff's body was about to hit Wang Fei and his palm knife was about to hit. Wang Fei shook his body more than a dozen times in a row, suddenly paused, and then moved two positions directly to the left, skillfully dodged an attack.

At this time, Griff's attack did not end. After the palm knife of his right hand was dodged, his left hand immediately became a knife mark. After moving the pace of his feet continuously for a few times, he followed Wang Fei more tightly.

At this time, the left-hand knife continues to launch an attack with unabated momentum.

Griff's left and right-handed knives, after the two are combined, the power is as powerful as the seven-pin star skills.

In terms of single attack power, although it does not need to use the seven-grade star skill. But the key is that it can attack continuously, and Wang Fei, the opponent at this time, can't withstand a frontal attack at all.

The battle between the two freshmen is far less intense than that of the previous old students. However, all the students around are serious spectators. For any freshman, this battle is definitely the top existence.

One launched a continuous attack, and the other used the pace of his feet to avoid attacks.

One attack and one defense seems to be plain. There is no fierce and spectacular confrontation, but the hidden murder can't be extinguished.

As time went by, Griff's attack never had any effect.

And Wang Fei constantly uses the nine-pin star skills to reach the perfect stage. At this time, he has deeply understood that the strength of the star skills is not only in his own grade. After the improvement of proficiency, especially when the perfect stage has been reached. The power of the star skill used at this time can play a twelve-point role.

Of course, the star power required to use the nine-pin star skill in the perfect stage is absolutely amazing. If you become an ordinary ten-ring star, it won't take two or three minutes to exhaust all the star power.

It has been more than ten minutes since the beginning of the battle.

Even if Wang Fei has 20 star rings, coupled with his own cultivation of the nameless heart method, the solid first star ring condensed. The abundant star power far exceeds that of the same star warriors, but the consumption of star power is still huge. At this time, the star power in the star cave is less than half of the heyday.

On the other hand, Griff, who launched consecutive attacks, consumes no less than Wang Fei. After all, the use of Bapinxing technology and the continuous attack of left and right hands never gave him a chance to breathe.

Finally, the huge consumption of star power, coupled with the continuous movement of the body, made Griff's attack gradually slow down.